Thirty-two years ago, this country was divided by Stanford University’s decision to ditch its Western Civilization requirement in favor of a multicultural alternative. Claims that Stanford had built a racist curriculum around the likes of Plato, Aristotle, the Bible, Marx, Freud, Voltaire, and Darwin made for a sensational cultural side-show. Today, the Stanford dust-up has become our politics.
Expanded accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and generalized bigotry now enter just about every policy dispute. The very act of naming and defining a common American culture, much less a common Western civilization, is now deemed racist. Increasingly, the left half of the country calls the right half racist. The right half objects and takes the accusation itself as proof of extremism, bad faith, or bigotry in reverse. What has brought us to this point?
On the surface, America has divided into name-calling camps organized around powerful and opposed moral certainties. Dig deeper, however, and a lack of faith drives much of the anger. The campus culture that energizes our national conflicts blends radical doubt with overbearing moralism. Deconstructionist scholars paint our national and civilizational narratives as delusions, yet with certainty that those narratives are designed to oppress. Academics portray the Founders’ belief in natural freedom and equality as a Western prejudice, or a ruse of the powerful, while drawing on those same classically liberal beliefs to fuel their outrage.