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The Case Against Socialism By John Stossel


Sen. Rand Paul just wrote a book, “The Case Against Socialism.”

I thought that case was already decided, since socialist countries failed so spectacularly.

But the idea hasn’t died, especially amongst the young.

“Hitler’s socialism, Stalin’s socialism, Mao’s socialism. You would think people would have recognized it by now,” says Paul in my latest video.

Paul echoes Orwell in likening socialism to “a boot stamping on the human face forever” and warning that it always leads to violence and corruption.

“You would think that when your economy gets to the point where people are eating their pets,” says Paul, contemplating the quick descent of once-rich Venezuela, “people might have second thoughts about what system they’ve chosen.”

That’s a reference to the fact that Venezuelans have lost weight because food is so hard to find.

“Contrast that with (the country’s) ‘Dear Leader’ Maduro, who’s probably gained 50 pounds,” Paul observes. “It really sums up socialism. There’s still a well-fed top 1%; they just happen to be the government or cronies or friends of the government.”

Naturally, American socialists say our socialism will be different.

What Everyone Needs to Know About the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict A shocking new book delivers explosive revelations. Brian Grodman


A shocking new book reveals facts that every American – and every citizen of the free world – should know, but few do. In The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process, historian and Islam expert Robert Spencer shows how from the instant it came into being, and even before that, the State of Israel, far from being the aggressive violator of human rights of UN myth, has been the target of gratuitous and unprovoked violence by Arab Muslims – the “Palestinians,” who, as Spencer demonstrates in this book, have no actual existence as a people with a distinct ethnicity, language or culture.

These and other facts Spencer marshals in The Palestinian Delusion will surprise many, especially the young Americans who are involved in the BDS movement, in the mistaken belief that it is a justified and righteous response to Israeli wrongdoing. Spencer explains that the “Palestinians” were invented in the 1960s to distract from the fact that the Jewish State was a tiny sliver of land surrounded by huge and hostile Arab states. Before that, it was the name of a region, not of a people, like Staten Island or Compton. The name “Palestine” is ancient, but had never been attached to anything but a region: it was given to the land of Judea (i.e., land of the Jews) by the Romans in 134 AD, when they expelled the Jews from their ancient homeland. To rub salt in the wound, they renamed the land after the Jews’ Biblical enemies, the Philistines.

Spencer points out that just one hundred years ago, “the word ‘Palestinians’ was more often applied to Jews than to Muslim Arabs.” Not only that, but “some Arabs rejected the term, explaining: ‘We are not Palestinians, we are Arabs. The Palestinians are the Jews.’” The Palestinian Delusion shows that the claim – also false – that Jews stole Palestinian land actually predates the creation of the Palestinian people itself. The Arab Higher Committee called for the Arab Muslims of Palestine to leave the area in 1948, so that the Arab states could crush the Jewish state without hurting Arab civilians. The plan was that they would be able to return home in a matter of weeks. Instead, the Arab states lost the war, and began claiming that Israel existed on stolen land

It wasn’t until a couple of decades later that the Arab Muslims of the region began to refer to themselves as the Palestinian people. As Spencer demonstrates, even some of their central figures – Yasser Arafat, Edward Said – were really from somewhere else. In 1977, a leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) actually admitted it: “The Palestinian people does not exist.” The creation of the Palestinian people is one of the biggest propaganda victories in history, as their existence is now taken for granted.

The Totalitarian Legacy of the Bolshevik Revolution The contributors to a new book resist “the great forgetting.” Mark Tapson


Two years ago, on the centennial anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia that ushered in a century of mass murder and misery, the Trump administration declared a National Day for the Victims of Communism. The New York Times, meanwhile, predictably celebrated the blood-soaked milestone with a series of opinion pieces touting the many upsides of Communism, such as better orgasms for women. The series was titled, with stunning tone-deafness, “Red Century.”

Also on that anniversary in 2017, Bucknell University, a private liberal arts college in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, held a symposium titled “Legacies of the October Revolution,” organized by Bucknell professor of sociology Alexander Riley and associate professor of English Alfred Kentigern Siewers. That symposium spawned an important new book titled The Totalitarian Legacy of the Bolshevik Revolution, edited by Riley and Siewers and featuring essays from three participating scholars. Contrary to the New York Times’ whitewashing, the book’s evaluation of the October Revolution is unequivocally damning.

“Now, a century later, the historical evidence on the nature and legacy of the Bolsheviks and the regime they established is indisputable,” writes editor Riley in the foreword, “Challenging Bolshevik Myth and the Poetry of Totalitarianism”:

Book review: America’s abandonment of Jews during the Holocaust When America entered the war in 1941, ships that took soldiers to Europe returned empty after FDR rejected using them to rescue Jews. By JANET LEVY

America abandoned European Jews during the Holocaust mainly because of two men: Franklin D. Roosevelt, US president during the Great Depression and World War II, and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, then America’s foremost Jewish leader. In The Jews Should Keep Quiet: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, and the Holocaust (University of Nebraska Press, 2019), Dr. Rafael Medoff explores the influential actions of these two using new archival materials and interviews.

Medoff, founding director of the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, examines FDR’s ingrained and long-standing antipathy toward Jews that led to indifference to the fate of Europe’s Jews. The author illustrates how the president manipulated an esteemed rabbinical leader to keep Jewish protests in check and retain Jewish political support. Meanwhile, Rabbi Wise’s high-level political access engendered in him a sense of self-importance and a fear of fomenting antisemitism that led to his willingness to whitewash the president’s true sentiments and policies.

Medoff begins in 1933 when FDR opposed the American Jewish Congress’ boycott of Nazi Germany asserting harm to America’s economy. FDR refused to criticize the Nazis and undermined the boycott, replacing “Made in Germany” with German city names unrecognizable to most Americans. He kept silent even though he knew that books by Jewish writers were burned, Jews were banned from civil service and certain professions and their numbers limited in universities. He rejected the proposed boycott of the 1936 Berlin Olympics as “undue interference in American-German relations.”

Sydney Williams Reviews “Resistance (At All Costs): How Trump Haters are Breaking America. by Kimberley Strassel


Kimberley Strassel is a member of the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board and writes a weekly political column, “Potomac Watch.” This book, her second, should be read by all, especially by those who feel Mr. Trump’s behavior justifies any and all resistance: to the man, his Presidency and even to those who speak or write positively about him or his policies. Sadly, it won’t be. But, if it were, there would be a better understanding of the harm done to our democracy by “haters” and how politicized the federal bureaucracy has become. There would be a greater recognition that the real threats to the freedoms we take for granted come not from the flawed Mr. Trump but from those whose hatred knows no bounds.

Ms. Strassel defines the Resistance as “…the legions of Americans who were resolutely opposed to the election of Trump, and who remain angrily determined to remove him from office.” The full title of her book is Resistance (At All Costs): How Trump Haters are Breaking America. She deliberately avoided using the word “critics,” as the “haters” do not believe in nuance. In their view, one cannot disapprove of the man yet approve of his policies. As Ms. Strassel wrote, haters view everything to do with Trump in “black-and-white morality. You either hate the man, or you are as bad as the man.” – Witness what is happening to Attorney General William Barr.  (From personal experience, I am sensitive to this issue. While I have been critical of Mr. Trump’s behavior, language and character, I support many of his policies – tax reform; deregulation; exposing sanctimonious, prejudiced bureaucrats; support for Israel; demanding that Europeans pay more for NATO; levying heavier sanctions on Russian oligarchs; taking the U.S. out of the toothless Paris Accord; appointing conservative judges who practice Constitutional restraint and advocate for justice, not social justice; confronting China on the stealing of our technology, etc. I believe the disruption he has brought to Washington has been good for the cleansing of the City’s soul. Nevertheless, for stating my opinions, I have been called an insensitive racist.)

Singapore pilot, 99, on wartime Hong Kong and being a Flying Tiger War veteran Ho Weng Toh has released a memoir of his years as a pilot for the First American Volunteer Group of the Chinese Air Force. by Dewey Sim


Ho Weng Toh, one of the last surviving members of the First American Volunteer Group of the Chinese Air Force, has published a memoir
He got to know tycoon Robert Kuok at Malaysia-Singapore Airlines in the 1960s and the latter remembers the ex-pilot as ‘Uncle Ho’

It has been almost eight decades since Hong Kong fell into the hands of Japanese forces during World War II, but war veteran Ho Weng Toh can still remember the fear that plagued the city.

One particular memory that stands out for the 99-year-old was seeing Kai Tak Airport – Hong Kong’s international gateway from 1925 to 1998 – go up in flames in front of him.

“From the balcony, I had a clear view of the Kai Tak Airport … The airport had always been a pleasant sight for me. That day, it was not,” said Ho, who was born in Ipoh, Malaysia, but was studying at the University of Hong Kong at the start of the war.

“Above the airport were plumes of black smoke rising up to the sky.”

Japanese aircraft bombed the airport and other areas in Kowloon in December 1941, when Ho was living in HKU’s May Hall hostel, with – as he recounts – a valet who would make his bed and polish his shoes.

In a newly released 312-page book titled Memoirs of a Flying Tiger: The Story of a WWII Veteran and SIA Pioneer Pilot, Ho describes the Japanese occupation as a “very fearful period” and tells of how he went on to sneak supplies to prisoners of war. Eventually, he fled Hong Kong for mainland China, managing to evade capture by Japanese troops hot on his heels.

As part of the Flying Tigers, Ho trained in various places, including Kunming, India and Colorado. He eventually took part in several missions during the war flying the B-25 bomber, aimed at destroying Japanese warehouses and routes to cripple their advance.

Newt Gingrich’s Essential Primer On The Challenges Of Communist China Ben Weingarten


The former speaker of the House’s latest book, ‘Trump Vs. China,’ is an indispensable guide for understanding our greatest foreign policy challenge.

While the media frequently reduces U.S.-China relations under the Trump administration to a so-called “trade war,” the U.S. federal government has, after decades of willful blindness and neglect, embarked on a multifaceted mission to reorient the relationship towards America’s national interest.

This underappreciated, revolutionary effort was borne of an almost intuitive understanding by President Trump, increasingly accepted across the national security and foreign policy establishment, that China itself is engaged in a multifaceted—and malign—struggle to achieve global superpower status, at the cost of our people, and ultimately our freedom.

Seemingly with each passing week, a new story emerges illustrating the magnitude of China’s ambitions, and the litany of issues such ambitions present for the free world. Recently, many recoiled at the ghastlyrevelations of the Uighur concentration camps of Xinjiang, which, on top of the chaotic and bloody scenes from the streets of Hong Kong, have underscored the totalitarian nature of a Communist regime that the rest of the world has effectively been underwriting. If this is how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) treats its own citizens, and those in its orbit, how will it treat the rest of us should it achieve global dominance?

China’s Illicit Efforts

With respect to China’s efforts abroad, consider just a few recent stories in the areas of espionage and foreign influence:

A purported Chinese spy defected to Australia, revealing to authorities remarkable details regarding alleged political and societal influence operations, evincing widespread infiltration of civil society institutions in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Australia. Whether the specific allegations are proven, it is undeniable that China has sought to influence nearby foreign countries, and beyond. (With respect to China’s efforts in Australia in particular, which implicate the entire Anglosphere, see Clive Hamilton’s Silent Invasion).
Northwestern University faced a major backlash from Chinese nationalists over student support for Taiwan, and Columbia University cancelled a panel discussion on “Panopticism with Chinese Characteristics: The Human Rights Violations by the Chinese Communist Party and how they affect the world,” according to organizers “because a Chinese student group threatened to stage a protest outside the venue on campus.”
The U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released a reportdemonstrating that “American taxpayer funded research [of upwards of $150 billion per year in the sciences] has contributed to China’s global rise over the last 20 years…[with] China openly recruit[ing] U.S.-based researchers, scientists, and experts in the public and private sector to provide China with knowledge and intellectual capital in exchange for monetary gain and other benefits…undermin[ing] the integrity of the American research enterprise and endanger[ing] our national security.”

The Truth is No Defense An interview with extraordinary freedom fighter Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff. Mark Tapson


As the totalitarian left advances ever more successfully toward amending or abolishing freedom of speech, it is crucial to keep in mind that hand-in-hand with curtailing the speech of those who hold “incorrect” opinions comes the enforcement of Islamic blasphemy laws, the ulterior motive of which is to shield Islam from any criticism whatsoever. This has been the longstanding goal of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the world’s largest Muslim collective, which has worked closely with leftist allies such as Hillary Clinton to promote and implement such censorship. This already has been largely embraced among the multiculturalist elites in Europe; think, for example, of today’s England, where jihadist stabbings are rampant but complaining about them in a tweet will earn you a visit and stern lecture from the police, if not actual arrest.

To grasp just how unacceptable it is to speak the truth about Islam in a multiculturalist society, read Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff’s jaw-dropping account of her legal ordeal in Austria, titled The Truth is No Defense, recently published by New English Review Press. Ms. Sabaditsch-Wolff is an Austrian human rights and anti-sharia activist who, as the daughter of a diplomat and then later as an ambassador’s assistant, had extensive experience living and working in Muslim countries (she was even held hostage during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait). She came to the unfortunate conclusion that sharia and Western values aren’t compatible.

In 2009 she found herself charged with “hate speech” in Austria over factual statements she made during a seminar she gave on Islam. Thus began a Kafkaesque legal odyssey resulting in her conviction for “denigrating the teachings of a legally recognized religion” – i.e. Islam, of course, because can anyone imagine that someone would ever be convicted of denigrating Christianity? Ms. Sabaditsch-Wolff subsequently took her appeal before the European Court for Human Rights, but Europe tragically has no First Amendment and therefore, “the truth is no defense” when it comes to critiquing Islam. “This is what totalitarianism looks like,” the Freedom Center’s own Robert Spencer has said of her miscarriage of justice (Spencer is one of more than half a dozen notable experts who present insightful analyses of her case at the book’s conclusion).

Ms. Sabaditsch-Wolff was recently in Los Angeles promoting her book, and graciously made the time to answer some questions.

Palestinians: Victims of Islamic Delusion By Amil Imani


It is said that it is a crime to remain silent in the face of evil, deceit, and deception.  Robert Spencer, one of the foremost authorities of Islamic law, has succinctly spoken unwelcome and little recognized truths in his new fact-based book: The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process.  Spencer has painstakingly separated fact from fiction.

The Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict is one of the world’s longest and most tragic conflicts, without any end in sight.  It should be noted that hundreds, if not thousands, of books and articles have been written about this willful tragedy of enormous historical and human misunderstanding and errors.  Spencer has penned a book that is both timely and highly educational.

From Chapter One, “How Israel came to be,” to the book’s final chapter, “What is to be done?,” Spencer has backed up his reports with highly credible sources that leave no doubt in the mind of the reader about Israel’s right to exist.  He gives solid answers to questions such as Why don’t the Palestinians have their own country? Is it the fault of Israel? Of the Palestinians? Of both parties?

Good sense from Gingrich on China Most of the problems America blames on its archrival are of its own making, argues the former House speaker David Goldman


China remains what it has been for millennia, and most of America’s problems are not China’s fault but its own, former House speaker Newt Gingrich argues in his new book. Some rhetorical flourishes aside, the Republican elder statesman and Trump adviser rejects the ubiquitous American view that China is about to collapse under its own weight, or that China inevitably must become a Western-style democracy, or that the Chinese people are waiting for a wave of America’s hand to overthrow their evil communist overlords, and so forth.

He contrasts “the Western tradition of freedom under law dating back at least 3,000 years with roots in Athens, Rome and Jerusalem” to “the Chinese tradition of order imposed by a centralized system, a pattern that goes back at least 3,500 years.” Implicitly, he acknowledges that China’s political system today reflects thousands of years of its history.

Rather than blame China for America’s problems, Gingrich offers a harsh critique of America’s failings and argues that “there are a lot of steps America must take that are a reflection of America’s failures. Some of the greatest failures and weaknesses in American can’t be blamed on China. Rather, we have to look at ourselves and our own mistakes and failures. The burden on us to modernize and reform our own system is enormous.”

For example, Gingrich declares:

“It is not China’s fault that in 2017, 89% of Baltimore eighth graders couldn’t pass their math exam…

“It is not China’s fault that too few Americans in K-12 and in college study math and science to fill the graduate schools with future American scientists…

“It is not China’s fault that, faced with a dramatic increase in Chinese graduate students in science, the government has not been able to revive programs like the 1958 National Defense Education Act…

“It is not China’s fault the way our defense bureaucracy functions serves to create exactly the ‘military-industrial complex’ that President Dwight Eisenhower warned about…

“It is not China’s fault that NASA has been so bureaucratic and its funding so erratic that… there is every reason to believe that China is catching up rapidly and may outpace us. This is because of us not because of them…