“Trotsky, as the founder and organiser of the Red Army, was undoubtedly ruthless in ensuring the victory of his side – as was Lincoln during the American civil war. Exhausted at home and isolated abroad, the Bolshevik leaders, obsessed by the fate of Robespierre and Saint-Just, decided that they must hold on to power […] November 15, 2009 Irishman wants to kill for Islam Nicola Smith in Rawalpindi Recommend? (15) An Irish jihadist living in Pakistan’s Swat valley says he is preparing to wage war against British and allied troops in Afghanistan. Khalid Kelly, a former altar boy from the Liberties area of Dublin who used to be known […]
——————————————————————————– Obama in China and Twilight for America Posted: 15 Nov 2009 07:37 PM PST The first year of Obama has seen America retreating on all fronts. The country that once pressed back the Russian bear, has instead pulled up the missile shield and sent the signal to Moscow that the former Soviet Republicans can […] Global Warming: Exposing the Far Left’s Lies, Part 5 F. Swemson Click here for Part 1 of this 5-part series. Groucho Marx once said, â€Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.†I doubt that sentiment has ever more true than it is […] Political hacks are dullards whose primary utility is obeying any order with gusto. Eric Holder is the quintessential political hack. In the last days of the Clintons’ empire of sleaze, then Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder proactively assisted Clinton in getting Marc Rich his “cash for pardon†deal done. Even Democrats feigned outrage. We […]
Diplomatic Warfare: Palestinians Threaten Unilateral Statehood P. David Hornik The rhetoric is flying these days in Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said [1] that “There is no substitute for negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority and any unilateral path will only unravel the framework of agreements between us and […]
For the Dems, What a Difference a Year Makes Rich Baehr The Democrats have more political power than they have had at any time since the presidency of LBJ. They control the presidency, have a filibuster-proof 60 seats in the Senate (counting independents Joe Lieberman and Bernie Sanders, who caucus with them), and have an […]
IT IS ALSO OBAMA’S DECISION…RSK Eric Holder’s decision to move a trial on war crimes to American soil is morally confused, dangerous and political to a fault. Coming soon to a civilian courtroom blocks from Ground Zero: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the four other al Qaeda planners of 9/11. Be sure to get your […]
Black Panthers denounce ‘new’ Panthers Jerry Seper The New Black Panther Party catapulted itself to national attention during the November 2008 presidential election when two of its members, one brandishing a nightstick, were captured on videotape intimidating voters at a Philadelphia polling place. But the original Black Panther Party, which famously advocated black power and […]
U.S. troops battle both Taliban and their own rules Sara A. Carter KASHK-E-NOKHOWD, Afghanistan | Army Capt. Casey Thoreen wiped the last bit of sleep from his eyes before the sun rose over his isolated combat outpost. His soldiers did the same as they checked and double-checked their weapons and communications equipment. Ahead was […]