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Countering ‘You Ain’t Black’ with the Facts By Janet Levy


When comedienne Chelsea Handler noticed a pro-Trump tweet posted by her ex-flame 50 Cent, she became apoplectic and launched a bizarre social media crusade to change his mind.  Dripping condescension, she asked if he knew what his race was and insulted his intelligence, saying if he’s black he can’t vote Trump.  In an Instagram post, she addressed him “Hey f—–!,” offering to pay his taxes if he changed his mind on Trump.  And in an interview with Jimmy Fallon, she even dissolutely proffered renewed intimacy to 50 Cent: “I might be willing to go for another spin, if you know what I’m talking about.”

Her inability to accept that a black might support Trump is of a piece with presidential candidate Joe Biden’s comment to radio host Charlamagne tha God: “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”  Like many liberals in the public sphere, Handler insists that American blacks should assert race über alles, and their candidate choice should be monolithic and unidimensional — Democratic, that is — based solely on loyalty to the color of their skin.

The false equation “black = Democratic” has long been taken for granted by the Democrats, who conflate blacks’ allegiance to their party with being true to their race.  American blacks who dare to break free of this shackling assumption end up facing the ostracism of “cancel culture.”  It’s an experience well known to black conservatives like Larry Elder, Candace Owens, Shelby Steele, and others.

George Soros’s Plan B If Biden Loses


Billionaire George Soros is spending big—$70 million at last report—to evict Donald Trump from the White House. The radical philanthropist vilifies Trump as nothing more than “an impostor and a con man and a would-be dictator.” He considers America’s 45th president a “danger to the world” who would like to establish a “mafia state” here at home.

Which is why Soros is determined to oust the president and push the “Big Guy”—aka Joe Biden—over the finish line in first place on Nov. 3. But what if Biden loses? Well, don’t expect Soros to give up and go home. 

George Soros has a plan B, and it’s already underway, insists Richard Poe, co-author with David Horowitz of The Shadow Party, an in-depth examination of Soros’ far-reaching influence. “George Soros is trying to steal the election,” Poe told D. James Kennedy Ministries, which produced the new, nationally aired documentary, Radical Billionaire: George Soros and the Scheme to Remake America. Poe claims Soros “has a whole crack team of experts, the top experts in the world…. And they are absolutely trying to steal this election.”

Soros is committed to Trump’s removal. He assured elites at Davos in 2018 that Trump is a “purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020, or even sooner.” That’s not an idle boast. Soros has an established record of driving leaders from power. Horowitz and Poe assert that “Soros’ Open Society Foundations have facilitated coups and rebellions in many countries, always ostensibly in the interests of ‘democratization.’”

Soros crowed in 2001 that his Open Society Foundations network has achieved “significant successes” in Slovakia, Croatia, and Yugoslavia where “civil society was mobilized to overturn … overcome, rather, an oppressive regime.” (see here at 22:25). Soros tried to catch himself, but “overturn” is correct.  That’s obvious from how Soros-financed forces were deployed in Yugoslavia and, later, Georgia to sweep rulers off the stage. 

Biden Flubs


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden labored through the final full week of his campaign, failing to recall the sex of Kamala Harris’s spouse, the name of the current president, and how to spell “respect.”

Biden Has Earned 11 Pinocchios From Fact-Checkers During Coronavirus Crisis (April 2020)


Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden has been dinged several times by fact-checkers over claims he has made during the coronavirus crisis, including a total of 11 “Pinocchios” from the Washington Post.

Over the course of three weeks between March 13 and April 3, Biden was fact-checked five separate times for making false or misleading claims concerning the Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic.

A Washington Post fact check on March 13 awarded Biden four Pinocchios, the fact-checker’s most severe rating, for two manipulated videos the Biden campaign circulated.

Obsession: How the Media Keep Us Ignorant By Jeff Minick


Many people of all political persuasions, including myself, find much of the mainstream news opinionated and biased. Negative media coverage of President Trump, for example, ran as high as 99 percent in May.

This slanted news does serious damage to our republic. It’s divisive, but it also causes ignorance. Two days ago, I met a man in his mid-30s who gave me a blank look when I mentioned the scandal surrounding Hunter Biden’s hard drive. When I asked another woman, a Democrat, what she thought about the possibility of Joe Biden having dementia, she had no idea what I meant.

But there is a threat to an informed citizenry as great as prejudicial reporting: negligence. The MSM not only keeps us in the dark by their bigotry and their deliberate omission of certain stories, but also by their inability to broaden their reporting.

Since January, the media has focused continually on the pandemic sweeping the globe. They’ve battered us with statistics, with terrible stories of nursing home deaths, and with arrests made when a church or business opened, news seasoned with the opinions of “experts.”

The Black Lives Matter Movement with its protests and riots occasionally nudged aside the pandemic as worthy of reporting, but generally coronavirus remained front and center in the headlines. The nomination and confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court dominated the news for a few days, and with the election season, those who watch televised news find themselves now in a storm of opinions, polls, and speculations.

Meanwhile, this hurricane of headlines has swept away events taking place around the world.

Bidenomics’ Shock Taxes


“Yet another thing to consider as you cast your ballot: America will be a much poorer place under tax-heavy Bidenomics than under Trumponomics. Choose wisely. And don’t say you weren’t warned.”

Facing perhaps their important election ever, Americans have much to worry about: Urban riots and political violence, a loss of respect for our basic constitutional rights and American institutions, and the spate of socialist-inspired radical policy proposals from the Biden campaign. Here’s one more thing: the ruinous taxes you’ll have to pay for the left’s socialist wish-list if Joe Biden wins.

A recent study by a group of highly regarded economists at the Hoover Institution, including two former members of the Council of Economic Advisers, found that the full panoply of Biden’s policy proposals — Medicare for All, big tax hikes on the wealthy and the working poor, the massively expensive Green New Deal, and thousands of impending regulations — would have devastating consequences for the U.S. economy.

Why? Not only would they destroy the economy’s current renewed momentum, but they would require enormous tax increases on all Americans, businesses and individuals alike. It would hit the U.S. economy with its largest tax shock ever, and take it down.

Pittsburgh Paper Backs Trump in First Republican Presidential Endorsement Since 1972 By Zachary Evans


““I am worried about Pennsylvania,” Democratic strategist Neil Oxman told the Washington Post on Saturday. Oxman said it was possible that Trump voters “will come out just a little bit stronger than our base.”

A Pittsburgh, Pa., newspaper has backed Donald Trump just days before the general election in the paper’s first endorsement of a Republican presidential candidate since 1972.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette released its endorsement on Saturday, just before the general elections are set to take place. President Trump flipped Pennsylvania red during the 2016 elections, and the state’s fracking industry has become a major campaign issue, with Trump accusing Joe Biden of aiming to downsize the industry.

“We share the embarrassment of millions of Americans who are disturbed by the president’s unpresidential manners and character — his rudeness and put-downs and bragging and bending of the truth,” the Post-Gazette editors wrote. “But we believe Mr. Trump, for all his faults, is the better choice this year.”

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Frets Over Trump Support: ‘That’s Not Photoshop’ By Jack Phillips


Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, a Democrat, says he hasn’t seen anything like President Donald Trump’s rallies and barnstorming across Pennsylvania.

“Donald Trump is doing things that have never been done in Pennsylvania politics in terms of the raw barnstorming across small county Pennsylvania,” Fetterman told CNN on Nov. 1. “It’s hard to predict with certainty how that’s going to activate not only his base of voters from 2016, but also those that sat it out, too.”

Fetterman then sounded the alarm to fellow Democrats who are pinning their hopes on Democratic nominee Joe Biden winning the Keystone State. Pennsylvania and its 20 Electoral College votes would provide a significant boost toward winning the 270 needed to win the White House.

“I’m not saying Donald Trump is going to win Pennsylvania, but what I am saying is he’s doing everything that he can to maximize his chances,” he said.

Trump held multiple events on Oct. 31 in Pennsylvania, including one in Butler County, where tens of thousands of supporters turned out. Photos and videos showed a scene more reminiscent of a rock concert than a political event.

Fetterman on Twitter offered a more urgent warning to Democrats.

The ‘Anonymous’ saga ended with a dud — a perfect example of the problem of Trump-era media By Steve Krakauer,


There will be many incidents from the past four years of the Trump era that will erode the public’s faith in the press to provide fair, accurate information — all the nonsense from the Russia collusion story, pings in Prague, the Steele dossier mess, false promises of what would be in the Mueller report and more. These will leave lasting, damaging marks.

But no story better exemplifies the core problem with the media’s anti-Trump instincts to elevate every crumb of a story to an 11 out of 10, only to be let down consistently for their exaggeration or outright falsehood, than the saga of “Anonymous.”

For those who don’t remember the drama that gripped Washington and the Acela media (located along Amtrak’s Acela rail corridor between D.C. and New York City), The New York Times published a column in September 2018 from someone identified as “Anonymous,” whom the Times described as a “senior official inside the Trump administration.” The column, titled “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration,’’ detailed the work that the author and others in the administration supposedly were doing to undermine President Trump’s agenda. 

Guesses of who the author was started flowing in. RealClearInvestigations thought it was Victoria Coates. Josh Campbell, a former FBI agent and current CNN contributor, thought it was Kirstjen Nielsen, based on her use of commas in her resignation letter. But most guesses on Twitter and throughout the media rose to higher ranks. Mike Pence? Nikki Haley? CNN’s Chris Cillizza wrote, in retrospect, a spectacularly wrong column titled “13 people who might be the author of The New York Times op-ed.” His arguments included names such as Kellyanne Conway and John Kelly, then some of the top advisers to Trump, as well as “Javanka” and Melania Trump. Dripping with innuendo, it was sure to grab a ton of clicks from CNN’s audience and throughout the #Resistance mediasphere.

And then, this week, we got the big reveal. “Anonymous” was Miles Taylor — a name that is likely literally anonymous to you to begin with.

Winning! Winning! Winning! by Linda Goudsmit


   http://goudsmit.pundicity.com  http://lindagoudsmit.com

We measure ourselves from the time we are children. “Johnny grew three inches!” “Susie got all As in school!”

We compare ourselves with others to measure our accomplishments. “Johnny is faster than Fred.” “Susie is smarter than Mary.”

We compete with each other for advancement. “Johnny won a gold medal in swimming!” “Susie got into Harvard!”

We measure, compare, and compete with others as we establish our own individual identities. We also measure, compare, and compete with ourselves as we establish our own internal sense of self. So, what is the problem?

Competence is the mother of self-esteem. It is the foundation of the meritocracy and source of the American dream. Theoretically, when we study and work hard we achieve competence, feel good about ourselves and are rewarded with advancement. Competition is an integral and important part of establishing an individual identity, a family identity, a community identity, and a national identity.

There are rules in every competition because fairness is the essential qualifying element for the meritocracy. Individuals compete. Teams compete. Families compete. Countries compete. When the rules for fair competition are broken, the entire merit system breaks down and the competition is replaced with a counterfeit performance that is presented as fair and legitimate.

The breakdown in American society is a breakdown of the merit system.

Biden Opposed the Pakistan Raid That Took Out Bin Laden, The Pakistan Lobby is One of His Biggest Donors Daniel Greenfield


Is the Indian-American community paying attention?

The Biden campaign, right before the election, finally released its list of biggest fundraisers. These are donors who have raised at least $100,000 for the Democrat candidate.

One of them is Ijaz Ahmad.

Ahmad is the head of the American-Pakistani Political Action Committee and Biden has been happy to offer them Islamist dog whistles.

Former Vice President of the United States Joe Biden has expressed concern over deteriorating situation in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) saying restrictions preventing peaceful protests or shutting down the internet, weakens democracy.

In an online meeting, with head of American-Pakistani Political Action Committee, Dr. Ijaz Ahmad along with prominent members of Muslim community, Joe Biden called upon Indian government to take all necessary steps to restore rights for all people of Kashmir.

He quoted a hadith from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) instructs, ‘Whomever among you sees a wrong, let him change it with his hand’ If he is not able, then with his tongue. If he is not able, then with his heart.’