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Senate Republicans Can’t Be Bothered With Election Cheating Begging those same voters to keep them in power adds insult to injury. By Julie Kelly


The Republican attorney general of Texas has filed a compelling case that details shocking evidence of election fraud in four swing states that Joe Biden allegedly won last month. The lawsuit, subsequently backed by 19 of Ken Paxton’s Republican counterparts, now sits before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Paxton’s pleading should erase any doubt that election officials—in some cases, unelected bureaucrats with no accountability to voters—in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia usurped the constitutional authority of their respective state legislatures to break the rules and tip the results in favor of Biden.

As I wrote here, “the suit asks the court to declare that the four states ‘administered the 2020 presidential election in violation of the Electors Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment’ and essentially nullify any presidential electors appointed in those states.” Doctored certification envelopes, lax signature verification, illegal distribution of mail-in ballot applications, and absentee votes processed before the legal start date are just a few examples of documented unlawfulness in the four defendant states.

Tens of millions of Trump voters are livid as new evidence of flagrant election abuses are revealed each day. Nearly three-quarters of Republicans do not trust the election’s outcome, according to a poll taken before the Texas filing. During a raucous campaign rally in Georgia last weekend headlined by the president, thousands of Georgians chanted “fight for Trump!” sending a not-so-subtle message to the state’s milquetoast incumbent Republican senators facing a contentious run-off on January 5: It’s time to buck up.

So what, exactly, are Republican senators doing in response to this pervasive outrage? Why, turning on their own supporters, of course—and at the same time begging those same voters to help the GOP keep the Senate.

“I read just a summary of [Paxton’s lawsuit], and I frankly struggle to understand the legal theory,” Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas), told CNN’s Manu Raju. Raju spoke with two dozen Republican senators about the Texas case and whether the president should finally concede. 

Lowering the Barr Has the DOJ become the pro bono law firm of the Deep State? Lloyd Billingsley


“We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” said Joe Biden on October 24, and duly confirmed on November 3. With Trump holding a lead in critical states, the voting suddenly stopped and harvested ballots came pouring in for Biden. Mail ballots had been handled by a postal union that endorsed Joe Biden, a clear conflict of interest. No identification required, ballots backdated, poll workers shielded from observation, and so forth. Plenty to see here, but not for Attorney General William Barr.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” Barr said in a December 1 interview. Voters had a right to wonder if the nation’s highest law enforcement official had taken a look at voting by illegal aliens, a crime punishable by one year in prison, deportation and inadmissibility. Even so, in California, voting by illegals is already inherent in the system.

When illegals get driver’s licenses, the DMV automatically registers them to vote, and by 2018 the “motor voter” program added one million “new” voters to the rolls. In March, Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered mail ballots sent to every registered voter in California, which includes all the illegals registered by the DMV. Secretary of state Alex Padilla, who opposed a federal probe of voter fraud after the 2016 election, won’t say how many illegals voted in 2018 and 2020. If Barr made any effort to uncover the extent of this crime, nothing has come to light. On other fronts, the attorney general has been busy.

Also on December 1, Barr appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham as special counsel to investigate the origins of the Russia probe. Durham has been investigating the matter since 2019 and to date has only brought a single charge against FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith for altering a document. High-profile players such as James Comey and Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohr and others have escaped prosecution. By kicking the probe down the road, Barr effectively kills it off. That should come as no surprise, given Barr’s history of defending deadly government operations against American civilians.

‘The Big One’ Gets Bigger: 15 Michigan Legislators Join Texas Election Lawsuit By Tyler O’Neil


On Thursday, 15 Republican legislators in Michigan filed a motion in support of Attorney General Ken Paxton’s (R-Texas) lawsuit challening the 2020 presidential election results in four key swing states, including Michigan. The legislators joined the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society in supporting the Texas lawsuit, which asks the Supreme Court to remand the election results to swing-state legislatures for review and potential reversal.

“The state legislature serves as an ‘insurance policy’ against election officials who abuse or misuse their power,” State Rep. Daire Rendon, one of the legislators who signed on to the brief, said in a statement. “And our election officials failed in their primary duty. They had one job — to follow Michigan election law as it is written, not as they wish it to be — and they failed it.”

In addition to Rendon, the Michigan legislators on the brief include: Julie Alexander, Matt Maddox, Beth Griffin, John Reilly, Gary Elsen, Joe Bellino, Bronna Kahle, Luke Meerman, Doug Wozniak, Michele Hoitenga, Brad Paquette, Greg Markkanen, Jack O’Malley, and Rodney Wakeman.

Seventeen other states have joined Texas in its lawsuit, including Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia. President Donald Trump himself filed a motion to intervene on Wednesday.

The Texas lawsuit accuses swing-state officials of breaking the law in three ways: changing election process in violation of laws duly passed by signed legislatures; giving voters more favorable treatment if they live in heavily Democratic areas; and the relaxation of ballot-integrity protections.

The Four Horsemen of the American Apocalypse By David Solway



“In our “time and setting,” one might think that we are witnessing the last days of the American Republic, following massive electoral fraud, the suppression of facts by the media, the ubiquitous practice of censorship by the tech platforms, and the (so far) pusillanimous refusal of the courts to rectify the greatest electoral scandal, by several orders of magnitude, since the defeat of Andrew Jackson in the “corrupt bargain” of 1824.”

Given the cultural forces that have been at work undermining the joists and beams of the nation, the impending calamity comes as no surprise. The four horsemen are riding again, and their names are Feminism, Climate, COVID-19, and the Democratic Party.

Feminism sits astride the white horse, obviously, crowned in ostensible purity. This destructive and malicious ideology of spurious “equality” has dissolved the vigorous masculine spirit that has long sustained the greatest nation on the planet, and it shows no sign of relenting. A nation that has been radically feminized will not survive in the carnal jungle of politics and war. As Michael Ignatieff writes in The Lesser Evil, “liberal societies cannot be defended by herbivores. We need carnivores to save us.”

Climate, aka the red horse of Global Warming, is taking the peace of daily living from domestic assurances, depriving the country of reliable sources of energy, fouling the landscape, polluting the environment, empowering a class of robber barons profiting at the expense of the people, and establishing infrastructural control by a cadre of demagogues—it could also be called the green horse. (Watermelon environmentalism: green on the outside, red on the inside.)

The black horse of COVID—or, more accurately, the official response to the virus, replete with false information as the First Trust COVID-19 Tracker points out—has panicked the populace, led to misguided draconian measures, caused shortages of consumer goods, promoted the manifest injustice of elite immunity to law, inflicted disproportionate suffering and increased lethality, and facilitated mammoth economic collapse from which there may be no full recovery. The black horse has trampled the nation’s prospects for both the present and the future.

And the Democratic Party, charging on the pale horse of corruption, lies, calumny, hypocrisy, vandalism, corporate welfare, racial conflict, electoral treachery, the murder of innocents called “abortion on demand,” and totalitarian principles associated with socialism and communism, followed by the Hell of the Press, the academy, the jesters of Hollywood and social media, has plausibly ensured the ideological transformation of the Republic into the two-headed Babylon of secular idolatry and political control, or alternately, the Roman Empire of harassment and persecution. In any case, it signifies the Death of legitimate governance.

There’s a reason the media is suddenly reporting on Hunter Biden’s corruption By Andrea Widburg


“Joe served his purpose by being the bland front person for a full leftist assault on the White House. Now it’s time for him to go. And while his handlers may reward him for a job well done with the pleasure of the inauguration, you can be sure that they’ll pressure him to do what he promised to do, which is to invent a respectable disease and quit ASAP.”

In the world of Democrat politics, there are no coincidences. With that principle in mind, it’s possible to understand why Democrat media outlets are suddenly reporting about Hunter Biden’s corruption, a story that spills over onto his father. The first is to get ahead of potential breaking news about Hunter’s imminent arrest. The second theory is the one Monica Showalter advanced: The leftists used Biden to attain the White House (or so they believe) and are now ready to get rid of him. Having a criminal son may be just what the Obama/Harris camp needs to make that happen. And if there’s any doubt about this theory, an article in The New York Times seems to lay it to rest. 

We conservatives remember how, in October, the media and the tech tyrants conspired to block any reports about Hunter Biden, whether those reports were the Senate Intelligence Committee’s findings about the $3.5 million Hunter received from the wife of a Russian politician, or the shocking details of political corruption, drug addiction, and sexual debauchery contained on his hard drive.

Well, to ordinary people, these stories were shocking. To the media and the tech tyrants, these stories were potential dangers to Joe Biden’s candidacy. They had to be stopped – and stopped they were. Twitter and Facebook, the two biggest social media tech tyrants, refused to allow any reports to circulate and banned people, including President Trump’s press secretary, from their platforms when they refused to bow down to this censorship.

News outlets derided the reports about the Biden family’s corrupt dealings, all of which implicated Joe Biden as the man who pimped out his addled son for huge sums of money, as non-stories. That’s not an exaggeration. It’s explicitly what NPR’s public editor said:

The District of Corruption Has Overplayed Its Hand By J.B. Shurk


This is just an observation (because I’m not looking forward to gulag life), but I think the only thing keeping Trump voters from burning the whole corrupt system down right now is that nobody knows whom or what to attack.  That should be a pretty sobering consideration for an establishment class that thinks it just stole the 2020 presidential election fair and square.  If there were a ship out in the harbor loaded up with all the Democrats’ fraudulent ballots from the election, there’s no doubt in my mind that a hundred million Americans would dress up as members of the Washington Football Club and sink that ship to the bottom of the sea.  If the politicians and journalists who call the District of Corruption home were wearing bright red coats, I suspect they’d find themselves tossed to the curb head-first by every small business–owner going belly-up right now due to political whims disguised as public health orders.  If there were a field of battle to defend or clearly demarcated enemy zones on the map, I’m guessing the powder keg ignited from mail-in ballot fraud this election cycle would have already gone boom!  

The truth is that Americans are mad, and they should be.  They have put up with four years of fake Russian collusion hoaxes and fake impeachments and fake judges using their powers to hamstring lawful executive orders from President Trump.  They have watched the CIA abuse its powers to spy on a Republican political campaign and the FBI abuse its powers to punish political allies of the president, and the only person facing any semblance of justice in the whole mess is some no-name young lawyer from deep in the bowels of the Deep State’s operations against Trump who lacked the judgment to understand that his own side would use him as a scapegoat.  Police officers have been totally thrown under the bus so that lawless Democrat mayors and district attorneys could send armies of Antifa thugs into the streets this election year as a show of strength.  Old and young veterans have been watching elected officials tear up the Constitution they took oaths to defend, and if fighting broke out tomorrow, I think 90% of those former soldiers would be at the front lines the day after next. 

Impeachment Should Start With Kamala Harris


A few weeks back, we made the case for impeaching Joe Biden, should he become the next president. While we stacked up the evidence against him, we also acknowledged that removing him from office would elevate Kamala Harris to the presidency, an even worse alternative than the former Obama vice president. The way around this dilemma is to impeach Harris first. Then take down Biden.

The founders wisely intended for impeachment to be difficult, and removal from office an steeper even climb. But the Democrats changed the game, frivolously impeaching President Donald Trump on charges that he withheld aid to Ukraine for political reasons, which is what Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appears to have done with pandemic relief funds – blocked them to hurt a political rival.

The impeachment case against the California senator doesn’t line up as solidly as does for Biden. He’s had a nearly 35-year head start in “public service” – enough time to pile up a mountain of corruption. But it appears she’s not far behind, given that she seems to have some involvement in the Huntergate scandal. According to PJ Media, an email from Biden’s son Hunter, “Reportedly Names Kamala Harris, Others as Key Contacts for ‘Joint Venture’ With China Energy Co.”

So far, all we have there is suspicion. Yet some things about Harris are known. She was an abusive prosecutor in California. She was scolded by a superior court judge for violating defendants’ rights “by covering up detrimental information about a drug-lab technician,” says the New York Post, and was supportive of a jailhouse snitch program which “tainted more than a dozen criminal cases, several of them murder trials.” 

Then there were the moments when Harris simply failed to do her duty. She has been accused of refusing to prosecute some sexual abuse cases, possibly due to the involvement of powerful people who had donated to her San Francisco district attorney campaign.

Biden at Last Presidential Debate: ‘My Son Has Not Made Money’ from China By John McCormack


At the last presidential debate, Joe Biden said his son Hunter hadn’t made any money from China:

Debate moderator Kristen Welker asked Biden at the October 22 debate: “Vice-President Biden, there have been questions about the work your son has done in China and for a Ukrainian energy company when you were vice-president, in retrospect, was anything about those relationships inappropriate or unethical?”

“My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China,” Biden said. “The only guy who made money from China is this guy [Donald Trump]. He’s the only one. Nobody else has made money from China.”

Pennsylvania House Leaders File Brief to Support Texas in Supreme Court Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania By Jack Phillips


Pennsylvania’s House speaker and majority leader on Thursday filed an amici curiae brief with the Supreme Court against the state of Pennsylvania and in favor of Texas’s lawsuit against the commonwealth and three other states.

A brief (pdf) filed by Pennsylvania House Speaker Bryan Cutler and Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff, both Republicans, requests that the Supreme Court “carefully consider the procedural issues and questions raised by the Plaintiff concerning the administration of the 2020 General Election in Pennsylvania.”

“The unimpeachability of our elections requires clear procedures of administration so that everyone gets a fair shake. Unfortunately, outside actors have so markedly twisted and gerrymandered the Commonwealth’s Election Code to the point that amici find it unrecognizable from the laws that they enacted,” they wrote, adding that the state of Texas “raised important questions about how this procedural malfeasance affected the 2020 General Election.”

In the lawsuit, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton alleged that Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin introduced changes to election laws, deeming them unconstitutional. The suit also contends that by doing so, those states treated voters unequally and created significant voting irregularities by rescinding certain ballot-integrity measures.

Filed on Monday night, the lawsuit is requesting the Supreme Court to declare the four states carried out their respective elections in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

100 House Republicans sign brief backing Texas lawsuit challenging election results By Juliegrace Brufke and Scott Wong


More than 100 House Republicans on Thursday signed onto an amicus brief in support of the Texas lawsuit aimed at overturning the election results in four swing states — Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — that handed Democrat Joe Biden the White House.

“This brief presents [our] concern as Members of Congress, shared by untold millions of their constituents, that the unconstitutional irregularities involved in the 2020 presidential election cast doubt upon its outcome and the integrity of the American system of elections,” states the brief from GOP lawmakers.

Outgoing Republican Study Committee Chairman Mike Johnson (R-La.) — one of President Trump’s closest allies in the House, having served on his impeachment defense team — helped lead the effort to garner support from his GOP colleagues on the brief. 

Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), another top Trump ally, was not among the signatories.