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There Really Has Been a ‘Trump Effect’ on Immigration By Steven A. Camarota


And some American workers seem to have benefited.

Recently released Census Bureau data from the 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) show that in the first two years of the Trump administration, growth in the immigrant population (legal and illegal) averaged only about 200,000 a year, which stands in stark contrast with the roughly 650,000 a year from 2010 to 2017. The bureau refers to immigrants as “foreign-born,” which includes anyone who was not a U.S. citizen at birth — naturalized citizens, green card holders, long-term temporary visitors, and illegal aliens. It seems almost certain that the slowdown in growth was the result of Trump-administration policies.

One can debate whether this falloff in growth is a positive or negative development, but it is clear that the often-made argument that immigration is like a force of nature, largely driven by economics and outside the control of governmental policy, is false. Although the lower courts have fought the president at every turn, the federal bureaucracy has been resistive, many states have actively subverted the rule of law, and Congress has offered no help, changes adopted by the administration did reduce immigration — both legal and illegal.

Hunter Biden on Tape? Recording purports to capture candidate’s son rambling about big Chinese business, disappearing partner, and a criminal trial. By Andrew C. McCarthy


I n a newly released recording, a man purported to be Hunter Biden is heard rambling about (a) his legal representation of Patrick Ho, a convicted former Hong Kong official he refers to as “the f***ing spy chief of China”; (b) his business dealings with Ye Jianming, the corrupt Chinese high roller, whom Hunter describes as “my partner, who is worth $323 billion … and is now missing”; and (c) his complaints about his “best friend in business, Devon” — presumably, Devon Archer, the now-convicted fraudster who was Hunter’s business partner — who had “named me as a witness without telling me in a criminal case and my father without telling me.”

Quite the crowd the Bidens run with.

While no date has been given for this recording, I theorize that — assuming it is authentic — it happened in approximately May 2018, for reasons I’ll get to.

The recording is the latest installment of information presumably from Biden’s laptops, which is being rolled out by Raheem Kassam, using his new project, The National Pulse. Kassam is a British commentator and former UKIP party adviser who is close to Steve Bannon — Kassam ran Breitbart-London when Bannon was Breitbart’s executive director.

Bannon is currently facing federal fraud charges. He is, of course, a former White House adviser who had a falling out with President Trump but has retained ties with him. Bannon was one of the prominent Trump outside advisers (Rudy Giuliani being the other) whom the New York Post identified as having alerted the paper to the existence of the Hunter Biden materials. Kassam appears regularly on Bannon’s War Room broadcasts — and, indeed, they appeared together Tuesday and played what they represented to be the Hunter Biden recording.

Biden is Running a Protection Racket Sidney Powell


Joe Biden’s big pitch is his promise to restore calm.  It’s a con.  It’s Antifa and Black Lives Matter — both on his side — that are stirring everything up.  He’s trying to run a protection racket: vote Democrat, or the chaos continues.

Biden talks of calm, but it is not Trump-supporters storming restaurants and other public places across the country to demand obeisance to their agenda.  Instead, from Washington to Kentucky to Florida, it is the “Black Lives Matter” movement — which Biden has made a centerpiece of his campaign — that has smashed up restaurants, threatened their owners, and demanded that diners raise the black power fist.  As one headline put it, “aggressive mob of white BLM protesters threaten and film white diners at DC restaurants and DEMAND they raise their fist and show solidarity with them…or else.” 

Biden speaks of tolerance, but it isn’t MAGA people marching into our schools, newsrooms, and even corporate boardrooms to demand absolute allegiance; it’s Biden-supporting leftists.  As President Trump warned in his Independence Day address at Mt. Rushmore, if you do not “perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished.” 

Biden professes not to treat the other party as the enemy, but he demonizes his opponents whenever he opens his mouth.  Just this week, he called Trump-supporters “chumps.”  And his supporters call themselves “the resistance” — a term ordinarily used to describe armed insurgency against an occupying military power.

Morning in America or mourning in America? Charles Lipson


In the countdown to Election Day, the two campaigns are taking starkly different approaches.

Joe Biden is sitting on a lead in the polls, trying to run out the clock, while Donald Trump is making a frenzied dash for the finish line, selling optimism.

Both strategies make sense.

Like a football team leading in the final quarter, Biden’s goal is simply to keep the clock ticking down to zero. Nothing fancy. Just avoid mistakes and prevent the other team from getting the ball back.

To avoid those mistakes, Biden is rarely leaving his basement. When he does, his goal is less to rouse voters than to prove he’s still alive and capable of traveling across state lines. He speaks to small crowds and says whatever’s on the teleprompter. He avoids impromptu comments, where he repeatedly makes unforced errors, and refuses to hold press conferences, where he might face hard questions.

Avoiding press conferences has been easy. The COVID crisis has been a perfect excuse for Biden and Kamala Harris, his vice presidential candidate. Harris has not given a press conference since she was named several months ago. Joe has given very few and almost none recently. The supine media hasn’t pressed them.

Reporters aren’t demanding answers or making the candidates pay a price for the silent treatment. The reason is painfully obvious. It’s not just that most reporters and media operations consider the Democrats ‘our ticket’. That’s been true for decades. What’s different now is that they consider this particular Republican a danger to the Republic.

Protecting the country from another four years of Trump in the White House is a more important, more patriotic duty for journalists than their normal job of asking hard questions, demanding evidence and investigating big stories. That’s why, when reporters do get a rare opportunity to ask Joe Biden a question, they toss him softballs. That’s why, when CBS finally asked Harris a crucial question about how progressive she really is, they allowed her to wave it off. She laughed uproariously and, in a non-sequitur, started talking about her family heritage. For CBS, that was good enough. No follow up. They let stand her answer as a laugh.

Media Form a Praetorian Guard Around Biden by Don Feder

In ancient Rome, the Praetorian Guard was an elite unit of the Imperial Army that guarded the emperor. That’s the function the media serve for Democratic candidates. Never more so than in defending The Gaffer and assailing The President.

A study by the Media Research Center of ABC, NBC and CBS (July 29 through Oct. 20) shows that while coverage of Trump was 92% negative, coverage of Biden was 66% positive. Their adamant refusal to discuss Hunter’s laptop and Joe’s play-for-pay is only the latest example.

The new media – like Facebook and Twitter – are the Praetorian Guard’s high-tech auxiliary.

The media have also suppressed news of the insurrection in our streets, assaults on free speech wherever the left holds sway, Christian persecution in Islam, and the new anti-Semitism – here and abroad. If Kamala was writing the headlines, and Bernie was an anchor, it couldn’t get much worse.

I worked in a big city newsroom for 19 years. My memory goes back to the 1964 Republican Convention, when Goldwater delegates shook their fists at the press box.

It just keeps getting worse. Someday, somewhere, there has to be a reckoning.

Amazing! Anti-Trumper ‘Lincoln Project’ Predicts a Second Term for President Trump by Victoria Taft


The anti-Trump group made up of former point men for losing GOP candidates and their Tokyo Rose at The Washington Post is predicting a second term for President Trump. It’s an astonishing prediction from the group.

Despite their latest ad depicting President Trump as evil despot Fidel Castro and showing grisly political assassinations in an ad directed at Cuban-Americans in Florida, in another ad “The Lincoln Project” predicts a Trump win next week.

In the ad, a mom tiptoes into her young son’s bedroom to wake him and give him the election results.

“Who won?” asks the sleepy child.

“Trump. Trump won,” says mom.

“I thought you could only be president two times,” says the child, whose eyes begin to open and focus on the face of his concerned mother.

“Not anymore,” whispers mom.

See? The group calls the election for Trump next week. Can’t have a third term without second.

Why Nothing Biden Says or Does Matters to Democrats The Democrats’ sanctimonious urge to power will brook no limit.By Karin McQuillan


Presidential candidate Joe Biden has catastrophic problems that would hobble any candidate in ordinary times. His mental capacity is failing so badly that he appears senile and lost in many of his public appearances. He is too mentally and physically tired to campaign. He has been exposed for raking in multimillion-dollar payoffs from China, Ukraine, and Russia when serving as vice president, using his son Hunter to launder the bribes. This is the worst level of corruption, and with the country’s worst enemies, ever seen in America.

None of it matters to his voters. But there’s more.

Those are Biden’s personal liabilities. His policy liabilities should be just as fatal—all recorded on video and enshrined in the Democratic Party platform for his voters to see. Biden and the Democratic Party have an ambitious vision—they are noble warriors in a fight against climate change, white supremacism, and nativism. They are proud of it.

Translated into policy, it doesn’t sound as good. Democrats are the party of no energy, no police, no borders. As a bonus, they are forcing white students and workers in corporate America into indoctrination sessions teaching them how evil they are. 

Republicans look at this and see a complete divorce from the real world. “No fossil fuels” means no economy. “Abolish the police” means murder and destruction, as we have witnessed all summer. It is a return to savagery and each man defending his own family. “No borders” means no country. To reject a colorblind society is to foment a race war.

Calling Out Anti-Semitic ‘Human Rights’ NGOs By Janet Levy


President Donald Trump has done much for American Jews and America’s ally Israel. Even so, his administration’s announcement that it would consider labeling certain international NGOs as anti-Semitic is momentous. These NGOs — chief among them Amnesty International (AI), Human Rights Watch (HRW), and Oxfam — are known to single out Israel for criticism while turning a blind eye to Arab-Palestinian terrorism. They also support the Hamas-inspired boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks political and economic isolation of Israel.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has already requested Elan Carr, U.S. Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism, to identify all such NGOs and prepare to withdraw financial support to them. Though they benefit from U.S. aid, AI, HRW, and Oxfam — the only ones named by the administration so far — disparage American ally Israel and denigrate America as well.

Here’s a roster of their manifold hypocrisies: they call America evil, racist, imperial, and a threat to world peace; they defend terrorist attacks on Israelis as legitimate resistance and freedom struggles; they bolster the Arab-Palestinian leadership’s denial of Jews’ connection to their ancestral land; and they ignore the rights of Jewish refugees from Arab states, for whom compensation has never been considered. Most iniquitously, they demand within the Jewish state enclaves from which Jews will be excluded. They link this demand, aimed at obliterating Israel, to a specious “right of return” for millions who have never lived in the Jewish state. So, despite its impressive record on human rights and civil liberties, the only democracy in the Middle East where all ethnic and religious groups live freely is singled out by them for opprobrium.

Election Day Draws Near, and the Dice Are Rolling And a nation is at stake. Bruce Thornton


In a week America goes to the polls, and by normal standards Donald Trump should be reelected, whether in a squeaker like 1968, when Richard Nixon won by half a million votes; or a landslide like 1972, when he beat left-leaning George McGovern by 18 million votes and won every state except Massachusetts.  

But these are not normal times. Addled by the Trump-hatred virus, the Dems have been taken over by its progressive-socialist wing, a possibility that at the beginning of the year during the primaries had spooked the Democrat establishment as it had in the 2016 election when it undermined Bernie Sanders. They knew that such a leftward lurch goes before an electoral fall. Now it seems they’ve put all their chips on an old white guy with little to show for nearly half a century in “public service” other than a family with more money than his Senate salary can possibly account for.

Perhaps the Pelosi-Schumer axis thinks that if Biden’s elected they can control Joe and their Sandernista base, and tone down its left-wing utopian wish-list of the Green New Deal, free college tuition for all, the elimination of carbon-based energy, punitive tax-rates, a return to a foreign policy of appeasement, an increased government role in health care, and policies like reparations and “police reform” based on preposterous, racialist ideas like “systemic racism” and “implicit bias.” Most average Democrats would be content just to return to the Obama days of redistribution at home, and retreat abroad.

Covid Winter Death rates have fallen sharply amid better care and treatments.


Perhaps you’ve heard winter is coming. Or as Joe Biden warned last week about a third virus wave, “We’re about to go into a dark winter, a dark winter.” He’s playing up the worst case as the election nears, so some context is in order.

Virus cases are increasing, but this is inevitable as cooler weather arrives and Americans go indoors. Cases have also been climbing across Europe, in some countries more than in the U.S. But the good news is that America is better prepared to handle another virus surge, and progress toward a vaccine continues.***

The seven-day U.S. rolling case average has nearly doubled from the recent low in mid-September. Cases are more geographically dispersed than in the spring and summer, rising even in states with strict restrictions and mask mandates. This includes New York and its neighbors whose governors were hailed for supposedly controlling the virus. The increase has been most acute in upper Midwest states that weren’t hit as hard earlier. Some of the increase is due to more testing, which is detecting more asymptomatic cases.

Most concerning are hospitalizations, which are up by about 40% since mid-September though are still 30% or so below spring and summer peaks. Most hospitals have ample capacity to treat virus patients while continuing elective procedures, which were stopped during the spring. Covid patients occupy 13% of hospital beds in Wisconsin, 15% in South Dakota and 15% in North Dakota. According to North Dakota’s virus data dashboard, 45% of non-ICU hospital patients classified “with Covid” are admitted for other reasons and test positive for the virus.