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The Campus ‘Diversity’ Menace Comes to Yale The objective of campus leftists is not to “win” the campus wars. They’ve already done that. The objective is to make the other side feel pain. By Josh Hammer


It is increasingly obvious that modern Americans universities, which are less institutions of unfettered intellectual pursuit than they are “madrasas of wokeness,” to borrow from the Independent Women’s Forum’s Inez Feltscher Stepman, are unsalvageable in most present manifestations. Though there are notable exceptions, many American universities are actually worse than unsalvageable.

On-campus debauchery spoils matriculants’ lingering senses of virtue and propriety, and woke classroom indoctrination and divisive intersectional poison vitiates the mutually interdependent bonds of citizenry without which no people can cohere. As Arthur Milikh soberly concluded in a 2020 National Affairs essay, “Preventing Suicide by Higher Education”: “Universities that spread poisonous doctrines no longer believe in the purpose of the university.”

Pedagogical and curricular debasement aside, one concrete manifestation of this now decades-long corruption has been the engorgement of on-campus administrative bureaucracies tending to all sorts of “diversity” needs. As Heather Mac Donald’s 2018 book The Diversity Delusion helped demonstrate, the core university mission—ostensibly, to pursue truth and produce citizen-statesmen capable of advancing the national interest—has been steadily undermined by the university’s imbibing of various woke fetishes and “diversity” diktats like mother’s milk. Even hold aside the institutionalized racism of affirmative action, modern “diversitycrat” commissars rove campus for possible Title VI violations, enforce “equitable” faculty hiring quotas, and more generally seek to police and enforce intersectionality’s hierarchy of alleged victimhood.

An eye-opening recent report from the Washington Free Beacon‘s Aaron Sibarium reveals how this cancerous operation can play out in practice. At top-ranked Yale Law School, a second-year student and member of both the Native American Law Students Association and the conservative/libertarian Federalist Society sent an email inviting classmates to an event: “We will be christening our very own (soon to be) world-renowned NALSA Trap House . . . by throwing a Constitution Day Bash in collaboration with FedSoc.” The student added that the event would include “American-themed snacks” such as “Popeye’s chicken” and “apple pie.”

Within minutes of the email’s mass distribution, the student’s wokerati classmates were already signaling intense aggrievement. Some immediately concluded, with all the charity of Ebenezer Scrooge, that “trap house” necessarily connoted a nefarious blackface party. The president of the Black Law Students Association quickly wrote in an online forum available to all second-year Yale Law School students: “I guess celebrating whiteness wasn’t enough. Y’all had to upgrade to cosplay/black face.” We have fallen a long way from the stirring peroration of Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address (conveniently available online via Yale Law School) about the imperative to maintain “malice toward none” and “charity for all.”

The silver lining in the Democrats’ assault on kids in the public schools By Peter Skurkiss


A dark cloud is hovering over America’s K–12 public schools.  Look at the landscape.  Some school districts still mandate that kids wear face masks throughout the school day.  Not only don’t the masks prevent viral spread, but they’re unhealthy both a physical and a psychological standpoint.  Plus, the masks severely retard the learning process. This is the last thing the U.S. public schools need. They are academically low performing as it is.  Then there’s the Los Angeles School District.  It’s requiring its students to be vaccinated with the inadequately tested COVID vaccine.

Then there’s the Democrat war on parents and parental authority. 

Former Virginia governor and current Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe says parents should have no say in what their children are taught.  To top it off, the Department of Justice is threatening to label parents who complain at school board meetings about what’s going on in their schools as domestic terrorists and to sic the FBI on them.  As George Neumayr of the American Spectator puts it: “The Orwellian memo from Attorney General Merrick Garland in defense of public school boards stems from the view that public schools should have the right to miseducate children with impunity, free of any parental oversight.”  That nicely sums up the Democrat view. 

This is not America.  It’s a grotesque version of the country brought about by the actions of Democrats from the lowest level to the very top.  But like with every storm cloud, even this one has a silver lining.  In two ways, actually. 

One is that a record number of parents are abandoning the public school.  They are opting for private schools for their children or going the homeschooling route.  Either one is a better choice than public education.  Hopefully, this abandonment of the public schools will turn into a tidal wave.

Teaching Educators a Necessary Lesson in Court How parents and teachers are fighting back against social justice indoctrination. Richard L. Cravatts


On September 29th, an association sent an impassioned and grim plea to President Biden’s office in which they “solicit[ed] the expertise and resources of the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Secret Service, and its National Threat Assessment Center” be employed to address “threats  and  acts  of  violence [that] have  become  more  prevalent –  during  public school board meetings, via documented threats transmitted through the U.S. Postal Service, through social media and other online platforms.”

“These threats or actual acts of violence,” including by “extremist hate organizations,” the letter read, should even require “appropriate enforceable actions against these crimes and acts of violence under the Gun-Free School Zones Act [and] the PATRIOT Act in regards to domestic terrorism . . . “

Who were the extremists and terrorists the letter warned the President about? Islamist terror cells planning domestic attacks? MS-13 gang members who had penetrated the porous southern border and were marauding through American streets and committing criminal acts and murdering American citizens? No, incredibly, the letter was written by The National School Boards Association (NSBA) concerning school board meetings and the threat it described was purportedly coming from concerned parents attending those meetings and questioning, among other topics, critical race theory and mask mandates.

More remarkable, and troubling, is that, in response to the letter, Attorney General Merrick Garland outrageously issued an action plan designed, ostensibly, to suppress any further dissent from concerned parents—citizens whose taxes actually pay for public education. In his October 4th response, while Garland begrudgingly acknowledged that “spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution,” he, nevertheless, was “directing the Federal Bureau of Investigation, working with each United States Attorney, to convene meetings [to] facilitate the discussion of strategies for addressing threats against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff, and will open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment, and response.”

The warning was stern and the message, although it will likely (and hopefully) be ignored, is clear: parents should not even think of challenging the current ideology of public school educators, and their race-based, equity-seeking, social justice informed teaching in which white children are oppressors and black children the oppressed. Yet, even with this admonition from the highest level of law enforcement in the land and this naked attempt to criminalize dissent and weaponize the Justice Department, angered parents, students, and even teachers have refused to be bullied and ignored by truculent school boards and have turned to the courts for relief.

Professor Canceled by Woke Outrage Mob Has Last Laugh By Gwendolyn Sims


Last week I reported what happened when tenured University of Chicago Professor Dorian Abbot questioned his university’s Diversity/Equity/Inclusion (DEI) efforts in a series of YouTube videos and articles. The professor faced backlash immediately. Soon, a small group of leftist ideologues mounted a successful Twitter campaign against him resulting in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) canceling a distinguished science lecture Abbot had been invited to give simply because the woke mob disagreed with some of his political positions.

And what were Abbot’s “controversial” political positions that provoked the wrath of the Twitter mob? Abbot posited that university hiring and admissions should be based on merit not racial “equity.” Yes, you read that correctly. Abbot had the audacity to go against the leftist narrative that DEI are the most relevant considerations in hiring and admissions standards, you know, because of “systemic racism.” Of all the white privileged nerve or something.

That’s when MIT caved to the woke mob by canceling the prestigious Carlson lecture altogether “in order to avoid controversy.” That’s where we left the story last week, however, I’m happy to report that another prestigious school, Princeton University, has invited Abbot to speak.

In addition, I’m happy to report that not only has Princeton stepped in when MIT was too cowardly to face the mob, but the embattled Geophysical Sciences professor’s audience has grown exponentially.

Racist Roots of Ethnic Studies Government schools are much worse than parents imagine. By Lloyd Billingsley


California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed Assembly Bill 101, authored by Riverside Democrat Jose Medina and cosponsored by the California Teachers Association (CTA), which mandates one “ethnic studies” course for graduation from high school beginning in 2030. Newsom had previously rejected AB 331, a similar bill by Medina, because it was “insufficiently balanced and inclusive.” For Katy Grimes of the California Globe, the revamped AB 101 “is not any of those things,” and ethnic studies is not an academic discipline. 

Those who opposed AB 331 note that “ethnic studies” divides the people into “us and them.” Jewish organizations protested the anti-Semitic content. The authors of the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) removed their names and founded the Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Institute, and their curriculum “is expected to be even more anti-Semitic than the original ESMC.” As Grimes shows, this is hardly the only problem. 

The curriculum was already implemented at a Salinas high school, and samples include: “Intro to Critical Consciousness: The Biological Fallacy of Race and its Social Construction as a Tool of Ideological Oppression”; “Reclaiming Race As a Space of People of Color Empowerment in the 1960s—Today: Black Power, Red Power, Brown Power, Yellow Power, White Allies in Solidarity”; “Ethnic Studies Saves Lives,” and so on. This is nothing more than caustic political indoctrination based on racist junk-thought with deeper roots than embattled parents might suspect. 

Jose Medina is a former teacher of “Chicano Studies,” a form of indoctrination based on The Cosmic Race (La Raza Cosmica) by influential Mexican educator and presidential candidate José Vasconcelos. According to the cosmic racist Vasconcelos, the Ibero-American race is destined to surpass all the others. The black race, “eager for sensual joy, intoxicated with dances and unbridled lust,” will fade away. So will the “Mongol” with his slanted eyes and lack of boldness for new enterprises. The “Indian” is simply inferior,  while the “white” race ranks at the bottom for Vasconcelos.

A Trans Rapist, an Angry Dad, and a School Board Arrest Daniel Greenfield


When you understand the ugly reality behind the scenes and just how explosive it is, it’s all too obvious why the Biden regime is smearing angry parents as domestic terrorists and sending the FBI after them. This story out of Loudon County is horrifying and unsurprising. 

On June 22, Scott Smith was dragged out of a Loudoun County school board meeting by police after getting into a vocal altercation with board members over the proposed policy that would enshrine the ability for students to use whatever bathroom they choose.

The scuffle was caught on tape and went viral shortly after, showing Smith being pulled from the venue in cuffs with a bloody lip.

Smith was ultimately charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

But disturbing new details are emerging as Smith has come forward to explain what happened that day, and accuse the Loudoun County school board of ignoring his daughter’s sexual assault in a girl’s restroom at her school.

Smith claims the assault occurred on May 28, in which a 15-year-old boy, allegedly wearing a skirt, entered a girl’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School, where he proceeded to sexually assault Smith’s ninth-grade daughter.  

Smith attended the June 22 meeting and spoke about his daughter’s assault, noting that the assailant was able to access the girl’s washroom because of the lax gender identity policies.

According to the dais, a school board member painted his claims about student safety as paranoia, stating “Our students do not need to be protected, and they are not in danger … Do we have assaults in our bathrooms and locker rooms regularly?”

It gets worse from there.

The State Does Not Own Your Children By Paula Bolyard


Moms and dads, you know what’s best for your own children. That’s long been my mantra, harkening back to my early blogger days when I fiercely defended a parent’s right to determine the course of his or her child’s education. Although I’m an unapologetic advocate for homeschooling, I recognize that it’s not the best option for every family. But regardless of my personal views, I trust you, as parents, to do what’s best for your own personal children. How you educate your children is none of my business, just like it’s none of my business whether you choose to breastfeed or bottle-feed or whether or not you believe in spanking. It’s not any of the government’s business, either. God gave your children to you, not to the state, and He’s tasked you, not the government, with the task of raising them.

I’m always disappointed when I hear parents ceding the education of their kids to teachers and school boards, believing that the schools know best. After all, many of you reason, teachers and administrators at your kids’ school have advanced degrees in education! Surely, they know better than you do what your kids need. Only trained professionals are qualified to decide what kids should be taught, right? And lest you think I’m exaggerating, this poll offers proof that many parents trust the schools more than they trust their own judgment:

That kind of hands-off approach mostly worked out when I was attending school in the ’70s and early ’80s, before the radicals came to power in academia and education. My parents didn’t have to worry that the schools were training me to become a socialist or to embrace Marxist ideology. We were in the middle of the Cold War, after all, and nearly everyone agreed that communism was bad and was the enemy of freedom.

No longer.

School’s Out – For the Marxists By John Green


The Marxists have a plan and they’ve been executing it for years.  They’ve been preparing our children for life under tyranny by indoctrinating them at school.  One teacher (an Antifa supporter) was even caught on a Project Veritas hidden camera bragging that he’s in the business of creating young communists — and he has seven hours every day to do it.

Their goal has been to turn our kids into children of the state.  They’re separating them from their families by coaching them on topics like contraception, abortion, and gender fluidity.  They’ve even been asking pre-middle school children how they identify sexually.

They’re separating our children from morality.  Prayer is no longer permitted on school grounds.  Lessons are being taught on moral relativism.  It’s creating a generation of Americans who are unable to discern good from evil.  So much the better to sell them on notions such as the killing of unborn babies, up to the point of birth — and in some cases even beyond.

Schools have also been separating our children from American values.  They’re no longer taught the importance of liberty or how our Constitution is meant to constrain government.  Distorted American history and Critical Race Theory are creating disgust for America among our children.  If the Marxists are actually able to destroy America as it was founded, it won’t be missed by the next generation of Americans.

It was all working, until something changed last year.  By the grace of God, the curtain of secrecy was drawn back and the conspiracy was exposed.  COVID arrived and created mass hysteria.  A relatively minor virus triggered a completely irrational response.  Everything was locked down and our kids were forced into a year of remote learning.

Biden’s DOJ Targets Parents Attorney General Garland takes aim at parents who speak out against the indoctrination of their kids. Joseph Klein


President Joe Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland has declared war on parents protesting the far-left’s indoctrination rammed down their children’s throats. In doing so, Garland has declared war on the First Amendment.

Garland issued a memorandum on October 4th entitled “Partnership Among Federal, State, Local, Tribal, And Territorial Law Enforcement To Address Threats Against School Administrators, Board Members, Teachers, And Staff.”  Garland acted in response to a request for assistance the Biden administration received from the National School Boards Association (NSBA). The NSBA accused parents who showed up at public school board meetings to strongly voice their objections of engaging in threatening behavior akin to “domestic terrorism.”

The NSBA’s letter asked the Biden administration for “a joint expedited review by the U.S. Departments of Justice, Education, and Homeland Security, along with the appropriate training, coordination, investigations, and enforcement mechanisms from the FBI, including any technical assistance necessary from, and state and local coordination with, its National Security Branch and Counterterrorism Division, as well as any other federal agency with relevant jurisdictional authority and oversight.”

The Biden administration obliged with Garland’s law enforcement memorandum.

Violence or threats calculated to incite imminent violence are not protected by the First Amendment. Such acts are intolerable in a free society, no matter who commits them or why. But Garland did not stop with using his law enforcement tools solely to combat the commission of violence or threats of imminent violence against other individuals. Garland also called upon the FBI, federal prosecutors, and other law enforcement “partners” to “discourage, identify, and prosecute” what he loosely characterized as “efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views.”  

Garland is the one intimidating “individuals based on their views.” Biden’s Attorney General is abusing his authority over the FBI and federal prosecutors to intimidate or, in his words, “discourage” parents with a certain point of view from loudly voicing their opinions in public forums. These parents strongly oppose efforts by the Biden administration, school boards, school administrators, and educators to twist their children’s minds with Critical Race Theory and gender identity pronouns. Some parents have protested mask mandates for their children. Others have protested against overly long school closures.

Unvaxxed Medical Prof Put on ‘Investigatory Leave’ in Desperate Bid to Get Him to Quit By Stephen Green


A University of California medical professor has been placed on “Investigatory Leave” after refusing to get vaccinated — despite the natural immunity he enjoys after having already suffered a Wuhan Flu infection.

In addition to being a recovered COVID patient, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, MD is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California-Irvine’s School of Medicine, and UCI’s Medical Ethics director. So he would seem to know his stuff on these issues.

During the early weeks of the pandemic, Dr. Kerriaty worked on the front lines, as they say:

As chair of the hospital ethics committee, I have had more anguishing conversations than I can count with families to tell them their loved one is irretrievably dying of Covid. As a psychiatric consultant on the medical wards and in the emergency department, I have suited up in PPE to see hundreds of hospitalized Covid patients, witnessing the worst that this illness can do.

Currently, however, Dr. Kheriaty has been effectively muted by his employer, had his earnings cut in half, and is unable to communicate with his existing patients or seek out new ones.