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The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire—A Review written by Jaspreet Singh Boparai


A review of The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease and the End of an Empire by Kyle Harper, Princeton University Press, 417 pages (October 2017)

Why did the Roman Empire fall? The classic answer is given by Edward Gibbon (1737 — 1794), in chapter 38 of the third volume of The History of the Fall and Decline of the Roman Empire (1776 — 1789):

The decline of Rome was the natural and inevitable effect of immoderate greatness. Prosperity ripened the principle of decay; the causes of destruction multiplied with the extent of conquest; and as soon as time or accident had removed the artificial supports, the stupendous fabric yielded to the pressure of its own weight.

Kyle Harper, Senior Vice President and Provost of the University of Oklahoma, seeks to complement Gibbon’s account by emphasising the role of nature, and specifically climate change and infectious disease, in the fall of Rome in his provocative, exceptionally well-written book The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease and the End of an Empire. Is Harper correct? Were plagues and climate events fatal for Rome?

Harper accepts the conventional view that Rome’s civilizational collapse began in the later second century AD, accelerated amidst chaos and bloodshed during the third century, and culminated in the humiliations of the fifth century, when Rome was famously sacked by barbarians, and the last, weak, insignificant Roman Emperor was pushed off the throne in AD 476.

The Fate of Rome does not neglect literary and archival sources, or archaeological evidence related to the fall of Rome; but Harper thinks historians have neglected “natural archives,” which is how he describes genome evidence from DNA, biological data (as found in bones and teeth of excavated ancient skeletons), tree rings, glaciers, marine sediments, and all other materials studied by environmental historians, geochemists, and other scientific researchers:

‘Well Worth Saving’ Review: Displaced Academics In the 1930s and ’40s, American universities made life-and-death decisions about which European Jews to give faculty appointments. By Martin Peretz


Five of the eight Ivy League universities are now led by self-identifying Jews: Harvard’s president is an observant Jew, sometimes Hillel, sometimes Chabad; Yale’s, a descendant of possibly the most learned rabbinical dynasty; Penn’s, the daughter of a German Orthodox Jew who escaped to America before the carnage; Brown’s, a Quaker convert to Judaism; Princeton’s, a former Catholic who learned as an adult of his German refugee mother’s Jewishness. The overtness, even the ubiquity, of these varied Jewish identities reflects a dramatic 75-year evolution in the status of Jews in American academia. And this shift intertwines with and reflects something broader still: a sea change in the texture of American academic life, a change that has brought with it new challenges to the academy’s current relevance.

Laurel Leff has written a sober and fair—but devastating—volume documenting the story’s start, without which its arc is difficult to grasp: the tragedy of hundreds of Jewish scholars and their kin who perished in Hitler’s death camps, in the ghettoes and in the streets, for want of a piece of paper inviting them to an American campus. The book’s title, “Well Worth Saving,” is an unfortunate phrase of the period that was often used to describe these scholars—even by the American philosopher and humanitarian activist Horace Kallen (1882-1974), a Prussian-Polish Jewish émigré who, among other like-minded academics in the 1930s and ’40s, helped to save some of them. In 1919, Kallen had been a founder of the New School for Social Research. He had also, five years earlier, helped to found the New Republic, a magazine of opinion that started life championing Louis Brandeis’s Supreme Court nomination against old-line Protestant opposition. As his history suggests, Kallen found no theoretical obstacle to a deep national character with particularistic threads enriching it.

Mikhal Dekel, for ‘Tehran Children Is a Finalist in the major Jewish literary Prize see note please

Mikhal Dekel is author of a column on Jewish refugees in Iran posted on April 10,2020

When Iran Welcomed Jewish Refugees In the middle of World War II, Tehran became a haven for both Jewish and Catholic Polish refugees who were welcomed as they arrived from Soviet Central Asia. Mikhal Dekel



The Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature, the largest book prize in the Jewish literary world, announced on Friday the four finalists for its 2020 prize for non-fiction writing.

The four finalists are Jerusalem Post Editor-in-Chief Yaakov Katz for his book “Shadow Strike” (St. Martin’s Press), Mikhal Dekel, a professor at City University of New York, for her book “Tehran Children” (W.W. Norton), Sarah Hurwitz, a former speechwriter for President Barack Obama for her book “Here All Along” (Spiegel & Grau) and Benjamin Balint, a research fellow at the Van Leer Institute for his book “Kafka’s Last Trial” (W.W.Norton).

The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’ by Linda Goudsmit


The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, exposes fifty of the most sinister leftist, Islamist, globalist interconnecting attacks on America deceitfully disguised as altruism.

Goudsmit’s warning is designed to ensure an informed American electorate in advance of the pivotal 2020 presidential election. 

The Book is a powerful éxpose of the deceptive policies and practices of the Leftist/Islamist/Globalist axis attempting to destroy America from within. Goudsmit’s unique talent is deciphering the many political hoaxes being played on us by those who present themselves as our advocates but who are, in fact, America’s enemies. This remarkable book tells us the many ways in which we’ve been had–but don’t know it. The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, describes the corrupt underbelly of the Leftist/Islamist/Globalist axis attacking America, American democracy, and America-first President Donald J. Trump. Written in her signature conversational style, each hoax chapter unmasks a distinct and destructive axis policy deceitfully presented to an unsuspecting public as humanitarian. Americans do not like being duped. Linda Goudsmit is the consummate truth-teller in an era of profound political deceit. The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’ should be compulsory reading in advance of the crucial 2020 U.S. presidential election.

How Low Can Higher Education Go? By John Ellis


A new book from author John Ellis examines the real reasons why most college graduates are woefully undereducated when they leave college after four or more years. Below is an eye-opening excerpt from The Breakdown of Higher Education: How it Happened, The Damage It Does, and What Can be Done.

Everyone knows that complaints about the quality of higher education are now heard with great frequency. What is less well known is that a large number of careful studies have already investigated what college graduates have learned by the time they get their degrees. These studies have been done by all kinds of people and agencies with quite different attitudes and interests. They include employer organizations, think tanks, educational theorists, and academic researchers. But though the people who have performed these studies come at the question from different directions with differing social and political attitudes and with differing methodologies, there is very little difference in their conclusions. They all find that recent graduates seem to have been very poorly educated. One study after another has found that they write badly, can’t reason, can’t read any reasonably complex material, have alarming gaps in their knowledge of the history and institutions of the society in which they live, and are in general poorly prepared for the workplace.

The most interesting—and devastating—of these studies is that by Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa, whose book documenting their study, Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses, appeared in 2011. Arum and Roksa found that higher education in America today “is characterized by limited or no learning for a large proportion of students.” More specifically, “An astounding proportion of students are progressing through higher education today without measurable gains in general skills as assessed by the CLA [Collegiate Learning Assessment].” The authors also find “at least some evidence that college students improved their critical thinking skills much more in the past than they do today.”

Chuck Brook’s :TOP 10 Cybersecurity Secrets”

From Author Donald Allen:   Stay Safe!

To learn more about how to do that be sure to read my upcoming short book with the working title “Chuck Brook’s TOP10 Cybersecurity Secrets:”


Chuck Brooks is a thought leader, cybersecurity and technology evangelist, Forbes contributor, and just a nice person who is always willing to help the cybersecurity community. Also, he received Presidential Appointments for Executive Service by two U.S. Presidents and helped “stand up” Office of Legislative at The Department of Homeland Security.

You can join the waiting list today to get a huge discount and special bonuses during the official launch of the book:


Donald Allen

Steve Bryen’s New Book on Technology, Security and Strategy Is Must Reading By David P. Goldman


Book Review: Essays in Technology, Security and Strategy, Vol. III, by Stephen D. Bryen with Shoshana Bryen. 537 pages. $19.95 paperback/$9.95 Kindle.

Steve Bryen is a brilliant and high-qualified defense analyst who cuts through the baloney and tells you exactly what is going on. His lead article today in Asia Times on coronavirus problem on the USS Theodore Roosevelt argues that the carrier never should have been sent to Vietnam, where the crew mingled with locals in the middle of an epidemic. The State Department had already advised U.S. citizens not to travel overseas, yet the Navy put the crew at risk by exposing them to the locals in what boiled down to a public relations exercise. As so many times in the past, Bryen writes about key issues that no-one else talks about.

His latest volume of essays, many published originally in Asia Times, is required reading for anyone who wants to understand how technology shapes national security. His range of expertise is as broad as his background. He was an engineer, fighter pilot, senior staff director of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the executive director of a grassroots political organization, the head of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Trade Security Policy, and the founder and first director of the Defense Technology Security Administration during the Reagan years. His brilliant wife Shoshana Bryen is senior director of the Jewish Policy Center.



Psychologically Sound: The Mind of Donald J. Trump

by Sheldon Roth M.D.


The media and the leftist body politic have coopted psychiatric diagnoses without any real understanding of neurology, psychology, and normal human behavior. They bandy words like sociopath, unstable, unfit, and crazy to vent their unmitigated hatred of Present Trump.

Dr. Sheldon Roth, a physician with decades of practice in psychiatry and psychoanalysis, and a professor at Harvard Medical School, as well as past member of highly acclaimed Psychoanalytic Institutes, is highly qualified to make a diagnosis of sanity in his book The Mind of Donald Trump — Psychologically Sound.

In a grim coincidence of events, Dr. Roth’s analyses are borne out by the President’s nightly press conferences occasioned by the COVID-19 virus.

As Dr. Roth informs us in his 2008 book Never Give Up, co-written with Meredith McIver, Donald Trump outlined “A Top 10 List for Success “virtually a script for his current role as captain during a time of crisis and pandemic. Three examples that highlight his present strategy:

“See yourself as victorious! That will focus you in the right direction.”

“Ask yourself: What am I pretending not to see? There may be some great opportunities right around you, even if things are not looking so great. Great adversity can turn into a great victory.”

“Look at the solution, not the problem. Never give up! Never, never, never give up.”

He is flamboyant, narcissistic, and hardly a great orator, and Dr. Roth includes the warts, but see how masterful is his handling of the present danger.

He has seen himself as victorious, and he has seen opportunity in great adversity, and he can never just give up.

He has engaged the private sector where more than fifty companies — manufacturing, big pharma, tech giants, fashion, food and home goods production, and the automobile industry — are retooling to manufacture and distribute and donate essential medical technology and equipment. 

He has made capitalism a force for the public good.

“When the President graciously introduced some of the CEOs he said: “Joining us this afternoon are CEOs of the great American companies that are fulfilling their patriotic duty by producing or donating medical equipment to help meet our most urgent needs. What they’re doing is incredible. And these are great companies.”

He has brought giant Navy hospital ships to New York and Los Angeles harbors to free hospital beds for treatment of coronavirus and provide beds for critical surgeries and treatments for non-infected patients.

He pressured the National Guard to build a 1000-bed facility in the Javits Center in New York in record time and others are planned for myriad sites.

He has helped distribute masks, testing supplies, and most important, he defied the skepticism of his task force in promoting medications which now show great promise for those who are critically ill, as well as in prevention.

Not since FDR has any president been so successful in galvanizing American pride and patriotism.

How sane can you get?

Read the book. It is persuasive, meticulously documented and researched. As Dr. Roth documents, the “deranged” are those who will use libel, and bias to further a vile political agenda fueled by an irrational hatred of our President.

Free speech comes at a price In the age of microaggression, fighting words are ubiquitous David Goldman


“Thane Rosenbaum, a distinguished law professor and prolific writer, proposes to set limits to free speech in order to protect it. The matter is a minefield, and he wades into it fearlessly. But I am not convinced that he has found a solution.”

Saving Free Speech From Itself, by Thane Rosenbaum. Fig Tree Books; 305 pages, Hardbound. US$24.95

With some trepidation and the dissent of men like James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, the founders of the United States included in its Constitution a guarantee of free speech unlike any other in the world. The First Amendment bars restrictions on public expression. That does not include speech or writing that amounts to an act of violence.

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes set the standard for prohibited speech with the celebrated dictum that one does not have the right to shout “fire” in a crowded theater. The case in question was Schenck vs. United States, in which the court ruled that a defendant did not have the right to oppose mandatory conscription during the First World War. That shows how difficult it is to define violent speech: By today’s standards, verbal opposition to a government’s policy in wartime surely would be protected.

For the past 80 years, the Supreme Court’s ruling in Chaplinsky vs. New Hampshire has defined prohibited speech as “the lewd and obscene, the profane, the libelous and the insulting or ‘fighting’ words – those which by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace.”

1620 – 2020: The 400th Anniversary of the US-Israel Kinship Yoram Ettinger

1620 – 2020: The 400th Anniversary of the US-Israel Kinship
**Just published**
March 2020 eBook available on Amazon and Smashwords
Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative”

From the 1620 “Mayflower,” through the 1752 Liberty Bell, 1891 “Blackstone Memorial” and the 1968 “Apollo 8,” to the 2005 Chief Justice William Rehnquist’s  decision on the Ten Commandments, and the 2020 statues of Moses in the US Supreme Court , Chamber of the House of Representatives, Justice Department and the Library of Congress….

Table of Content:
The Early Pilgrims and the Modern Day Exodus
The Hebrew language embraced by the early US intelligentsia
The Founding Fathers, the Ten Commandments and the Bible
The Abolitionist anti-slavery movement inspired by Moses
400 years of US identification with the idea of a Jewish State
Modern day Presidents highlight the Bible
Biblical footprints in modern day USA
The US civil religion
The lasting US-Israel kinship
John Adams, the 2nd US President: “I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”