Russia in the late 1930s was not a good place to be. People really did sleep in their outdoor clothes, with a ready-packed suitcase at their bedside, waiting for the NKVD (the secret police) to knock on the door.
You could be arrested and killed for a joke, for a factual remark about a food shortage, or for failing to denounce other people, including your immediate family. And you could also be arrested and killed for nothing at all, since the NKVD, like other elements of the Soviet economy, had productivity targets to meet.
Anyone who was different was suspect.
In 1937, 53 members of a deaf-mutes’ association were arrested in Leningrad, and 33 were sentenced to death for conducting ‘conspiracies’ in sign-language. Stamp-collectors, who had shown an unhealthy interest in letters from foreign countries, were hunted down, and so too were people who had learnt Esperanto.
If life was as bad as this for Russians, just think how bad it must have been for people who were trying to live like Russians, but were in fact Americans.
Not tourists, businessmen, or diplomats; no, these were just ordinary working people, who had moved to the Soviet Union. Their total number is unknown, but it must have run to several thousands, and their story – the subject of Tim Tzouliadis’s gripping and important book – has never been fully told before.