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Election 2020: The consequences for the courts By Peter Taussig


Unlike committed partisans on both sides of America’s political divide, I have no fixed belief about which of the two major party candidates actually won our recently concluded presidential election.

Two things that I do know are that:

1.  Significant and obviously plausible questions have been put forth about the announced results, the manner in which the election was conducted in certain key states, and how the votes were counted in those states, and

2.  Our courts, on technical and procedural grounds, have refused each and every one of a great many efforts to have the above-mentioned questions resolved through an established legal process. 

The desire of judges to avoid jeopardizing the prestige, standing, and stability of the courts as an institution by avoiding involvement in the ugly political mud brawl is understandable.  However, the inevitable consequences of their insistence on remaining above the fray will do the opposite of safeguarding the judiciary, the nation’s institutions, and a peaceable civil society. 

The courts and common law of England — the forerunner and basis for our judicial system — were established and developed to provide a peaceful way for aggrieved individuals to obtain justice without resorting to violence.  Now, as a result of the refusal of the courts to objectively and transparently examine and adjudicate the disputes about the election and its outcome, roughly half the country is being left enraged without any legal way to have the issues adjudicated.  Thus, a very large number of Americans are in the same position as were Englishmen when violence was the only means for resolving strongly held grievances prior to the establishment of a legal system.

That, I submit, does not bode well for the country.

Sen. Tom Cotton Says He Will Not Oppose Counting of Electoral College Votes By Janita Kan


Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) announced late Sunday that he would not join efforts to challenge the electoral college vote during the joint session on Jan. 6.

The Arkansas senator said although he shares concerns about election irregularities in the 2020 general election, he believes that Congress would be exceeding its own power if it tried to overturn the Election College results and set “unwise” precedents.

“Congress would take away the power to choose the president from the people, which would essentially end presidential elections and place that power in the hands of whichever party controls Congress,” Cotton said in a statement.

He added attempts to challenge the votes would imperil the Electoral College and give Democrats more reasons to achieve their goal of eliminating the system, which had helped Republicans win the presidency in 2000 and 2016.

Cotton also argued that overturning Electoral College results could also see Democrats push for the federalization of election law.

“Thus, I will not oppose the counting of certified electoral votes on January 6,” Cotton said. “I’m grateful for what the president accomplished over the past four years, which is why I campaigned vigorously for his reelection. But objecting to certified electoral votes won’t give him a second term—it will only embolden those Democrats who want to erode further our system of constitutional government.”

This comes as a growing group of Republican House members and senators announce their intention to challenge electoral college votes in several states where election results are disputed over allegations of irregularities and voter fraud. Republicans, in the lead up to Jan. 6, have been picking sides in this last-ditch effort to ensure that allegations of voter fraud are transparently and independently resolved in order to safeguard confidence in U.S. elections for years to come.

January 6, 2021: The Day of the Electoral Epiphany By David Solway


January 6 marks the festival of the Christian Epiphany commemorating the visit of the Magi—the three “wise men” of popular parlance—bringing gifts to the Christ child. It is also the day on which the presidency of the United States will be determined as the “wise men” of Congress meet to certify or decertify the vote of the Electoral College. The question is whether the current legitimate president will be recognized or whether a pretender to the throne, a false messiah, or, to put it bluntly, a corrupt grifter benefitting from the largest electoral fraud in American history will be confirmed in his stead.

Three facts should be obvious.

The first is that the list of Donald Trump’s accomplishments as president is a long one: the Middle East peace treaties, wage gains for low wage earners, elimination of the ISIS Caliphate, low unemployment (pre-COVID), Operation Warp Speed, energy independence, rapid economic recovery, reduction of economy-strangling regulations, pushback against Chinese Communist subversive tactics (including his recent release of Chinese bounty intel), returning manufacturing and industry to the homeland, immigration sanity, forcing NATO allies to pay their fair share of military expenses, the renegotiating of trade deals in America’s favor, in short, the policy of America First—to mention only a few of his extraordinary achievements.

Second, he has been routinely and viscerally misrepresented and traduced by a hostile and corrupt media consortium that has suppressed or sullied a record any responsible president would be proud of. Clearly, we no longer have a fair and trustworthy press but a Soviet-style propaganda machine trading on lies, unceasing vitriol and relentless ad hominem attacks on a sitting president.

Third, the evidence of massive and unprecedented electoral fraud that may well cost Trump the election is undeniable: preventing inspectors from observing the vote count, accepting illegal mail-in ballots and invalid (without dates) absentee ballots, random assignment of ballots, vote dumping, ballot box stuffing, votes exceeding the number of estimated voters, registering 120-year-old voters, transference of votes from Trump to Biden in battleground states, suitcases filled with ballots dragged out from beneath a covered table after mandated poll observers were told to leave, thousands of affidavits attesting to illegitimate activities, election rules drastically changed, hackable and manipulated voting machines and practices, and so on. The documentation is everywhere. Pennsylvania election numbers don’t add up, outcome-determinative fraud occurred in Georgia, Republican ballots were misprinted in several swing states. The fraud, which is, in effect, an integral part of a premediated coup d’état and “the biggest political scandal in U.S. history,” cannot be doubted or dismissed except by committed partisans of the Democratic Party, #NeverTrumpers, insurrectionary cadres like Antifa and BLM, useful idiots, and data-censoring corporate magnates frustrated by an honest broker in the Oval Office.


The Folly of the Cruz Eleven

By The Editors

Eleven GOP senators propose to trample federal law and state sovereignty — and blow a hole in the hull of American democracy.

Trump’s Allies Become the Swamp: The ‘Electoral Commission’ Gambit

By Andrew C. McCarthy

Hawley and Cruz are engaged in a flagrant Washington power grab. If these are the Republicans, who needs Democrats?

Liz Cheney: Objecting to Electoral College Votes Sets ‘Exceptionally Dangerous Precedent’

By John McCormack

The Risky Wager of Betting on Trump

By Andrew C. McCarthy

It was always a dice-roll. But in this moment, the case for having supported the president’s reelection bid is harder to make.

Rural Georgians Believe Trump Was Robbed — It Won’t Stop Them from Turning Out for Loeffler and Perdue By Ryan Mills


Atlanta — Michael Edens can see it in his mind: tractors, cattle trailers, Harley Davidsons and hot rods – really, any wheeled vehicle he can tie an American flag to – parading across the Interstate 85 overpass on Sunday afternoon, a show of force in his rural Georgia town.

It will be a parade, he said, to celebrate America, “the greatest nation that’s ever existed.”

Edens, 53, a heavy machinery mechanic who wears a big, black cowboy hat and quotes liberally from the Bible, believes that now is the time for Republicans like him in rural Georgia to stand up and fight. With the rally and parade he’s organizing on Sunday afternoon in his hometown of Carnesville, Edens hopes to encourage his neighbors to speak up for President Donald Trump, and to go out to vote for Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in Tuesday’s runoff elections.

And with the parade of farm vehicles stretching across the interstate, he wants to “catch the attention of everybody from California to New York State, right here in Carnesville, Georgia, so they know when they come into the rural areas how the rural people feel.”

If they want to win on Tuesday – and if Republicans want any chance of maintaining control of the Senate –  Loeffler and Perdue need passionate supporters like Edens to help them get out the vote in places like Carnesville, a blue-collar town of about 600 people at the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. Carnesville is the kind of place where tractor dealers outnumber big-box stores, and where truckers hauling lumber or crates of chickens rumble through don’t-blink-or-you’ll-miss-it downtowns.

What Happens if No One Wins? John Yoo and Robert Delahunty (10.19.2020)


*This article was co-written with Robert J. Delahunty, a law professor at St. Thomas University.

The Constitution provides for election crises—and its provisions favor Trump.
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Conservatives and liberals agree on few things, but one of them is that the country may well see an election crisis this year. All of the ingredients seem to be present: a closely and bitterly divided electorate; the threat of violence and disruption on Election Day or after; and the unusual circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this essay we provide a short roadmap through the main legal and constitutional issues that could arise if Election Day fails to result in a clear winner of the presidency, identify opportunities for political mischief, and explain why the weight of the constitutional structure favors President Donald Trump in a contested election.

Unusual Circumstances

A crucial fact in this year’s election is that, largely because of COVID, an unprecedented number of voters will vote by mail. According to the Washington Post, 84% of the electorate, or 198 million eligible voters, will be able to vote by mail this year. In the 2016 election, roughly 25% of the votes were cast by mail. This year, as many of half the ballots may be mailed in.

Republicans tend to prefer voting in person while Democrats tend to prefer absentee balloting. In the swing state of North Carolina, Democrats requested 53% of the absentee ballots and Republicans 15%. A July poll reported that 60% of the Democrats in Georgia, but only 28% of the Republicans, are likely to vote by mail.

Charles Lipson :Inauguration Day Symbolizes Our Enduring Constitution We must restore a sense of legitimate elections & “loyal opposition”


Recent political talk has focused almost entirely on Jan. 5 (the Georgia Senate runoffs) and Jan. 6 (congressional certification of the Electoral College results). Important as they are, we also should remember Jan. 20. On that day Americans will witness a truly remarkable tradition: the peaceful transfer of power between opposing parties. Such handovers are extremely rare in history and a towering, hard-won achievement. Our next one is worth celebrating, regardless of how you voted.

It is especially important for Donald Trump to attend this one since he has contested the November outcome so aggressively. Those challenges have gone well beyond formal legal contests. He has rallied supporters to challenge the legitimacy of the election outcome. That rallying cry needs to end, even as legal battles continue. It is time for President Trump to signal his public recognition that Joe Biden won the 2020 election and that he and the Republican Party are now the “loyal opposition.”

The losers’ presence at the inauguration serves two crucial functions. First, it makes clear that they accept the winner as legitimate. Like the swearing-in of members of Congress and Supreme Court justices, it tells all Americans that our top officials hold their positions rightfully.

Second, it shows that defeated candidates and their party are integral features of our ongoing constitutional process. Their presence says they will continue to seek election and work within that framework.

The losing side has every right to challenge the election’s integrity in court. Trump has done so repeatedly and failed each time. That’s partly because it is nearly impossible to swiftly prove “fact claims,” such as voter fraud. Still, Trump’s legal team has held numerous press conferences and public hearings to assert they have incontrovertible proof. Their claims have convinced die-hard believers but not trial judges, appellate courts, or state legislatures. Repeating these claims of a “stolen election,” without convincing the courts, rends the country’s already-fraying political fabric.

January 6th, Patriots’ Day By Ray DiLorenzo


When Donald Trump took office in January of 2017, neither he nor the patriots that put him there realized the extent of the Deep State. The swamp is global, the mire is deep. The scheme of the globalists is to take over the governments of the world and transform the planet into a one-world Communist state with Sustainability as the new world religion. This sustainability is only for them, to sustain their money, their power.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), at least for the time being, seems to be cooperating. After all, they want to see America fall as badly as the conspirators do.  At the same time, the CCP sees these globalists for who they are, traitors without an army, to be eventually swept aside as competitors for world domination. Nobody loves a traitor.

It is now beyond conspiracy. The globalists are open about their plans to anyone who cares to listen. Much of our Washington institutions, our press and education system, have been made political tools, criminal alliances between political parties evident. Corporations have assumed massive political power, in many cases calling the shots. Whether Americans have any real say in their government is now highly debatable.

The new Democrat Party, born domestically in the 60s when they created a new moral imperative, selling redemption for what they see as our sinful past, spent our country into oblivion, as much as 25 trillion dollars. It was all to gain power, leaving the subjects of their noble intentions behind, and opening every Pandora’s box in the process. They have now joined with these global pirates.

The Cheat In Plain Sight Kevin Kevin McCullough


It’s in the data. It was “certified.” It was “recounted.”

Independent data scientists who are able to spot much more complex data manipulation for clients—who have the most to lose (banks and financial institutions)—were able to easily contextualize and explain the proof from the data itself.

Proof of what?

Election cheating—the data proves it!

Justin Mealey, is a former electronic warfare specialist for the U.S. Navy and the CIA. David Lobue is a data scientist whose skills have been in demand across a wide variety of industries. This past week the two appeared before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on elections for the State of Georgia. 

Georgia is a state where Biden supposedly “won” by 12,000 votes. 

Yet in their simple—easy to understand—no conspiracy theories needed (though they might exist and explain some things) explanation—these data scientists proved inaccuracy in the certified results large enough to immediately cancel the “certification” and award the state to President Trump. 

Tom Fitton: If Republicans Back Hawley’s Electoral College Objection, Trump Will Be Made Lawful Winner


Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton explains Sen. Josh Hawley’s argument to object to the Electoral College results to host Gregg Jarrett on FBN Wednesday: “Not only did [Pennsylvania] count the votes late, in my view, but they counted votes they shouldn’t have counted under their own state law and in violation of the constitution. So these electors that have been certified for Joe Biden are invalid, Ithink the argument could be made, and should be rejected, and President Trump is the lawful winner based on that analysis. This is a straightforward analysis, and this is why the left has been so desperate to avoid the debate, because it’s a simple argument, and they could lose it.”