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Disloyal New Freedom Center booklet exposes the military brass’s betrayal of our country.


In this new Freedom Center booklet, Disloyal: How the Military Brass is Betraying Our Country, author Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, reveals how the U.S. Military’s promotion of Critical Race Theory and efforts to purge “extremists” is endangering America’s future. Greenfield documents the shocking penetration of Critical Race Theory and woke leftist ideology into numerous branches of the American military. He describes how these recent attempts to divide the military by race and condemn the nation it exists to defend, have undermined unit cohesion and military readiness while having a devastating impact on troop morale.

“Disloyal” lays bare the disturbing actions and statements of some of America’s leading military leaders who have capitulated to America’s ideological enemies before even entering the field of battle. Among these are Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who has required both Critical Race Theory and the ahistorical and un-American 1619 Project as core elements of the Pentagon’s military training programs. Also unmasked is Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who vocally rejected the use of the military to put down violent BLM/Antifa riots and later defended the military’s adoption of CRT to Congress, stating, “I want to understand white rage and I’m white, and I want to understand it.”

Nor does the rot stop there. Greenfield reveals how Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Michael Gilday, in an effort to radically transform the U.S. Navy, created “shared” video “conversations” featuring Navy officers lamenting America’s “systemic racism” and “implicit bias.”  Under the leadership of Chief of Staff Charles Q. Brown Jr., the Air Force also now produces official videos promoting CRT struggle sessions and the idea that all enlisted men must confront their “unconscious bias.”

“In a military led by disloyal commanders, America becomes the enemy,” Freedom Center Founder David Horowitz states in the introduction to Disloyal.

“Tragically for our nation, the Biden administration is continuing Clinton and Obama’s destruction of the military,” echoes Greenfield. “Our country is barely surviving a woke government and woke corporations, it will not survive the disloyal military leaders of a woke military.”

This new Freedom Center booklet is an urgent and vital read. [Read in PDF form: HERE.]

Trans Activism’s Long March through Our Institutions By Helen Joyce

This article is adapted from the author’s book Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality.

Harm to children’s bodies, loss of women’s privacy, and perversion of language are all included in the collateral damage.

For a movement that is supposedly about the latest oppressed minority gaining full human rights, transactivism has progressed remarkably far and fast.

What campaigners mean by “trans rights” is gender self-identification: that trans people be treated in every circumstance as members of the sex they identify with, rather than the sex they actually are.

This is not a human right at all. It is a demand that everyone else lose their rights to single-sex spaces, services, and activities. And in its requirement that everyone else accept trans people’s subjective beliefs as objective reality, it is akin to a new state religion, complete with blasphemy laws.

Even as one country after another introduces gender self-ID, very few voters know that this is happening, let alone support it.

In 2018 research by Populus, an independent pollster, crowdfunded by British feminists, found that only 15 percent of British adults agreed that legal sex change should be possible without a doctor’s sign-off. A majority classified a “person who was born male and has male genitalia but who identifies as a woman” as a man, and only tiny minorities said that such people should be allowed into women’s sports or changing rooms, or be incarcerated in a women’s prison if they committed a crime.

Two years later, YouGov found that half of British voters thought people should be “able to self-identify as a different gender to the one they were born in.” But two-thirds said legal sex change should only be possible with a doctor’s sign-off, with just 15 percent saying no sign-off should be needed. In other words, there is widespread support for people describing themselves as they wish, but not much for granting such self-descriptions legal status. The same poll also asked whether transwomen should be allowed in women’s sports and changing rooms, sometimes with a reminder that transwomen may have had no genital surgery, and sometimes without. The share saying yes was 20 percentage points lower with the reminder than without — again demonstrating widespread confusion about what being trans means, and that support for trans people does not imply support for self-declaration overriding reality.

A poll in Scotland in 2020 suggests that even young women, the demographic keenest on gender self-ID, become cooler when reminded of the practical implications. A slight majority of women aged 16 to 34 selected “anyone who says they’re a woman, regardless of their biology” as closer than “an adult human female, with XX chromosomes and female genitalia” to their conception of what the word “woman” means. (Young men were much less keen on the self-ID definition, though keener than older men. Overall, 72 percent of respondents chose the biological definition.) But that 52 percent share fell to 38 percent answering “yes” to: “Do you think someone who identifies as a woman, but was born male, and still has male genitalia, should be allowed to use female changing rooms where women and girls are undressing/showering, even if those women object?”

On campus, the worst is yet to come By Richard Baehr


Review of Nevergreen by Andrew Pessin, 2021, Open Books

Andrew Pessin, the author of the comic novel Nevergreen (to be published September first), is a professor of philosophy at Connecticut College. He ignited the furies among the student body  at his college over his support for the state of Israel. That experience informs his newly published novel about a doctor invited to give a talk  at a fictional college facing the campus lynch mob. The book is titled to evoke the infamous case of Bret Weinstein of The Evergreen State University.  Weinstein was hounded out of his professorship and eventually collected a quarter million-dollar settlement from the University for the outrageous treatment he experienced.  In both the Weinstein and Pessin incidents, there were serious threats of physical harm to the “offending” professors, and administrators who did nothing to defend or protect them.

Nevergreen manages to capture the passions unleashed at the two real colleges (and many others in the past few years). In the novel, a physician who goes by J (his wife clarifies it is Jeffrey near the end), meets a woman on a plane while in route to a medical conference. He gets invited by the woman to speak at the school where she works, Nevergreen College, after his conference is concluded.  Nevergreen College is built on a small island where an asylum was once located, and inmates were buried, an ominous metaphor and portent.

J delivers his talk though no one is there to hear it. However, he soon becomes the focus of those who hate “the hate” he represents to them, which includes pretty much everyone on campus.  The campus gatherings directed at J, are longer than the daily two minutes hate in George Orwell’s 1984 and include campus newspaper attacks, and posting of his picture everywhere, including on masks worn by students hunting him down.

‘Fault Lines’: New Bestseller Exposes Critical Race Theory’s Danger Things are scary now, but Dr. Voddie Baucham offers hope. Danusha Goska

Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe by Dr. Voddie T. Baucham, Jr., is the number one bestseller in its category in Amazon as of this writing in early August, 2021. The book was released in April, and yet it already has five thousand customer reviews, 94% of which award the book five-stars. Given that Fault Lines is not receiving the kind of major-media, saturation coverage that a bestseller might expect, many of those thousands of reviews are fueled by enthusiastic word-of-mouth.

Fault Lines deserves its phenomenal success. Don’t let its “Evangelical” subtitle fool you. I’m no Evangelical, but I will happily join my five-star review to the thousands of others. Baucham’s presentation of the history and current profile of critical theory is accessible to all readers. Even non-Christians can benefit from understanding how the majority faith of Americans is being corrupted. Finally, as a Christian, Baucham offers hope for the future. Even non-Christians can apply some of Baucham’s recommendations.

Fault Lines is one of many recent books struggling to take readers by the hand and guide them through our current cultural moment, of pupils suddenly being asked to inform their teachers of their “preferred pronouns,” of toppling statues, burning cities, and careers ruined by one suspect utterance. Fault Lines belongs on the same bookshelf as James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose’s Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity – And Why This Harms Everybody, as well as Douglas Murray’s The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race, and Identity. Cynical Theories goes into greater detail on the roots of today’s hysteria, and its authors are Christophobic atheists who hold up a vague and unhistorical notion of “The Enlightenment” as our salvation. Douglas Murray, a former Christian and current atheist, appears to despair of any hope; rather, he’s given to dire prognostications: “The US is on the brink of Civil War;” Murray has said; the Western world is “standing on the precipice” of cultural annihilation.

Voddie T. Baucham has one up on Lindsey, Pluckrose, and Murray. Yes, Baucham recognizes how bad things are. “The United States is on the verge of a race war, if not a complete cultural meltdown,” Baucham predicts. But Baucham offers hope, and he offers healing. He finds both in Christian faith. Again, though, you don’t have to be a Christian to benefit from reading Fault Lines.

Fault Lines is very reader-friendly. Lindsey and Pluckrose offer much more detailed and academic surveys of how Marxism’s twisted evolution lead to the concept of “microaggressions” and social media videos in which obese women insist that if you aren’t sexually attracted to them you are a bigot. Like those authors, Baucham also introduces his reader to influential progenitors of Woke like Antonio Gramsci, Derrick Bell, Kimberle Crenshaw, and Peggy McIntosh, but more briefly. Clearly, Baucham exhibits the Evangelical’s zeal to reach the maximum audience with the deepest truths, while never allowing academic jargon to get in the way. This is a book you could understand even if you were reading it in a noisy and crowded subway car. Its ease of reading in no way diminishes its profundity.

Inclusive Exclusivity In today’s race-obsessed America, where do Asians fit in? Bruce Bawer


At a time when our elites have decided that absolutely everything in American society comes down to the supposedly fraught, brutal, and never-ending power relationship between oppressive whites and oppressed blacks – and where, according to Critical Race Theory, white-on-black racism must constantly and tirelessly be rooted out, challenged, denounced, and vigorously countered with anti-racist actions, statements, and preferences in accordance with the semi-literate but apparently divinely inspired directives of Ibram X. Kendi and his ilk – where do Asians fit in?

There’s no such question about Latinos and Native Americans, who, being recognized victim groups, can be pretty tidily bundled in with blacks on the “oppressed” side of the ledger. But Asians? Increasingly, Asians are seen as “white-adjacent.” Yes, many Asians have had it bad. Real bad. (Of course, we’re using “Asian” here not in the euphemistic way Brits do – to mean, mostly, Pakistanis and other Muslims from Southwest Asia – but in the American sense, to refer primarily to Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, and other East Asians.) As Xu reminds us, the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act was the only piece of legislation of its kind in American history, and the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II was without parallel. Many Asian immigrants to the U.S., moreover, have experienced poverty and oppression in their homelands beyond the imagining of even the poorest and most downtrodden American of any skin color.

But somehow their suffering doesn’t count. While blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans receive a leg-up in college admissions, job hirings, and other such circumstances, Asians don’t. On the contrary, the same systems that are rigged in favor of those other groups tend to be rigged against Asians – often to a grotesque degree. As Kenny Xu records in his definitive new book An Inconvenient Minority: The Attack on Asian American Excellence and the Fight for Meritocracy, an Asian student wanting to get into Harvard in 2009 (and the injustice certainly hasn’t disappeared since then) “had to score an astounding 450 points higher on a 1600-point SAT test than a Black student to have the same chance of admission.” Of course, when affirmative action started, it was supposed to make up for slavery and its aftermath. But if that’s the premise, then why do Latinos also get a boost? Presumably because as a group they’ve known suffering and oppression. Why not Asians, then?

BLACK FRAGILITY AS BLACK STRENGTH? TRY THESE BOOKS INSTEAD. The next entry in the KenDiAngelonian universe is out. But why not branch out? John McWhorter


Fish don’t know they’re wet. And either do a lot of us when it comes to how we think about race.

Here are three pieces of advice for living.

1. What doesn’t kill you makes you weaker.

2. Always trust your feelings.

3. Life is a battle between good and bad people.

Do you see these three tenets as wisdom, or as something a person should be taught out of? I need not even ask.

But why, then, does enlightened America embrace the idea that where black people are concerned, living by these three tenets is cognitively healthy?

* * *

The tenets are the heart of Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt’s brilliant The Coddling of the American Mind from a few years back. They analyze these as counsel given to students, today, in general. However, this extends to black America as a whole.

Of course, the usual suspects will have a hard time recognizing themselves in these tenets when spelled out. However, they are the fish who don’t know they’re wet. They’ve never known anything but those tenets, and thus see them as a normal way of being. They don’t know that these tenets are “a thing.”

It can’t happen here? It is happening here! By Patricia McCarthy


Sinclair Lewis’s novel of 1935, It Can’t Happen Here, was published amid the rise of fascism in Europe. The book is about the political career of fictional Buzz Windrip, who is elected President in 1936, defeating FDR with a campaign promising a return to traditional values, drastic social and economic reforms (he promises every American $5k).  Once elected, he becomes a totalitarian tyrant complete with his own paramilitary force called the Minute Men!  

Windrip is Lewis’s version of an American Hitler and/or Mussolini.  But consider the parallels with the current occupant of the Oval Office. Windrip outlaws dissent (consider the Biden administration’s partnership with big tech to censor opposing opinions). He, Windrip, imprisons his critics just as Biden has jailed anyone present at the Capitol on January 6. Biden has his own Minute Men, the FBI as well a couple of other paramilitary groups in service of his agenda – Antifa and BLM.  They are his shock troops that, like Windrip’s thugs, terrorize his opponents, freedom-loving, independent thinking Americans.  

Like Biden, Buzz Windrip abrogated the rights of civilians and divided the nation into “administrative sectors” to be managed by federal “Corpo” authorities and enforced by his Minute Men.  Pelosi is now installing branches of the Capitol Police throughout the country to seek out perceived threats to members of Congress.  The similarities to Lewis’s two-dimensional dictator and the Biden regime are chilling. 

As in the novel, opponents of the Obama/Biden regime have  been found guilty until proven innocent of un-committed crimes, from Gen. Michael Flynn to Roger Stone, to anyone who worked for Trump to the 1/6 protesters, by corrupt judges in kangaroo courts whipped up by a manic, historically ignorant media that loathe anyone or anything remotely conservative or constitutional.  Viciously opposed to Donald Trump, the mainstream media covered for the massive crimes against the nation that were occurring from the day Trump became the Republican presidential candidate.  The left invented the Russia collusion narrative out of thin air.  It was pursued as legitimate by the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA and our despicable journalist class.  All of them very likely knew it was false from the outset, but they all colluded to damage a President who actually meant to represent the people, not just the ruling elite.  The swamp, left and right, was threatened and fought back with the ferocity of a cornered animal. With the 2020 election, they think they’ve won, but have they?

This quote from Lewis’ book perfectly describes Joe Biden:  

“The Senator was vulgar, almost illiterate, a public liar easily detected, and in his “ideas” almost idiotic, while his celebrated piety was that of a traveling salesman for church furniture, and his yet more celebrated humor the sly cynicism of a country store.  Certainly there was nothing exhilarating in the actual words of his speeches, nor anything convincing in his philosophy. His political platforms were only wings of a windmill.” 

Indeed.  Biden cannot utter a coherent sentence.  He is the face of a corrupt band of radicals who, along with Obama, vowed to “transform America.”  He was fraudulently installed and has little actual personal support.  The Trump presidency rendered the left well and truly deranged, without any moral compunctions going forward.  The man and his supporters had to be destroyed just like Lewis’s Buzz Windrip’s opponents had to be ruined.

The protagonist in Sinclair’s novel is a journalist, Doremous Jessup, who founds an organization to fight Windrip’s destructive policies.  He founds a newspaper and publishes accounts of Windrip’s abuses. Jessup’s counterparts in our alternative media are the champions of truth and there are more and more of them every day.  Big tech tries to silence them, but they are proliferating faster than they can censor them.   The massive, life-long corruption of the Biden family is now a known fact.  The depravity of Biden’s son Hunter has been revealed.  The corruption at the DOJ and FBI is being exposed.  It was the FBI that set up the fake kidnapping attempt of Gretchen Whitmer and perhaps even had a hand in orchestrating the event of January 6.  The truth will out. 

The radical Democrat media of today ignores the crimes and abuses of power by leftists but the Doremus Jessups of 2021 America do not.  The truth is out there despite the suppression tactics of this administration, its handmaidens in the media and big tech.  Like the villain of the novel, Biden has incarcerated hundreds of non-violent  people who were present at the Capitol on 1/6.  The DOJ calls them “enemies of the state,”  their protest an insurrection.  

But not one of them was armed; none have been charged with insurrection.  They are being held without bail while the hundreds of rioters/looters/arsonists of the summer of 2020 are free as birds.  This is the stuff of communist China, the Soviet Union, Venezuela and Castro’s Cuba.  Sinclair Lewis, like Orwell and Huxley, knew of what they wrote.  Tyrants are with us always and when they get power are lethal. “Tyranny is always better organized than freedom.”  – Charles Peguy

Asian-Americans are the Left’s inconvenient minority By Drew Allen


“There are dark stains on the history of this nation,” writes Kenny Xu in the preface of his groundbreaking new book, ‘An Inconvenient Minority: The Attack on Asian American Excellence and the Fight for Meritocracy.’ But the purpose of Xu’s relevant and timely book is not to condemn America for its past, but to celebrate America for its triumphs.

Xu continues to say that “we should be proud to have made so much progress in mostly, though not completely, overcoming…”

The chief concern in America today is not how much further we have to go to fulfill our original charter of freedom and equality for all, but just how far we have regressed in recent years from achieving this end. Americans fought a bloody Civil War to right the wrong of slavery. Americans fought a non-violent Civil Rights Movement to end race based segregation and discrimination. 

Despite these important achievements, all that progress is being undone and at a rapid rate. Xu identifies the root cause of America’s rapid regression, writing, “the attack on Asian-American excellence represents the decline of a larger concept in American society that has allowed its culture of excellence to prosper: meritocracy.”

Xu achieves two critical things with his book: he simultaneously shines a spotlight on the disturbing and unsung attacks against Asian-Americans, while also explaining how this is ushering in the decline of America, as a whole.

Who Was Karl Marx? A new book delves into 200 years of his evil influence. Daniel Greenfield


Karl Marx is over two centuries old. Ideas that used to be radical have long since become stale. Socialism is about as new and exciting as the telegraph or Bernie Sanders. Marxism is most likely to be studied in the countries where, as its proponents claim, it’s never really been tried.

Who was Karl Marx beyond the bearded guy on t-shirts in Berkeley and Austin?

In Who Was Karl Marx?: The Men, the Motives and the Menace Behind Today’s Rampaging American Left, investigative journalist James Simpson paints a scathing picture of Marx, his disciplines, and the political movement created by the fake prophet of a real catastrophe.

Marx was “hypocritically greedy, petty, arrogant, lazy, selfish, dishonest, two-faced, lecherous, bigoted and brimming with hatred”, Simpson writes, backing that up with historical anecdotes.

Does it matter that Marx was a virulent bigot, that he hated most people, and even sired an illegitimate son, kept him in poverty, and never let him go past the servants’ quarters?

It might not matter if Marx were just a writer whose work was disconnected from his loathsome personality, but Simpson convincingly argues that, “progressivism’s end  product  is merely the  reflection of Marx’s personality, played out to devastating effect on the world stage.”

Marxism, in other words, is terrible because Karl Marx was a miserable human being.

The same holds true for much of the Left. Its theories don’t just fail because they’re poorly thought out, but because they’re expressions of malice directed at the rest of the world.

But Who Was Karl Marx? is not a biography of Marx, so much as it’s a sketch of key leftist figures, and the influence of their ideas on the present. The book may begin with Marx, but it goes on to Black Lives Matter and Antifa. It touches on Lenin’s obsession with destroying his opponents through relentless dehumanization and smear campaigns in order to clarify the contemporary leftist obsession with political correctness and cancel culture.

How Barack Obama Begot Gwen Berry By Jack Cashill


“I never said that I hated the country,” said Gwen Berry, the world’s most famous hammer thrower — male, female or non-binary. “All I said was I respect my people enough to not stand or acknowledge something that disrespects them. I love my people point blank, period.”

Berry, who finished third in the female hammer throw at the U.S. track and field Olympic Trials, was attempting to explain why she turned her back on the National Anthem. If her subversive pout appalled half of America, it surprised no one. In the year 2021, sports fans have come to expect athletes, black and white, to disrespect symbols of national pride.

It didn’t use to be this way. When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, race relations were better than they had ever been. As to athletic protests, it had been forty years since any Olympian grabbed the kind of attention Berry got.

At the 1968 Olympics, 200-meter medalists Tommy Smith and John Carlos famously gave a black power salute while the Anthem played. Unlike Berry, however, they at least had something to bitch about, Smith having grown up in the Jim Crow South and Carlos having been schooled there.

Berry had no idea what she was protesting. Born in a St. Louis suburb in 1989, she likely cast her first presidential vote for a black man. She may have even believed Obama’s insistence that there “is not a Black America and a White America and Latino America and Asian America — there’s the United States of America.”

The more salient question is whether Obama believed it. If he did, he did not believe it deeply enough to resist the pressure he faced from the left’s old school race hustlers and new school critical race theorists. Clearly intimidated, he made a decision in March 2012 that committed the Democratic Party to the corrosive madness of identity politics for the foreseeable future.