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Linda Goudsmit: CHAPTER 24: The Politics of Pronouns Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is (forthcoming release July 2024)


In an information war, fought without bullets or bombs, language is weaponized. The globalist campaign promoting gender fluidity in order to destroy individual selfness manipulates spoken and written language to achieve its goal. Perversion of pronoun usage in the English language has a particularly destructive political purpose. The enemies of national and individual sovereignty are revising language to reflect human existence without the boundaries of self. Words matter. The switch to third-person plural, gender-neutral language is a weapon of mass psychological destruction that begins in early childhood.

Consider this: young children who do not learn the first- and second-person individual and possessive pronouns I, me,mine, you, yours, he, him, his, she, her, hers do not learn to name or identify themselves or others as individual gendered selves. Without a personal, individual, gendered, identifiable self, children become confused, destabilized, and vulnerable.

Instead of singular pronouns, young children are intentionally being taught to use the third-person plural pronouns they,them, theirs, so that they identify themselves in terms of the non-gendered collective. It is linguistic demolition of the individual. Plural pronouns effectively erase the concept of an individual self from the English language, and support the replacement of the individual with the preferred non-gendered collective identity.

Globalism’s tactical strategy is to have the Left focus its Marxist ideological values of diversity, equity, and inclusionon cultural and educational institutions. The incremental strategic objective is for those values to be accepted as normative, then become social policy, and ultimately become the law of the land.

This is how globalism’s linguistic hoax works to change the hearts and minds of America’s children in classrooms K–12 and online. Disingenuously presented as diverse, equitable, and inclusive language to make people feel respected and included, gender-neutral substitutions are promoted as empathetic, kind, and caring. Grammarly, the popular cloud-based typing assistant, instructs writers on “How to Use Gender-Neutral Language at Work and in Life”[i] in an article by freelance journalist Devon Delfino, June 17, 2022:

Gender-neutral language is simply a way of talking about people without assuming their gender. For example, it’s referring to someone you don’t know as “they” rather than using the pronoun “he” or “she,” or addressing a group as “everyone” rather than saying, “Hey, guys.”

Daniel DiSalvo Renewing the Republic A new book offers a compelling defense of the U.S. Constitution.


Keeping the Republic: A Defense of American Constitutionalism, by Dennis Hale and Marc Landy (University of Kansas Press, 2023). 

The United States Constitution is under attack—again. The chorus of critics—including prominent law professors, journalists, political scientists, and politicians—seems to grow louder daily. They call it a broken relic, standing in the way of furthering equality and social cohesion.

They say that the Constitution encourages excessive individualism, inequality, racism, isolation, and anomie. Only by jettisoning this eighteenth-century artifact, the argument goes, can America finally embrace the progressive ideals of unfettered majoritarianism, racial harmony, and economic redistribution. Doing so would make the American people freer, happier, better governed, more equal, and more community-oriented. God himself may even look kindly on us.

Such arguments have stirred two distinguished Boston College political scientists, Dennis Hale and Marc Landy, to mount a vigorous and erudite defense of the American constitutional order. In Keeping the Republic, the authors weave together political theory, institutional analysis, and policy history to offer a compelling case for preserving America’s constitutional democracy and republican ethos.

Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans by Peter Schweizer

It’s often said that China is in a cold war with America. The reality is far worse: the war is hot, and the body count is one-sided.

China is killing Americans and working aggres­sively to maximize the carnage while our leaders remain passive and, in some cases, compliant. Why?

If anyone could crack the code, it’s the renowned nonpartisan investigator Peter Schweizer. Schweizer’s previous three number one New York Times bestsellers sent shock waves through official Wash­ington, sparking FBI investigations and congres­sional probes that continue to this day.

For Blood Money, Schweizer and his team of forensic investigators spent more than two years scouring a trove of restricted Chinese military documents, data-mining a mountain of American financial records, and tracking US political lead­ers’ investments and family businesses. Schweizer unloads bombshell after bombshell, exposing the Chinese Communist Party’s covert operations in the American drug trade, social justice movement, and medical establishment to sow chaos and deca­dence in the United States.

A towering achievement of investigative jour­nalism, Blood Money is one of those rare books that makes you clearly see the world anew.

How This Woke Mess Happened Tony Abbott


The Hon. Tony Abbott was Prime Minister of Australia from 2013 to 2015

With most conservative parties split between populist and establishment wings, and with the West challenged in ways not seen in almost a century, John O’Sullivan’s Sleepwalking into Wokeness: How We Got Here‘s collection of essays is both timely and instructive. Indeed, there are few better placed to reflect on the travails of the Anglosphere than O’Sullivan, who has been a key conservative intellectual for over four decades. He was Margaret Thatcher’s speech writer at the time of her Bruges oration that marked the beginning of a credible Brexit movement. In America, he edited National Review for a decade. In Canada, he helped to found the National Post newspaper. And in Australia he edited Quadrant for two years. He now runs the Danube Institute in Budapest (where I am a visiting fellow), a think-tank bringing conservative perspectives to economic, social and strategic issues; striving, in particular, to reconcile economic liberalism with social conservatism in ways that “unite the right”. 

This compilation of essays testifies to a depth of insight and consistency of purpose, as well as being a good commentary on many of the big issues since Thatcher’s time. O’Sullivan brings a well-stocked mind and a genial temperament to everything he discusses. As Rod Dreher writes in his foreword, he “has a conservative’s capacity to perceive the severity of the problems about which he writes, with an Englishman’s ability to maintain good humour and sound judgment when everyone else around him wallows in despondency”. As well, he’s great on memorable quotes. A couple of examples: from Disraeli, he gives us the injunction to “read biography, for that is life without theory”; and from Thatcher, this riposte: “Reactionary? Well, there’s a lot to react against.”

CHAPTER 23: Legalizing Pedophilia—The Sorensen Report Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is (forthcoming release July 2024) by Linda Goudsmit


David Sorensen, anti–mainstream media journalist and founder of the website Stop World Control,[i] provides the most comprehensive data on the United Nations’ and World Health Organization’s criminal efforts to legalize pedophilia in a stunning report, “‘Schools must equip children to have sexual partners’—The UN agenda to normalize pedophilia.”[ii]The September 2022 Sorensen Report is an unflinching exposé of globalism’s orchestrated, coordinated effort to destroy children’s innocence worldwide in its megalomaniacal campaign for world domination. The report begins with an invitation to download and disseminate the information in order to raise public awareness of the insidious attack on children worldwide:

This evidence report reveals how the World Health Organization and United Nations are sexualizing little children in primary education worldwide, for the purpose of normalizing pedophilia. This report consists of nothing but solid evidence, with many official documents, videos, books, archives, etc. All PDF documents may be downloaded from the references section at the end of this report [or by using Archive.org][iii].

Readers are invited to share the Sorensen Report with the world:

It is critical that this report reaches as many people as possible. Please send it far and wide, using all possible means. You can, for example, copy this short letter and send it to local newspapers, schools, law enforcement, churches, hospitals, politicians, etc. You can find their contact info with a quick search on the Internet.

To whom it concerns,

The World Health Organization and the United Nations are instructing education authorities worldwide to teach babies, toddlers and young children to masturbate, use pornography, learn different sexual techniques such as oral sex, and engage in same-sex relationships. The WHO and UN instruct educators to encourage children to start with sex as young as possible, and help all children to have sexual partners. Evidence shows how this is part of a worldwide operation to normalize pedophilia. See the following report: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/children

We invite you to carefully consider this information.


Your signature

I was absolutely shocked by the Sorensen Report. I read it and reread it to be sure of what I was reading, because its contents are so sexually explicit, sexually graphic, and sexually inappropriate. The report is horrific and emotionally overwhelming, but essential reading to fully understand how widespread and sinister the campaign to destroy children’s innocence actually is. After validating the report’s sources, I include excerpts here, but I highly recommend that the reader take a deep breath and read the report in its entirety.

Solzhenitsyn and the Life of Truth By Elizabeth Edwards Spalding


What The Gulag Archipelago still teaches, 50 years later

Vladimir Kara-Murza’s deteriorating health leads his family and friends to expect that he may soon suffer the fate of Alexei Navalny.

A patriot, freedom fighter, and dissident, Navalny died in February in a remote Russian prison north of the Arctic Circle. Whether directly or nearly directly killed, his life ended under the brutal conditions of his unlawful imprisonment. Navalny fiercely criticized and opposed Vladimir Putin’s illegitimate government, including its political repression, its deep corruption, and its unjust war on Ukraine.

A successful man of means, Navalny could have chosen a comfortable life. He could have benefited financially under or quietly complied with Putin’s dictatorship — or permanently left Russia. But he wanted a better future for his country: one that would be free, democratic, and happy. He became an opposition leader. For the better part of 20 years, he endured arrests, detentions, prison stays, frequent harassment, curbs on his speech and movement, and permanent damage to his eyesight from acid thrown in his face. His response while recuperating in Germany after being poisoned by the Soviet-era nerve agent Novichok: “I will not give Putin the gift of not returning to Russia.” He knew that returning to Russia would mean immediate arrest, fabricated charges, a show trial, and unjust imprisonment. Navalny left his wife and children — safely, he hoped — in the West and returned to Russia, where he was immediately arrested, underwent a show trial, and died of “natural causes” at the age of 47 in the infamous penal colony IK-3.

Kara-Murza, 42, also stands against Putin’s regime. The son of a journalist who was an outspoken critic of Leonid Brezhnev and later Putin, Kara-Murza is, among other things, a historian of Soviet-era dissidents. Like Navalny, Kara-Murza cheated death and still suffers the ill effects of poisoning at the hands of the Russian state, in his case on two occasions. Like Navalny, he left his wife and children — safely, he hopes — in the West and returned to Russia to work for civil society, freedom, and democracy. Like Navalny, he knew that a denial of due process and a lengthy prison sentence awaited him.

In spring 2022, many pleaded with Kara-Murza not to return to Russia after he spoke the truth about its invasion of Ukraine: “These are war crimes that are being committed by the dictatorial regime in the Kremlin against a nation in the middle of Europe.” For years, he had been speaking the truth about the Kremlin — from Putin’s nonconstitutional retention of the presidency and aggregation of political power to the regime’s chronic violations of human rights to the mounting number of its political prisoners. Each instance enlarged the target on Kara-Murza’s back. Yet, as he recently explained, “if you call on people to stand against the authoritarian regime, you cannot do it from a safe distance — you have to share the risks with your compatriots.” The current place of residence for this Russian-British citizen with three American-born children is Russia’s Penal Colony No. 7, where he is serving a 25-year sentence for the fabricated crime of treason.

CHAPTER 22: What Is Social Justice? Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is (forthcoming release July 2024) by Linda Goudsmit


The inherent child abuse in Drag Queen Story Hour described by Charlotte Cushman in Chapter 21 is part of the greater Marxist social justice campaign that is attacking America through politicized education in both public and private schools. Cushman defines social justice and explains its political objective in the social justice link[i] on her Authentic Montessori Education[ii] website:

What Is Social Justice?

Social justice is grounded in Marxism, the ideology of communism. Marxists seek to destabilize society so that they can take power. They want an unstable population so they create an educational system that keeps the population uneducated and weak. Then they create constant conflict which results in revolutions. The conflict created is over the issue of oppression. Marxists hold that society is divided into two classes, the oppressed and the oppressors, and seek to take from the oppressors to give to the oppressed. They attempt to make the “oppressors” feel riddled with guilt so that they will cooperate more easily when discriminated against.

Social justice claims that certain groups are inherently evil. For example, they claim that all people that are white are racist. It places groups higher than individuals, and holds that all groups should be equal. If there are any disparities in group outcomes, it is attributed to discrimination and group injustice rather than individual choices and actions, and therefore the more successful groups need to be punished. This results in groups constantly fighting with each other. Currently, social justice sees America as inherently racist and it therefore holds that our country must be dismantled (also known as the Great Reset).

The American ideal of individual justice is equality under the law regardless of group affiliation—such as race, sex, religion, etc.—whereas social justice seeks to reward or punish individuals based on their group affiliation. Actual justice means that every individual must be judged for who he/she is and treated accordingly. If individuals work to earn their living, they can keep the fruits of their labor. If individuals violate the rights of others (stealing, murder, etc.), it means the violators go to jail.

Justice applies to everyone. Therefore, to add the concept “social” is an attempt to change the meaning of justice from equality under the law to equity, equity meaning everyone has a right to something whether or not he has earned it. That requires the use of force to take from one person for the benefit of another. This is racist and the very antithesis of justice. The real purpose of social justice in education is to change innocent children into racists. This will assure class (group) struggles and conflict.

How the West was lost at Oxford University By S.R. Piccoli


Once upon a time, we were told that the peoples of the Western world — which includes countries like Australia and New Zealand, although located in the Eastern Hemisphere — are heirs and trustees of Western civilization, imbalances and excesses included.  Often referred to simply as “the West,” Western civilization is a broad concept used to understand the cultural, social, political, and economic norms, traditions, values, and institutions that originated in or are associated with Europe.  It has its roots in Ancient Greece and Rome as well as in Christianity, humanism, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and the Industrial Revolution. It values rationalism, democracy, and individual freedoms and rights.

Later on, Marxist and otherwise far-left historians argued that the history of the West is marked by exploitation and conflict among different social classes, from feudal lords and serfs in the Middle Ages to capitalists and workers in the modern era.  Marxists, in particular, introduced the concept of cultural hegemony, formulated by Antonio Gramsci to describe ideological domination of the bourgeoisie over the proletariat.  In other words, according to this type of approach, the dominant cultural norms and values of Western civilization serve to maintain the power of the ruling class.

As of now, the left-wing narrative is that Western civilization is an illusion.  Postmodern and deconstructionist historians have claimed that the West is a late invention of the 18th-century philosopher. Skeptical of the grand narratives that have historically been used to describe Western civilization, such as progress, enlightenment, etc., they argue that these narratives often oversimplify complex histories and marginalize alternative perspectives.

It is in this context that the new book How the World Made the West, written by Josephine Quinn, professor of ancient history at Oxford University, needs to be read.  It’s aimed to bring to fulfillment the goal and the dream of legions of leftists the world over and from time immemorial.  Quinn’s purpose is not to trash what generations of schoolchildren and college students have been taught to take pride in as Western values and achievements.  Rather, she wants to demolish the underlying concept of what she calls “civilizational thinking,” which suggests that there is no such thing as “Western civilization.”  By the way, as she puts it, this “civilizational thinking” provided the cultural rationale for western European supremacy during the 19th century, enabling colonial expansion and racial hierarchies.

CHAPTER 21: Montessori and Drag Queen Story Hour Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is (forthcoming release July 2024) by Linda Goudsmit


For readers who may be under the impression that private schools are exempt from the humanitarian hoax of whole child education and its sociopolitical intent, I have included an informative article written by retired Montessori educator Charlotte Cushman, published online in American Thinker[i] and on her website, Authentic Montessori Education,[ii] on January 21, 2023.

Charlotte Cushman taught the Montessori Method for over 40 years, and co-owned and operated two Montessori schools. She is appalled by today’s woke (Marxist) trend in Montessori, and advocates a return to authentic Montessori and its founder’s principles:

Not in the service of any political or social creed should the teacher work, but in the service of the complete human being, able to exercise in freedom, a self-disciplined will and judgement, unperverted by prejudice and undistorted by fear. ––Maria Montessori

The Real Purpose of Drag Queen Story Hour

By Charlotte Cushman

Those who have voiced concerns about the dangers that drag events, such as Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH), pose for children (namely, sexualization and grooming) have been told that those concerns are baseless, that the events are harmless, that it is all just entertainment and fun, and that attending drag events is a way to understand the gay culture.

On January 25, 2021 an academic paper entitled “Drag pedagogy: the playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood” was published online in Curriculum Inquiry, an educational journal. The paper, recently called out by James Lindsay here and here and also by Christopher F. Rufo here, was written by Harper Keenen and Lil Miss Hot Mess (a founder of DQSH), who describe themselves as “a genderqueer drag performer/scholar and a trans scholar.” (p. 443)

Right off the bat, the abstract tells us the purpose of DQSH:

Ultimately, the authors propose that “drag pedagogy” provides a performative approach to queer pedagogy that is not simply about LGBT lives, but living queerly. (p. 440)

Then the authors state,

Through this programme, drag artists…[are] positioning queer and trans cultural forms as valuable components of early childhood education. We are guided by the following question: what might Drag Queen Story Hour offer educators as a way of bringing queer ways of knowing and being into the education of young children?

Living in a Free Society Is Not a Passive Endeavor Horace Cooper


For years, the progressive Left, ambitious self-serving politicians, and the elites of the administrative state have chipped away at the American dream, the promise of opportunity, and the shared reverence for the founding principles of our society that once propelled our success. Though it may seem like America is beyond saving, the best days of America are yet to come, says George Landrith, all we have to do is let freedom ring…again.

George Landrith III’s “Let Freedom Ring… Again: Can Self-Serving Truths Save America from Further Decline?” is an exceptionally compelling work that portrays the uncertainty of America’s future and the urgency with which we must act to save America from its current trajectory into darkness. The book, filled with insightful thoughts from Landrith, skillfully diagnoses the problems afflicting American politics and the Left at large while also providing carefully crafted solutions that offer hope for a better future.

Throughout the book, Landrith accurately exposes the Left’s parasitic relationship with their voters. From enticing welfare programs to failing schools, “Whenever leftists propose a solution to society’s problems, they make themselves more powerful and/or they make the people more dependent,” says Landrith.

This intentional feat of Leftist policy is best seen in California, where not so long ago Governor Gavin Newsom passed California’s AB5. In an effort to “protect workers,” California essentially banned independent contractors, forcing small businesses to hire people they can’t afford, putting gig workers like independent truckers out of the job. Indeed, since its inception, AB5 has destroyed self-employment, making exodus or welfare the only option for many Californians.