Failed presidential candidate and scion of the tassel-loafer set John Kerry has made a fool of himself at Harvard, unspooling his thoughts for the student body at a commencement Wednesday.
“I’m often asked what the secret is to have a real impact on government,” he said. “Well, it’s recently changed.”
“I used to say, either run for office or get a degree from Harvard Kennedy School. With this White House I’d say, buy Rosetta Stone and learn Russian,” he joked. The audience cheered.
It’s incredible what passes for humor among the toffs of the yacht club set with the legacy admissions. It’s also remarkably similar in elitist to his insult to U.S. troops stationed in Iraq who couldn’t possibly get into universities, as he claimed in 2006:
Kerry said, “You know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”
Does Kerry really think learning the language of Russia is an elementary thing, a stupid man’s pursuit, compared to attending Harvard’s Kennedy School? Is he serious in claiming that learning any foreign language from scratch is easier than for some legacy admission to get into Harvard and bee-ess his way around the Harvard seminar table sounding lofty and important in his pretentious bow tie?
I’m calling him light in the loafers in that one, a lazy man’s claim on humor becaused he really never tried to learn any foreign language and never knew of any crisis in the Russian language aspect of scholarship, of which there is. For Kerry, the status of getting into Harvard amounts to more intelligence and a right to rule than the effort required to learn an actual foreign language, all because it comes through a commercial software program that anyone can buy. So gee, if anyone can buy one, it’s must be unimportant to the likes of Kerry. Hence, his disdainful insistence that Trump start with Rosetta Stone.
How much of the Russian language does Kerry know? How much did Obama know? How much did Ben Rhodes know? The answer was a big fat zero. Obama knew no foreign languages, it’s highly unlikely the creative writing major Rhodes had the discipline to learn one, and as for Kerry himself, his only foreign language is French, which is one of the easiest ones for a native English speaker to master. Kerry also had the advantage of learning it immersion style, not through hard study, because he was raised in France as a child, an opportunity most American kids don’t get. Color us unimpressed.
And if the Democrat “narrative” is what he is pushing — that Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton, why would learning Russian and presumably becoming more sympathetic to Russia as a natural result, advance Kerry’s ‘bad Russians’ narrative? Such is the inchoate character of this clubby poofter.