Here’s your daily reminder that radical leftists are living in a different universe: a video has surfaced of a drag queen shaking his almost-naked behind in kids’ faces, teaching a young girl to twerk as parents placidly watched, some of them smiling, at a recent New York City “all-ages” drag show. What is wrong with American parents?
Libs of TikTok shared the disturbing video clip on Twitter:
The effort to sexualize and pervert children as young as possible continues at a roaring rate. American Girl has a book now encouraging puberty blockers and transgenderism for little girls, even as a recent New York Times report revealed the serious long-term side effects of puberty blockers on kids. A new study just showed that there is a “surge” in irreversible “transgender” surgeries for teenaged girls soon after de-transitioner Chloe Cole said she would be suing the medical professionals who performed the girl’s double mastectomy when she was still a minor. And Project Veritas released a video on Dec. 7 of the dean of students at an elite Chicago private school boasting about how he had an LGBTQ+ “Health Center” come in and teach his underaged students about “queer sex” and other perversions.
Democrat Party leadership supports all this insanity, too — for instance, Joe Biden called restrictions on transgender “treatments” for children “immoral,” and Gov. Laura Kelly (D-Kansas) used taxpayer dollars to fund “an all-ages Halloween drag show,” according to Breitbart.
There is an all-out culture war specifically targeting children as Democrats try to make perversion the norm.