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Book Review: “From Left to Right” — The Story of Holocaust Historian Lucy S. Dawidowicz By Helen Epstein


This biography of Lucy S. Dawidowicz performs the invaluable function of gathering relevant documents and drafting a narrative that rescues a fascinating historian from oblivion. But it does not add much to the history of the New York intellectuals.

From Left to Right: Lucy S. Dawidowicz, The New York Intellectuals, and the Politics of Jewish History by Nancy Sinkoff. Wayne State University Press, 538 pp., $34.99.

There were several reasons I wanted to read a biography of historian and public intellectual Lucy S. Dawidowicz (1915-1990). First, From Left to Right is yet another piece of the extensive feminist project of writing overlooked women back into history. Set mainly in 20th-century Manhattan among the New York Jews who then dominated its intellectual life, From Left to Right foregrounds a wren against a background of peacocks such as Alfred Kazin, Lionel Trilling, Clement Greenberg, Meyer Schapiro, Daniel Bell, Nathan Glazer, Irving Howe, Irving Kristol, and Norman Podhoretz — all male, with the notable exceptions of the formidable Hannah Arendt and Diana Trilling.

I was also interested in many particular facets of Lucy S. Dawidowicz’s life. As a girl, Lucy Schildkret was a graduate, like Cynthia Ozick and Hortense Calisher (and later Elena Kagan and Avril Haines), of Hunter College High School — the only American public school for intellectually gifted girls. After school, she pursued a Yiddish-language education at the secular nonpolitically-affiliated Sholem Aleichem Folk Institute. She graduated from Hunter College in 1936 and began a Master’s program in English literature at Columbia University, but dropped out after two weeks. She eventually obtained a Master’s in history but not a PhD.

Like many other intellectually gifted women of her generation, Dawidowicz would spend far too many years — the ’40s, ’50s, and ’60s — working out of public view as a secretary, translator, or researcher for men whose publications rarely acknowledged her in print. Finally, in 1967, at the age of 52, she published her own book, a massive anthology of primary sources titled The Golden Tradition: Jewish Life and Thought in Eastern Europe, and was hired to teach at Yeshiva University’s all-female Stern College, where she created one of the first courses in what is now called Holocaust Studies.

Brothers Down: Pearl Harbor and the Fate of the Many Brothers Aboard the USS Arizona – by Walter R. Borneman


A deeply personal and never-before-told account of one of America’s darkest days, from the bestselling author of The Admirals and MacArthur at War.

The surprise attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 remains one of the most traumatic events in American history. America’s battleship fleet was crippled, thousands of lives were lost, and the United States was propelled into a world war. Few realize that aboard the iconic, ill-fated USS Arizona were an incredible seventy-nine blood relatives. Tragically, in an era when family members serving together was an accepted, even encouraged, practice, sixty-three of the Arizona’s 1,177 dead turned out to be brothers.

In Brothers Down, acclaimed historian Walter R. Borneman returns to that critical week of December, masterfully guiding us on an unforgettable journey of sacrifice and heroism, all told through the lives of these brothers and their fateful experience on the Arizona. Weaving in the heartbreaking stories of the parents, wives, and sweethearts who wrote to and worried about these men, Borneman draws from a treasure trove of unpublished source material to bring to vivid life the minor decisions that became a matter of life or death when the bombs began to fall. More than just an account of familial bonds and national heartbreak, what emerges promises to define a turning point in American military history.

What We Neglect in Tocqueville By Harvey C. Mansfield


Democracy in America is about a lot more than democracy .

Alexis de Tocqueville (1805–1859) was a French aristocrat and one of America’s very best friends, the special, rare kind that tells you the truth. His Democracy in America is quoted often for support, but less often sought for advice. Here are a few points in his great book, often neglected, from which we can learn. (An anniversary is a time to celebrate, but any time is a good time to learn.) 

The meaning of democracy. Many readers today wonder how Tocqueville could speak of “democracy” in 1835, when women had no vote and blacks were enslaved. Tocqueville specifies “equality of conditions” to define democracy, a state in which each individual thinks he has sufficient intelligence to rule himself, resulting in the rule of the majority of such individuals. It’s not that individuals are equal, but that they think they are. Others are held to be “similar” to oneself, neither inferior nor superior. Democracy is not a self-evident truth taken from nature’s God but a plausible convention held to be true. Democracy can become more equal — give women the vote and abolish slavery — when the majority rules it to happen, but the majority can also accept imperfections and inequalities if it wishes and still remain democratic. Such inequalities, for example offices filled by elections, often make democracy work better. Even in its normal functioning, even when officials have powers unequal to those of citizens, democracy has hidden aristocratic aspects necessary to its good functioning.

Democracy and aristocracy. Tocqueville — an aristocrat himself, living just after the French Revolution — knew the contrast between the Old Regime and the democratic future that he found in America in a way we cannot today. For us there is only one way to live justly and reasonably — in democracy. Even the hateful regimes we know, such as communism and Nazism, are perversions of democracy. Tocqueville refers to the “providential fact” that democracy in our time is inescapable, but he explains democracy to itself in constant contrast with its rival, aristocracy.

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton: A Review of “Abuse Of Power: Inside The Three-Year Campaign To Impeach Donald Trump” by Fred Lucas


I have officially found a new author that I am adding to my ‘favorites’ list. His name is Fred Lucas. He has written a superb book entitled: Abuse of Power: Inside The Three-Year Campaign to Impeach Donald Trump. If you want the truth about what went on during the witchhunt to impeach Trump, this is the book. I can’t recommend it enough and I personally believe everyone should get a copy.

Just as I strongly suspected, President Trump’s enemies had a plan in place to remove him even before he was inaugurated. Leftists could not stand the way the election turned out and how Hillary Clinton lost, so they implemented a strategy to bring a sitting president down in a soft coup. That coup had many facets, but the impeachment angle was one of the key elements of their plan. The hit job culminated in an election-year impeachment trial.

In the beginning… of the impeachment, per Lucas:

“And I document this in there that one of the first actions taken was [Sen.] Elizabeth Warren actually put forward a Senate bill on emoluments saying that Trump would be committing a high crime or misdemeanor if he did not divest all of his business holdings immediately. That bill went nowhere, but it was sort of symbolic.”

“From that point on, you had [Rep.] Maxine Waters pushing forward … what she called the “Impeach 45” movement. It had like a whole host of liberal nonprofits such as Tom Steyer, John Bonifaz, who ran this group Impeach Donald Trump Now.”

Barack Obama’s Visceral Dislike of Israel, the Jewish State, Revealed in his Latest Book By Rabbi Aryeh Spero


Though we have not over the years accused Barack Obama of anti-Semitism, we did feel even prior to his election in 2008 that Obama was uncomfortable with the idea of Jewish sovereignty, as well as Jewish rights in and of themselves, disconnected from intersectionality.

In his recent book, Promised Land, it is crystal clear that Obama is uncomfortable, perhaps even hostile to a specific Jewish state in the Land of Israel and used his tenure as president to undermine the proud and glorious history of Zionism. He spent excessive zeal and capital to reshape American and world policy so as to establish the Palestinian Arab narrative as the only legitimate political outlook and forum.

Had his book been written by someone else, many would have easily characterized the author’s anti-Zionism and non-regard for the right of the Jewish people to possess and control their land as bordering on anti-Semitism. As with many in the anti-Zionist movement, Obama grants credibility to all salutary comments for the Palestinian Arabs, portraying them as innocent victims in a Martin Luther King-like struggle, while caricaturing Israel and her Jewish inhabitants as oppressors.

Obama never seems shaken by the reality of Israelis bombarded in their kindergartens and homes by Palestinian Arab missiles. He refuses to acknowledge the restraint undertaken by Israelis against her attackers. He fails to recognize the enormous concessions that Israeli prime ministers offered, almost foolishly, to Palestinian Arab representatives in Israel’s quest to find peace. He is unmoved by the massive return of beleaguered Jews in pogrom-filled Europe that rebirthed the Land of Israel; a revived and resurrected land that provided opportunity for Muslims from other enclaves to find work, health, and civil rights absent in their own countries. He is guilty of revisionist history and indifferent to the Jews’ ancient and historical linkage to this land. To him, it seems, the region only came into being with the advent of the newly formed P.L.O.

‘Last Stands’ Explores Valor in the Face of Almost Certain Defeat Michael Walsh


“These are the times that try men’s souls,” wrote Thomas Paine December of 1776. “The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

For American revolutionaries facing the extremely uncertain prospect of defeating the most powerful military machine on earth at that time, the situation must have already looked hopeless. The Continental Army under George Washington had lost New York City and was perched uneasily on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware River. Desertion was rife. The weather was ghastly. It looked like a last stand would soon be in the offing.

And yet, against all the odds, the Americans won. Why? What possessed them to carry on, in the face of almost certain defeat? What, exactly, were they fighting for? God? Country? Their women and children? Or something more elemental, masculine, primal?

Times that try men’s souls, indeed. Paine’s words, which inspired the colonists to revolution and shamed the shrinking violets who would not fight, are just as applicable today—as the nation has been plunged into crisis by an overbearing government, a manufactured health “crisis,” open attacks on life, property, and the Constitution, and a contested, possibly fraudulent election, are just as pertinent today as they ever were.

A Holiday Gift Idea: New books by Joshua Mitchell, Michael Walsh and Brandon Weichert By David P. Goldman


Three new books that every conservative should read appeared in time for the holiday season, and I recommend them enthusiastically as holiday presents. (I assume you’ve already read my book You Will Be Assimilated: Chiina’s Plan to Sino-Form the World, which would have done nicely for Halloween).

The first is American Awakening: Identity Politics and Other Afflictions of Our Time, by Joshua Mitchell of Georgetown University. Here’s what I wrote about it:

“American Awakening” is a tour-de-force, the sort of book that forever changes the way one looks at the subject. It is the most important book on American politics of the past several years. Joshua Mitchell argues persuasively that America’s political crisis has a religious origin, and that the extremes of identity politics are an expression of a dislodged Protestantism.This is a bold and deeply convincing alternative to  conventional thinking that combines a subtle grasp of theology with profound insights into American political process and deep knowledge of history. So skillful a writer is Prof. Mitchell that the reader has the sense of remembering something that was always known, while learning something that was never imagined.

Mitchell diagnoses America’s spiritual maladies with a unique religious sensibility. It’s the best book on American politics since Joseph Bottum’s An Anxious Age  in 2014.

Second on my holiday list is Michael Walsh’s Last Stands: Why Men Fight When All is Lost. I’ve read the first third or so, and it’s riveting. Michael  is a Renaissance man, a successful Hollywood screenwriter and novelist, as well as a fine classical pianist and former music critic of Time Magazine. Here’s what VIctor Davis Hanson says about it:

Last Stands is a thoroughly original study of doomed or trapped soldiers often fighting to the last man, from Thermopylae to the Korean War. But Michael Walsh’s book is more than a military history of heroic resistance. It is also a philosophical and spiritual defense of the premodern world, of the tragic view, of physical courage, and of masculinity and self-sacrifice in an age when those ancient virtues are too often caricatured and dismissed. A much needed essay on why rare men would prefer death to dishonor, and would perish in the hope that others thereby might live.

Last but not least is Brandon Weichert’s Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower. Brandon is a brilliant strategic analyst and an adviser to several parts of the US military, and he has a unique understanding of how our future security depends on space. Here’s what Dennis Prager had to say about it:

There are many good books published each year, but few truly important ones. This book is truly important. If America fails to heed this warning, it will no longer be the world’s superpower. And that will be a calamity not just for America, but for mankind and the cause of freedom on Earth.

Natan Sharansky and the Meaning of Freedom By Matthew Continetti


Life lessons from the dissident, politician, and activist.

Natan Sharansky has been a computer scientist, a chess player, a refusenik, a dissident, a political prisoner, a party leader, a government minister, a nonprofit executive, and a bestselling author. He never expected to be a school counselor.

But the coronavirus dashes expectations. In early March, when the virus began to appear in Jewish communities outside New York City, Sharansky found himself online, in an unaccustomed position. He began to share with students and parents whose schools were closed how he had coped during years in confinement.“At first, it seemed absurd, even obscene,” Sharansky writes in his latest book, Never Alone, coauthored with the historian Gil Troy. “How could my experience of playing chess in my head in my punishment cell compare to being cooped up in gadget-filled homes wired to the internet — with computer chess — especially because this isolation is imposed to protect people, not break them?”

What Sharansky realized is that the costs of lockdowns do not depend on the reasons behind them. The sudden and seemingly arbitrary interruption of individual plans, movements, and relationships causes psychological harm. Sharansky recorded a brief YouTube video for the Jewish Agency — you can watch it here — offering his five tips for quarantine. Recognize the importance of your choices and behavior, Sharansky advised. Understand that some things are beyond your control. Keep laughing. Enjoy your hobbies. Consider yourself part of a larger cause.

“Surprisingly,” Sharansky writes, “this short clip went viral, reaching so many people all over the world within a few days that it made me wonder why even bother writing this book.” His reaction was another example of his droll and often self-deprecating wit. The video, however helpful it may be, does not match the power and wisdom of Never Alone. Part autobiography, part meditation on Jewish community, the book ties together the themes of Sharansky’s earlier work, from his prison memoir, Fear No Evil (1988), to his defense of cultural particularity, Defending Identity (2008). It is a moving story of emancipation and connection, of freedom and meaning.



When he was President of the United States, Barack Obama presided over an administration marked by unprecedented hostility to Israel. While he intoned the usual boiler-plate pieties of “candid friendship” deployed by the anti-Israel left and he maintained the security funding for Israel whose erosion would have outraged the American people, he persistently undermined its security and empowered those whose who were intent upon its extermination.

Only now, though, with the publication of his new memoir can we discover the depth of his malevolent ignorance about the history of Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish people.

Dov Lipman has written an analysis of this poisonous account for the Jewish News Syndicate, which you can read here.

Here is a passage from [Obama’s] book which purports to provide the history of the origins of the modern State of Israel:

The conflict between Arabs and Jews had been an open sore on the region for almost a century, dating back to the 1917 Balfour Declaration, in which the British, who were then occupying Palestine, committed to create a “national home for the Jewish people” in a region overwhelmingly populated by Arabs. Over the next twenty or so years, Zionist leaders mobilised a surge of Jewish migration to Palestine and organised highly trained armed forces to defend their settlements.

This is a travesty. Here are some examples of Obama’s eye-watering errors:

* He says in 1917, when the British issued the Balfour Declaration, they were “occupying Palestine”.

They were not. It was then part of the Ottoman empire.  

* Obama writes instead that the British “committed to create a ‘national home for the Jewish people’ in a region overwhelmingly populated by Arabs”.

He totally ignores the fact that the League of Nations, the world body of that time which was creating new states throughout the region after the defeat of the Ottomans in the First World War, mandated in a binding treaty the creation of the Jewish national homeland throughout Palestine. He ignores the fact that, under this agreement, the British accepted a mandate in 1922 to create that Jewish home in Palestine and to that end to settle Jews throughout that land (which consisted of what is now Israel, the “West Bank” and Gaza). He totally ignores that fact that the League stated:

Recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.

Unmasking Antifa A new book exposes the origins, nature, tactics, and aims of this dangerous “idea.” Mark Tapson


The other day on Facebook a friend posted something critical of the domestic terror group known as Antifa, and someone came to its defense by echoing Clueless Joe Biden’s recent, bizarre declaration that Antifa is not an organization but “an idea.”

It is true that Antifa is not an organization in the strict sense, but Biden’s vague description is either stunningly uninformed or a weak attempt to deflect criticism from its masked militant members. I’m betting on the latter, because Democrat leaders have been curiously reluctant to condemn Antifa’s strategy of violence and intimidation toward the purportedly “fascist” supporters of President Trump.

To educate the Facebook commenter and Biden supporter who believes Antifa actually opposes fascism, I recommended the new book Unmasking Antifa: Five Perspectives on a Growing Threat, edited by the Center for Security Policy and featuring FrontPage Mag contributor Matthew Vadum, because there is no better dissection of the origins, nature, tactics, and aims of this anarchic “idea” and its dangerous adherents than this compact exposé.