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Dominion Voting Systems “Designed to Create Systemic Fraud” by Soeren Kern


“We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication.” — Allied Security Operations Group, Antrim Michigan Forensics Report, Revised Preliminary Summary, v2, December 13, 2020.

“The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.” — Allied Security Operations Group, Antrim Michigan Forensics Report, Revised Preliminary Summary, v2, December 13, 2020.

“Significantly, the computer system shows vote adjudication logs for prior years; but all adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle are missing. The adjudication process is the simplest way to manually manipulate votes. The lack of records prevents any form of audit accountability, and their conspicuous absence is extremely suspicious since the files exist for previous years using the same software.” — Allied Security Operations Group, Antrim Michigan Forensics Report, Revised Preliminary Summary, v2, December 13, 2020.

“On November 21, 2020, an unauthorized user unsuccessfully attempted to zero out election results. This demonstrates additional tampering with data.” — Allied Security Operations Group, Antrim Michigan Forensics Report, Revised Preliminary Summary, v2, December 13, 2020.

“Based on the preliminary results, we conclude that the errors are so significant that they call into question the integrity and legitimacy of the results in the Antrim County 2020 election to the point that the results are not certifiable. Because the same machines and software are used in 48 other counties in Michigan, this casts doubt on the integrity of the entire election in the state of Michigan.” — Allied Security Operations Group, Antrim Michigan Forensics Report, Revised Preliminary Summary, v2, December 13, 2020.

A forensic audit of voting equipment produced by Dominion Voting Systems and used in the State of Michigan for the 2020 election has found major irregularities in the tabulation of votes. The audit found a 68% error rate in Antrim County, where thousands of votes for U.S. President Donald J. Trump were wrongly “flipped” to former Vice President Joe Biden on November 3, 2020.

The high error rate was, according to the auditors, due to an algorithm placed inside the Dominion software that assigned different weights to votes cast for different candidates at a 2/3 to 1/3 ratio. This allowed election officials to apply a weighted numerical value to candidates and change the overall result. The declaration of winners was done on a basis of points, not votes, according to the auditors.

Essential steps to retrieve Georgia By Ted Noel


It looks very bad for the lawsuits seeking to Stop the Steal. That doesn’t mean that there wasn’t massive fraud. The evidence for that is strong, regardless of the legal sophistry used by courts to deny relief. But while those efforts continue, one more election looms.

At this point, we must turn our attention to preventing a repeat of the Georgia fraud this January. In Georgia, Democrats will put everything they’ve done on steroids if we let them. Obviously, a Court decision to block the Consent Decree will go a long way, restoring proper signature verification on mail-in ballots. But even with a win there, we aren’t home free. Lots of other opportunities for mischief exist.

Our chief tool is sunlight. Every tool required to shine a spotlight on the election is off-the-shelf, so we don’t need to reinvent the wheel. With so many millions of dollars being spent on both sides to drive Georgians away from broadcast TV, the Republican Party should divert some to buy up every GoPro camera within a hundred miles of Atlanta. The first place to put them is on poles near every illegal ballot drop box. If they can’t get that done quickly, put up motion-activated “trail cams.”

The cameras should be tied into a large computer network where they are recorded live at a central monitoring location. This should allow detection people illegally placing multiple ballots in the boxes. It would also help identify people who are unlawfully removing the ballots.

While this first stage is running, a much more detailed monitoring stage should be prepared. The center in Atlanta where the votes will be counted should receive a thorough supply of cameras with microphones. If they are positioned over every vote examination station, monitored in real time, and recorded remotely, every act of malfeasance will be on video for all to see. Every vehicle entering or leaving the counting center also needs to be recorded on video. This includes the occupants and any cargo loaded or unloaded.

Dan Crenshaw is back with an awesome ad By Andrea Widburg


Okay, I admit it. I’m a serious Dan Crenshaw fan girl. Of course, I admire his courage in serving America and recovering from his devastating wounds. And I appreciate his solid conservativism. But what I especially like about Crenshaw is his personality. He handles conflict gracefully, knows when to choose his battles, and has an awesome sense of humor.

I wrote about Crenshaw just a few days ago because the Deep State is attacking him for (allegedly) pointing out problems with allegations from Andrea N. Goldstein, who claims to have been sexually assaulted at a VA facility. It seems that Goldstein had made it a pattern and practice while serving in the Navy to claim that she’d been sexually assaulted.

This is what comes from a culture that no longer teaches children Aesop’s fables. Had Goldstein known about The Boy Who Cried wolf, she made not have made so many charges that those who knew her best believed her the least.

Just a few days before that, I wrote about Crenshaw’s political courage in calling Nancy Pelosi out for her disgusting, cruel, and hypocritical behavior in response to the Wuhan virus.

And then, back in September, I wrote about an utterly awesome political ad that Dan Crenshaw put together with six House candidates in Texas, several of whom, like Crenshaw, served in the military. You need to see that ad again to appreciate what Crenshaw has done this time:In his newest ad, Crenshaw has turned his attention to the Senate run-off in Georgia. The ad is funny and powerful, as well as having a Marcus Luttrell cameo.

The ‘kraken’ is the sleeping giant now awakened within the GOP By Bode Lang


On Monday, Republican electors in the battleground states of PA, GA, NV, and AZ convened to cast their electoral votes for Donald Trump.  While this was a necessary step to stop the barrage of voter fraud across these states, I’ll admit, I was shocked that Republican electors did it. 

For a long time, we’ve seen the GOP kowtow to Democrats on nearly every front.  We’re censored by big tech, smeared in the media, mocked in popular culture, and endure malicious political prosecution, as in the cases of Michael Flynn and Kyle Rittenhouse.  On the other side, Hillary Clinton destroyed 30,000 emails, federal bureaucrats broke countless laws in the Russian Collusion hoax, leftist radicals burned cities and attacked police, Obama weaponized the IRS against Republicans, and illegally imposed DACA.  The rules are clear: Democrats can break the law whenever they want.

So, when Democrats got caught violating numerous state statutes and the U.S. Constitution to steal the 2020 election, and our judiciary has done little to stop it, the double-standard seemed all-too-familiar.  The courts interpreting laws and past precedents loosely when advantageous to Democrats and more rigidly towards Republicans has been the standard for some time. 

Can you imagine a country where Democrats can commit blatantly unconstitutional actions to enable voter fraud while simultaneously using the same Constitution to insist Republicans have no legal grounds to challenge them?  This is the America we’re living in.

Lost Innocence? Let’s not misread the moment. Bruce Bawer

http://Lost Innocence? Let’s not misread the moment. Tue Dec 15, 2020 Bruce Bawer

It used to be that every time something big and unpleasant happened to America – Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, the JFK assassination, Watergate, 9/11 – there would ensue a spate of articles about how America had finally lost its innocence. This year’s apparently successful election fraud, too, feels like one of those occasions.

To be sure, the fraud was not a stand-alone event but the culmination of several years of Democratic chicanery, beginning with the effort to destroy Trump’s campaign and continuing with the attempt to bring down his presidency. During these years, one public figure after another was held up to us as a hero and then shown to be yet another Big State sewer rat.

So fast-moving have events been during the age of Trump that it can be hard to keep track of all the betrayals – some of which, though just a couple of years old, feel as if they took place in the distant past. Remember the gut punch that was Jeff Sessions’ recusal from the Russia probe? Remember when you thought Jim Comey was a good guy who’d pull back the curtain on the Clinton crime family and bring Hillary to justice? Remember being assured by people you trusted that Bill Barr and John Durham would get to the bottom of the Russia hoax? The other day, when Texas AG Ken Paxton took his election-fraud case against four other states to the Supreme Court, were you among those who expected the three Trump appointees to join Alito and Thomas in stopping the steal?

Yes, the Trump administration has yielded one triumph after another. But living through it has also meant experiencing one crushing disappointment after another. It’s been hard not to feel that the swamp was too deep even for Trump to drain, and that, by dreaming otherwise, we were being hopelessly naïve.

For heaven’s sake, not only did Barr, after promising to deliver a long-overdue reckoning, drag his heels on the Russia probe; it now turns out that during the entire campaign season he’s known about investigations into the Biden clan that, if made public, would almost certainly have reduced voter support for Joe to a point that would’ve made the election steal impossible.

New York Times Attacks Election Skeptics How the fourth estate has turned into Biden’s fiefdom. Tue Dec 15, 2020 Joseph Klein


The New York Times editors reached a new low of hypocrisy with their December 11th editorial entitled “The Republicans Who Embraced Nihilism.” Failure to embrace Joe Biden as the legitimate president-elect is tantamount in their eyes to embracing a nihilist rejection of America’s democratic process itself. That’s not surprising given the editors’ hysterical warning before the election that Trump’s re-election campaign “poses the greatest threat to American democracy since the Second World War.” Forget about the real threats posed by nuclear-armed Communist nations and global Islamist terrorism. President Trump is the existential threat to the country, the editors exclaim. Fueled by their hatred of Trump, it’s not much of a leap for the Times’ editors to do what they can to help push Biden over the finish line by whatever means necessary.  

The Times editorial began by bemoaning widespread Republican support for Texas’s failed constitutional challenge to the results of the presidential election in four other states where Joe Biden was declared the winner. But most of the editorial was taken up with attacking Republican supporters of President Trump more generally for daring to question the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s purported election victory. The editors descended into lobbing false accusations that such Republicans are engaging in “election denialism,” “undermining the rule of law,” an “assault on truth,” and “anti-democratic tendencies.”.

The real nihilists and election deniers are the Democrats and their shills in the media, who refused to accept Donald Trump as the duly elected president of the United States in 2016 or to acknowledge the legitimacy of his presidency. Obsessed with their hatred of President Trump, these deniers wouldn’t recognize the truth if it slapped them in the face. They were complicit in undermining the rule of law and democracy by concocting and pursuing endless bogus charges against Trump, starting with the Russian collusion hoax. The New York Times has been a leading generator of fake news hit jobs against the president.

Wisconsin Was the Electoral College Tipping-Point State, Again


The 2020 election was decided for Biden by just 43,000 individual votes in three states.

T he Electoral College formally convened in the 50 states and the District of Columbia on Monday and elected Joe Biden to be the next president of the United States by a vote of 306 to 232.

Biden beat President Trump by 4.3 percentage points in the national popular vote, but if you want to understand how close the election really was, you need to look at the states that put him over the top in the Electoral College: Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia.

Biden carried each state by a fraction of one percentage point: 0.63 points in Wisconsin, 0.3 points in Arizona, and 0.24 points in Georgia. If Biden had lost all three states, the result would have been a 269-269 Electoral College tie. This would have thrown the presidential election to the House of Representatives where each state delegation would get one vote. And House Republicans will hold a majority in the delegations of a majority of the states, so tossing the election to the House would have resulted in Trump’s re-election.

With U.S. Senate Runoffs Near, Georgia’s Not Prosecuting Its Unprecedented Number of Double Voters By Paul Sperry


More than 1,700 Georgians were singled out for illegally casting two ballots in 2020 elections — including last month’s hotly contested presidential race — but their fraudulent votes weren’t canceled out, according to state election officials. And so far, none of the cheaters has been prosecuted, raising concerns about continued fraud as Georgia prepares to vote again in twin U.S. Senate runoff elections next month.

The majority of double voters were Democrats who cast an absentee ballot either by mail or drop box and also voted in person on Election Day, officials said, which is a felony under state law.

The highest share of offenders were from Fulton County, which includes Atlanta — many of whom were allowed to cast a second ballot by poll workers, officials said.

Hundreds of workers assigned to county poll sites were recruited and trained by the Democrat-run Georgia chapter of the ACLU and a minority-owned temp agency run by Democrat donors, according to documents obtained by RealClearInvestigations. Most of them were young and inexperienced.

Before the election, the ACLU urged anyone “threatened with prosecution” over double-voting allegations to contact the chapter for legal assistance. It is now signing up poll workers for the Jan. 5 runoff races. And the temp agency, Happy Faces Personnel Group, remains under contract with the county to supply workers for that critical election, despite complaints from poll managers and poll watchers that its recruits were “poorly trained” and “highly partisan.” The Georgia runoffs will determine control of the Senate.

BREAKING: State Police Block GOP Electors From Entering Michigan Capitol to Cast Votes For President Trump – No Reason Given! (VIDEO) By Cristina Laila


A group of GOP electors on Monday arrived at the Michigan state Capitol to cast their votes for President Trump.

But the Michigan state police blocked the GOP electors from entering the building.

“The Electors are already here, they’ve been checked in.” the police said as they blocked access to the Capitol.

BREAKING: Antrim Co. Forensic Report BOMBSHELL Reveals Dominion Machines Were Set At 68.05% Error Rate…Meaning 68.05% Of Ballots Could Be Sent Out For Mass Adjudication, Giving Individuals Or Machines Ability To Change 68.05% Of Votes By Patty McMurray


This morning, during an emergency hearing, MI 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin A Elsenheimer granted permission to Attorney Matthew Deperno to release the findings from their forensic examination on 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim County, MI where thousands of votes flipped from President Trump to Joe Biden on November 3, 2020.

Earlier this week, we reported about a lawsuit filed by Matthew DePerno of DePerno Law on behalf of Central Lake resident William Bailey. In addition to thousands of votes that were flipped from President Trump to Democrat candidate Joe Biden, Bailey was concerned about ballots that were re-run through the Dominion tabulator machine after a 262-262 tie on a vote a ballot initiative that would allow a marijuana establishment to be located within the Village of Central Lake.

While ballots were being inserted into the machine, 3 of them were destroyed and were not placed through the tabulator. At the conclusion of the recount by the tabulating machine and with three fewer votes, the result was 262-261, and the initiative passed. Of course, this result could only be possible after 3 of the ballots were destroyed.