HIS SPEECH IS A NEO-“CON” JOB..THIS IS STILL THE PREZ THAT HAS BETRAYED OUR EASTERN EUROPE ALLIES, THAT PUMMELS ISRAEL AND GENUFLECTS TO ISLAM…RSK PRUDEN: Obama’s remarkable tutorial Wesley Pruden OPINION/ANALYSIS: Nobody teaches harder lessons than Experience, the lady who grades on the steepest curve. But sometimes even her most difficult student looks like […]
CAIR’s Call for Jihad – by Jamie Glazov  Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Dave Gaubatz, the first U.S. civilian (1811) Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the owner of DG Counter-terrorism Publishing [1]. He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour (CTRT). He is the co-author (with Paul […]  William Happer on contemporary Climate Scientologists: “Disagreeing with them is like going to Saudi Arabia and criticizing Muhammad.†Eric Hoffer: “[A]bsolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power.† The so-called “Climate Gate†e-mail scandal simply confirms fraudulent activity masquerading as (albeit stubbornly contested) pseudo-scientific “modeling errors†which I reviewed last Christmas (12/25/08)—a bitterly […]
The New Socialism “The cultural elites went straight from the memorial service for socialism to the altar of the environment.” Charles Krauthammer WASHINGTON — In the 1970s and early ’80s, having seized control of the U.N. apparatus (by power of numbers), Third World countries decided to cash in. OPEC was pulling off the greatest wealth […] The Making and Dealing With Jihadists Bewildered by what fanatic Muslims do, some conclude that Muslims are brainwashed. Otherwise, how can their totally illogical belief system and barbaric behavior be explained? But the notion of “brainwashing†that is bandied about is the stuff of science fiction and Hollywood movies such as the Manchurian Candidate. […]
EDITORIAL: A Black Panther sings THE WASHINGTON TIMES Friday, December 11, 2009 The heat is rising against the Justice Department’s mishandling of the voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party and three of its members. The last thing Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. needed was for the party’s national chieftain to […]   Behold Asim Hafeez, the new British Home Office official charged with identifying British jihadists and mobilzing them — no, sorry, diverting them — from the path to jihad. Or something. According to Martin Bright, who reported on the appointment last month at the Jewish Chronicle, there is “serious concern among more moderate […]
Victor SharpeThe New Pharaoh’s Evil Decree By Victor Sharpe As I write this, the Jewish state is humiliated by a freeze on all and any construction within Yesha. What is Yesha? It is the Hebrew acronym for the biblical and ancestral heartland of the Jewish people. It is Yehuda and Shomron, or Judea and […] Job Creation for Dummies Mark Alexander, Patriot “Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread.” –Thomas Jefferson Barack Obama outlined his version 2.0 on Tuesday of last week, saying, “My economic team has been considering a full range of additional ideas to help […]
Hey all, some quick first thoughts as this case develops. It is the latest in a wild and disturbing string of homegrown Islamic terrorism plots, attacks and arrests these past seven months: One thing to consider here: what if these men would have returned to their Washington, D.C. home base as battle-hardened jihadists after […]