Is the U.S. on track to see its first election utterly stolen in front of its eyes? The way Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez used to do it in the face of huge, huge enthusiastic crowds protesting against him back in Caracas?
How else to explain strange doings like these?
Michigan, too, needs some extra time to count the ballots. And so does North Carolina. And so do all of the states where Trump was running ahead — Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan… The counting suddenly shut down. Arizona went down a suspicious 90 minutes before the announcement that the state had flipped to Biden.
Mark Steyn has some brutal observations here, emphasis mine.
2.40am The President entered to the familiar strains of “Hail to the Chief”, which seemed very consciously chosen. His remarks were brief, but this line struck me:
I said, ‘What happened to the election?’ ‘It’s off…’ All of a sudden everything just stopped.
Indeed. The election special mysteriously ground to a halt. Trump could reasonably have expected to be giving his victory speech right now, had not Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina all decided to have an early night and resume in the morning, or afternoon, or next Tuesday.
There is great peril in that.