Amsterdam: Jewish students face increasing threats Translated from Het Parool, Saturday, October 31, 2009 (h/t NRP): Students, parents and teachers of Cheider, the only orthodox-Jewish school in the Netherlands, increasingly have to deal with violence. That makes their already small world even smaller. The school as a threatened fortress. “Mendel, Nethanel? You’re coming?” Young […] So now we finally have the unequivocal answer to the question some of us have been insistently asking: what is the point of the Conservative party? The answer is, bleakly, there is none. There is today one overwhelmingly important issue of issues, the meta-issue without the resolution of which it is pointless to address […]
Spain, Israel, and the Fight over UNIFIL Posted By Soeren Kern On November 5, 2009 @ 12:00 am In . Column2 04, Europe, Israel, Middle East, World News | No Comments Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has canceled a November 4 and 5 visit to Spain [1] amid a dispute over the command of the […]
November 05, 2009 Is It Time to End the IMF and WTO? By Howard Richman, Raymond Richman, and Jesse Richman This year’s Nobel Prize for Economics was co-won by Elinor Ostrom for her work showing that local solutions often work better than government regulation for solving problems as diverse as preventing over-fishing, conserving rainforests, and […]
November 05, 2009 At the J Street meeting By Lori Lowenthal Marcus The Washington conference of the new organization “J Street” took place on October 25-28. It was a fascinating but scary cultural experience. For three days I watched hundreds of intensely pious people sitting under an awning that reads “pro-Israel, pro-peace.” But by far […]
Democrats’ plan to help ‘uninsurables’ questioned By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR, Associated Press Writer Ricardo Alonso-zaldivar, Associated Press Writer 36 mins ago WASHINGTON – You’re afraid your cancer is back, and a health insurance company just turned you down. Under the health care bills in Congress, you could apply for coverage through a new high-risk pool that […]
WELL AT LEAST THE GITMO RESIDENTS GOT IT….RSK HHS admits overstating flu-vaccine availability Ann Geracimos Two top officials at the Department of Health and Human Services acknowledged to a congressional panel Wednesday that the government had overpromised and made poor judgments on vaccination production against the current H1N1 flu pandemic. The government’s initial plan […] The Taliban, sponsor of Osama bin Laden, terror-makers for decades, are on the ropes — at least in Pakistan. Pakistan’s foreign minister, Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, delivered the good news on Sunday: the Taliban is being routed along the Afghanistan border. “The operation so far has been very successful,†he revealed. “The resistance that […]
The Vote on Goldstone: Separating Out the Jew Haters, Saudi Tools, and Jihad lovers I thought you should see who the Jew haters are in Congress. The vote on the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference)-generated Goldstone report — the white paper on Jewish blood libel — is very telling. Anyone who voted nay, or […]
A Pint of Healthcare is Not Cheaper than a Gallon- by Thomas Sowell Posted By Thomas Sowell On November 5, 2009 @ 12:06 am In FrontPage | 1 Comment Although it is cheaper to buy a pint of milk than to buy a quart of milk, nobody considers that to be lowering the price of […]