Armstrong Williams Before Sarah Palin became John McCain’s running mate last year, we spent a morning in her Alaska office while she was still governor. We sat down for a one-hour TV interview, and I was most impressed with her insights, traditional values, grasp of issues, and just what a sincere and genuinely warm […] U.S. reaching out to former foes in Iraq Eli Lake BAGHDAD | The U.S. is reaching out to followers of a key Shi’ite cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, whose militia once battled U.S. troops and who remains a powerful leader, particularly among Iraq’s urban poor. A top Sadrist political leader in Baghdad, Qusay al-Suhail, told The […]
TO PROVE PAMELA’S CASE, AS IF PROOF WERE NEEDED, PLEASE SEE HILLE NEUER’S IDIOTIC LETTER TO THE NYTIMES…EXHIBIT A IN POSTURING AND PREENING….DID HE DO ALL THIS WHILE STANDING ON ONE FOOT?…..RSK Jews Who Won’t Support Their Allies By Pamela Geller Why don’t Jews support those who support them? Last week, on December 13, […] Our human rights culture has now become a tyranny The Supreme Court this week effectively made the Jewish religion illegal, argues Charles Moore. By Charles Moore This Government has exalted secular human rights over all belief systems Strange things happen in the English law, but I have seldom read a stranger opening to a […]
AND BY THE WAY WHAT CREDENTIALS ON NATIONAL DEFENSE DOES OBAMAPPARATCHICK AXELROD HAVE? U.S. on Iran: Getting closer to pondering the potential consideration of consequences But here’s the good news: the clock is “now running.” No word on which time zone this discussion is in, though, relative to Iran’s progress. “Iran running out clock […]
Eurabia vs. Israel on Jerusalem – by P. David Hornik The recent Swiss vote to ban minarets was seen by many as a further indication that European populations are waking up to the threat of Europe’s Islamization and the need to stop the trend. If so, the European Union—the centralized bureaucracy that, as documented in […] A Nebraska doctor’s message for Ben Nelson By Michelle Malkin • December 20, 2009 08:59 AM Dr. Becky Hollibaugh of Friend, Nebraska e-mailed me her message for sellout Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) this morning: Hello Michelle: I’m a family practice doctor in Nebraska. I sent the following (angry,I admit) letter to Senator Nelson. I […]
Overreaching leaves Obama with few friends By Kathleen Parker Sunday, December 20, 2009; A25 Perhaps it is the spirit of the season, but my empathy receptors are in overdrive for poor Barack Obama. All he wanted for Christmas was a health-care reform bill — and all he got was a lousy insurance industry bailout that […]
OPINION EUROPE, DECEMBER 20, 2009, 3:57 P.M. ET The British Threat to American Free Speech The U.S. Congress is considering legislation to protect American writers from the threat of suppressive libel lawsuits in the U.K. By RACHEL EHRENFELD The recent movement to change British libel laws to allow for greater freedom of expression has its […]
‘Health care for all’ is not a right; it is slavery  ‘Health care for all’ is not a right; it is slavery Mark Levin & Dr. Leonard Peikoff,  For Americans, the Declaration of Independence codifies man’s unalienable, individual rights. These rights are life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. […]