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Ballot Box USA Here we go again. Bruce Bawer


In the presidential election of 2016, everything worked – miraculously, but just barely. The most unlikely of candidates, with no political experience, with no massive team of consultants, pollsters, and speechwriters, and with modest funding, won out in the Republican primaries over a chorus line of high-profile senators and governors, including the party establishment’s own favorite, a politician from Central Casting whose father and brother were both ex-presidents and who had a massive war chest. After slaying these dragons, that unlikeliest of candidates, thanks to the power of middle America in the Electoral College, triumphed over his Democratic opponent, whose husband had been president and who enjoyed the support of virtually everyone in America’s cultural, political, academic, and media elites – all of whom took it for granted that she would glide smoothly into office, becoming the first woman president. And what, after eight years of its first black president, could America possibly want or need, other than its first woman president?

This plan by America’s self-regarding elites to defeat the most unlikely of candidates was foiled by the most unexpected of factors: namely, the wisdom of the so-called ordinary, hard-working, law-abiding voter. Trump emerged victorious from the maze, the obstacle course, the Minotaurian labyrinth of presidential politics solely because enough of the right people in enough of the right states sensed that he really was the right man for the job. They respected his résumé. They liked the cut of his jib. They responded to what he said. They somehow sensed that this one might actually keep his promises. And they were proved right, and then some: after he won, he worked harder than any president before him, kept more promises than any president before him, and demonstrated over and over again that his vaunted genius for running a business and making a deal was no hype. His success on so many fronts underscored the incompetence of all these career politicians with blue-chip reputations. He blew them out of the water, proving that a first-class businessman who really cares about the well-being of Americans can outdo any number of self-seeking Washington hacks.

Vote No on 1984 By Victor Davis Hanson


Thought crimes, ministries of truth, and memory holes belong in Oceania, not America.

If we were to wake up in 2022, would we be more likely to see a 15-person Supreme Court, a Senate without a filibuster, a nation without an Electoral College, and an effort to admit two more states and with them four more senators if Joe Biden or Donald Trump were president?

Why would we blow up a nine-justice Supreme Court after 151 years, or a 233-year Electoral College, or a 170-year Senate filibuster, or a 60-year 50-state Union? And why now? What is the theme, the argument, the momentum for shattering these traditions, other than that progressives see them as ancient impediments to their radical ends?

Who, if president, would alter our ways of governance, and who would resist? Why are the proponents of these radical changes to the way we are governed so fanatical and yet so quiet about their intentions?

We know that about 99.7–99.8 percent of those under 60 who are infected with the coronavirus survive the disease. We know that the more we lock down everyone under quarantines, the more we risk scattering our resources to cover everyone — many of whom do not need such investment — only to short the vulnerable and elderly who most certainly do need the protection.

In which administration — Biden’s or Trump’s — will more Americans die or become ill under quarantine from increased substance, familial, and spousal abuse, from missed medical procedures and surgeries, from depression and suicide, and from the loss of their livelihoods than will die from the virus itself?

Court File Shows Joe Biden Listed as Possible Witness With Son in Fraud Case By Paul Sperry


A federal judge named Joe Biden as a possible “witness” along with his son Hunter in a criminal fraud case last year that ended in the convictions of two of Hunter’s business partners, according to little-noticed court documents. The Democratic presidential candidate’s appearance on a witness list casts new doubt on his claims he knew nothing about his son’s shady business dealings.

Joe and Hunter Biden: The father’s name appears above his son’s on a list of dozens of individuals who might pose a conflict for prospective jurors.

Hunter Biden blamed one of his convicted partners — Devon Archer — for his father’s name appearing on a list of potential witnesses in a juror questionnaire in the case, which was filed Jan. 11, 2019.

In a 47-minute recording recovered from his abandoned laptop, an agitated Hunter can be heard grousing about calls he’s been getting from his father, who apparently was upset with the developments as he prepared to launch his campaign for the White House.

The Trump Revolution The 21st-century version of Reagan’s “Time for Choosing.” by Jeffrey Lord


It was October 27, 1964. Ronald Reagan, then an actor and private citizen, had been asked to give a nationally televised addressed for the Republican presidential nominee, Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater. Reagan did so, the title of his speech being “A Time for Choosing.”

In his speech Reagan said the following:

This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.

You and I are told increasingly we have to choose between a left or right. Well I’d like to suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There’s only an up or down — [up to] man’s old-aged dream, the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order, or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism. And regardless of their sincerity, their humanitarian motives, those who would trade our freedom for security have embarked on this downward course.

Reagan was right. And that speech skyrocketed him two years later into the governorship of California and, in 1980 and 1984, to two landslide presidential victories. And in those eight years Reagan was relentless in driving home that message of freedom as he, against all odds and a chorus of naysayers, won the Cold War by defeating the “Evil Empire” (as he correctly called it) of the Communist Soviet Union. The latter eventually collapsing onto, again as Reagan said, “the ash heap of history.”

As America stands on the threshold of the 2020 election, Reagan’s “Time for Choosing” speech is precisely relevant today. The principles and concerns he expressed are in fact at the very core of what can easily be termed the Trump Revolution.

Video: How Will Each Candidate Treat Israel? What tomorrow’s election will mean for the future of U.S.-Israeli relations.


In this must-see interview from Israel National News, Dr. Shmuel Katz, one of the founders of Stand With Us and a leading advocate for Israel, discusses what the outcome of this week’s presidential election will mean for the future of America-Israel relations. Check it out below:


Trump, Biden deliver closing arguments to voters ahead of Election Day

Hundreds Turn Out for ‘Trump Train’ Parade in West Virginia

Trump Supporters Chant ‘USA’ in Face of Antifa in Beverly Hills

Only a Trump Tsunami Can Checkmate a Chinese Tsunami
Michigan Crowd for Donald Trump Dwarfs Crowd for Barack Obama and Joe Biden
Trump Supporters Greet Kamala Harris During Last-Minute Rally in Palm Beach

Donald Trump, Counterrevolutionary Victor Davis Hanson *****


Against all the money and clout of America’s revolutionary forces, the counterrevolutionary Trump had only one asset, the proverbial people.

Until Donald Trump’s arrival, the globalist revolution was almost solidified and institutionalized—with the United States increasingly its greatest and most “woke” advocate. We know its bipartisan establishment contours.

China would inherit the world in 20 or 30 years. The self-appointed task of American elites—many of whom had already been enriched and compromised by Chinese partners and joint ventures—was to facilitate this all-in-the-family transition in the manner of the imperial British hand-off of hegemony to the United States in the late 1940s.

Our best and brightest like the Biden family, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Bill Gates, or Mark Zuckerberg would enlighten us about the “real” China, so we yokels would not fall into Neanderthal bitterness as they managed our foreordained decline.

We would usher China into “the world community”—grimacing at, but overlooking the destruction it wrought on the global commercial order and the American interior.

We would politely forget about Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet, and the Uyghurs. Hollywood would nod as it put out more lucrative comic-book and cartoonish films for the Chinese markets, albeit with mandated lighter-skinned actors.

The NBA would nod twice and trash a democratic United States, while praising genocidal China—becoming richer and more esteemed abroad to make up for becoming boring and poorer at home. The universities would nod three times, and see a crime not in Chinese espionage and security breaches, but in the reporting of them as crimes.

So our revolutionary role would be to play stuffy and snooty Athenian philosophers to the new muscular Roman legions of China.

Given our elites’ superior morality, genius, and sense of self, we would gently chide and cajole our Chinese masters into becoming enlightened world overseers and democrats—all the easier, the richer and more affluent Chinese became. 

For now, Trump has stopped that revolution.

Reflections on Sleepy Joe Exactly how and where will he lead us? Don Feder


The most important election of our lifetime – perhaps in all U.S. history — is upon us.

Here are some thoughts on the Democrat presidential candidate:

Spent 47 years in office without accomplishing anything noteworthy — who was ever and always a willing tool for the leadership of the Democrat Party.
Has become a bobble-head for the socialists who now run his party.
Took three months to issue a limp-wristed disavowal of the riots which are rocking our republic.
Equates occasional police misconduct with business districts in flames, nightly looting, the murder of cops, and assaults on innocent bystanders.
Thinks white supremacists pose a greater threat to America than Antifa, which he says is “an idea” not an organization. With Joe, you never know if he’s simply parroting progressive propaganda or really is that stupid.
Wants to demolish the border wall and defund ICE, and once called illegal immigration “a gift” – that keeps on giving for the left.
Said 150 million Americans died from “gun violence” since 2007 and 120 million of us died from COVID-19. There goes 80% of the population.
Does press availabilities where he takes two questions – from reporters he knows are friendly.

An Election and America’s Two Choices “We must rise again to take our stand for freedom, as in the olden time.” Bruce Thornton


When voters go to the polls, they will be choosing not just one man over another. They will be choosing either freedom and self-rule based on the Constitution; or “soft” servitude and tutelage under the technocratic pretensions of a managerial elite.

In other words, the ancient political choice that arose with the creation of citizens rule 2500 years ago––a choice based on whether we believe that ordinary people have the practical wisdom and common sense sufficient for self-government; or instead are incapable of knowing what’s good for themselves and the country, and so their freedom must be subordinated to the greater knowledge of credentialed professionals and “experts.”

Technocrats need power to achieve their aims, and for the last century we have seen that power grow into the federal Leviathan that has spread its regulatory tentacles and oversight into ever greater parts of our lives at the cost of our autonomy. Indeed, in just the past year during the pandemic, under the guise of “following the science” we have seen many states restrict or outright cancel some of our unalienable rights such as assembling, bearing arms, and practicing our faiths.

Indeed, the very structure of the Constitution itself has also come under assault. The brilliant solution to the diverse and clashing interests of the American peoples was the system of checks and balances in which, to paraphrase James Madison, ambition would be set against ambition. The tyranny of the masses would be checked with institutional “filtrations” of their power like the Electoral College, and the tyranny of the elites would be checked by regularly scheduled elections and the voters of the sovereign states, as well as by the Bill of Rights. The political freedom of all would thus be protected and preserved.

Trump: An appreciation, on a momentous eve By Richard Kantro


“My sober thoughts on election eve are these:  in neither party has any other officeholder — I won’t tar him with the politicians’ brush — ever been as steadfast, resolute, and uncompromising against the weasel ways of entrenched partisan interests, whose snarling creatures now bare tooth and claw, shrieking and slavering to keep their purloined ill-gotten carrion of advantage, tenure, power, and wealth.  Nor has one ever called them out for what they are — thieves, corrupt criminals, communists, haters, lunatics, and traitors — as he is doing now.”

At this a pivotal moment in human history, internal forces are trying to bring America to her knees.  Should this happen, we would suffer grievously, and she would lose her historical power to deter the world’s worst malefactors from acting out, or at least from prevailing in their worst predations.  But even worse, the world would lose its only true fire of freedom, which — often unseen, unacknowledged, unheralded, and even more often excoriated — keeps the world from plunging into barbarous darkness.

Consider this:  Over the past five years — since the moment Trump came down the escalator — the most miserable miscreants in politics and showbiz have execrated him with a malevolence and melodrama never seen in the quarter-millennium of our history:  a frothing mass psychosis.  Literally overnight, the former welcome-anywhere celebrity-builder-billionaire became public enemy No. 1 in the minds and in the dirty mouths of the disaffected, the ambitious, the incapable, the scheming, the jealous, the evil, the nefarious, the weak-minded, and the just plain warped.

No matter.  In the nearly four years since he assumed office, Trump’s brilliant administrative achievements ‑‑ yes, brilliant! — have undone bad regulation, bad law, bad border security, bad trade, a bad economy, a badly frayed military, bad national morale, and more.