With the Obama administration moving the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other masterminds of 9/11 to New York City, many have pointed out that the defendants are likely to use the trial as a platform to spread their views on jihad, the U.S., and the war on terror. That’s most likely true […] Minarets and Islamic Supremacism The venerable Brill Encyclopedia of Islam (EOI) entry on minarets makes plain that minarets are a political statement of Islamic supremacism. Interestingly, given current Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s provocative statement while mayor of Istanbul (the full statement was quoted in a NY Times story [1] by Stephen Kinzer from […] Pakistani Christians: Will Saudis allow construction of cathedrals to challenge Swiss ban on minarets? While the world waxes indignant over the Swiss minaret ban, it is useful to put things into perspective. In Egypt, Christians are persecuted. In Pakistan, construction of new churches is severely restricted. In Saudi Arabia, it isn’t allowed at all. […] Premature detonation in Gaza: One jihadist killed, three wounded Whoops. No virgins for you, pal. “One Palestinian killed, three wounded in Gaza explosion,” from Deutsche Presse Agentur, November 30 (thanks to Weasel Zippers): Gaza – One Palestinian militant was killed and three were wounded Monday night in a mysterious explosion in a car that […] Debatable Health Care Bill Cal Thomas Assuming a rock-solid 40 Republicans stand against the health care reform bill now being debated in the Senate, it will take just one Democrat or independent to derail this monstrosity, which along with its House companion, may be the most disastrous piece of legislation ever to be this […] Random Thoughts Thomas Sowell Sometimes we seem like people on a pleasure boat drifting down the Niagara river, unaware that there are waterfalls up ahead. I don’t know what people think is going to happen when a nation that already sponsors international terrorism has nuclear bombs to give to terrorists around the world. Since […]
29 November 2009 “ANTI-JEWISH INCIDENTS IN AUSTRALIA AT AN ALL-TIME HIGH”: 20 -year study of antisemitism in Australia reveals: Unprecedented number of anti-Jewish incidents in latest 12-month period; latest technology employed to spread ancient hatred; “rhetorical red-lines” crossed; political and religious extremists co-operate to distort public debate. “Between October 1, 2008 and September 30, 2009, […]
NOTHING INADVERTENT ABOUT IT…IT IS PART OF A WELL CALCULATED EFFORT TO WEAKEN ISRAEL AIDED AND ABETTED BY MITCHELL/HILLARY/RAHM AND THE FOLKS AT J STREET…..RSK Did Obama Inadvertently Excuse Palestinian Violence? This is what the President had to say after the Israeli announcement that 900 apartment units would be built in the South Jerusalem […] Americas: If anything proved there never was a crisis in Honduras, it was the peaceful, purposeful, high-participation election there Sunday. Against all odds, Hondurans showed the way out with democracy. Elections in distressed countries are often dramatic events — think of El Salvador’s long voting lines in 1994 at the end of its civil […]
The Evils of Islamic Political Ideology: The Conceptual Drivers For Mumbai Written by Alyssa A. Lappen Part Four: The Conceptual Drivers For Mumbai RightSideNews Copyright © 2009 On Thanksgiving 2009, as police worldwide continued arresting Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) collaborators and Home Box Office plans to release a film quoting a Pakistani terrorist mastermind the victims, families […]