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What Do White Americans Owe Black People? A new book by Shillman Fellow Jason Hill offers a bold take on racial justice. Mark Tapson


Books on America’s racial divide – primarily from the woke, purportedly “anti-racist” left – are all the rage today, making bestselling millionaires out of race hustlers like Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo. Generally speaking, they promote the false narrative that America’s very founding is grounded in slavery, not liberty; that Americans are racist in our very DNA, as Barack Obama once put it; and that we are still in thrall today to an irredeemably systemic racism.

Philosopher, author, and DePaul University professor Jason D. Hill, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and one of the boldest, most original thinkers on race, has written a powerful new counter-narrative titled, What Do White Americans Owe Black People?: Racial Justice in the Age of Post-Oppression. Hill, himself of mixed-race, Jamaican descent, laments that too many blacks today are being sold an identity rooted in “resignation, nihilism, Afro-pessimism, entitlement, separatism, victimology, misanthropy, and hatred of the United States.” His book urges them to practice “radical forgiveness” and “radical individualism,” and to embrace the freedom of a “transracial future.” It is a controversial message that offers black Americans an opportunity which threatens the victim narrative of divisive exploiters like Kendi and DiAngelo.

I posed some questions to the author about his book, What Do White Americans Owe Black People?

Mark Tapson:           Dr. Hill, congratulations on a brilliant, provocative book. So many questions, so little time and space. Let me begin with a question about a subtle but significant point: Associated Press guidelines now call for capitalizing the word “black” – but not “white” – when used in a racial, ethnic, or cultural sense, purportedly to honor blacks’ shared experience and sense of identity. That capitalization swiftly become widespread practice. I noticed you didn’t use that in your book. I assume that was a conscious choice on your part?

Jason D. Hill:           Thanks for the kind words, Mark. They mean much to me. Yes: I’m orthodox when it comes to the mechanics of language. I won’t make an exception in the case of capitalizing the word “black” for the sake of sheer political expediency. Semantic exactitude trumps identity politics in this case.

MT:     You begin by asserting that, while slavery was of course an “egregious evil,” culpability for it is complex and that the argument for reparations to the descendants of slaves is “morally incoherent.” Can you elaborate on that?

Invisible Catastrophes: Why Global Warming Goons Sell Fake Science Rael Isaac


Patrick Moore’s new book argues that these prophecies of doom come from the same old thing — human self-interest.

By Rael Jean Isaac

If there are intelligent young people in your family who parrot the received wisdom about climate change but whose minds are not yet set in progressive stone, Patrick Moore’s Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom is the book to give them. To be sure, there are a number of excellent books debunking the claims of an imminent climate Armageddon: to name just a few, Rupert Darwall’s The Age of Global Warming, Steve Goreham’s The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism, Marc Morano’s The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change, and S. Fred Singer’s Hot Talk, Cold Science.


Despite the wealth of resources, there are a number of reasons why Moore’s book is especially powerful and persuasive. First is the author’s background. Patrick Moore has impeccable environmental credentials: in 1971, as a Ph.D. student, he embarked on the protest voyage against U.S. underground hydrogen bomb testing in Alaska that inaugurated the environmentalist group Greenpeace, and he devoted the next 15 years of his life to that organization.

Second, Moore establishes a radically different, and far more appropriate, framework for discussing climate change. Global warming crisis doomsayers focus on the last 170 years while Moore looks at geologic time. In that perspective, the Earth has been cooling steadily for the past 50 million years. Rather than living in the imminent danger that our planet will become too hot for life, Moore explains, we are still in the Pleistocene Ice Age, albeit in one of its many warming period, called the Holocene Interglacial. Life has flourished better in warmer periods than in the comparatively cold period we are in today. In any case, the slight warming of 1.2 degrees Celsius since 1850 is relatively inconsequential.

Moore turns global warming theory on its head.

The Manhood Manifesto: How Men Must Lead An interview with the author of a new book on resolving our crisis of masculinity. Jason Hill


Hill: Mike Shereck, congratulations on your new book. It’s a daring, courageous and audacious book, but one filled with humor also. I learned a lot from it. There are several books on the crisis of masculinity in the United States. What’s different and unique about yours?  

Shereck: Jason, thank you for this opportunity and your interest. I think there are a few things different – first, my perspective.  I am an “everyman” from Berwyn, Illinois, a unique and powerful place, and I grew up in one of the most interesting times in our history.   

I was born in the Jim Crow south, I was alive during the Kennedy assassination, lived through the civil rights movement and Viet Nam. I have seen the best and the worst of America. I have traveled to Europe several times and have worked in a few different places around the world, and no matter what, I realize that though America is not perfect, the possibility and the idea of America is unlike any other place in the world. There is no victimization in the book and there is no political correctness in it either. It points to the specific breakdowns we have in our culture and has a plan of action to address them.  

I also believe what makes the book different is, there is an element of humor and irreverence toward the human experience.  

Hill: What is the biggest misperception heterosexual men and women have about each other as far as relating to each other as gendered agents? 

Shereck: This is a tough question. I think from my experience there is a perception by others that being a straight white guy is easy and we are all pretty shallow and dumb. That is a long way from the truth.  

As it relates to women, I love women and I see them as our partners – culturally, spiritually, intellectually, economically, and functionally. They are completely different beings than us, they are our complements and we are theirs. My concern is that the radical gynocentric social agenda has a perspective to reduce men or masculinity for the betterment of the world. Let’s just say I am not aligned. It occurs to me that agenda is solely for the acquisition of power and control. That, by definition, is corruption.

Hill: Why did you decide to write this book, now?

Horowitz’s Tetralogy on the Enemy Within A masterpiece series on the Left’s destructive agenda. Bruce Bawer


In the days and weeks after June 16, 2015, when Donald Trump descended an escalator at his eponymous Fifth Avenue tower and announced his candidacy for president of the United States, America’s mainstream media also underwent a historic descent. Even at their best they had never been moored in fact, but as Trump began what now seems his inexorable progress toward the White House, they stopped merely hugging the shore of truth, at a greater or lesser distance, and sailed out over the horizon into the open seas of pure propaganda. Casting journalism almost totally aside, they became full-time Democrat megaphones, echoing without shame, during the months and years that followed, the party’s ridiculously fraudulent talking points about Trump and America.

Front and center during most of Trump’s presidency, of course, were the absurd Russia conspiracy charges, which the media pushed as relentlessly as they would later dismiss highly credible reports of Biden family corruption. Likewise, the same journalists who throughout 2020 called Antifa and Black Lives Matter violence “mostly peaceful” went on to describe the far less sensational events of January 6, 2021, as a terrifying attempt at a pro-Trump coup.

The last few years, in short, have been a time not of systematic racism, as the left would have it, but of systematic mendacity; and anyone whose news diet during this period has consisted exclusively of the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, etc., etc., has a view of recent events that diverges radically from reality.

Fortunately, there exists a superb antidote to the MSM’s unbroken stream of toxic waste. It takes the form of four slim, powerful philippics, all written by the redoubtable David Horowitz and all published within the last three years. Each of these books – Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America (2019), Blitz: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win (2020), The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement Is Destroying America (2021), and the just-issued I Can’t Breathe: How a Racial Hoax Is Killing America – has a somewhat different focus, but taken together they add up not just to a desperately needed corrective to the daily torrent of fake news but also to a definitive analysis of the ongoing left-wing campaign to radically transform America.

Doctor Fauci and the Fear Factor Alistair Crooks


I had just received my copy of Robert Kennedy Jr’s latest book – The Real Anthony Fauci – Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health  [i] for my Christmas reading.  It looked so delicious I read it immediately, just couldn’t put it down. There are several things that I need to say about it.

Firstly, it really is a must-read book.  For anyone who has watched the COVID narrative evolve over the last two years much will come as no surprise, but the detail presented is staggering and some of it totally unexpected. Kennedy uncovers a whole new narrative that has been buried in plain sight. In order to formulate a response to the COVID issue, you really need to consider the entire big picture that Kennedy provides.

Secondly, one must always keep in mind that this book is from a true and trusted Democrat, not someone who can  be dismissed as a ‘right wing nut job’, to quote one of the Left’s favourite contemptuous dismissals of all and any who do not share their opinions and goals. But that also raises an interesting sub-text, one that haunts the book. One of Kennedy’s motives for writing appears to be to protect the legacy of his famous father and uncles in the children’s services and AIDS fronts. Unfortunately for a Democrat, that puts him on the wrong side of Dr Fauci who, as the book documents, has a notorious history of
exploitation of vulnerable children (generally black and in orphanages) and AIDS sufferers, the very people that Kennedy’s kin championed for years and which helped build their political careers and reputations.

Can anything good come from a Kennedy? By John Dale Dunn See note please


This is a terrible title. Senator John Neely Kennedy Republican of Louisiana is witty, charming, a stalwart conservative….Otherwise this review of Robert F. Kennedy. Jr.’s book is excellent…..rsk

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. dissects identifies and exposes the evil influences that produced the COVID response and explains the danger of “regulatory capture” of government alphabet agencies and the globalist strategies that created the inappropriate and unprecedented COVID response.  Kennedy exposes the mendacious nature of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci in his ambitious and thorough 480-page book with more than two thousand references.

The book is far-ranging and thorough and covers the Faucet’s career and serial malfeasance that goes back to the 1980s.  It also explains the growth of the public health global pharma edifice that has hijacked health care and the Fauci-orchestrated COVID response that was saturated with pernicious noble lies.  Indeed, Fauci’s work was unprecedented and malevolent, and it added to the damage of the worldwide disaster virus the Chicoms let loose.   

Fauci and Gates get Kennedy’s special attention because they were critical in creating the Global Public Health Pharma Machine and also instrumental in what is discussed at the end of the book: the dominance of the bio-health-security bureaucracy.  As C.S. Lewis put it: “The greatest evils in the world will not be carried out by men with guns, but by men in suits sitting behind desks.”

Mr. Kennedy wrote an ambitious book.  He provides the reader with good historical and political grounding on what has happened to produce this COVID debacle and the role of Fauci, Gates, and others who were at the epicenter.  He reveals the development of the Fauci Empire that began with his manipulations during the HIV/AIDS era and continues with Fauci as il capo di tutti capi of medical research funding and public health medical journal influence that continues to this day. 

Kennedy reveals Bill Gates to be a narcissist monopolist megalomaniac who partnered with Fauci, a man with a similar personality disorder, to dominate international health care policy as a health care policy and epidemic-fighter übermensch.  Effectively, Gates turned his penchant for monopoly from computer software to global public health.

Gates owns lots of health care stocks, so his savior image is burnished by his increased wealth.  Prominent in his holdings are vaccine companies like Merck, GSK, Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Novartis, Sanofi, Gilead, Biogen, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Novavax, and Inovio.  Kennedy makes the point that diverting aid from economic development, medical care access, safe clean water, good sewerage, and nutrition and food supply to vaccines is counterproductive — and not good health care policy.  He also points to the aggressive third-world birth control projects of the Gates operations.

Free as a Jew: A Personal Memoir of National Self-Liberation Free as a Jew: A Personal Memoir of National Self-Liberation by Ruth R. Wisse


“Ruth Wisse’s intellectual autobiography is a lasting work of profound moral force and scathing political discernment…. Its illuminations are likely to be as urgent one hundred years hence as they are now.” —Cynthia Ozick

A Jewish child born into the worst of times in Europe grows up during the best of times in North America—only to recognize that it could be moving back in the opposite direction.

First came parents with the good sense to flee Europe in 1940 and the good fortune to reach the land of freedom. Their daughter, Ruth, grew up in the shadow of genocide—but in tandem with the birth of Israel, which remained her lodestar. She learned that although Jewishness is biologically transmitted, democracy is not, and both require intensive, intelligent transmission through education in each and every generation. They need adults with the confidence to teach their importance. Ruth tried to take on that challenge as dangers to freedom mounted and shifted sides on the political spectrum. At the high point of her teaching at Harvard University, she witnessed the unraveling of standards of honesty and truth until the academy she left was no longer the one she had entered.

Losing the Race: Self-Sabotage in Black America Paperback – July 31, 2001 by John McWhorter


Why do so many African Americans—even comfortably middle-class ones—continue to see racism as a defining factor in their lives?

Columbia University linguistics professor John McWhorter, born at the dawn of the post-Civil Rights era, spent years trying to make sense of this question. In this book he dared to say the unsayable: racism’s ugliest legacy is the disease of defeatism that has infected Black America. Losing the Race explores the three main components of this cultural virus: the cults of victimology, separatism, and anti-intellectualism that are making Black people their own worst enemies in the struggle for success. With Losing the Race, a bold new voice rises among Black intellectuals.

America’s Foreign Policy: A Century of Dangerous Illusions Freedom Center Shillman Fellow Bruce Thornton reveals the lethal consequences of not putting America first.


Frontpage Editors: The Freedom Center has just published a new pamphlet authored by Shillman Fellow and regular FrontPage columnist, Professor Bruce Thornton.

America’s Foreign Policy: A Century of Dangerous Illusions is a concise and powerfully-written essay on the failings of American foreign policy following a century of embracing the dangerous illusions of multinational agreements, globalist institutions, and the “rules-based international order.” 

By veering away from an unapologetically nationalist, “American First” agenda, the United States is sliding into decline in a world where dangerous adversaries threaten to surpass America in prosperity and power. 

America’s Foreign Policy: A Century of Dangerous Illusions will arm you with the insights to understand these threats and how we can recover a strong foreign policy that puts American interests first.

The pamphlet is available at the FPM store and can be ordered by clicking HERE.

Covid’s Three Blind Mice A new book reveals how the troika of Fauci, Birx, and Redfield hijacked America’s pandemic response. John Tierney


How could public officials vowing to “follow the science” on Covid-19 persist in promoting ineffective strategies with terrible consequences? In a memoir of his time on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, Scott W. Atlas provides an answer: because the nation’s governance was hijacked by three bureaucrats with scant interest in scientific research or debate—and no concern for the calamitous effects of their edicts.

Atlas’s book, A Plague Upon Our House, is an astonishing read, even for those who have been closely following this disaster. A veteran medical researcher and health-policy analyst at the Hoover Institution, Atlas, a radiologist, joined the Task Force six months into the pandemic, after he had published estimates that lockdowns could ultimately prove more deadly than Covid.

Atlas expected to spend his time at the White House discussing scientific data and debating the best strategies for protecting public health. Instead, he found that the Task Force included “zero public health policy experts and no experts with medical knowledge who also analyzed economic, social, and other broad public health impacts other than the infection itself.” Vice President Mike Pence chaired the Task Force, but Atlas says that Pence and the other members were regularly cowed into submission by three doctors who dominated from the start: Deborah Birx, the Task Force’s coordinator, along with Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control.