British anti-Semitism in danger of getting out of control? Last week, Oliver Miles, Britain’s former ambassador to Libya and a pillar of the country’s foreign policy establishment, put his thinking cap on, put pen to paper and came up with the following thoughts in a column in the Independent newspaper about the presence of […]
Tariq Ramadan, Sunday 29 November 2009 20.00 GMT It wasn’t meant to go this way. For months we had been told that the efforts to ban the construction of minarets in Switzerland were doomed. The last surveys suggested around 34% of the Swiss population would vote for this shocking initiative. Last Friday, in a […]
The Warped Mirror: UN solidarity with Palestine Posted by Petra Marquardt-Bigman In 1977, the UN’s General Assembly designated November 29 as “International Solidarity Day for Palestinian People.” It was of course no coincidence that the day chosen for this event was the very same day on which the UN had voted in 1947 to partition […]
THE UN WILL BALME ISRAEL FOR THIS TOO…..RSK Global Criminal Network Congolese Rebels Laundering Money in Germany, UN Report Reveals According to a leaked United Nations’ report, the rebels in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo are out of control. Despite the UN having been present in the country for 10 years, […]
Post-normal science The scientific body at the centre of the scandal over the manipulation of climate data to shore up anthropogenic global warming theory, the Climatic Research Centre at the University of East Anglia, has now said it will after all make available the raw data upon which its research was based and which […]
Redeeming Sarah Posted By David Solway I admit at the outset — to the shock and amazement of many of my friends and colleagues — that I really dig Sarah Palin. I am drawn to her not because she happens to be the most babelicious of the current crop of female politicos — at best, […]
 500,000 Iranian Centrifuges Tehran ups the ante again as diplomacy goes nowhere.  Mohamed ElBaradei caps his contentious and ultimately failed 12-year stint as head of the International Atomic Energy Agency today, having spent many years enabling Iran’s nuclear bids only to condemn them in his final days in office. Mr. ElBaradei combined his […]
Climate Change and Melting Glaciers Nepal’s poor have more pressing problems. By BJøRN LOMBORG Global warming has captured the attention of politicians around the world. The following article is part of a series leading up to the December United Nations conference in Copenhagen on how ordinary people in different countries view the issue: Nine years […]
  The Arabs Have Stopped Applauding Obama .A foreign policy of penance has won America no friends. By FOUAD AJAMI ‘He talks too much,” a Saudi academic in Jeddah, who had once been smitten with Barack Obama, recently observed to me of America’s 44th president. He has wearied of Mr. Obama and now does not […]
Somali Pirates Hijack Saudi Oil Tanker Associated Press NAIROBI, Kenya — Somali pirates seized a tanker carrying crude oil from Saudi Arabia to the U.S. in waters off East Africa, an official said Monday, in an attack that could pose a possible environmental or security threat to the region. The Greek-owned Maran Centaurus was hijacked […]