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An Election Day Bridge Too Far By Victor Davis Hanson


Voters might not have had concerns about irregularities, if fundamental steps were taken, and problems fixed.

N o wonder half the public is concerned about irregularities in the 2020 voting.

No wonder they would support Donald Trump’s skepticism, once a reputable legal team quickly, publicly, and transparently presents to the nation justified concerns about constitutional violations in changing state voting laws and documented accounts of computer glitches, inexplicable late arrivals of ballot troves, and systemic efforts to prevent transparency — all at a level that reasonably could question the authenticity of the final vote count or even serve a dire warning of things to come.

Voting sanctity was not just questioned by Trump. It became a recent issue in 2016. Then-Green Party candidate Jill Stein was used as a surrogate by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic establishment — to the chagrin of her own supporters — to sue in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to overturn the 2016 election. The charge was deliberate voting-machine irregularities, for which there was not even much anecdotal evidence.

When that failed, the Left went full Hollywood with a media blitz to convince the American people that the election was a fraud and the electors had to do their “patriotic” duty to overturn the mandates of their own state — and reject Donald Trump.

Within days of that failure, a Democratic narrative appeared that Donald Trump was an illegitimate president due to “Russian collusion.” Soon Hillary Clinton joined the “Resistance,” on the basis that Russians, not the American people, had chosen the president — a charge that eventually sabotaged Donald Trump’s first two years in office, as Robert Mueller’s 22-month, $40-million “Dream Team” failed to prove that a myth, born in efforts to delegitimize an election and a president, was after all a myth.

Indeed, within days of Trump’s inauguration, dozens of Democrats voted for impeachment, as activists wrote about the need to either impeach him, or declare him crazy — or whispered about the need for the military to become vigilant — in a manner later to be dubbed “coup porn.” Again the pretext was a

RealClearPolitics Does Not have Biden Winning Pennsylvania or Presidency, Yet

RealClearPolitics (RPC)  live results feed withdrew Joe Biden’s president-elect status Monday night after stripping him of Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes.

RCP reversed Biden’s win in Pennsylvania on their live feed bringing him back down below the 270 threshold to 259 electoral votes.  Although, in some confusion,  Real Clear Politics never called Pennsylvania to begin with, in the Presidential race.  Either way, RCP does not have Pennsylvania in Biden’s win column. 

The “live results” reversal comes as votes continue to be counted and lawsuits fly.

RealClearPolitics  based in Chicago,  claims to be an independent, non-partisan political news media company.  RCP is also a polling data aggregator.

Meanwhile, US Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors across the U.S. to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified.  Leaders from China, Russia and Mexico have also declined to congratulate Joe Biden on a projected presidential victory until the vote is certified.

Let Us Be Righteous Eileen F. Toplansky


“As they put on their robes, the Supreme Court judges must remember that they should “not pervert justice or show partiality. They should not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous” (Deut. 16:18-20).And we need to be constantly watchful and recall Winston Churchill’s words from 1940 — “Never stop, never weary, and never give in.”

As Trump supporters wait and pray for America, I, for one, have to thank the dastardly Democrats for reminding me of the wondrous and exceptional ideas that are uniquely American.  Although my good fortune is directly related to the foundational ideas of America, it wasn’t until the wickedness of Obama and Clinton and now Biden and Harris that I truly began to understand the genius of the Founding Fathers.

Interestingly, my first revelation comes from an outside observer, St. Jean de Crevecoeur (1731-1813) who wrote “What Is an American?  It is a piece that describes the “American Dream” as the development of a country free of Old World restrictions.

It embodies what we saw with the Trump flotillas, the massive crowds of people who love this country and those who continue to expose the evils of the socialism that the Democrats will surely impose on America.

Crevecoeur writes that this newly founded country of America “. . . is not composed, as in Europe, of great lords who possess everything, and of a herd of people who have nothing.  Here are no aristocratical families, no counts, no kings, no bishops, no ecclesiastical dominion, no invisible power giving to a few a very visible one.”

After the 2016 and 2020 elections, which way will America now go?   By Victor Sharpe

Looking back to the 2016 general election campaign, we know – or should know by now – that Hillary Clinton was corruption incarnate and had been peddling lies for 25 or more years. In the 2016 general election, Trump, although no great debater at the time, took the upper hand during the second and third presidential debates. It is worth remembering what took place during that time as it relates to what we now face during this problematical 2020 election.

A most intriguing example was how both he and Hillary had handled a question from a Moslem woman in the Town Hall format during the second debate who had appeared without the obligatory veil; appearing instead in secular dress: Her question was, “How would you deal with Islamophobia?”

Mrs. Clinton went into full pander mode, almost like saying “some of my best friends are Moslem,” as she commenced to give her response in even more pander power. In fact, her best friend and senior adviser, Huma Abedin, a veritable eminence grise, was the daughter of radical Islamic parents and privy to top US Security and Military Classified information. That made the contemporary Wiki email leaks look like kindergarten child’s play.

We should take note that the very word, Islamophobia, is a made up term created by Islamists to discourage any justified criticism of Islamic intolerance and violence by those whom they still impudently call, ‘infidels.’ But Hillary’s response in all the debates was the usual uber liberal cry of “can’t we all get along.” Of course, Hillary couldn’t resist making the usual snide references to Trump’s falsely alleged “bigotry” against everyone and everything. Trump, on the other hand, challenged the Moslem questioner by asking, “…why are American Moslems not more forthright in denouncing jihadist terrorism and cooperating with law enforcement in reporting suspicious activities?”

The Statistical Case Against Biden’s Win Steve Cortes


Statistics continue to cast real doubt on the probability of a President Trump loss in the election.

The statistical case is, admittedly, circumstantial rather than conclusive.

But the numbers also firmly point to the intense improbability of the accuracy of the present Biden lead. The statistical case provides more than enough reasonable suspicion to require hand recounts and immediate investigation into fraudulent activities, including the new damning revelations of on-the-record whistleblowers.

There are four key elements to the numerical thesis:

1. Turnout 
Clearly, high turnout was expected in an intensely political year with vastly expanded access to mail-in voting. But the kinds of numbers reported simply defy reasonable expectations.

For Wisconsin overall, the turnout was above 90% of registered voters. Even in a state with same-day registration, such a number seems implausible.

After all, in Australia, a place where voting is mandatory, and failing to vote is punishable with stiff fines, the total turnout for the most recent election was still only 92%.

Even more importantly, looking within the Wisconsin vote, the decisive locale for Biden was, unsurprisingly, Milwaukee. Wisconsin’s largest city reported an 84% turnout to secure a 145,916 vote lead there for Biden.

Consider a comparison to another very similar Midwestern city, Cleveland, OH. Milwaukee has a population of 590,000, 67% of them minorities. Cleveland has 381,000 people with 60% of them minorities.

But Milwaukee’s 84% turnout dwarfs Cleveland’s more believable 51% turnout rate. Like many of the suspect statistical trends evident from last Tuesday, the abnormal factors favoring Biden seem only present in the key swing states that Biden allegedly won.
2. Outperformance vs. Obama
The breakouts higher for Biden relative to Obama’s performances in key areas simply do not seem credible.

Could a candidate as doddering and lazy as Biden really have massively outpaced the vote totals of a politician who boasted rock star appeal?

For example, consider that in key Pennsylvania counties of Chester, Cumberland, and Montgomery, Biden bested the Obama election performances by factors of 1.24-1.43 times. For Montgomery County, Obama won this swing county by 59,000 votes in his 2012 re-election.

But in 2020, Biden won Montgomery County by a whopping 131,000 votes, more than twice the prior Obama margin.

Biden’s 2020 total vote in Montgomery is reported at 313,000, crushing Obama’s 233,000 take in 2012 – and population growth does not explain the gains, as the county only grew by 22,000 residents during those eight years.

Such eye-popping outperformance vs.Obama, in just the right places, naturally raises a lot of suspicion.  

The election lawsuit Trump should win by Byron York


THE ELECTION LAWSUIT TRUMP SHOULD WIN. In its effort to challenge vote counts in key states, the Trump campaign has filed lots of lawsuits that have little chance of winning. But there is one suit that it should win — not only for the Trump campaign or the 2020 election but for all elections in the future. It’s the court fight over Pennsylvania’s election rules, and it involves a fundamental issue that is important to all 50 states.

The first thing to remember is that the Constitution gives state legislatures the authority to make rules governing the conduct of elections for federal offices in their state. In October 2019, the Pennsylvania state legislature passed Act 77, which updated and revised the rules for elections in the state. For the first time ever, it allowed all Pennsylvanians to vote by mail if they chose, without requiring that they show they would be absent from their voting district on election day. Remember, this was pre-coronavirus, and Pennsylvania was moving toward greater voting by mail than in the past.

On the question of voting by mail, the legislature made one clear, unambiguous requirement: All mail-in ballots had to be received by 8 p.m. on election day. (It let stand an existing law that allowed military and overseas ballots to be received for seven days after election day.)

Then, in March of this year, after the arrival of the virus, the legislature revisited the law. It made some changes to accommodate voting in a pandemic. It re-scheduled the state’s primary election and included measures to help reduce crowding at polling places. But it left untouched the requirement that all mail-in ballots had to be received by 8 p.m. on election night.



FOX News Joins the New “Disinformation” Censorship



There It Is: FOX News Heir’s Wife Kathryn Murdoch Calls Trump a Dictator, Tweets out, “We Did It!” After FOX News Declares Biden Winner! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/fox-news-heirs-wife-kathryn-murdoch-calls-trump-dictator-tweets-fox-news-declares-biden-winner/


Hypocrite: CNN’s Jake ‘McCarthy’ Tapper Wrote Book About Election Being ‘Stolen’ In 2000 https://summit.news/2020/11/10/hypocrite-cnns-jake-mccarthy-tapper-wrote-book-about-election-being-stolen-in-2000/


Sidney Powell Makes Explosive Voter Fraud Allegation: ‘They Had This All Planned’


Three Reasons to Remain Hopeful About Trump’s 2020 Vote Count Challenges



If you believe Biden won, you’ve suspended reality https://www.wnd.com/2020/11/believe-biden-won-suspended-reality/

Whoopi Goldberg to Trump Supporters: ‘How Dare You Question’ Election Results — ‘Suck it Up’



Report: Trump planning string of Iran sanctions before Biden takes office https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/290821?fbclid=IwAR39qxS9XrrjrsP-U4qwpfZaQTUyuorAbsmNk-R6eHPVS9E2ISqQtbskSrs


Palestinians celebrate Trump’s defeat: ‘An evil has distanced itself from us’ https://www.timesofisrael.com/palestinians-hail-trump-loss-an-evil-has-distanced-itself-from-us/

Was Pfizer’s Vaccine News Slow-Walked Until After the Election? Julie Kelly


As the coronavirus pandemic swept across the globe in the spring, President Trump announced his plan to fast-track an effective vaccine that would be available by the new year.

The goal of Operation Warp Speed, launched by the White House in May, was “to produce and deliver 300 million doses of safe and effective vaccines with the initial doses available by January 2021, as part of a broader strategy to accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.” Congress appropriated $10 billion to fund the ambitious program.

The president and his team spent months touting the success of the public-private partnership. Pfizer, one of five companies selected in June as a candidate with the best chance of meeting the president’s deadline, entered into a $1.95 billion contract with the federal government in July to purchase 100 million doses. The agreement was part of Operation Warp Speed, according to a company press release.

Operation Warp Speed not only involved the use of federal tax dollars but the elimination of government roadblocks that would ordinarily delay a new vaccine’s approval. Hundreds of federal rules and regulations were relaxed to help fight COVID-19 and hasten the private sector’s progress on treatments for the virus. The government’s lengthy, burdensome immunization approval process—which lasts an average of 73 months—was slashed to 14 months. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar promised his agency would “squeeze every last inefficiency” to achieve the president’s goal.

But just like every other aspect of coronavirus, the vaccine has been a political cudgel. Democrats, including Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, have fueled public distrust about the vaccine. 

Lawsuit: Poll Workers Allege Voter-Coaching, Back-Dating, Cheating Occurred in Detroit Election Centers By Victoria Taft


Although the media may have made their presidential election pronouncements for Ol’ Joe, the story isn’t over yet.

Two Detroit elections workers have signed sworn statements alleging widespread cheating, voter-coaching, and what appears to be substituting non-voters’ names for other voters.  A lawsuit has been filed demanding that all records be preserved and election certification paused while an investigation takes place.

It follows a lawsuit that was tossed out by a Michigan judge who claimed some of the evidence claiming voter fraud was hearsay.

The amended lawsuit includes whistleblower affidavits making claims that should shock the sensibilities of any patriotic American.

In one complaint, an election worker, Jessy Jacob, claimed that he was ordered to backdate ballots and “directly observed on a daily basis City of Detroit election workers and employees coaching and trying to coach voters to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. I witnessed these workers and employees encouraging voters to do a straight Democrat ballot. I witnessed these workers and employers going over to voting booths with voters in order to watch them vote and coach them for whom to vote.”

Let the Recounts Begin Why the election is not over. Kenneth R. Timmerman


President Trump continues to claim that the election is “far from over,” and on Saturday vowed multiple lawsuits to contest the results announced so far. And while the media has anointed former vice president Biden the “president-elect,” just saying so does not make it so.

Regardless of what you think of either of the candidates, Trump is right: the election is not over until either he concedes, or until the states certify the election results. Certification deadlines are set by statute and vary from state to state, but must take place before the Electoral College meets on December 14.

In the meantime, there are multiple indicators and warnings of significant and potentially result-changing election fraud that the president’s team will be investigating in the coming days, including unusually high voter turnout rates in Wisconsin (88%), denial by election authorities in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia and elsewhere to allow “meaningful” participation by Trump campaign poll-watchers, and unusual midnight surges in Biden votes in multiple states where election officials said they had sent their staff home for the night.

The most pressing of these anomalies is the computer “glitch” announced by the Antrim County, Michigan, clerk of the court on Friday that caused a 6,000 vote surge for Biden in a county that Trump won handily in 2016.

Once the “glitch” was corrected, those votes were credited to Trump.