Gates downplays Afghan exit timetable Sean Lengell Top military officials have rebutted Republican criticism of the administration’s timetables for Afghanistan, saying withdrawals are scheduled only to begin in 2011 and that a significant U.S. military presence will remain in Afghanistan for years. President Obama’s plan calls for handing over the country’s security to local […] Donald Kennedy and the corruption of Science Magazine By James Lewis Science magazine has been stewing so long in the Global Warming bouillabaisse that its very brains are beginning to smoke. That may be because its august Editor-in-Chief Donald Kennedy (until last year) was a dedicated Warm-monger. Science is the flagship journal of the […]
Obama aims to impose a solution on Israel By Ted Belman President Obama has surrounded himself with a host of vehemently anti-Israel advisors including Lee Hamilton, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samantha Power, Susan Rice and Gen. Jones, many of who advocate imposing a solution on Israel. So it was no surprise that he started his term of […] Copenhagen climate summit: ‘long way to go’ to convince sceptics, says Ed Miliband Ed Miliband, the Energy Secretary, has admitted there is still a “long way to go” to change the minds of climate change sceptics as the Copenhagen summit is set to begin. By Aislinn Laing Ed Miliband: His comments came as Gordon […] Obama adviser to McChrystal on defeating the Taliban: “Is that really what you think your mission is?” Of course not. We’re way beyond “victory” now. Everyone knows that enemies are defeated by building schools, roads, and hospitals. In any case, now we know that Obama’s troop surge in Afghanistan is not intended to subdue […]
Scholars from a country that doesn’t allow churches or synagogues slam Swiss minaret ban Hypocrisy. That is, it is hypocrisy from a Western point of view. As far as these “scholars” are concerned, Islam is the truth, its truth is self-evident, and therefore the Swiss are obligated to accommodate it in a way that the […],7340,L-3815645,00.html Tea-parties, Israeli-style Normally law-abiding citizens resisting Netanyahu’s misguided policy Moshe Dann In response to PM Netanyahu’s declaration prohibiting Jews from building in Judea and Samaria, a grass-roots resistance movement is beginning to emerge. Generally averse to confrontations and violence, Israeli Jews would prefer boring demonstrations and prayers. Numbed by the illusion that elections mean […] Surrender on a Timetable Not long after taking power he announced that he was determined to see an end to the Afghan War. The number of troops serving in Afghanistan was increased to 108,000 and given a 1 year deadline. The allied regime in Afghanistan received a simple and direct message, that after […]
EDITORIAL: Justice thwarts Black Panther subpoenas THE WASHINGTON TIMES Could it be that President Obama’s legal team is imploding due to a voter intimidation case involving the New Black Panther Party? So many new developments regarding the Black Panther case occurred in the latter half of last week that it is hard keeping up with […]
THE WASHINGTON TIMES While President Obama has busied himself expanding federal spending at a record pace, government waste has managed to grow even faster. Apparently the Democrats are so busy handing out cash that they don’t even bother paying attention to who’s getting the boodle and why. Last month, the federal government admitted that at […]