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Jewish Lives Matter So-called progressives have abandoned the Jewish people in their hour of need. Brendan O’Neill


This is an extract from Brendan O’Neill’s new book, After the Pogrom: 7 October, Israel and the Crisis of Civilisation.

Imagine if the Battle of Cable Street took place in 2024. Imagine if this celebrated clash between Jews and their working-class allies on one side, and a fascist movement on the other, were to blow up in 21st-century Britain. What would happen?

The actual Battle of Cable Street took place in the East End of London in 1936 – 88 years ago this week. It was a revolutionary uprising by Jews, leftists and workers against the threat posed by the British Union of Fascists. The BUF was founded by Oswald Mosley in 1932. Mosley had been a Conservative MP before crossing the floor of the House of Commons to join the Labour Party. At the start of the 1930s, following a trip to Italy to meet Mussolini, he converted to the cause of fascism. And he won over many in high society. Leading journalists, a peer, friends of royalty and, notoriously, two of the aristocratic Mitford sisters joined his fascist crusade. One of the Mitfords – Diana – went the whole hog and married him, at the home of Joseph Goebbels in Berlin, with Adolf Hitler as guest of honour.

The people of the East End were rather less taken with Mosley’s Mussolini tribute act. And they let it be known when the BUF announced its intention to march through the East End on 4 October 1936. The East End had a large Jewish population then. The BUF’s planned parade, in which thousands of its backers would be on the streets in their Blackshirts, was viewed by many East Enders as an intolerable anti-Semitic provocation. So they decided to take action. Against the advice of both the Metropolitan Police and the Labour Party, who were concerned that a counter-demonstration to Mosley’s march would give rise to lawlessness, the workers of east London plotted their fightback.

Their slogan was ‘They shall not pass’, an echo of the cry of the Spanish republicans who had risen up against Franco’s nationalist coup earlier that year. The East End rebels set up barricades on Cable Street. They used an overturned bus, tables, chairs and paving stones to block the fascists’ access. They gathered together makeshift weaponry – rocks, chair legs, rotten vegetables and even the contents of their chamber pots – to wield against both the fascists and the Met police officers who tried to dismantle the barricades and clear the street. Children were sent out to roll marbles under the hooves of police horses. An entire community had prepared itself for all-out battle against fascism, and in defence of Jews.

When the battle came, it was intense. Mosley marshalled around 5,000 Blackshirts. On the other side, behind the barricades, there were thousands: Jews, Irish dock workers, communists, anarchists, trade unionists. There followed some of the most ferocious hand-to-hand combat ever seen on the streets of Britain. Bricks were hurled at Mosley’s car, sticks were wielded against his Blackshirts, stones were thrown at the police who supported the Mosley mob’s right to parade down Cable Street. Hundreds were injured, many arrested. And the anti-fascists won. In the face of baton charges by horse-mounted officers and the violent menace of the Blackshirts themselves, the Jews and their allies were victorious. Mosley abandoned his plans and scurried back to central London.

The Battle of Cable Street is rightly celebrated as one of the great people’s uprisings of the early 20th century. There is a mural of it in east London today. There are books, films, even a musical. Many Britons are proud that in the 1930s, Jews in east London who had fled the anti-Semitic pogroms of Russia and Eastern Europe in the late 1800s and early 1900s did not suffer the same violence and indignity at the hands of Mosley’s mob. (Although, on the weekend after the Battle of Cable Street, east London was rocked by the Pogrom of Mile End, when 200 Blackshirts smashed the windows of Jewish shops and homes.) The Battle of Cable Street is seen by many as the street fight that foretold Britain’s war on Nazi Germany, as the trailblazer of our future showdown with fascism, as early proof that this racist, inhuman ideology then moving through Europe might just come unstuck against Britain.

And yet, what if it were today? What if a fascist mob marched through a Jewish area of London in 2024? Would we see an uprising of resistance, a taking to the streets to see off the fascists and rally around their targets? I fear we would not. I fear such solidarity is all but impossible in the era of identity politics, intersectionality and progressive suspicion of ‘Jewish privilege’. I fear today the Jews might be on their own – though hopefully joined by that smattering of the population that still appreciates that when anti-Semitism rears its head, society is in deep trouble.

Hiding Mengele How a Nazi Network Harbored the Angel of Death by Betina Anton

Read the international sensation already translated into 9 languages!

A Brazilian journalist’s investigation unearths the story of a network of people responsible for hiding “The Angel of Death,” the infamous Nazi doctor who fled to South America and escaped justice for over thirty years.

Josef Mengele, known worldwide for unimaginably cruel human experiments and for sending thousands of people to the gas chambers at Auschwitz, was a fugitive in South America for thirty-four years after World War II, sought by the Israeli secret service and Nazi hunters. Hidden for half that time in Brazil, Mengele created his own paradise, a life where he could speak German, maintain his beliefs, his friends, and his connection with the homeland. Never caught, he lived out the rest of his days thanks to a small circle of expatriate Europeans willing to help him.

One such person was Austrian ex-pat Liselotte Bossert, who buried Mengele with false documents to keep his true identity hidden even after his death in 1979. When the world finally discovered where the remains of Josef Mengele were in 1985, kindergarten teacher Liselotte was escorted from the São Paulo school without further explanation to the students. One six-year-old, Betina Anton, could not let this mystery go. Decades later as an experienced journalist, Betina decided to investigate, but when she found Liselotte, she could not imagine how deep this case would take her.

Written in Portuguese and English by the author and based on extensive research, including interviews, unpublished documents, and news coverage from that era, Hiding Mengele is a suspenseful narrative not only haunted by the doctor’s horrific experiments, but also by the motivations driving a community to protect one of the most evil people known to mankind.

Islamophilia: A Very Metropolitan Malady by Douglas Murray


In this 2013 book (now reissued for the first time) bestselling author and broadcaster Douglas Murray, with trademark wit, delivers an alarming analysis of the post-9/11 world. It is a devastating satire on the climate of fear in the West today. Murray’s analysis is wildly entertaining yet ultimately profound:

“If absolutely everybody in the world agrees on something – from the President of the United States to most film-stars, pop-stars, Popes, Bishops, atheists, writers, film-makers, brain-boxes and everyone else – then surely they must be right. Well, no. I think they are wrong. Wildly, terribly, embarrassingly and dangerously wrong, “ writes Murray.

ISLAMOPHILIA shows how so many of the celebrities above, have, at some point chosen to abandon any hope or wish to criticize Islam and instead decided to profess some degree of love for it. Love, that Murray points out in the book, is often irrational and certainly misguided: Murray is not afraid to name and shame, and the book’s tour includes Sebastian Faulks and Martin Amis, Boris Johnson, South Park, Tony Blair, Ridley Scott, David Cameron, Liam Neeson, Justin Bieber, Random House Publishers, the BBC, Richard Dawkins, the Prince of Wales and even George Bush. Yes, George Bush.

“They may have done this for a range of good and bad reasons. Some of them have to done it to save other people. Some of them have done it to save themselves. Some of them have done it because they are too stupid to do anything else and others because clever people can be really dumb at times.”

Murray goes on to detail the extraordinary strategic cultural efforts made in recent years to “rewrite the last few millennia of history, minimising and denigrating the impact of actual scientists and promoting the claims of Islamic proselytisers”. And he has fighting words for the version of history depicted by Ridley Scott and others in Hollywood.

After the Pogrom: 7 October, Israel and the Crisis of Civilisation Brendan O’Neill

“A bruising blow in the cause of liberty, tolerance and good sense. Thank God he is on our side” – Jake Wallis Simons, editor, Jewish Chronicle

“A brutally honest analysis of how the world failed the test of Hamas’s brutality” – Eylon Levy, former Israeli government spokesman

After the Pogrom: 7 October, Israel and the Crisis of Civilisation is the explosive new book from celebrated columnist and author Brendan O’Neill.

It is an unflinching account of how the West failed the moral test of 7 October. It documents, in chilling detail, how the West’s academics, activists and commentariat ended up making excuses for Hamas’s pogrom – the worst act of violence against the Jews since the Holocaust.

On university campuses, on our streets and in the press, people took the side not of the Jews, but of their murderous persecutors. We even witnessed the return of the twisted ideology of atrocity denial, as the activist class accused the Jewish State of exaggerating or even inventing the events of 7 October.

How did this happen? Why did so many in our educated elites shrug their shoulders over the worst anti-Semitic pogrom in almost 80 years? Why did “anti-fascists” cosy up to the fascists of Hamas?

This book is an unsparing examination of the moral disorder of the 21st-century West. Frank, fearless and incisive, it argues that our moral failures after 7 October exposed just how far we have drifted from Enlightenment values. It is a must-read for everyone concerned about the safety of the Jews and the future of the West.


Black Saturday: An Unfiltered Account of the October 7th Attack on Israel and the War in Gaza
Fox News war correspondent Trey Yingst shares his gripping, firsthand account of the events of October 7, 2023, and the ensuing war, offering riveting insight and fresh facts that clarify the scope and magnitude of this latest and most dramatic outbreak in one of the bloodiest, most nuanced, and longest-standing conflicts in modern history.

On the morning of October 7, 2023, the militant group known as Hamas launched a vicious attack on Israel in the most recent stage of the deeply complicated and decades-long Israel-Palestine conflict. The assault, which took place on Shabbat—the day of rest for the Jewish people—instantly became known among Israelis and the world as “Black Saturday.”

On October 7, Fox News Correspondent Trey Yingst was on the ground along the Gaza border and witnessed firsthand the devastation, shock, and deep sorrow that whirled through Israel. A seasoned journalist who has reported from some of the most dangerous hotspots around the world, including the frontlines in Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, Yingst was just one among many people plunged into the terrifying chaos of that horrific event. In this shocking and eye-opening chronicle, he pieces together the story of that tragic day and reveals how he risked his life searching for answers to essential questions in real time–who within Israel had been attacked; what happened to them; who, potentially, was next–while exploring the impact on both Israelis and Palestinians as a full-scale war ramps up and peace grows more elusive. “We have a responsibility now to account for and record these events—and tell the world the truth,” Yingst writes. “We cannot look away.”

CHAPTER 37: Euphemisms, Propaganda, and “Losing Reality Bit by Bit”__Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is by Linda Goudsmit


American-Canadian psychologist Dr. Kenneth Zucker, founder of Toronto’s Child Youth and Family Gender Identity Clinic (GIC), is an internationally acknowledged expert on children and adolescents with gender dysphoria. His cautious “watchful waiting” approach respected the natural maturation process in which the vast majority of gender dysphoria resolves itself without medical intervention. In 2015, Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, the hospital where Dr. Zucker’s clinic was located, accused him of practicing conversion therapy, and of shaming and traumatizing patients. Dr. Zucker, who was psychologist-in-chief at the time, was fired and the hospital closed the clinic. He was eventually exonerated and awarded damages in a lawsuit against the hospital, but radical gender ideology had won the battle.

Dr. Miriam Grossman writes about Dr. Zucker’s concerns about “iatrogenic persistence,” the result of medical intervention discussed in Chapter 35:

Dr. Zucker calls social transition a dangerous psychosocial intervention “with the likely consequence of subsequent (lifelong) biomedical treatments… (gender-affirming hormonal treatment and surgery).” He argues it’s an intervention often conducted by schools and other institutions unqualified to implement such a course of treatment.

In 2014, even the American Psychological Association still warned that “Premature labeling of gender identity should be avoided” and “early social transition…should be approached with caution to avoid foreclosing this stage of (trans)gender identity development.” (Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness,[i] p. 121)

H.R McMaster’s New Book Explains Why Trump Fired Him McMaster’s book proves that he is part of the foreign policy establishment and that this made it impossible for him to serve effectively as President Trump’s National Security Adviser. Fred Fleitz


Just in time for the 2024 presidential election, a new tell-all memoir has been published by a former senior Trump administration official that regurgitates the usual never-Trump criticisms of the former president. Like former National Security Adviser John Bolton’s spiteful 2020 tell-all book, former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster’s tome, At War with Ourselves: My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House, is dripping with derision because of Trump’s decision to fire him after just over a year on the job.

McMaster is a learned man with a distinguished record of military service. He holds a Ph.D. in military history and is the author of several noteworthy books on national security. He claims to be a historian and quotes ancient Roman and Greek philosophers in his book.

However, McMaster has also long been part of the foreign policy establishment, and this got him in trouble with President Trump because he constantly deferred to establishment positions on foreign policy questions and opposed Trump’s often unconventional approaches. McMaster clearly gravitates toward elitist foreign policy circles and is more comfortable associating with the Council on Foreign Relations and Harvard University’s JFK School of Government than he is with Trump, whom he looked down on.

It was not a surprise when the Wall Street Journal ran an excerpt of McMaster’s book as a feature article titled “I Cannot Understand Putin’s Hold on Trump.” Although McMaster said allegations that the 2016 Trump campaign colluded with Russia “were found to be false,” he tries to revive this narrative by suggesting that Putin had somehow coopted Trump and portrays himself as a heroic Trump aide who was “swimming upstream” trying to warn the president of this.

This claim reflects the frustration of McMaster and the foreign policy establishment that, despite years of trying to discredit Trump for his statements and policies on Russia, Trump’s approach to Russia was far more successful than President Biden’s.

American Leviathan A new book explains how to break the bloated DC bureaucracy and restore the Founding Fathers’ vision. by Mark Tapson


Conservatives have been complaining for a long time – at least as far back as the Reagan era – about reducing the bloated sea monster of our government bureaucracy, but not only does the state never get any smaller, it just keeps expanding, aggrandizing more power, and extending more tentacles grasping for our freedoms. What would the Founding Fathers think of what we have allowed to become of the limited-power, Constitutional Republic they left us?

Ned Ryun addresses this question in his new book American Leviathan, and traces the history of the progressive movement to undermine that Republic and replace it with an all-powerful state. Subtitled “The Birth of the Administrative State and Progressive Authoritarianism,” American Leviathan explores how our current government has little if anything in common with the free American Republic that was intended by the Founding Fathers and shaped by the original intent of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Ryun then asks, “What is the right size and scope of government for us today?” and proceeds to lay out a blueprint for rolling back this gargantuan, increasingly authoritarian bureaucracy.

How to Beat ‘Unhuman’ Communists At Their Own Game By Janet Levy


Communism thrives on resentment, vengeance, and terror.  Its chief weapon is disorder, the dismantling of existing structures, the undoing of bonds holding together families, nations, civilizations.  Conservative pundits have been warning of this for decades. Why, then, have the U.S. – and the West as a result – moved to the Left?

According to Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec, authors of Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (And How to Crush Them), conservatives lose because they do not understand the Left.  The authors say their book is a “software upgrade” for saving America and Western civilization.  They say they are unapologetic about the epithet ‘unhumans’ because communists destroy “the human rights of life, liberty, and property – and undo their own humanity in the process by fully embracing nihilism, cynicism, and envy.”

Posobiec is a former Naval intelligence officer, a T.V. journalist, and well-known conservative voice, while Lisec is a professional ghostwriter.  As staunch believers in the “God-given will of the human spirit to build a greater, better world than the one we found ourselves in,” both are committed to fighting back. 

They advocate the principle of exact reciprocity: “that which is done by the communists and the regime must be done unto them.”  Lawfare, naming, shaming, boycotts, cancel culture – the Left, they say, must be fought with its own weapons.  Their book is no limp-wristed analysis of conservative failures; it is a clarion call for an iron-fisted counterattack – a counter-revolution, for which they lay out the strategy in the final two (12th and 13th) chapters.

However, keeping the promise of helping to understand the Left, Posobiec and Lisec devote the initial chapters to laying out the political history of communist movements in a way no history book, teacher, or documentary does. 

Beginning with the proto-communist French Revolution, they lay bare the playbook that all far-left uprisings and insurrections have followed, whether in Russia, Spain, China, Cuba, Cambodia, or South Africa.

CHAPTER 36: “When They Say ‘We’re Coming for Your Children,’ Believe Them”__Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is* by Linda Goudsmit


goudsmit.pundicity.com  and website: lindagoudsmit.com 

Canadian columnist Barbara Kay published an exceptional article, “When They Say ‘We’re Coming for Your Children,’ Believe Them,”[i] in The Epoch Times on July 10, 2023. Kay provides an outstanding analysis of Marxist educational indoctrination in Canada, its parallels in the United States, and the awakening of the public to its catastrophic consequences. It is a thoughtful article that begins with acknowledging Canadians as an extremely tolerant people who have found the limit of their tolerance:

The only domain in which we are witnessing a groundswell of citizen resistance is K–12 pedagogy, where Queer Theory—a gendered form of Marxism that rejects the “normal” in sexuality, including the notion of childhood “innocence”—is systematically imposed on vulnerable minds, with or without parental consent. Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) has become the cynosure of parental disquiet.

A recent video clip of naked Pride marchers chanting “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children” went viral. LGBTQ spin doctors claimed the words were “taken out of context.” Which begs the question of why male drag queens no longer stay in their lane of adult entertainment. What acceptable “context” encourages teaching children to “twerk” (“you just move your bum up and down like that”)—an action simulating sexual intercourse?

A majority of Canadians feel such organized sexualized messaging to young children is a bridge too far. They no longer believe DQSH is “family-friendly” or pure “entertainment.” Some are calling it out for what it is: “grooming,” building children’s trust in men with an agenda that goes far beyond teaching about “diversity.” They are saying so in protests against such events as a four-day drag theatre camp in B.C.

In a news report, a progressive journalist deplored this surge of opposition, in particular some protesters’ use of the word “groomer” as a “homophobic” trope, which, the journalist writes, “advocates say was used to vilify the LGBTQ2+ community in the 1970s and 1980s.” It is true, that a vocal subset of gays was vilified in the 1970s and 1980s. A little research, though, would have uncovered information that might have tempered the journalist’s indignation.

In 1969 the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), a special interest group that advocated for abrogation of the age of sexual consent, became the first LGBT organization in Scotland, branding gay rights activism and child abuse lobbying as closely entwined goals there. From 1974 to 1984, PIE openly campaigned throughout the United Kingdom to normalize pedophilia as a legally and culturally acceptable practice. Such were the sexually freewheeling times, they were taken seriously at elite levels, even winning support from then Labour Health Minister Patricia Hewitt for such policies as reducing the age of consent to 10, and the decriminalization of incest. PIE activists were tactically sophisticated in their networking, branding pedophiles as an oppressed sexual minority, just like gays and lesbians.