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The Divisive Double Standard in Joe Biden’s ‘Unity’ Speech Heather Mac Donald


Joe Biden’s first speech as president elect is being hailed as a long-overdue call to overcome division. “President-elect Joe Biden seeks to unite nation with victory speech,” read the CNN headline the next day. The New York Times summed up: “Mr. Biden renewed his promise to be a president for all Americans in a polarized time.”

It is not just the left-leaning press taking at face value Biden’s calls to “put away the harsh rhetoric.” Conservative pundits are doing so as well. Wall Street Journal columnist William McGurn called the speech “Lincolnesque.” Biden’s unity message was “exactly what the country needed to hear,” McGurn wrote. Daily Wire podcast host Ben Shapiro found the speech so pollyannish in its call for reconciliation as to be risible.

And yet Biden’s actual remarks were anything but unifying. Among the “great battles of our time” that Biden has now been called to fight, he said, was the still unaccomplished goal of “root[ing] out systemic racism in this country.” That “systemic racism” is presumably underwritten by millions of white Americans who continue to prevent “racial justice,” in Biden’s words. They are the ones who represent what Biden called “our darkest impulses,” locked in “constant battle” with our “better angels.” It was time—finally—for those better angels to prevail, Biden said.

This indictment of white Americans was a constant theme during the Democratic presidential primaries. In an August 2019 press briefing, Biden claimed that racism was a “white man’s problem visited on people of color.” “White folks are the reason we have institutional racism,” he said. In a January 2019 speech, Biden announced: “We have a lot to root out, but most of all the systematic racism that most of us whites don’t like to acknowledge even exists.” On Friday, November 6, the day before the press declared Biden the president elect, he was still hammering the racism theme. He had a “mandate” to eliminate “systemic racism,” he announced, prefiguring his victory speech the next day.

2020’s Long Count Is About Hypocrisy, Accuracy, and Legitimacy How easily the Left forgets that the Trump campaign is doing exactly what Joe Biden was advised to do. by J.T. Young


The presidential election’s ongoing saga is a tale about hypocrisy, accuracy, and legitimacy. The Left’s adherents hypocritically claim they would not be pushing every reexamination button if they were trailing. Conservatives counter that accuracy is paramount in an election so complex, close, and important. Yet the overlooked consideration in this duel across the political spectrum is America’s need for legitimacy.

The Left is up in arms over the Trump campaign demanding that the election’s outcome be thoroughly reviewed within the parameters of electoral due process. Apparently, no memories are shorter than those of hypocrites.

The Left is acting like the football team that hurries to the line of scrimmage in order to run a play and preempt a close call’s review.

Less than three months ago, on August 25, Hillary Clinton said on Showtime’s The Circus: “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually I do believe he will win if we don’t give an inch and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is.” Clinton added, “We’ve got to have a massive legal operation. I know the Biden campaign is working on that.”

In other words, Clinton told Biden to prepare to do what the Trump camp is now doing. For the Left, what is good for the goose is not good for the gander. Certainly, no conservative ganders should be surprised by the leftist geese’s sudden change of heart.

Unable to be president, at least Hillary was able to be prescient. Events have unfolded exactly as she predicted. They just have unfolded in the opposite direction.

Just to recap: In its most important decision, during a global pandemic, America has a close outcome decided across several states under a multiplicity of varying rules. Most important things undertaken during severe stress and composed of tight margins and great complexity take … time. Unless of course you are the Left, the topic is elections, and the narrow lead yours.

It’s a Coup. Just Say It! By Jay Valentine


Political science types have a word for every happening.  One is the Overton Window.  Like lots of these terms, it is not too scientific, but it well describes things observed every day.

For instance, the idea that an eight-year-old boy decides to be a girl, because he feels like it, and is then medicated with hormone therapy to look as close to a girl as science enables was once a preposterous idea.  Then it was possible, then probable, and now, voilà!  A boy is now a girl, and if you use the wrong pronoun, you lose your job!

Meet the Overton Window: that period of time when something seemingly quite impossible becomes mainstream.

This is a game two can play.

Coup. Say it: “This is not just election fraud, it is a coup.” 

Say it, and it will start to sink in.  As it does, at least for you, your Overton Window opens up.  The impossibility that the election of the president of the United States of America can be overthrown by preprogrammed, organized election fraud — that a likely landslide was turned into a loss — happened.  You saw it.

That window is about to open up for our nation.

Geezer in the Freezer….Presumptuous partisan Joe Biden’s transition has been put on ice. Jay Whig


With Thanksgiving canceled in blue America—California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island et al.—let’s move on to Christmas, or as Democrats who hate the First Amendment like to call it, the Holiday Season.

You know, it’s that magical time of the year when the Elf on the Shelf brings messages to Elsa and Olaf in socialist Fantiscandinavia. The Grinch—who lives in California’s 12th District—then brings stimulus checks to all the Whos in Whoville.

You won’t be allowed to care for people you actually know this year. The infection is far too dangerous for generous affection. The forlorn relatives, the lonely neighbor down the street, part of the furniture in normal loving households at Thanksgiving and Christmas, will just have to hold off committing suicide for another year.

In blue America, it is a time of year to push your acts of charity outward to people you don’t know. Or as C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape—the underworld mastermind—advises his new mentee, the Democratic Party:

Do what you will, there is going to be some benevolence, as well as some malice, in your patient’s soul. The great thing is to direct the malice to his immediate neighbours whom he meets every day and to thrust his benevolence out to the remote circumference, to people he does not know. The malice thus becomes wholly real and the benevolence largely imaginary.

The Trump CT Scanner Donald Trump has forced elites to reveal to the nation what they were—and perhaps had always been. And the resulting penetrating imagery showed their own malignancy. By Victor Davis Hanson


These past four years, Donald Trump, intentionally or not, became a CT scanner that produced three-dimensional images of the innards of elite institutions and people, showing us what is beneath their veneers. He had an eerie manner of replying to critics in such an upstart fashion that those who objected to his supposed crudity proved cruder in repartee than he. And he showcased his successes for America in such a way as to make his enemies wish that successes for their country were failures instead.

If one suspected before 2017 that White House CNN correspondent Jim Acosta was a lightweight blowhard, be now confirmed you had been naïve in such a balanced assessment. 

If you had thought Hillary Clinton was becoming unstable during the Obama years, in the Trump era she ended up hiring two-bit ex-spies to cobble together lies about her opponent, jabber about La Résistance, and urge candidates never to concede an election. 

If you once concluded that over-meddlesome Twitter, Google, and Facebook were massaging accounts, searches, and postings in a partisan fashion, after Trump you saw they were creepy Big Brothers with no apologies for warping the Internet. 

If in the old days, a busybody Michael Bloomberg seemed a whiny scold with unlimited money he intended to use to get his way, after Trump he became an obsessed politico who threw $100 million here, another $100 million there to stop Trump. In the end, Bloomberg proved only that he knew a lot about making money but not so much about how to spend it.

Trump Going Into Beast Mode “Dissident Donald” will be rising now for real. By Ilana Mercer


It was November 7. Fox News had just called the election for Joe Biden. A fellow was waxing fat about the flawless campaign run by Biden; how his own lily-white daughters were all aflutter about Kamala.

The delirious faces of network distaff were plastered all over the idiot’s lantern, as they cracked the whip to bring about compliance with the idea that here underway was a glorious election process and outcome. 

The truth is that the messed-up Biden campaign worked because it targeted a coalition of weepy white women—including those with the Y chromosome—and the rest of tribalized America. Joe and Kamala won the un-American, anti-American vote, which now appears to be the majority.

The images of the vote-counters proliferating on the Internet mirrored the same constituency: minorities, white men with sunken chests and that angry, radical-professor, Antifa demeanor, joined by mountainous women with the signature tumbleweed hair. Pictures are not proof of misconduct, but Trump’s America seems scarce or nowhere apparent in the country’s vote-counting covens. 

As expected in the Kamala Harris Administration, Kamala opened the victory celebrations. Parsed, here is the vice president-elect’s victory speech: Blacks. Browns. Latinas. People of Color. My Mother. Minorities. Me, myself and I. (My white husband? Nope!) Racism. Everywhere. Systemic. 

The speech was a trite retread of Kamala’s August address at the Democratic National Convention, where she collected her party’s award for out-crazing her primary debaters by calling Joe Biden a racist. 

The Left’s Wanton Violence Against the MAGA Marchers A preview of what’s to come if Biden-Harris take over. Joseph Klein


We are already getting an early taste of what Biden-Harris’s America will look like. Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa thugs harassed, threatened and assaulted pro-Trump demonstrators, who had peaceably assembled on Saturday in the nation’s capital for what was billed as the Million MAGA March. The radical leftists are preparing to own the streets, forcing law abiding Americans to either kowtow to their demands or get out of the way.

What a difference four years make. When Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, ‘Not my president’ marches took place across the country. The marches were loud, angry and unruly. Conservatives who witnessed the marches undoubtedly did not like what they were hearing and seeing, but they did not try to bully the protesters. They respected the First Amendment rights of those upset by the election’s outcome so long as the protesters expressed their views peacefully, which they not always did.

Fast forward to 2020 when conservatives backing President Trump have cause to be upset about what many believe to have been a stolen election. Trump supporters organized protests, culminating on Saturday when thousands gathered in Washington D.C. for the Million MAGA March. President Trump drove past and waved at the demonstrators at one point.

Joe Biden’s Potemkin Presidency: Will Socialist Soros And Other Extreme Leftists Call The Shots?


Joe Biden’s big selling point to both the Democratic Party and the American people was that, in a crowd of candidates standing far left of center, he was the moderate choice. Now, as he staffs a possible White House with far-left media re-treads and George Soros’ socialist acolytes, we’re seeing that his supposed moderation was just another of his endless lies.

No one should be surprised. President Barack Obama played the moderate in his first campaign, then became the most far-left president in our history. He, too, opened the White House doors to Soros-linked socialist apparatchiks. Their inept policies led inevitably to economic stagnation and the worst foreign policy disasters in decades.

Biden, Obama’s loyal, lap-doggish No. 2, is going with what he knows. He’s bringing in the hard-left legions for what he hopes will be his administration, just as Obama did.

“Joe Biden’s transition team includes several people affiliated with organizations bankrolled by the left-wing billionaire George Soros,” notes the Washington Free Beacon in a piece that lays out the shocking truth about Biden’s “moderation.”

This is not just political paranoia about the socialist Soros mafia.

Let the Transition Proceed Trump’s legal challenges are legitimate, but the country needs to be ready if they’re unsuccessful. Charles Lipson


The more divisive our politics, the more important it is to respect the fundamentals of constitutional democracy. Two tenets are critical: elections in which legal votes are counted honestly and the peaceful transition of power. It is appropriate to pose legal challenges to an election’s integrity, but not to impede the transition.

Two weeks after Election Day, President Trump’s team hasn’t presented compelling evidence against Joe Biden’s victory. They are assembling that evidence and Mr. Trump says he sees a path to victory, but there is no reason to delay the procedures for transferring power to a potential Biden administration.

The main reason to facilitate the transition is to show that amid deep political division, we can rely on constitutional norms, procedures and institutions. The Trump campaign has every right to litigate evidence of fraud, malfeasance or error. We should care about that evidence, even if it doesn’t change the outcome, because it undermines the honest elections on which democracy depends. Anyone who corrupts them should face serious prison time. It’s far more serious than bribing your kid’s way into college.

Mr. Trump and his supporters have every reason to ridicule the Democrats’ hypocrisy about the peaceful transition of power. The Obama administration lied to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, spied on Mr. Trump’s candidacy and transition, and desperately tried to cover its tracks. The Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton’s campaign commissioned the false Steele dossier and funneled it into a receptive Federal Bureau of Investigation, launching a series of investigations that hobbled the Trump presidency. Barack Obama’s administration launched a baseless crusade against Mr. Trump’s national security adviser, Mike Flynn, for making a perfectly legitimate phone call to Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. Holdover officials from the Obama administration did all they could to impede the new administration, including leaks of classified information about its actions.

It is an outrage that, four years later, we haven’t had a full accounting of this malfeasance. This delay is all the more noxious because the party that engineered these abuses is now returning to power. It is reasonable to fear that if Democrats retake control of the Justice Department, they will be less than zealous in pursuing these crimes

Joe Biden and the Bunker Presidency Rob Crisell


If you liked the basement campaign, you’re going to love the bunker presidency.

This year’s presidential election showed that slightly more than half of America no longer wants a president who speaks to them openly and often. They don’t want a chief executive who tweets, regularly takes contentious interviews, routinely answers questions from hostile reporters, and does freestyle stand-up at his boisterous rallies

Instead, they want a fragile, cosseted figurehead — a museum piece — who gives few speeches (all shopworn and canned), avoids tough questions from the press, and utters nothing without a teleprompter. They want T. S. Eliot’s hollow man, a headpiece filled with straw. They want a basement candidate who will be a bunker president. They want Joe Biden.

To paraphrase H. L. Mencken, it looks like the people will get what they want, good and hard.

The mainstream news industry is the group that worked the hardest to get Biden elected, all while rabidly tearing down Donald Trump for the last five years. The 78-year-old career politician would never have gotten within sniffing distance of the presidency without their tireless help.