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50 Things a Biden Presidency Would Mean for America Worse than the zombie apocalypse? Don Feder

Below are The Top 50 Reasons Why a Biden Presidency Would Be Worse Than The Zombie Apocalypse:

Another lockdown – Which will Kevorkian what’s left of the economy.
Amnesties and other incentives for illegal immigration – Joe promised another amnesty bill in his first 100 days to satisfy the urgent need for more Democrat voters. No border wall, ICE defunded, sanctuary cities subsidized.
Back to the era of bad trade deals – Give away the store to get it done. Joe understands trade, based on his vast business experience.
Biden Care – “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” – not. Six-month delays for routine tests. Why should Canadians have all the fun?
Black Lives Matter — in charge of combating white privilege and institutional racism with quotas, reparations and looting.
Biden’s Cabinet — Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, Secretary of State Illhan Omar, Secretary of Commerce Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Secretary of the Treasury Bernie Sanders.

5 More COVID Charts Democrats — And The Press — Don’t Want You To See


When coronavirus cases started spiking in June, Democrats and the press treated it as a fresh sign that President Donald Trump had failed to contain the disease.

“There are now about 30,000 new cases per day in the United States, about 10 times higher than the roughly 3,000 new cases per day in the European Union,” noted one outlet.

“Experts from Europe have criticized a series of failings in the U.S., which they said had left Americans exposed to infection while in Europe, as lockdown eases, infection remains low,” reported another.

Joe Biden emerged from his bunker in the summer long enough to declare that “while other nations took steps to get control over COVID-19, Trump took no responsibility.”

So how do Joe and company explain the fact that coronavirus cases are now exploding in Europe at rates far higher than the U.S., that the share of positive test results is higher in Europe, as is the case fatality rate?

“There’s no question that the European region is an epicenter for disease right now,” said the World Health Organization’s Dr. Michael Ryan. “Right now we are well behind this virus in Europe so getting ahead of it is going to take some serious acceleration in what we do.”

Vote for Joe Biden? Seriously? Biden is Bernie Sanders’s grim party in sheep’s clothing. Daniel Henninger


The 2020 presidential election has been defined by three events: the emergence of the coronavirus in March, the George Floyd protests after May 25, and Rep. Jim Clyburn’s endorsement in February of Joe Biden before the South Carolina primary. There has also been one major nonevent: the Biden presidential noncampaign.

A cold-weather resurgence of the virus in the upper Midwest and Plains States has put the pandemic in front of voters in the election’s final week, while the importance of the other two events in shaping the outcome has faded, especially the Clyburn coronation.

Forgotten by many voters is that back in mid-February, after losing in Iowa and New Hampshire, it looked as if former Vice President Biden’s listless campaign would become his third failed attempt at the presidency.

Mr. Biden had distinguished himself in the primary debates only by surviving them. Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, the other moderate alternative to the progressive insurgency of Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, wasn’t gaining traction. Mike Bloomberg landed and left like an evening moth. In short, a path was opening for Vermont democratic socialist Bernie Sanders to secure the party’s nomination.

The Bidens and Tony Bobulinski Joe owes the public a response about the family’s business.


Joe Biden is asking voters to elect him on the strength of his character, honesty and judgment. Which is why Mr. Biden owes a response to new allegations about his son Hunter’s business deals.

Tony Bobulinski on Tuesday sat with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson to provide details of a 2016-17 business venture involving Hunter, Jim Biden (Joe’s brother), and CEFC China Energy, a conglomerate tied to the Chinese government. Mr. Bobulinski, a Navy veteran and financier, was recruited by Hunter and associates to serve as CEO, and the interview shed more light on hundreds of emails and documents he recently made public

Mr. Bobulinski said that in 2017 he twice met with former Vice President Joe Biden, as part of a Biden family effort at “wining and dining” him to “take on the CEO role.” He pointed to documents in which Hunter and others refer to Joe’s involvement in the deal, including an email from Hunter partner James Gilliar that proposed the “big guy” get 10% of the company equity, held in Hunter’s name. Mr. Bobulinski says “the big guy” is Joe. He also related a conversation in which he said Jim Biden said the answer to questions about Biden family involvement with foreign entities was “plausible deniability.”

Mr. Bobulinski sounded credible. He said he wants to clear his name of accusations that he was a tool of foreign election-meddlers, and he repeatedly declined opportunities to speculate or get partisan. He said he felt a duty to American citizens “to go on record and define the facts for them and let them do their own work, let them decide how they view those facts or not.”

Logic of Trump: Let Us Count The Reasons


It is a squeeze to reduce the number of logically indisputable reasons why President Trump should be reelected to a single column, but I will attempt it. Reelection is the only way of restoring the conditions that Mr. Trump created that eliminated unemployment prior to the onset of the COVID-19 crisis.

This, coupled to his near-elimination of illegal immigration (against fierce Democratic resistance), generated greater percentage income growth amongst the lowest 20% of income-earners than among the top 10% — a noteworthy start on addressing the universal income-disparity problem.

Only a Trump victory would ensure retention of the present relatively low personal and corporate income-tax rates and the avoidance of insane, highly damaging, and counterproductive shutdowns in cowardly terror of the coronavirus, which only mortally threatens 1% of the population, who can be isolated and protected.

Only a Trump victory would prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear military power within five years and North Korea from resuming its missile tests over Japan and South Korea. There are no grounds for confidence that the Democrats would maintain a firm but not belligerent economic and strategic containment strategy towards China, coordinated with India, Japan, South Korea, and other key allies in south and east Asia and Australasia.

We know that if Mr. Trump were defeated, the country would be subjected not just to the self-flagellating provisions of the Paris Climate Accord, but also to the $100 trillion Green Terror assault on the petroleum industry and a bone-cracking rise in electricity costs after closing gas-fired electricity plants.

The Democrats remain committed to giving the Palestine Liberation Organization and Hamas a veto over any resolution of their conflict with Israel, and since they do not accept the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state, that would ensure continued stagnation, attrition, and terrorism, financed by a newly enabled Iran. The Trump strategy is steadily lining up the support of the Arab states in favor of a comprehensive solution that would give Palestine a modest state and a great economic incentive for peace, and security at least for Israel.

Jim Biden refuses to answer questions about family’s business dealings By Alex Pappas, Marisa Schultz


Jim Biden, the brother of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, refused to answer questions Wednesday when approached by Fox News outside a house in Maryland about claims the former vice president had knowledge about the family’s overseas business ventures.

Approached at a residence on the Eastern Shore, Jim Biden repeatedly rebuffed questions in his driveway as Fox News asked questions from a distance in the street.

“I don’t want to comment about anything,” Jim Biden said.

Asked if he cared to answer questions, Biden said: “Nope.”

Two sources confirmed the person was Jim Biden, including a neighbor who viewed a picture of the footage. The Eastern Shore house is linked to Jim Biden in public records.

It comes a day after Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, told Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” in an exclusive interview, that the former vice president’s denials of knowledge or involvement in his son’s foreign dealings are “a blatant lie.”

Asked why he and Hunter Biden allegedly wanted to meet with Bobulinski, Jim Biden replied: “What are you talking about?”

The Big Picture and the War for the White House By Bryan Preston


Four years ago I was a very reluctant Trump voter.

I had laughed at a friend who told me, about two weeks before the 2016 election, that Donald Trump would win. It seemed absurd. Clinton was a lock. Everyone knew that.

But when it came time to vote, I looked at Trump and didn’t know what I would get. I looked at Hillary Clinton and knew exactly what I would get if she won.

As I weighed up the two candidates I figured at least I might get something I’d like from Trump. Maybe a good judge or two. Maybe a tax cut. Clinton was a guarantee that I would get no policy I could support, no good judges, nothing but corruption, deceit, and endless media fawning over every breath she took. She would be horrible. Trump might be interesting. He might be better than I expected, or worse, but he couldn’t be worse than Clinton.

So I rolled the dice and voted for Trump.

It was liberating. I hadn’t advocated for him. He wasn’t my first choice.

Four years later, as I explain in this week’s War for the White House podcast with Hot Air’s Jazz Shaw and Townhall’s Reagan McCarthy, I wasn’t reluctant at all. Based on my policy preferences and goals for the future of this country, Donald Trump has earned four more years in the Oval Office.

Biden family scandal: Seven uncomfortable realities confronting the Democrat nominee It’s not the Russians exposing Joe Biden, it’s his son’s former business partners. John Solomon


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has offered short, at times, halting defenses of his son Hunter’s business deals in recent weeks after months of ignoring an increasingly clear narrative of a family member pursuing lucrative business deals in the shadows of his vice presidency.

“Not one single solitary thing was out of line,” Biden said last Thursday when the questions about his son’s business dealings came up at the last presidential debate. “Not a single thing.”  

“My son has not made money in terms of this thing, about what are you talking about, China,” Biden said. “I have not had, the only guy that’s made money from China is this guy,” he added, point to Donald Trump.

Other times he and his defenders have rebuffed questions about the family business as a “smear job” or “Russian disinformation.” But Biden’s campaign hasn’t disputed much of the evidence that has become public, instead declaring it doesn’t matter because no crimes have been proven.

“Investigations by the press, during impeachment, and even by two Republican-led Senate committees whose work was decried as ‘not legitimate’ and political by a GOP colleague, have all reached the same conclusion: that Joe Biden carried out official US policy toward Ukraine and engaged in no wrongdoing,” a campaign spokesman said recently.

Twitter, Facebook Confess There Is No Evidence Of Russian Disinformation Behind Hunter Biden Story  By Jordan Davidson


n Wednesday’s Senate hearing on Big Tech and Section 230, both Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that neither had any evidence that the New York Post’s reporting on Joe Biden’s knowledge of his son Hunter Biden’s foreign business deals is Russian disinformation.

“For both Mr. Zuckerberg and Dorsey who censored the New York Post stories or throttle them back, do you have any evidence that the New York Post story is part of Russian disinformation or that those emails are not authentic?” Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin asked. “Do you have any information whatsoever they are not authentic or they are Russian disinformation?

Dorsey and Zuckerberg both denied receiving any indication that the story was part of a Russian misinformation campaign.

Within days of the story’s censorship, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe explicitly debunked the disinformation claims made by Rep. Adam Schiff, when he reported the intelligence community has no evidence that the bombshell story was a foreign attempt to spread misinformation and interfere in the U.S. election.

“Let me be clear,” he said on Fox News, “The intelligence community doesn’t believe that because there is no intelligence that supports that.”

“We have shared no intelligence with Chairman Schiff, or any other member of Congress that Hunter Biden’s laptop is part of some Russian disinformation campaign,” Ratcliffe clarified. “It’s simply not true.”

Trump Is Doing Better In Michigan And Wisconsin Than Polls Suggest By Chris Bedford and John Daniel Davidson


A week-long trip through these Midwest battleground states talking with ordinary people convinced us the polls aren’t telling the full story.

There’s something afoot in Michigan and Wisconsin. If you believe the polls, former Vice President Joe Biden is set to win both these states in November—battlegrounds President Donald Trump narrowly carried in 2016, and can ill afford to lose this time around.

Some pollsters say Biden is ahead by as much as 17 points in Wisconsin and a dozen points in Michigan, suggesting the Democrats have rebuilt their so-called “blue wall” in the industrial Midwest. If that’s true, the president’s path to reelection is in jeopardy. But then, the same pollsters also put Hillary Clinton comfortably ahead in both states just four years ago.

We just spent a week driving through Michigan and Wisconsin, talking with farmers, bartenders, politicians, priests, and ordinary voters, from suburban Detroit to western Wisconsin, and what we saw and heard left us with a very different impression: Trump’s support here is not reflected in the polls, and he might well win both states.

Just north of Detroit in Macomb County, which twice voted for Barack Obama but flipped for Trump four years ago, there were few signs of a robust Democratic ground game. We talked to one bar owner, a Democrat who volunteered for Obama’s reelection, who told us he’s worried Trump might win here again—not just because Trump supporters are so motivated, but because the neighbors and customers who tell him they’re not voting for Trump don’t seem excited about Biden.