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Trump’s Economy Really Was Better Than Obama’s Karl W. Smith


(Bloomberg Opinion) — Joe Biden has argued that President Donald Trump didn’t so much build a strong economy as inherit one. It’s good line — but it ignores the successes, at least before the pandemic, of Trump’s unconventional policy. If Biden is elected president, he should continue Trump’s economic approach rather than returning to Barack Obama’s.

Between December 2009 and December 2016, the unemployment rate dropped 5.2 percentage points, from 9.9% to 4.7%. By December 2019, it had fallen another 1.2 percentage points, to 3.5%. A cursory look at those numbers might lead you to believe that the improvement under Trump was at best a continuation of a trend that began nearly a decade earlier.

It’s necessary to place those numbers in context. By 2016, officials in the Treasury Department and at the Federal Reserve had concluded that the economy was at full employment and that further improvement in the labor market was unlikely. This was in line with the Congressional Budget Office’s guidance that further declines in the unemployment rate would push the economy beyond its sustainable capacity.

Once in office, Trump ignored this consensus. He implemented a program of tax cuts, spending increases and unprecedented pressure on the Fed to cut interest rates to zero and keep them there. Trump’s goal of 3% growth was derided as delusional, while a bipartisan chorus of commentators declared his policies reckless and irresponsible.

They were anything but. Not only did the unemployment rate continue to fall, but the percentage of Americans aged 25 to 54 either employed or looking for a job saw its first sustained rise since the late 1980s. This inflection point changed the character of the labor market.

Video: Socialism, Communism and Your Personal Freedom. How a nation is at stake in this upcoming election.


This new edition of The Glazov Gang features Conservative Momma, who focuses on: Socialism, Communism and Your Personal Freedom, unveiling how a nation is at stake in this upcoming election.

Don’t miss it!

Article on Joe and Hunter Biden Censored By The Intercept An attempt to assess the importance of the known evidence, and a critique of media lies to protect their favored candidate, could not be published at The Intercept Glenn Greenwald


I am posting here the most recent draft of my article about Joe and Hunter Biden — the last one seen by Intercept editors before telling me that they refuse to publish it absent major structural changes involving the removal of all sections critical of Joe Biden, leaving only a narrow article critiquing media outlets. I will also, in a separate post, publish all communications I had with Intercept editors surrounding this article so you can see the censorship in action and, given the Intercept’s denials, decide for yourselves (this is the kind of transparency responsible journalists provide, and which the Intercept refuses to this day to provide regarding their conduct in the Reality Winner story). This draft obviously would have gone through one more round of proof-reading and editing by me — to shorten it, fix typos, etc — but it’s important for the integrity of the claims to publish the draft in unchanged form that Intercept editors last saw, and announced that they would not “edit” but completely gut as a condition to publication:


Publication by the New York Post two weeks ago of emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop, relating to Vice President Joe Biden’s work in Ukraine, and subsequent articles from other outlets concerning the Biden family’s pursuit of business opportunities in China, provoked extraordinary efforts by a de facto union of media outlets, Silicon Valley giants and the intelligence community to suppress these stories.

One outcome is that the Biden campaign concluded, rationally, that there is no need for the front-running presidential candidate to address even the most basic and relevant questions raised by these materials. Rather than condemn Biden for ignoring these questions — the natural instinct of a healthy press when it comes to a presidential election — journalists have instead led the way in concocting excuses to justify his silence.

After the Post’s first article, both that newspaper and other news outlets have published numerous other emails and texts purportedly written to and from Hunter reflecting his efforts to induce his father to take actions as Vice President beneficial to the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, on whose board of directors Hunter sat for a monthly payment of $50,000, as well as proposals for lucrative business deals in China that traded on his influence with his father.

Poll: Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by 7 points among Iowa voters Brianne Pfannenstiel,


Republican President Donald Trump has taken over the lead in Iowa as Democratic former Vice President Joe Biden has faded, a new Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows just days before Election Day.

The president now leads by 7 percentage points over Biden, 48% to 41%. Three percent say they will vote for someone else, 2% aren’t sure and 5% don’t want to say for whom they will vote.

In September’s Iowa Poll, the candidates were tied at 47% to 47%.

The poll of 814 likely Iowa voters was conducted by Selzer & Co. of Des Moines from Oct. 26-29. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.

J. Ann Selzer, president of Selzer & Co., said while men are more likely to support Trump and women to support Biden, the gender gap has narrowed, and independents have returned to supporting the president, a group he won in 2016.

“The president is holding demographic groups that he won in Iowa four years ago, and that would give someone a certain level of comfort with their standing,” she said. “There’s a consistent story in 2020 to what happened in 2016.”

But, she said, “Neither candidate hits 50%, so there’s still some play here.”

Trump carried Iowa by 9.4 percentage points in 2016, but his chances at a repeat 2020 win here appeared to be in doubt in recent polling. The June Iowa Poll showed Trump leading by just 1 percentage point before Biden climbed into the September tie.

Trump has the momentum in the final week Every event that has occurred since the last debate has cut for Trump and against Biden Matt Mayer


I don’t believe in astrology, but, if I did, I’d have to say the stars are aligning for Donald Trump in the last 10 days of this tumultuous election. Beginning with the second presidential debate where Trump finally displayed presidential behavior and Joe Biden expressly proclaimed his goal to transition away from oil (i.e., kill it), virtually every unfolding event has aided Trump’s cause for reelection. Though he still might not win, the momentum is clearly behind Trump as Election Day nears.

First, Biden’s comment on energy at the last debate certainly hurt him with energy industry workers and their families in western Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, Texas, New Mexico and Colorado. Because virtually all of the sand used in fracking comes from Wisconsin, Biden’s gaffe also will hurt him in that key state too. The Trump campaign immediately went on offense in those states forcing Biden to play defense.

Next, the Tony Bobulinski claims about the Biden family, especially his very detailed and credible allegations about meeting twice with Joe Biden about a deal with a Chinese company tied to the communist government, undermine one of the core tenets of the Biden candidacy; namely, he is not corrupt and compromised like Trump. As more Americans learn about these allegations, Biden’s credibility is crumbling. It doesn’t help that his campaign refuses to deny Bobulinski’s story and that Jim Biden says ‘no comment’ to the press who dare to ask. Most people believe the natural response to being accused of something you didn’t do is to explicitly deny it. That isn’t happening with Bobulinski’s accusations.

Biden Corruption: An In-Depth Investigation Of The Ukraine Allegations  Francis Menton


Of all the revelations about Biden family members cashing in on Joe Biden’s influence — revelations arising from Ukraine, China, Iraq, Romania, Kazakhstan, and other places — those relating to Ukraine are likely the most damning. Certainly, the revelations relating to Ukraine are the ones that most definitively involve criminal conduct. After all, Ukraine is the country where Joe admitted (actually, bragged) on tape about threatening to withhold a billion dollars of U.S. aid unless a prosecutor got fired — a prosecutor who happened to be investigating the company where Joe’s son Hunter was getting $1 million per year to sit on the board. “And son of a bitch, he got fired.” That clear admission alone would prove the hardest part of what you would need to convict under 18 USC Section 201.

By contrast, the recent revelations from Hunter’s laptop and from Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski, while important, don’t necessarily show an independent crime by themselves. What they do show is clear contradiction of Joe’s prior statements about lack of knowledge or involvement in Hunter’s overseas business affairs; and they also show the Biden family, and Joe personally, beholden to the CCP. But these “laptop revelations” mostly relate to discussions of a prospective transaction in 2017, when Joe was out of office; and much of the transaction under discussion seems to have collapsed before consummation.

Andrew McCarthy- A Collusion Tale- The Bidens and China


Not only were the Bidens’ Chinese business contacts known to have ties to the regime; they also may have been clandestine agents.

Understand what’s going on here: The media-Democrat complex is warning you, on the basis of no evidence, that if you don’t close your eyes to the explosive revelations from Hunter Biden’s computers, you will be abetting a Russian intelligence operation; yet it has become increasingly obvious that this is because, if you open your eyes, you may find out that the Bidens were selling themselves to an actual Chinese intelligence operation.

Among the more amazing revelations in the Biden corruption scandal that the media-Democrat complex is blocking voters from seeing is this: The corrupt Chinese businessmen with whom the Bidens were colluding not only had a record of buying political influence, not only were known to have high-level ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the regime, but also were clandestine agents of China — at least, that’s what the FBI and Justice Department seem to have told the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

The Bidens were seeking a $40 million liquefied natural gas (LNG) deal with CEFC, a Shanghai-based energy conglomerate that was flying high until early 2018. By then, however, it had become crystal clear to Xi Jinping’s government that the company’s machinations on behalf of the regime had been penetrated by U.S. intelligence and law-enforcement. CEFC formally went bankrupt earlier this year, but that was two years after the regime pulled the plug on its operations – which appear to have been a cover for Chinese intelligence operations.

The Bidens, with former vice president Joe Biden’s son Hunter as the point-man, dealt with CEFC in 2017. They were the beneficiaries of its corrupt practices and were smack in the middle of things when CEFC began to unravel due to American investigations — investigations that Hunter Biden agreed to look into on behalf of his CEFC partners.

CEFC Was China CEFC posed as a private company. Make no mistake, though, CEFC was China. Its meteoric rise would not have been possible otherwise, and its rapid collapse happened because its usefulness as an instrument of the Communist regime’s influence was undermined by American surveillance operations.

Vote Trump; Save America By David Limbaugh


We are just days from the most important election in modern times, and sanctimonious scolds are still telling conservatives they’re immoral for supporting the main person fighting to prevent this nation’s destruction.

Seriously? Your shaming isn’t working. We don’t believe we are betraying our values for standing with the person who is pursuing policies that will sustain America’s liberty tradition and opposing those that will enslave and impoverish us.

You can force-feed us op-ed after op-ed from well-respected Christian theologians urging us to vote against President Trump because you apparently believe he’s Satan’s spawn. But your pleas will fall flat because, unlike you, we see clearly the threats we face to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and, yes, even Christian values.

Ask yourself this: If, when crafting our Constitution, the framers anticipated that a man like Donald Trump might eventually become president — a man whose quirks bother some people to distraction and irrationality — would they have scrapped the whole system and opted for political tyranny and economic socialism?

Heavens, no, but that’s essentially what you’re asking us to do. No, thank you. We are not about to abandon the ideas we believe in because some of you have made a virtue out of hating and vilifying this president and demonizing the rest of us who disagree with you.

We are not about to surrender to a leftist agenda of abortion on demand; lawlessness in our streets; bankrupting and unworkable environmental radicalism; the end of the oil industry; socialism; gender anarchy; the obliteration of our freedoms of speech and religion; and a weak United States because you have become unwitting allies of sinister forces determined to realize these infernal goals.

Trump Vs. Biden Poll: Joe Biden’s Lead Grows, But Here’s The Surprise In IBD/TIPP Presidential Poll


The latest Trump vs. Biden poll shows former Vice President Joe Biden with a wider lead over President Donald Trump in the race’s final days. However, the race appears close enough in swing states that even a national popular vote lead of today’s scope may not assure a Biden win in the Electoral College, the IBD/TIPP presidential poll update hints.

Today’s Trump vs. Biden poll update finds the Democratic challenger leading the Republican incumbent by 5.6 points, 50.5%-44.9%, in a four-way presidential poll of likely voters. Biden’s lead was 4.7 points on Wednesday.

Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen has the support of 1.4%, and Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins 0.4% in the latest Biden vs. Trump poll.

Presidential Poll In Red, Blue, Swing States

“Most of Biden’s advantage comes from the blue states, and it is clouding the hard battle the candidates are fighting in the battleground states,” TIPP President Raghavan Mayur said.

The IBD/TIPP presidential poll suggests that Biden is outperforming Clinton’s 2016 results in both red and blue states. However, swing states, those six states decided by less than 2 points in 2016, look highly competitive.

Porking the Supreme Court by Linda Goudsmit


   http://goudsmit.pundicity.com http://lindagoudsmit.com

“The 2020 American presidential election is the tipping point in America. Will Americans support America-first President Donald J. Trump and recommit themselves to blind justice and the nonpartisan rule of law as Amy Coney Barrett did?? Or will Americans choose to descend further into the financially corrupt world of globalism’s Joe Biden, and the lawlessness of radical leftist Democrat Kamala Harris?”

According to Wikipedia, the familiar term pork‐barrel politics “refers to instances in which ruling parties channel public money to particular constituencies based on political considerations, at the expense of broader public interests. . . .Typically, ‘pork’ involves funding for government programs whose economic or service benefits are concentrated in a particular area but whose costs are spread among all taxpayers.”

The less familiar term “porking” is defined as “government funds, appointments, or benefits dispensed or legislated by politicians to gain favor with their constituents.” So, porking the court would mean nominating justices who would rule in favor of a particular constituency rather than dispensing the blind justice that judges are constitutionally and honor-bound to adhere to.

Anyone who has served on a jury knows that jurors are required to put their personal beliefs and preferences aside. Jury duty is an essential part of the American judicial system that entrusts citizens with the responsibility of impartiality. Blind justice requires impartial judges and impartial juries to provide equal justice under the law.

Part of Barack Obama’s plan to fundamentally transform America involved politicizing the courts. Community organizing was Obama’s specialty, his instruction manual written by socialist mentor, Saul Alinsky, is Rules for Radicals. Alinsky’s manifesto is based on incremental change because community organizing is a long-term tactical political strategy. Alinsky advised, “True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within.” That is precisely what Barack Obama did.