December 14, 2009 Secret document exposes Iran’s nuclear trigger Catherine Philp in Washington Confidential intelligence documents obtained by The Times show that Iran is working on testing a key final component of a nuclear bomb. The notes, from Iran’s most sensitive military nuclear project, describe a four-year plan to test a neutron initiator, the […] Why those emails are lethal In the Mail on Sunday, David Rose has dug into the email correspondence at the heart of the East Anglia CRU ‘Climate-gate’ scandal and found that, far from being a few carelessly written messages taken out of context, they are – surprise, surprise — a game-changer. He writes correctly […]
From The Times December 14, 2009 Binyamin Netanyahu must decide whether to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities James Hider, Middle East Correspondent The moment is fast approaching when Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, may have to make the most difficult decision of his career — whether to launch a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities […]
Analysis: A year on, Iran, NKorea threats worsen George Jahn Another year has passed in the world’s standoff with Iran and North Korea over nuclear weapons, and the situation has only gotten worse. Both countries have pressed ahead with their programs, while the U.N. has stuck to sanctions that seem to have little if any […] Have Yourself a Very Jihad Christmas Allen Hunt President Obama’s speech in accepting the Nobel Peace Prize showed great growth in his development as a leader. He courageously set forth the principles of just war before those who had assembled to give him a peace prize. The president boldly acknowledged America’s very real enemy, […] The ‘Cost Control’ Bill of Goods How Peter Orszag and the White House sold a health-care illusion.ObamaCare’s core promise—better quality care for everyone at lower costs—is being exposed as an illusion as it degenerates into the raw exercise of political power. Naturally, the White House and its media booster club are working furiously to […] EDITORIAL: Black Panther battle intensifies The dispute between the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and the Justice Department is starting to look like the legal equivalent of World War II’s Anzio campaign, which represented a major escalation late in the war. The battleground is the controversy about the department’s decision to drop voter-intimidation cases […]
EDITORIAL: Obama secrecy You can’t have a closed-door meeting about the need for fewer closed-door meetings and expect anyone to take you seriously. That’s like writing a memo to order fewer memos. Such folly is business as usual in the Obama White House. President Obama promised a historic level of transparency from his administration but […]
Senate sends $1.1 trillion pork-laden bill to Obama Stephen Dinan The Senate on Sunday sent President Obama another hot potato, passing a $1.1 trillion catchall spending bill that includes money needed to run dozens of government agencies but also is loaded with pork-barrel spending. The bill, which funds most domestic federal agencies for the […]
Defeated Bolivian candidate faces charges Martin Arostegui SANTA CRUZ, Bolivia | The government of President Evo Morales has leveled criminal charges against the runner-up in last week’s presidential election – a race in which Mr. Morales won a second term in office and his party a two-thirds majority in Congress. The opposition says the […]