Free Speech on Trial – by Robert Spencer  Free speech goes on trial in the Netherlands on January 20, when Dutch politician Geert Wilders appears before the Amsterdam District Court on charges of having “intentionally offended a group of people, i.e. Muslims, based on their religion,†as well as having incited to hatred […]
Democracy Under Arrest ‘Universal’ human- rights law never seems to apply to the likes of Kim Jong Il. Wall Street Journal By JOHN BOLTON ‘Universal jurisdiction” sounds like a term plucked from obscure international law journals, but it has pernicious and profoundly antidemocratic consequences in the real world. A British arrest warrant, issued over the […]
Al-Qaeda terrorist gets 100% mortgage By GUY PATRICK The Sun (UK) A BANK was blasted last night after giving a 100 per cent mortgage to an al-Qaeda terrorist who smuggled himself into the UK. Albanian Krenar Lusha, 30, landed the NatWest loan after it failed to complete full checks on his UK status, a […]
Justice restrains lawyers in Panther inquiry Jerry Seper The Washington Times Wednesday, December 16, 2009 The Justice Department has told the federal attorneys who filed a civil complaint against the New Black Panther Party for disrupting a Philadelphia polling place last year not to cooperate with an investigation of the incident by the U.S. […]
Update: 1LT Michael Behenna: Diana West Scott and Vicki Behenna write in with an update on the ongoing and even promising efforts to free their son Michael, whom I have written about here and here. They write: Merry Christmas to the many friends and supporters of Michael, An update about Michael is difficult because this […] Newsweek – Tuesday, December 15, 2009 This Week in Conservative Media: Climate-Change Denier in the Spotlight Eve Conant Marc Morano, the longtime spokesman of climate change skeptic Sen. James M. Inhofe, left his perch on the Hill earlier this year to start up ClimateDepot, a Web site devoted to aggregating every scrap of information […] Some Things Aren’t Debateable Written by: Diana West Hey, Arlington educators: Debate this! — The story below is typical of what happens, as I argue in The Death of the Grown-Up, in a society when there are no boundaries: Nothing is beyond the pale. Fortunately, not absolutely everyone agrees. Bravo to the citizen who […]
THE PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE Totalitarian Sentimentality By Roger Scruton from the December 2009-January 2010 issue Conservatives recognize that social order is hard to achieve and easy to destroy, that it is held in place by discipline and sacrifice, and that the indulgence of criminality and vice is not an act of kindness but an injustice […]
Exclusive: The Escher President – Series 4: Year-End Review Bill Siegel It might seem that Obama is “smart” but how does one explain the absolute extremes into which Obama is leading us? Bill Siegel  The Escher President Series (see here, here and here) attempts to describe the experience of many of those non-supporters as […] Murder by Lawfare – How Liberal Lawsuits are Taking American Lives The thirteen US soldiers murdered at Fort Hood were killed by the bullets fired by Malik Nidal Hassan, but there were those who helped Nassan fire his bullets, who did everything but hold his gun and pull the trigger for him. The initial […]