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Gnosis is the Greek word for knowledge. Gnosticism is an ancient ideological genus with many species, pantheism being one of them. Gnosticism is a paganistic, pantheistic, polytheistic cosmology. A cosmology is an account of the origin of the universe. The tenets of Gnosticism are rooted in dualism, and are diametrically opposed to Judeo-Christian doctrines and morality. Gnostic tenets are the ancient source of modern anti-Semitism, population control, abortion, embryonic/fetal research, eugenics, transhumanism, and New Age ideologies.
Judeo-Christian philosophy and beliefs are consistent with the Aristotelian “principle of non-contradiction.” In reference to George Orwell, this means that in the Judeo-Christian tradition, up is not down, black is not white, war is not peace, and ignorance is not strength. Life in the Judeo-Christian world is rooted in objective reality. In Gnosticism, just as in Orwell’s 1984, up is down, black is white, war is peace, and ignorance is strength. Such contradictions and dualities are foundational to its beliefs and teachings.
Bioethicist and professor of philosophy Dr. Dianne Irving provides an extraordinary and impassioned analysis of the importance of understanding ancient Gnosticism and its massive influence in contemporary America in her 2006 article, “Gnosticism, the Heretical Gnostic Writings, and ‘Judas’.”[i] She states:
It is a moral crime that the on-going spread of Gnosticism—both ancient and post-Christian—is not identified or acknowledged in most “ethical” treatises, religious/secular “teachings” or the media. To not know or understand what Gnosticism is, is to be incapable of putting a name and a face on, questioning, or evaluating one of the most pervasive and influential mythological ideologies in our global society today.
Understanding the fundamentals of Gnosticism will help the reader identify its underlying connections to Marxism. Remember, Karl Marx was never an economist, as Dr. James Lindsay reminded us in Chapter 11; he was a theologian. As Lindsay told the European Parliament on March 29, 2023:
He [Karl Marx] wanted to produce a religion for mankind that would supersede all of the religions of mankind, and bring him back to his true social nature…and at the end of history mankind will remember that he is a social being and we will have a socialist society—a perfect communism that transcends private property.