Muslims: Youth arrests are wake-up call  Joseph Weber Area Muslim leaders on Friday said the five American men arrested in Pakistan for purportedly attempting to join al Qaeda were lured into embracing the terrorist ideology via the Internet. The leaders said they now will wage a cyber counterattack. wire “This is a wake-up […]
Passion fades for Barack Obama, the perfect poster boy Like many others, I fell for Barack Obama somewhere in the middle of Bush’s second term, writes Gill Hornby. I’ve probably been in denial for a few months now. Turning a blind eye, trying not to overreact to the little things, even though all the […] DIANA WEST Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s long-awaited testimony before Congress on the Afghanistan “surge” was, according to one account, “uneventful.” The general himself, another story noted, was “a study in circumspection.” And questioning from lawmakers was, said a third, “gentle.” That’s a nice word for it. “Ineffectual” is more like it. Throw in “callous,” too, […]
CHANUKAH 2009 GUIDE FOR THE PERPLEXED Yoram Ettinger, December 11, 2009 YORAM ETTINGER IS ISRAEL’S MOST POLISHED, BRILLIANT, DEDICATED DIPLOMAT WHO DEBUNKED THE IDIOTIC NOTION OF THE “DEMOGRAPHIC “TIMEBOMB REGARDING THE GROWTH OF THE PALARAB POPULATION WITH A CENSUS STUDY. HE IS MY DEAR FRIEND AND FAVORITE MACCABEE…..RSK Â “Chanukah has a special significance in […] Ganjgal Update Written by: Diana West Friday, December 11, 2009 One of the things Congress wasn’t interested in asking General McChrystal about was the September incident at Ganjgal, a hamlet in eastern Afghanistan. There, McClatchey’s Jonathan S. Landay observed the deadly effect of McChrystal’s increasingly restrictive ROEs first hand when repeated appeals for air […]
A real miracle or the doing of extraordinary people? A Jerusalem Post Column November 27, 2009 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saving Israel: How the Jewish People Can Win a War That May Never End addresses in much greater detail the issue of creating an ongoing Zionist conversation in the Jewish State and among the Jewish people. It has now been published. Dec. 10, […]
Rich Lowry on National Review Online The Most Boring Man in the World: Obama’s speeches all run together into the same mind-numbing oration. Rich Lowry, Barack Obama’s vibe used to be a cross between JFK and Beatlemania. Now it’s fading into “Oh, him again?†There’s nothing wrong with a boring politician. But Obama […]
Obama goes from dazzle to drone Mark Steyn, OC Mark Steyn: Obama goes from dazzle to drone | obama, belgian, rompuy – Opinion – The Orange County Register It wasn’t so long ago that Barack Obama’s speeches were being hailed as “extraordinary” “rhetorical magic” (Joe Klein in Time) that should be “required reading in […] Howard Zinn, Intellectual Moron by Daniel J. Flynn “Objectivity is impossible,†self-styled “peoples’ historian†Howard Zinn once remarked, “and it is also undesirable. That is, if it were possible it would be undesirable, because if you have any kind of a social aim, if you think history should serve society in some way; should […]
December 11, 2009 Exclusive: How Committed Are We to Advancing Nuclear Energy in the U.S.? Don Petersen, Ph.D., Bill Stratton, Ph.D. In recent weeks, articles have suggested that the administration is becoming more receptive to expanding nuclear energy generation by upgrading capacity of existing units and accelerating NRC approval of utility applications for new construction. […]