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Kudos, Andy, for Ball of Collusion By Jack Fowler


Today is the official publication date for Andy McCarthy’s long-anticipated, meaty, wise must-have: Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency. We offer kudos to our colleague. What an undertaking. The product of Andy’s relentless toil is a detailed, dot-connecting, intricacies-explaining, unvarnished analysis of a dark chapter in American history. Order your copy from Encounter Books (the publisher) at the link just provided, or get in the car and drive over to your local bookstore, where starting today you can grab a copy. 

Need your whistle whetted? Here’s how the book’s introduction commences:

This is a story about hubris. Sure, there’s plenty of collusion. But hubris is the more fitting word. This is a story about what happens when those we trust to be the guardians of our system anoint themselves the masters of our system. For our own good, of course. 

As for collusion, that word we’ve heard so incessantly from pundits and leaky government officials, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has rendered his judgment that there was none—at least, not the collusion he was hunting for. There really was a collusion plot, though. And it really did target our election system. It absolutely sought to usurp our capacity for self-determination. It was just not the collusion you’ve been told about. It was not “Donald Trump’s collusion with Russia.” 

Here is the real collusion scheme: in 2016, the incumbent Democratic administration of President Barack Obama put the awesome powers of the United States government’s law-enforcement and intelligence apparatus in the service of the Hillary Rodham Clinton presidential campaign, the Democratic party, and the progressive Beltway establishment. This scheme had two parts: Plan A, the objective; and Plan B, a fail-safe strategy in case Plan A imploded—which all the smartest people were supremely confident would never, ever happen . . . which is why you could bet the ranch that it would. 

Joshua Lawson 8 Back-to-School Books To Protect Students Against Leftist Brainwashing


As high school and college students prepare to head back to school, they’re set to enter a lion’s den of anti-American, leftist indoctrination. Here are eight books conservative students need to balance the fight.

Leftist bias in our education system has grown to alarming proportions. According to a large 2017 study of college professors, registered Democrats now outnumber registered Republicans by a margin of 10 to 1. Of the top 61 liberal arts colleges surveyed in the study, 39 percent had no Republicans on staff. Zero.

Although it often begins as early as preschool, leftist indoctrination finally becomes very apparent by high school and happens right under our noses. For those who don’t have a good alternative to a public high school or whose field necessitates a university degree, the situation may seem hopeless.

Learning more information from robust sources, however, can raise students’ chances of not getting sucked into false portrayals of American history, economics, and more. So, whether you’re a student heading back into hostile territory, or a parent or friend worried about the bias in our schools and looking for a send-off gift or two, here are eight books conservatives should have in their arsenal.

Intemperate Spirits Economic Adaptation during Prohibition Author: Alice Louise Kassens


Using the basic economic principle of making decisions using a cost-benefit framework—and how changes in one or the other can result in a different decision—this book uncovers how various groups responded to incentives provided by the Prohibition legislation.

Using this calculus, it is clear that even criminals are rational characters, responding to incentives and opportunities provided by the 18thAmendment and the Volstead Act. 

The book begins with a broad look at the adaptations of the law’s targets: the wine, beer, and liquor industries.  It then turns to specific people (Violators, Line Tip-Toers, Enablers, and Hypocrites), sharing their stories of economic adaptation to bring economic lessons to life.  Due to its structure, the book can be read in parts or as a whole and is suitable for short classroom reading assignments or individual pleasure reading. 

Alice Louise Kassens is the John S. Shannon Professor of Economics at Roanoke College, USA. She is a Senior Analyst with the Institute for Policy and Opinion Research, a Past-President of the Virginia Association of Economists, and a member of the Governor of Virginia’s Joint Advisory Board of Economists. She produces the quarterly reports on consumer sentiment, inflation expectations, and real estate indexes for Virginia and is the founder and director of the Center for Economic Freedom.

Book Review: Shadow Strike by Yaakov Katz By Edwin Black


Jerusalem Post editor Yaakov Katz probably had no way of knowing that this would be the perfect time to release a book detailing Israel’s mission to wipe out Syrian nuclear power. Or did he?

The world’s attention is once again riveted to the nuclear threat from Iran, generating kaleidoscopic theories about a potential military strike to disable Tehran’s program. Yaakov Katz’s case study of the run-up to and implementation of the Jewish state’s clandestine destruction in 2007 of Syria’s nuclear program, Shadow Strike – Inside Israel’s Secret Mission to Eliminate Syrian Nuclear Power (St. Martin’s Press), is now a must-read.

Katz flexes both his editorial sinews and government connections (he is a former senior policy advisor) to deliver a suspenseful chronicle, bolstered by a precise, rapid-fire delivery and continuous in-the-room details. This volume will certainly be consulted time and time again by military theorists and diplomatic observers who wonder how a mission like this might be accomplished – in case it needs to be done again.

From the “you are there” opening scene, which details Mossad Chief Meir Dagan’s White House presentation on the Syrian threat, the reader is put on notice to pay close attention. Never failing to paint in the details, Katz skillfully surrounds each personality in the story with a rich biography and a functioning profile within the story’s time frame.


P. David Hornik is one of Israel’s best journalists and commentators who has made the case for Israel in the most articulate and elegant prose. His book Choosing Life in Israel is an inspiring account of his life as an immigrant in a homeland far removed from the relative security and comfort of America, detailing the trials, tribulations, and ultimate pride and pleasure of life in his adopted country.
He has written a novel, Beside the Still Waters, which takes place in America and Israel. His protagonist is a writer, Steve Sandorsky, who is introduced to the reader as a kid growing up in a rural area near Schenectady, New York. Steve is the child of a brooding and uncommunicative father whose parents were Holocaust victims, and a mother who is not Jewish. When Steve learns at age eleven that according to Jewish religious law, as someone with only a Jewish father, he’s not considered Jewish, he’s profoundly shocked and feels himself from that point on, for a number of years, to be drifting in a no-man’s-land without a real identity.

But Steven’s romantic encounters, bouts of depression, fringe alcoholism, and marital stress increasingly propel him toward Zionism and identification with Israel, until he takes the huge step of moving there. And it’s in Israel that the second part of the novel takes place.

Is it autobiographical? I don’t know, but the spirited description of Israel’s dilemmas, and Steve’s staunch defense of his adopted nation as an emerging journalist, are reminiscent of the author.

A great deal of this highly engaging and readable novel consists of dialogue in various forms–conversations, phone calls, emails. In all of these the reader hears the voices–the angst, the joys, the disappointments, the disillusion and the doubt, of all the very vivid and varied characters.

Ultimately the novel is both romantic and an introduction to Israel, a nation of outsize contribution to the world despite a largely hostile environment. It’s powerfully affecting in both dimensions, most of all when they start to mesh as Steve confronts his true challenges.

The Hollywood Legend Who Mobilized the English Language on Behalf of the Jews of Europe and Israel Rick Richman


Ben Hecht invented the gangster movie. He also prodded Roosevelt into saving thousands of Jews from the Nazis, and marshaled reluctant American Jews into becoming Zionists.

“In [1939], I became a Jew and looked on the world with Jewish eyes.”
—Ben Hecht, A Child of the Century

When Ben Hecht died suddenly in 1964, at the age of seventy, the New York Times carried the news on its front page. The lengthy obituary was spread across four columns on an inside page. Buried near the end was only a brief description of Hecht’s Zionism.

Hecht wrote newspaper columns, novels, short stories, plays, screenplays, essays, and books that, in many ways, defined the times in which he lived. His sketches of life in Chicago and New York were collected in two volumes. His first novel made him a national literary figure. He co-wrote the Broadway sensation, The Front Page, and became Hollywood’s highest-paid screenwriter, composing such classics as Scarface, Wuthering Heights, Twentieth Century, Spellbound, and Notorious. He received six Oscar nominations and won two Oscars.

In all, Hecht wrote 25 books, including several best-sellers, 250 short stories, 20 plays, and one of the great autobiographies, A Child of the Century, which Saul Bellow praised on the cover of the New York Times Book Review as “intensely interesting . . . independent, forthright, and original.” In 2011, Time magazine would place it at number 24 on its list of the 100 best nonfiction books since 1923.

Two noteworthy books on Hecht have appeared this year: a masterful study by Julien Gorbach, The Notorious Ben Hecht: Iconoclastic Writer and Militant Zionist (Purdue) and a short biography by Adina Hoffman, Ben Hecht: Fighting Words, Moving Pictures (Yale). Both conclude that Hecht’s encounter with Zionism in the 1940s, after a lifetime of indifference to Judaism and Jewish issues, “change[d] his life and legacy” (Gorbach) and was “in the end, as important to him as almost anything” (Hoffman).

Because of that encounter, these two biographies speak not only to one man’s life and times, but to ours as well.

“The Pioneers” by David McCullough- A Review by Sydney Williams


History allows us to marvel at our own time with renewed perspectives. For example, how rich and easy our lives are – despite a freshman Congresswoman telling a Newsweek interviewer that “an entire generation [millennials] came of age and never saw American prosperity” – compared to the hardships experienced by early pioneers, like those along the Ohio River.

David McCullough, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, in his new book, follows several families, including those of Manasseh Cutler and his two sons, Ephraim and Jervis, along with Joseph Barker and Samuel Hildreth, from the founding of the Ohio Company in 1784, through the passage of the Northwest Ordinance in 1787, to 1863, when the Territory had become five states and all the founders were dead.

In 1783, as a condition for signing the Treaty of Paris, John Adams insisted that Britain cede rights to what was called the Northwest Territory, an area west of Pennsylvania, east of the Mississippi River, north of the Ohio River and south of British Canada. It consisted of 265,878 square miles – an area larger than France, an area from which five states would eventually be carved: Ohio (1803), Indiana (1816), Illinois (1818), Michigan (1837) and Wisconsin (1848). In 1800, the U.S. Census recorded a population of 51,000 in the Territory. By 1860, those five states had a population of seven million.

The land they first settled in 1788, where the Muskingum River meets the Ohio, became the town of Marietta. It was named after the French Queen, Marie Antoinette. Marietta was settled by forty-eight pioneers led by General Rufus Putnam, a Revolutionary War veteran and friend of George Washington. It is in the southeastern part of what is now Ohio, bordering on Virginia (now West Virginia). The passage of the Northwest Ordinance gave ownership of the land to the U.S. government which, via the Ohio Company, sold land to pioneers, including Revolutionary War veterans – men, as Joseph Barker later wrote, who “had been disciplined to obey, and learned the advantage of subordination to law and good behavior in promoting the prosperity of themselves and the rest of mankind.” Traits needed by those who would venture west included, Mr. McCullough writes: “fortitude, perseverance, patience, resolution and good sense.”


Baltimore is in the news! Is it a sin to tell the truth about Baltimore …Or is Baltimore getting badmouthed with ulterior motives? Hard to say, if you’ve never been there.Do you know any writer, besides Edgar Allan Poe,that ever lived in Baltimore? Yes. The author of So Courage & Gypsy Motion

So Courage & Gypsy Motion

by Nidra Poller


— I know what that’s about. That’s what he does to a woman… he’s so damned ro-man-tic, your dream come true, looking deep in your eyes and holding your hand across the table, candlelight and all that shit, but he did it goo-ood! Movie star lover… and then there’s something stone cold at the center of him, a falseness… no, it’s deeper than that … he doesn’t even know himself… but I dig. Do you know what he told me? He was madly in love with a chick but she was married and turned him down so he went out to get drunk… all the way to Baltimore down by the docks he ended up in this Greek place and he met this Barbara and he started in courting her you know sort of to get revenge against the other one, but she took him serious and before he knew it they were living together and so he said now he thinks he fell in love with her … So they’re still together?

Joan Swirsky: a Review of ‘Confronting The Deception: Inflamed by 9/11, fired up by eight bad years,’ by Tabitha Korol


Since 9/11, writes Tabitha Korol in her riveting book, “Confronting The Deception: Inflamed by 9/11, fired up by eight bad years,” the United States, Israel, and cultures that still value our freedoms have been fighting a battle of survival on several fronts.

The primary battle, Korol explains, is with the ideology born out of the Islamic attempt to claim Ground Zero as its Caliphate – and from there, literally to conquer the United States of America.

The religious-political-supremacist system of Islam was invented in the seventh century and has since led a relentless drive to take over the world, establish a caliphate ruled by Shariah Law – the law that mandates cutting off the clitorises of five-year-old girls, throwing homosexuals off roofs to their deaths, engaging in “honor killings” of teenage girls whose behavior they disapprove of, and killing all Jews. That sharia law.

It is no surprise that this megalomaniacal goal has captured the imagination of leftists worldwide, including in our country, who share Islam’s goals, particularly of destroying America – the “Big Satan” – and Israel, the “Little Satan.”

This is a battle being fueled by the Shadow Government of the United States of America, specifically those forces – many from the Muslim Brotherhood – that have been implanted in the highest reaches of our government – including Homeland Security, the Defense Department, the State Department, even the Oval Office – by the Obama regime, many of whom remain quite stealthily in their positions today.

‘The Millionaire Was a Soviet Mole’ Review: Whose Side Was He On? David Karr was the young American communist on the make, his eye ever alert for the main chance, his hand ever open to Soviet largess. By David Evanier

In the 1930s and ’40s, there were any number of American communists so enamored of Joseph Stalin and the shining tomorrows he promised that they would do anything for the Soviet Union, disdaining payment of any kind.

David Karr was not one of them.

Karr, writes Harvey Klehr in his riveting biography of the man, was something else entirely: He was the young American communist on the make, his eye “ever alert for the main chance,” his hand ever open to Soviet largess. Born in Brooklyn in 1918, the son of Jewish immigrants, he gained access to power—and methodically amassed a $10 million fortune—by his wits, intelligence, radiant personality and, above all else, a matchless talent for Soviet-American networking. His early career was that of an idealistic sympathizer, working first as a freelancer for communist and far-left periodicals, including the Daily Worker. His later career, however, saw him assume an array of overlapping, ever-shifting personae, “from muckraking columnist to public relations flack, from corporate raider to corporate executive, from moviemaker to hotel executive, from business fixer to Olympic Committee confidant.”

According to some sources—and to stories unverifiable because the corroborating evidence remains classified or kept from public view by his former associates—Karr was also an “arms smuggler, . . . protector of Jewish emigrants from Russia, [and] behind-the-scenes political fixer.” Throughout it all, writes Mr. Klehr, “Karr cooperated with Soviet intelligence agencies, tried to act as a middleman between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. on several issues, and attempted to get close to American officials and politicians at the behest of the KGB.” He had an uncanny ability to befriend major American business figures, including corporate raider Art Landa, health-care innovator Henry Kaiser and Occidental Petroleum’s Armand Hammer. He knew or met with every president from FDR to Gerald Ford and was a trusted adviser to many politicians, including Sargent Shriver, Scoop Jackson and Jerry Brown.