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In this climactic battle of our decades-long culture war, we need to win—or be prepared to lose in ways beyond imagining.

Once upon a time, there was a president called Ronald Reagan—a model of decency and probity, at once great and self-effacing, who, above all, was truly in love with America and saw it as his sacred mission to preserve and strengthen American freedom. During his eight-year tenure, he revitalized the U.S. economy, snapped us out of what his disastrous predecessor had referred to as “our malaise,” and helped bring down the Soviet Union. 

Then he walked off into the sunset. And for the next seven presidential terms, we had to make do with mediocrity and self-dealing. Both parties were dominated by crime families—sorry, I mean political dynasties. The Bushes were uninspiring. The Clintons were pure slime. 

The 1960s had introduced a toxic counterculture rooted in reflexive oikophobia. It had grown apace ever since. The Bushes did nothing to resist it; Clinton himself was very much a part of it. In a famous speech at the 1992 Republican convention, Pat Buchanan warned that America was in a “culture war”—a “war for the soul of America.” 

He was right. But he identified the primary enemy as gays. In fact, the culture war had nothing to do with gays. It was about, among other things, professors who praised Marx and kids who wore Che t-shirts. After 9/11, it was also about people who, not knowing a thing about Islam, whitewashed it and claimed that America had deserved the jihadist attacks. 

Buchanan’s speech was a great gift to the counterculturists: it enabled them to paint the GOP as a party not of freedom but of bigotry. He wasn’t alone. There were plenty of Republican politicians who, instead of being clear about the nature of the culture war, lazily played the anti-gay card. 

Meanwhile the real enemy within grew apace, all but unopposed. 

Then along came Barack Obama. He was the enemy within. His memoir Dreams from My Father suggested that he had far more affection for Kenya and Indonesia than for America. His mentor, Jeremiah Wright, was a virulent America-hater. 

VOTER FRAUD ON DISPLAY: Houston Ballots All Have Same Signature and Same Address Jim Hof


The voter fraud in this year’s presidential election was widespread and extensive.

Instead of asking where was the fraud? The real question is where was there NO fraud? Democrats used every trick in their book to steal votes and manufacture ballots.

Here is the latest proof of voter fraud in Texas.

Democrats manufactured votes — in the same city, in the same handwriting and at the same address.

This is what Democrats do.

And they will continue to do this until people are sent to jail.
This needs to stop.

It’s for Mike Pence to Judge whether a Presidential Election Was Held at All By Ted Noel


On January 6, a joint session of Congress will open with Vice President Pence presiding as president of the Senate.  His power will be plenary and unappealable.  You heard that right.  As president of the Senate, every objection comes directly to him, and he can rule any objection “out of order” or “denied.”  His task will be to fulfill his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to ensure that the laws be faithfully executed.  This is a high standard of performance, and V.P. Pence will have two choices.  He can roll over on “certified” electors, or he can uphold the law.

Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution gives state legislatures “plenary authority” as enunciated in Bush v. Gore.  This is key, since the counting of votes is discussed in Article II, the 12th Amendment, and 3 USC 15.  To this we must add the history of counting and objections recounted by Alexander Macris (here and here).  Put bluntly, it’s as clear as mud.  Add to that the fact that the contested states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have sent dueling slates of electors to D.C.  This means that the V.P. has to decide how he will handle the situation when two sealed envelopes are handed to him from any of those states.

Macris points out that in 1800, even with constitutional deficiencies in Georgia, Thomas Jefferson blithely counted defective electoral votes from Georgia, effectively voting himself into the presidency.  This demonstrates that the president of the Senate is the final authority on any motions or objections during the vote-counting.  There is no appeal.  That doesn’t mean there won’t be any outrage.  Whatever Pence does, people will be angry.  But what does the law demand?

The Mushrooming of the 2020 US Election


On December 23 President Trump made a powerful speech summing up facts behind the purported win by Joe Biden of the US election. As is normal, the mainstream US media and the Australian media en bloc have ignored or ridiculed this speech. Their narrative is that Trump is a spiteful and buffoonish loser.

In the real world, a Rasmussen survey showed that only 47 per cent of American voters believe that Joe Biden won. Only 10 per cent of Republicans think Biden won fairly.

And these American voters have good grounds for so believing. Quadrant Online now goes where the rest of the media refuses, and publishes our own and full transcript of Trump’s 14-minute address.

It exposes the disgraceful alliance of the media (including The Australian’s US correspondent, let alone the ABC), the media-technology giants and the Democrat Party to suppress pro-Trump news, up to and including censoring the President himself. Here is just one handy fact: Twitter has censored Trump and his campaign 543 times since May 2018. Its censoring of Biden: zero.

—Tony Thomas

Rudy Giuliani is again promising good news is on the way By Andrea Widburg


When it comes to the election, the facts are clear: Joe Biden, an incompetent, corrupt, possibly senile politician who campaigned from his basement, allegedly received more votes than any president in American history. The engines for that victory were media and tech propaganda and censorship, and paper and computer ballot fraud. Nevertheless, a craven judicial class that refuses to look at the evidence, corrupt political officials, and more media and tech propaganda and censorship seem to have fixed the dial on a Biden presidency. On Christmas Day, though, President Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, promised that things are “going to blow up” going forward.

Let me say that I’m a little bit worried that Giuliani is over-promising. I know how lawyers think. They get incredibly excited about a specific fact, legal argument, or procedural point, and optimistically assume that whatever excites them is going to break the whole case wide open. Sadly, lawyers are almost always wrong about that. What ends cases isn’t some Hollywood, Perry Mason moment, with a witness suddenly admitting to a lie or a fingerprint magically appearing. Instead, it’s a long slog of aggregating facts and legal arguments.

The problem with the 2020 election is that we don’t have a long slog. Instead, we have a judicial class (reaching all the way up to the Supreme Court) that has settled for a very peculiar and deeply immoral position: In an election rife with manifest fraud, America’s judiciary would prefer to see Trump’s real votes voided through fraud, than see Biden’s fake votes properly invalidated through having that fraud exposed. Put another way, they’re voting for a dishonest Biden win than an honest Trump victory.

Given this situation, we Trump supporters keep hoping that a black swan explodes onto the scene, or even better, a fiery phoenix that blasts to ashes the arguments propping up the dissolute, demented, doddering Democrat darling, Joe Biden. (I love alliteration.)

Why Sidney Powell gets the Galileo treatment By Eric Georgatos


“Common sense says election integrity is fundamental to the survival of democracy in any form, so if there are reasonable grounds for suspicion, why wouldn’t serious adults want to turn over every rock to determine the truth?  If the ruling class is so eager to pronounce Sidney Powell a lunatic fringe conspiracy theorist, why wouldn’t they want the Dominion voting machines fully audited so they can prove once and for all that Powell is crazy and deserves to be mocked and ignored?”

Observers of human history might have to go back all the way to Galileo to find a ruling class as determined to cancel someone as much as today’s is to cancel Sidney Powell in response to her single-minded devotion to bringing the truth of the full scale of the 2020 election fraud to light. 

Galileo broke the news/discovery that the earth wasn’t the center of the universe, and in fact revolved around the sun, and that just didn’t comport with what the ruling class, including church authorities, were prepared or willing to accept.  Galileo rocked their world — probably deeply threatening their hold of authority over the masses if they were exposed as so fundamentally wrong — so their solution wasn’t to deal with the truth but to put Galileo under house arrest and demand that he renounce his discovery.

The American ruling class of 2020 is bizarrely opposed to allocating any oxygen to what Sidney Powell has discovered and is alleging about Dominion Voting Systems (and others), about vote-shifting algorithms and partial decimal vote counts, and about vote manipulation showing up throughout the country.  Even Rudy Giuliani, the President’s attorney, and Mark Meadows, the President’s Chief of Staff, seem hellbent on publicly keeping their distance from Powell — and on keeping President Trump from getting too close to or aligned with Powell.

Other elements of the ruling class — such as SCOTUS and much of the rest of the federal judiciary — won’t even look at the evidence Powell has assembled.  They just ‘don’t want to go there’, and so they make up legal excuses — e.g., lack of standing — and wave off the substance of the allegations.

What gives?  Why are they behaving this way?


Apposite and inspiring words from Rudyard Kipling’s Poem “If..”

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

    And treat those two impostors just the same;   

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

    Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

Hold on and Godspeed !   rsk

Trump ‘Resolved, Determined’ About Election, Says Pennsylvania Senator By Charlotte Cuthbertson


WASHINGTON—Several Pennsylvania state senators, all Republicans, met with the president in the Oval Office on Dec. 23 to discuss election fraud issues in their state.

Among them was Sen. Doug Mastriano, who said afterwards that he’s “never seen anyone more resolved or determined” as Trump, “because truth is on his side.”

“The mood was determined. We need to find out what the heck happened here,” Mastriano told The Epoch Times.

He said the group took Trump through the various concerns they had, including a dump of 570,000 votes in the middle of the night for Democratic nominee Joe Biden, during which time only about 3,200 votes appeared for Trump. “Even in the bluest of blue areas of Pennsylvania that’s statistically impossible,” Mastriano said.

“And we talked about how if this is not only fixed in the future, but if it’s not fixed for what just happened here, at what point does the republic collapse?”

Mastriano held a public hearing in Gettysburg on Nov. 25, where witness testimony outlined allegations of fraud ranging from chain-of-custody issues, lost USB cards, statistical anomalies, and poll watcher access issues.

The state legislature has been out of session since Nov. 30 and Republicans have been unable to convince Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, to call a special session to address election issues.

Video: Phill Kline—New Amistad Project Election Lawsuit; $500 Million to Increase Votes in Democratic Strongholds? By Jan Jekielek


Joining us today is Phill Kline, the former attorney general of Kansas and director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society. Kline argues that hundreds of millions of dollars were donated by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to nonprofits, which used them in ways that compromised election standards. According to an Amistad Project report, election officials who received Zuckerberg’s money put their thumbs on the scale by trying to increase voter turnout in only democratic strongholds.

We discuss ongoing efforts to expose election fraud, and we break down Amistad Project’s most recent lawsuit, which demands that legislatures in five states be allowed to certify electors prior to congressional certification.

This is American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸, and I’m Jan Jekielek.

American Thought Leaders is an Epoch Times show available on YouTube, Facebook, and The Epoch Times website. It airs on Verizon Fios TV and Frontier Fios on NTD America (Channel 158).
Follow Jan on Twitter: @JanJekielek

5 Reasons I’ll Always Resist Joe Biden and the Democrats (and You Should Too) By Matt Margolis


Is anyone else tired of the media and the left telling you that Republicans should get in line and support Biden and stop questioning the election? Well, I definitely am.

“The race is over!” they say. “Biden won!” they insist. “It’s time for unity!” they demand.

Heh. Unity? Don’t count on it.  Joe Biden, who ran claiming to be a uniter who would work with both sides, has shown he will do no such thing. As he picks his cabinet, he’s picked only loyalists and Obama administration retreads. So far, none of the so-called Republicans Biden was reportedly considering for his administration have been announced as official picks. Joe Biden won’t be president for “all Americans” like he promised he would be. But only fools would have believed him anyway—I’m looking at you, Never-Trump Republicans.

As it seems clear that the Supreme Court will not involve itself in election disputes, it seems likely that Joe Biden will be inaugurated in January. Even if that happens, that doesn’t mean we have to accept the legitimacy of his presidency. Why should we? Are we really going to be lectured by Democrats, who repeatedly refuse to accept their own defeat?

Stacey Abrams and Hillary Clinton come to mind.

So, yeah, no thanks. Trump voters put up with a lot over four years and we’re not about to forgive and forget so easily. Here are five reasons why I will resist Biden and the Democrats.