Cheating and then claiming, “I won!” does not make a person a winner. Fraud — whether organized or disorganized, isolated or widespread, individual or coordinated — disqualifies results. When flags are thrown and violations confirmed, penalties are assessed and downs replayed. Occasionally, violators may be rejected or time added back to the clock. Confirmed chicanery requires vacated victories and reassignment of crowns.
Election totals fuel widespread declarations and serve as the basis for future ratified actions. But if tallies are tainted, the claims are based on false data, and consequential actions are illegitimate. The point of pursuing election integrity, in any election and at any and every level, is to indisputably confirm facts and incontestably dispel fiction.
Consider AP Washington Bureau chief Julie Pace’s widely shared unequivocal assertion that the 2020 presidential election is over. She contends, “It is increasingly clear that there is no fact, no piece of evidence and no court ruling that will dissuade Trump from trying to mislead Americans about President-elect Joe Biden’s victory[.] … In reality, Biden won 306 Electoral College votes, the same number Trump carried four years ago in a victory he deemed a landslide. Biden also outpaced Trump by more than 7 million votes nationwide.”