Rank-and-file conservatives have embraced Donald Trump. But even after four years, and everything he’s done for America, a hard core of leaders and intellectuals remains stridently anti-Trump. Their problem isn’t philosophical but psychological.
Speaking on CNN on December 23, former National Security Advisor John Bolton said The Donald was “never fit to be president.” Did he reach that conclusion before or after Trump fired him?
By any standard, Trump is our most successful conservative president:
Revived a moribund economy – check. Made America energy-independent – check. Defended our southern border – check. Cut taxes and regulations – check. Appointed constitutionalist judges (including three Supreme Court justices) – check. Moved our embassy to Jerusalem — check. Promoted the right-to-life at every opportunity – check. Put America first in foreign policy and trade – check.
Without a hard-driving, take-charge businessman at 1600, Operation Warp-Speed would have been Operation Don’t-Exceed-The-Speed-Limit. Money for a COVID vaccine would have been balanced by funding for the Kennedy Center and gender studies in Pakistan.
So what’s their problem with POTUS? Character, they tell us. He’s crude, bombastic and arrogant — unlike all of the humble souls who’ve succeeded at politics.
In terms of its leadership, we are a movement of jealous dwarfs.
Goldwater (never the brightest bulb in the pack) was so envious of Ronald Reagan that he supported the senior Bush – a Republican swamp creature — over the Gipper for the Republican nomination in 1980. That’s how he repaid the man who gave him the only memorable moment of his otherwise lackluster ’64 campaign – the televised address, “A Time for Choosing.”