The U.S. government has opened a multifront assault on the Chinese Communist Party’s infiltration of American institutions.
Chinese companies that don’t abide by American securities laws will be delisted from U.S. stock exchanges under an executive order signed by the president. Another order prohibits federal workers’ pension funds from being invested in Chinese-controlled companies. Yet another keeps a growing number of companies, American and foreign, from doing business with Huawei, the Chinese telecom-cum-cyberespionage giant.
These moves follow a series of speeches by top administration officials outlining the threat the CCP poses to our way of life.
Our government is pushing back, and there is no shortage of targets. The FBI has nearly 1,000 investigations in all of its 56 field offices involving China’s attempted theft of U.S. technology.
Corrupted Professors
University campuses are a major front in the war.
The FBI arrested Charles Lieber, the chairman of Harvard’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology department, for accepting millions of dollars from the Wuhan virology lab and then lying about it.
A UCLA professor was convicted of taking CCP money to illegally send semiconductors with military applications to China.
A University of Kansas professor hid the fact he was working full-time for a Chinese university while he was conducting federally-funded research here.
One of the top researchers at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas didn’t reveal he was also being paid $14 million by a cancer institute in China.
The Department of Education told the University of Texas to turn over details of its relationship with the Wuhan virology lab (yes, that one!) and other Chinese institutions. Washington has put all universities on notice to disclose donations they receive from CCP sources (which would include any company or individual from the People’s Republic). Under the Higher Education Act, colleges and universities are required to report contracts or gifts of $250,000 or more from foreign sources.