—save-the-planet-from-the-thermomaniacs.html At last people are telling David Cameron that his bunny-hugging has the potential to cause extreme economic and political damage, writes Simon Heffer. The voice of reason Although I risk immediately being branded mentally defective for saying so, I am not convinced by the notion of man-made global warming. My lack of conviction, I […]  WASN’T  TONY “BLUR” SUPPOSED TO BE ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE “HONEST BROKERS” IN THE MIDEAST?….RSK Tony Blair’s new paymaster is an obscure oligarch with business links to Syria, Iran and Afghanistan, The Daily Telegraph has learnt. By Holly Watt and Robert Winnett Nizami Piriyev, left, an Azerbaijan-based millionaire, paid Mr Blair, centre, to […] MARK STEYN Rising Tide The Swiss minaret ban and the leaked climate e-mails are really the same story — or, more precisely, are symptoms of the same disease. In the Times of London, Oliver Kamm deplored the results of Switzerland’s referendum, consigned it to the garbage can of right-wing populism, and for good measure […] Walking With Destiny ANDREW STUTTAFORD  Churchill, by Paul Johnson (Viking, 192 pp., $24.95) One of the most remarkable aspects of Winston Churchill’s sprawling epic of a life was the way that he was able to cram it all in — to do all that — in a mere 90 years. It is only […]
Shifty Shifting Our changeable attorney general doesn’t do law; he does politics ANDREW C. McCARTHY ‘This,†said Eric Holder, “is almost a ‘Trust me’ thing.†The attorney general of the United States was trying to reassure Alice Hoagland, whose 31-year-old son, Mark Bingham, lost his life with the other heroic passengers who wrested control of […] Resetting the Reset Button Obama wanted to set our diplomacy on a new track. And that’s just what he has done. By Victor Davis Hanson After ten months of “Bush did it†diplomacy, the Obama administration needs to reset its reset button. EUROPE On substantial issues, relations with Europe have not improved. The governments […] What If We Had Fought the Nazis the Way We Are Fighting the Taliban? Written by: Diana West In refining and repacking (for size) some of the “How Important Is Marjeh?” material for this week’s column, I came to a new definition of “counterinsurgency” (below). It’s worth emphasizing how very important our understanding of […]
Andrew C. McCarthy NR Contributing Editor December 04, 2009, 4:00 a.m. Alinsky Does Afghanistan Obama’s radical inspiration would have loved his speech on the war. If there is one word that captures President Obama’s much-anticipated Afghanistan speech, it is “cynical.†Yes, the speech was also internally contradictory, counter-historical, and premised on fatally flawed assumptions about […] Minarets are Symbols of Bigotry Dr. Sami Alrabaa In a national referendum last Sunday (November 29, 2009), the Swiss people voted in favor of a ban on the construction of minarets all over Switzerland. A majority of more than 57 percent approved of the ban. Twenty-two of the country’s 26 cantons voted in favor […]
Finishing the Fight?Tim Wilson “As commander-in-chief, I will have no greater priority than taking out these terrorists who threaten America, and finishing the job against the Taliban,” and “…our first priority has to be finishing the fight against Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan…” then-Senator Barak Obama, August 19th, 2008 “…as Commander-in-Chief, I […]