Norman Borlaug who recently died was continually opposed by the “Greens” for his support and development of genetically altered crops which could have saved a continent from famine….and good for Ben Johnson for promoting return of the use of DDT now that malaria is reaching epidemic proportions again….rsk Bill Gates vs. the Famine Lobby – […] PRUDEN: Great Pumpkin soon upon us Wesley Pruden The Senate is losing its grip on unreality, so it may be up to whoever can teach manners to cows and pigs to save us from the consequences of global warming. (We’re supposed to call it “climate change” now, but some of us, being strict constructionists, […]
Originally published 04:45 a.m., October 30, 2009, updated 05:17 a.m., October 30, 2009 Health bill: 42 studies, 214 mentions of taxes THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON TIMES House Democrats’ health care bill runs to 1,990 pages, costs $1.06 trillion, covers 96 percent of eligible Americans and demands the production of 42 studies on everything from […]
A 1,990-Page Medical Monstrosity Posted 10/29/2009 07:48 PM ET Medical Care: Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s cry in unveiling the House’s massive reform bill might as well have been “Viva la health care revolution!” America never voted for change like this. Just as most congressional Democrats refused to listen to the angry public at town halls in […]
‘Nobody Questions That’? — The Patriot Post ‘Nobody Questions That’? Mark Alexander, Patriot “In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” –Thomas Jefferson Never before has there been more evidence of outright contempt for our […]
STEPHEN WALT CALLS THIS A “GREAT AND REASSURING BOOK”….RSK If Iran and North Korea want the bomb so badly, we should ‘let them have it.’ Atomic Obsession: Nuclear Alarmism From Hiroshima to Al-Qaeda By John Mueller Oxford, 319 pages, $27.95 Reviewed by Gabriel Schoenfeld In the years since the first nuclear bomb was tested in […]
OCTOBER 30, 2009 The Turkish Temptation The Erdogan government shifts its allegiances to anti-Western Islam. It’s been a decade since Turkey threatened to invade Syria because Damascus was harboring Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of the Kurdish PKK terrorist group. “We will say ‘shalom’ to the Israelis on the Golan Heights” is how one Turkish newspaper […]
the global-warming alarmists have relied on a pathetic version of science
Europe’s Selective Outrage about Anti-Semitism Posted By John Rosenthal On October 29, 2009 @ 12:00 am In . Column2 04, Culture, Europe, Politics, World News | 1 Comment There has been much controversy of late about the British Conservative Party’s decision to join the newly formed European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group in the EU […]
Voting Present on Illegal Immigration Politically, Obama administration is between a rock and a hard place. By Victor Davis Hanson Immigration activists and Hispanic groups are demanding that President Obama deliver on his promised comprehensive package of immigration reform. Already, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) has derided federal sweeps of illegal aliens as “un-American.†[…]