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Help is on the way to understand Sidney Powell’s Michigan lawsuit By Andrea Widburg


Sidney Powell’s Michigan lawsuit is shorter than the Georgia lawsuit she filed (although I suspect that has do to, in part, with a smaller font and different formatting choices). Nevertheless, it’s every bit as complex, because while Michigan had the same overarching forms of fraud (fraud revolving around paper ballots and their counting and voting machine fraud), the supporting facts are different. Enter Doug Ross, who has a real knack for creating uncomplicated infographics that clearly explain complicated materials.

If you haven’t already seen it, I reproduced here Doug’s infographic about the complaint Sidney Powell filed in Georgia. It’s a lot easier to understand what he did than it is to understand the complaint. As is the case with all complaints, that document is larded with confusing, and often repetitive, language that plaintiffs must include for procedural reasons.

Because Georgia is in the news owing to the all-important runoff for Senate candidates, a lot of people missed the fact that, at the same time she filed the complaint in Georgia, Powell also filed a lawsuit in Michigan. At a fundamental level, the complaint is the same as that in Georgia. That is, both charge that the two states violated voting laws, engaged in massive ballot fraud, and engaged in computer voting machine fraud.

Each state has its unique factual wrinkles. In Michigan, Democrats were extraordinarily aggressive when it came to barring Republicans from observing the mail-in ballot vote counting. Meanwhile, in Georgia, Democrats pretended that the vote-counting venue had suffered a dramatic pipe burst, and locked out observers, only to continue counting.

These unique factual wrinkles matter at an evidentiary level. The complaints have different eyewitnesses and different expert witnesses. If you’ve read the Georgia complaint, that’s not the same as having read the Michigan complaint.

The ‘smartest man in the room’ has joined Sidney Powell’s team By Andrea Widburg


In her Georgia complaint, Sidney Powell included the Declaration of Navid Keshavarz-Nia, an expert witness who stated under oath that there was massive computer fraud in the 2020 election, all of it intended to secure a victory for Joe Biden. Dr. Kershavarz-Nia’s name may not mean a lot to you, but it’s one of the weightiest names in the world when it comes to sniffing out cybersecurity problems.

We know how important Dr. Kershavarz-Nia is because, just two-and-a-half months ago, the New York Times ran one of its Sunday long-form articles about a massive, multi-million dollar fraud that a talented grifter ran against the American intelligence and military communities. Dr. Kershavarz-Nia is one of the few people who comes off looking good:

Navid Keshavarz-Nia, those who worked with him said, “was always the smartest person in the room.” In doing cybersecurity and technical counterintelligence work for the C.I.A., N.S.A. and F.B.I., he had spent decades connecting top-secret dots. After several months of working with Mr. Courtney, he began connecting those dots too. He did not like where they led.

Dr. Kershavarz-Nia not only has an innate intelligence, but he’s also got extraordinary academic and practical skills in cyber fraud detection and analysis. The reason we know about his qualifications is that it takes seven paragraphs for him to list them in the Declaration he signed to support the Georgia complaint.

His qualifications include a BA, MA, and Ph.D. in various areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In addition, “I have advanced trained from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), DHS office of Intelligence & Analysis (I&A) and Massachusetts Institution of Technology (MIT).”

Judge: Republicans Will Likely Win Pennsylvania Election Lawsuit By Ivan Pentchoukov


The judge who ordered Pennsylvania to not certify the results of the 2020 election wrote in an opinion on Friday that the Republicans who filed the related lawsuit will likely win the case.

Pennsylvania Commonwealth Judge Patricia McCullough made the assessment as part of an opinion explaining her rationale for blocking Pennsylvania’s election certification.

A group of Republican lawmakers and candidates sued the Keystone State earlier this week, arguing that the state legislature’s mail-in voting law—Act 77—violated the commonwealth’s constitution.

“Petitioners appear to have established a likelihood to succeed on the merits because petitioners have asserted the Constitution does not provide a mechanism for the legislature to allow for expansion of absentee voting without a constitutional amendment,” McCullough wrote.

When ruling on an emergency injunction, judges have to consider whether the party which requested the injunction is likely to win the case or “succeed on the merits.” McCullough opined that the “petitioners appear to have a viable claim that the mail-in ballot procedures set forth in Act 77 contravene” the plain language of the provision of the Pennsylvania Constitution which deals with absentee voting.

Pennsylvania said that it had certified the results of the election for president and vice president on Nov. 24 while the court was reviewing briefings from both parties. In response, the plaintiffs filed a request for an emergency injunction, arguing that that state need not have acted so fast.

Election theft and the Audacity of Evil Don Surber

Newt Gingrich wrote, “Laziness leads to sloppiness, and sloppiness is how the most brazen heist in American history is being exposed.”

Let me tell you where he is wrong.

Gingrich was correct in his next paragraph, ”

“Stealing the 2020 election was a mammoth undertaking, involving widespread lawlessness and illicit partnerships between private actors and public officials. They’ve been working to cover their tracks since Election Day, but they didn’t work fast enough. Now, the courts need to stop them from destroying any more evidence so that the people of Pennsylvania — and the rest of the country — can accurately assess the ramifications of their wrongdoing.”

Which is why he was incorrect in his first paragraph.

These people were good enough to plan and execute a heist involving 10 million ballots in 11 key states (the six they swiped plus their failed attempts in Iowa, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Texas; why do you think Fox was so slow in calling those last two states).

They could have done so stealthily. Instead they wanted to get caught. They wanted to rub their theft in the noses of their opponents. This is an act of political sabotage. Like all terrorist acts, the perpetrators want full credit.

The left already has caused Americans to lose faith in the press, in the government, and in science. Donald John Trump gave us one last hope in that we could defeat Satan at the polls.

This year, his minions took that away from us.

Trump Challenges Biden: Prove Votes Were Not Illegally Obtained to Enter White House By Janita Kan


President Donald Trump said on Friday that Democratic nominee Joe Biden can only enter the White House as the next commander-in-chief if he is able to prove votes were not “fraudulently or illegally obtained.”

“Biden can only enter the White House as President if he can prove that his ridiculous ‘80,000,000 votes’ were not fraudulently or illegally obtained. When you see what happened in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia & Milwaukee, massive voter fraud, he’s got a big unsolvable problem!” Trump wrote in a Twitter post.

The post is the latest indication that Trump is not giving up his efforts to challenge the results of the 2020 general election in several battleground states. The Trump campaign is facing an uphill battle in its legal challenges filed in Pennsylvania and Michigan aimed at protecting the integrity and accuracy of elections. The campaign has also expressed support for lawsuits filed in other battleground states challenging the Nov. 3 results.

Meanwhile, former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell is representing Trump-pledged presidential electors in Georgia and Michigan in challenging election results in both states over allegations of “massive fraud” in particular ballot stuffing and voter manipulation through the use of the Dominion voting system. Trump had previously announced that Powell was part of the campaign’s team but in a later statement the campaign said Powell was “practicing law on her own.”


The other day a friend sent me a video of the three operatic tenors singing “I Did it My Way” music composed by French songwriters Claude François and Jacques Revaux. The brilliant  English lyrics were written by Paul Anka. I don’t really like cross pollination between classical and pop music so I went to Frank Sinatra’s fabulous rendition:

The last stanza so exemplifies Donald J. Trump

“For what is a man, what has he got
If not himself then he has not
To say all the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels
The record shows, I took the blows
But I did it my way.”

May he prevail in his quest for electoral justice…..rsk

Election Findings Could ‘Easily’ Overturn 3 States, Data Analyst Concludes By Charlotte Cuthbertson


WASHINGTON—The former data and strategy director for President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign says he has found enough evidence to suggest the election results could be “easily” turned to favor the current president.

“I have no confidence that Joe Biden is the deserved winner of this election, based on our findings,” Matt Braynard said in a Nov. 25 video. “He may have won, he may not have won. Trump may have lost, Trump may have been reelected.

“We just can’t know because of how bad this election system has operated.”

Braynard assembled a team just days after the election to look for inconsistencies in six contested states: Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada.

The group initially identified 1.25 million voter issues and followed up on them through phone calls and by cross-checking data against other databases.

The team ran several major analyses including of voters who had moved out of state but still voted in the state they had left; voters who registered to vote using a post office box number rather than a residential address as required; voters who requested a mail-in ballot and sent it in, only for it not to be counted; voters who didn’t request a mail-in ballot and didn’t receive one, but discovered a vote had been cast in their name; as well as research on people who voted more than once and on those who are listed in the death index.

Change of Address

One of Braynard’s biggest findings involved voters who had submitted a National Change of Address form to the post office, indicating they had moved out of state, yet appeared to have voted in 2020 in the state they moved from.

An Illegitimate Election Plunges the Republic into a Crisis This is how elections are conducted in Third World countries – and now in America. Daniel Greenfield


“The crisis of the republic is emerging out of the shadows of the state and we have to meet it. Its urgent question is whether ours is a government of the people or a people of the government.”

However the presidential election turns out, one thing is clear, half the country will believe that the man officially sitting in the White House is an illegitimate pretender.

And that’s the way it’s been throughout this century.

The crisis of presidential legitimacy really kicked into gear in 2000. Before that people might hate the president, but the opposing political party wouldn’t insist on his illegitimacy. Afterward every president has been treated as an illegitimate criminal to be opposed and driven out.

Twenty years later, the Democrat strategy of presidential illegitimacy has brought the country to the brink of civil war. Declaring that President Bush was illegitimate wasn’t just rhetoric. Congressional Democrats fought certification of the election results in 2000 and 2004, and touted impeachment. The Iraq War did not radicalize Democrat opposition to Bush, like the pandemic, it gave the already radicalized Democrats a tangible thing to justify their treason.

The Democrat doctrine of presidential illegitimacy changed how our government worked.

The first duty of House Democrats became public shows of resistance and hostility to an illegitimate president. And presidents responded by acting unilaterally through executive orders and actions. The collapse of relations between the executive and legislative branches led to a stalemate that benefited the unelected parts of the government: judicial and administrative.

Help is on the way for understanding Sidney Powell’s Georgia complaint By Andrea Widburg *****


One of the biggest problems with 2020’s election fraud is creating an accessible narrative that doesn’t sound like just a mess of disparate statements and studies. Enter Doug Ross, who’s put together an attractive infographic that he describes as “so easy to consume, even Democrats can understand.” Moreover, he’s freely sharing it, so I’m taking advantage of that in this post.

On Wednesday night, Sidney Powell filed a 104-page complaint in Georgia, that pulls together all the allegations we’ve heard about regarding election fraud. The general outlines of the massive election fraud is much the same in all the contested states (Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, etc.). What gives Georgia special urgency is the upcoming runoffs for Georgia’s two Senate seats, which could hand the entire federal government to the Democrats.

At the same time that Powell filed the complaint in Georgia, she filed a companion lawsuit in Michigan. That suit is predicated on the same underlying allegations seen in Georgia – massive election fraud – but relies upon eyewitness and expert testimony unique to Michigan. If you understand the principles behind the lawsuit in Georgia, you’ll also understand what’s taking place in Michigan.

The problem with both lawsuits is that they’re extremely long and assert dozens of facts pointing to three different issues: traditional fraud (cemetery votes, faked ballots), computer fraud (the Dominion voting systems and data manipulation), and executive department overreach that illegally changed voting rules in both states. For each of these categories, the evidence and the applicable law are different.

Both lawsuits also suffer from the fact that Powell and her team had less than two weeks to prepare complaint that would normally take months to finalize. This rush shows up in the fact that the allegations are a bit disorganized and there are typos.

Unsurprisingly, leftists have latched onto these non-substantive problems as proof that the substantiative allegations in the complaints are fallacious. In addition, leftists are doing their usual thing of saying that, because they disagree with the facts, the allegations are therefore old and “discredited” or “debunked” and can be disregarded. This attack from the hard-left Vice News illustrates the point.

Enter Doug Ross. He put together a remarkably clear infographic that, in nine slides, breaks down the different allegations and the core facts supporting them. In his email sharing the infographic Doug generously tells people to “feel free to copy, share, whatever.” I’ve taken him up on that offer:

The Pennsylvania hearing: The second Gettysburg Address By Matt Keener

http://Faith in this election and all future elections is on the table

If a huge story drops in the middle of a crowded room and no “journalist” is there from the mainstream media to cover it — is it still a story?

The answer is yes.

Wednesday November 25th, the day before Thanksgiving, may go down as the nation’s second Gettysburg Address.

And there is a good chance you might not have heard it or anything about it.

Apart from several live streams of the event, OANN was the only network to cover it on television.

But despite the media blackout and Twitter’s censorship, the truth has a funny way of spreading.

If the Trump team and their witnesses manage to duplicate and produce testimony equally as compelling and powerful as what was on display in Pennsylvania, the 2020 election is far from over.

Members of Trump’s legal team and members of the Pennsylvania State Legislature held a public hearing that for the first time offered real, tangible evidence.

And perhaps more importantly, It presented real people and their testimony.