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The Elements of Revolution Are All in Place Including an election from which there could be no turning back. Don Feder


In a recent poll, 61 % of Americans said we’re on the verge of civil war. What’s coming is cataclysmic, but there are better ways to describe it. Instead of civil war, think revolution.

Some believed the proletarian revolution was coming in the 1930s, during the Great Depression – others, during the rise of the New Left in the 1960s.

But they were only sparks that never ignited.

What was kindled decades ago, now has burst into flames.

The pieces are all in place: rioting without end, war on the police, government complicity with anarchy, one party firmly in the grasp of revolutionaries, ongoing efforts to erase our history, radicals with a death-grip on the culture and an election from which there could be no turning back. To view any of these elements in isolation would be a tragic mistake.

The riots following the death of George Floyd have been anything but spontaneous. They were planned and organized by Black Lives Matter, Antifa and others. The founders of BLM describe themselves as “trained Marxists.”

The Election Heist An interview with Ken Timmerman about his timely and alarming new novel. Mark Tapson


The presidential election in November is shaping up to be potentially the most contentious ever, thanks to the stakes involved, the threat of violence from the radical left, the disruptive element of the coronavirus pandemic, and the Democrat Party’s desperate push for voting-by-mail to facilitate the voter fraud they need to win. Just in time for this chaos, investigative journalist, author, and frequent FrontPage Mag contributor Kenneth Timmerman has published a fast-paced novel titled The Election Heist, from Post Hill Press, that could not be more relevant and prescient.

This page-turner of a political thriller centers on election tampering in a fictional race in Maryland pitting the incumbent Democrat Rep. Hugh McKenzie against first-time challenger Nelson Aguilar, an Hispanic Republican. In a classic case of art imitating life, the Democrats realize their only hope of winning this November is to cheat. A wild ride ensues.

In addition to serving as the Executive Director of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran, Ken Timmerman is the Nobel Prize-nominated author of such must-reads as: Dark Forces: The Truth About What Happened in Benghazi; Shadow Warriors: The Untold Story of Traitors, Saboteurs, and the Party of Surrender; and Shakedown: Exposing the Real Jesse Jackson, in addition to novels such as ISIS Begins and Honor Killing. He kindly agreed to respond to a few questions about his new fact-driven novel.

No, Joe Biden Does Not Have a Proven Record of Defying Dictators By David Harsanyi


There is no record of Biden standing up to Putin or any dictators — save Saddam Hussein — in any real way.

A t a campaign event masquerading as an NBC News town hall this week, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden dropped this statement:

I have taken on the people we’re worried about. I’ve taken on the Castros of the world, the Putins of the world. I’ve been straightforward with them. I let them know it stops here. It stops with me. It stops with me as president.

The notion that Biden has stood up to the Putins or Castros — or Assads or Mullahs or Xis — in any genuine way is nothing but a retrofitted fantasy.

Since no one holds Biden to account for his long senatorial record, we are left to focus on his tenure in the Obama administration, which the former vice president is eager to take credit for anyway.

This was an administration obsessed over a “reset” with Vladimir Putin — an idea strongly influenced by Biden. Under the precepts of this “reset,” the Obama administration spent two years trying to kill the Magnitsky Act — the sanctions bill named after Sergei Magnitsky, who was murdered by the Russian government — before acquiescing to bipartisan pressure.

This isn’t the opinion of Donald Trump or Mitt Romney, but Bill Browder, the driving force behind the sanctions, who noted that the Obama administration, “starting with Hillary Clinton and then John Kerry, did everything they could do to stop the Magnitsky Act.” It was Browder who wrote that “ever since Barack Obama had become president, the main policy of the U.S. government toward Russia had been one of appeasement.”

It was Obama who let Putin’s stooge Dmitry Medvedev know that the administration would have more “flexibility” on undermining missile defense after the election. By that time, Obama had already canceled the sale of American missile-defense systems to former Warsaw Pact allies in Poland and the Czech Republic. “Russia’s Putin praises Obama’s missile defense decision,” read the headlines at the time that don’t describe someone “standing up” to Putin.

Pelosi’s Taxpayer Ransom Demand Trump walked after the Speaker insisted on no less than $2 trillion.


President Trump decided Tuesday to walk away from talks on another coronavirus spending blowout until after the election, and that’s the best decision for the economy and taxpayers. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrats refused to accept anything below $2 trillion, and their political ransom demand is what blew up the deal.

Mrs. Pelosi’s calculation is pure political cynicism. Either Mr. Trump agreed to her terms, or she’d blame him for the failure and use it as an election issue. She didn’t want to risk giving Mr. Trump even half-credit for a relief bill before the election. She knows the media will spin it her way, and if Joe Biden wins in November she’ll be able to write an ever bigger spending bill disguised as “stimulus” next year

You almost have to admire the audacity of her demands. Our sources say the White House’s final offer was in the range of $1.6 trillion, but Mrs. Pelosi wouldn’t take it. Think about that. A Republican President was willing to spend an amount that was half the federal budget only a few years ago, and Mrs. Pelosi said no. Some spirit of compromise.

The final four weeks of the campaign will be fought over re-opening the economy By Thomas Lifson


Sacrificing the economy, the education of our children, and our collective mental health for the purported purpose of slowing the spread of a disease that is survived by more than 99% of those under 70 who contract it is no longer tolerable, and President Trump is waging his presidential campaign on  ending the madness.

Here is the CDC’s best estimate of the lethality of COVID for each age cohort:

0–19 years: 0.00003
20–49 years: 0.0002
50–69 years: 0.005
70+ years: 0.054

Now that we know how to treat it, COVID is not something to panic over unless you are very old and already have health problems (comorbidities) that are very likely to shorten your expected lifespan even without COVID.

President Trump’s rapid recovery, despite being 74 and overweight (which caused the MSM to go insane, predicting his impending demise over the weekend), stands as dramatic evidence that the panic used to justify devastating the economy and closing schools is foolishly overblown.

YouTube screen grab.

Heather Mac Donald, writing in City Journal, sums up the false panic being peddled by the Democrats and their media handmaidens:

The media and Democratic establishments are in a frenzy of Schadenfreude over President Trump’s COVID diagnosis. Trump’s contracting the disease, they argue, discredits any coronavirus policy short of lockdowns and mandatory mask-wearing, outdoors as well as in. Trump is now “exhibit No. 1 for the failure of his leadership on coronavirus,” Democratic pollster Geoff Garin toldthe New York Times.

By contrast, former Vice President Joe Biden’s basement-bunker response has been vindicated, such commentators allege. Biden drove home his status as the country’s premiere symbol of safetyism on Friday by giving a masked and muffled speech in the vast outdoors of Grand Rapids. No one was within yards of him; Biden could not possibly have become infected or infected anyone else, since transmission in well-ventilated outdoor spaces is virtually nonexistent. Yet such displays of coronavirus virtue-signaling will now multiply exponentially, especially from masked television reporters speaking en plein air to a camera yards away.

Who Wants to Blow Up Our Constitution? (It’s Not Trump.) .By Charles Lipson


The most profound attacks on Donald Trump are that his presidency is illegitimate and that he wants to destroy our constitutional structure. The Democrats have leveled those accusations for four years, accompanied by charges he is a wannabe dictator, elected thanks to his good buddy, Vladimir Putin.

These frenzied charges, we now know, were invented and paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and then funneled to the U.S. government through the FBI, Department of Justice, and State Department. Meanwhile, the CIA and then the FBI were busy spying on the Trump campaign (and, later, in the FBI’s case, on the Trump presidency), trying to find “collusion” with Russia. Their relentless effort led to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, whose partisan team knew almost immediately there was no proof of these damning allegations. They should have told the public immediately.

Instead, they spent the next two years trying — and failing — to catch President Trump on a “process” crime of obstructing justice, without any underlying crime to investigate. They were pursuing a person, not a crime, violating our most basic idea of legitimate law enforcement. Trump actually cooperated fully with the collusion investigation, providing millions of otherwise-privileged documents, but he didn’t bite on a personal interview designed to catch him in a purported false statement. (His promise to cooperate fully with Mueller’s collusion investigation was based on the special counsel’s explicit promise to complete the investigation quickly. Mueller’s team reneged on that assurance after they received all the White House documents and testimony they sought.)

Why bother trying to lure the president into a false-statement trap if you can’t indict him? Simple: because Mueller’s team, effectively led by his zealous deputy, Andrew Weissmann, wanted to help House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, so she could impeach the president.

The Public’s Right to Know about the President’s Health vs. the President’s Right to Medical Confidentiality by Alan M. Dershowitz


But there is a countervailing right which few in the media have written about. All Americans have the right to medical confidentiality. This right is assured by federal law, state law, medical ethics and the long traditions of the medical profession. What a patient tells his doctor, or what the doctor observes from the patient, are confidential, subject only to a few limited exceptions.

Among these exceptions is the obligation of doctors to report threats to other people, such as a highly contagious disease. It also includes the obligations of doctors and other professionals to report when they learn of abuse of or by the patient. There is no explicit exception for high ranking public officials, including the president.

All current White Houses leak like sieves. Staff members develop quid pro quo relationships with the media: in exchange for leaking information, the media promises to treat them well. That is the reality of contemporary journalism.

Perhaps the law should be changed and government doctors should have their first obligation to the public. But such a change would come with a high cost: presidents would not disclose to these government doctors information that they did not want to be made public. That might have a negative impact on their medical treatment.

The pubic has a right to know the details of the president’s medical situation. But the president has the right to keep his medical information confidential. There is a conflict between these rights, even when they involve the president of the United States, who is a candidate for reelection. The reason the public has the right to know about the president’s medical history is self-evident. He is the most powerful person in the world and he is seeking a second term. Voters are entitled to know the truth about his medical condition. No one would dispute that.

CIA Director Gina Haspel and the British Role in the Anti-Trump Plot by Chris Farrell


In the next paragraph, [Washington Post reporter Scott] Shane notes breathlessly: “… Trump has accused the United Kingdom of conspiring with American intelligence to spy on his presidential campaign.”

President Trump certainly has made that claim, and one believes for very good reasons that seem to compound weekly.

Having the British run an aggressive intelligence collection operation against Team Trump targets, bypassing US legal prohibitions, and then laundering the intelligence “take” back to US officials via the UK-US liaison relationship is precisely something an “honorary UK desk officer” might be good and adept at accomplishing. Certainly, these subjects and questions deserve closer examination, without the phony prophylactic defense of grave warnings about “sources and methods.”

CIA Director Gina Haspel can answer all of those questions, and she does not even have to touch upon classified information to do so. The American public is due her answers.

We have raised and discussed serious matters of fact and questions about the role of CIA Director Gina Haspel in the Anti-Trump conspiracy. It appears Haspel (while serving as London Chief of Station from 2014 to early 2017) was an active, knowledgeable party to the efforts to target candidate Trump with an FBI-instigated foreign counterintelligence operation. That seditious conspiracy carried forward to a more sophisticated and aggressive plan to carry out a soft coup against President Donald J. Trump.

Looking back on news reporting concerning Haspel, we turn (with caution) to a Washington Post article from July 2019 by Scott Shane, titled: “The quiet director: How Gina Haspel manages the CIA’s volatile relationship with Trump”. We are supposed to believe that Haspel and her office did not cooperate with the reporter for the article. Shane disclaims Haspel involvement by writing:

Against Fear President Trump’s handling of his coronavirus diagnosis models positive masculinity—rational and unbowed. Heather Mac Donald


The media and Democratic establishments are in a frenzy of Schadenfreude over President Trump’s Covid diagnosis. Trump’s contracting the disease, they argue, discredits any coronavirus policy short of lockdowns and mandatory mask-wearing, outdoors as well as in. Trump is now “exhibit No. 1 for the failure of his leadership on coronavirus,” Democratic pollster Geoff Garin told the New York Times.

By contrast, former Vice President Joe Biden’s basement-bunker response has been vindicated, such commentators allege. Biden drove home his status as the country’s premiere symbol of safetyism on Friday by giving a masked and muffled speech in the vast outdoors of Grand Rapids. No one was within yards of him; Biden could not possibly have become infected or infected anyone else, since transmission in well-ventilated outdoor spaces is virtually nonexistent. Yet such displays of coronavirus virtue-signaling will now multiply exponentially, especially from masked television reporters speaking en plein air to a camera yards away.

New York Times columnist Frank Bruni claims that Trump’s infection proves that the country has been lax in its coronavirus response. “It is time, at long last, to learn. To be smarter. To be safer. To be more responsible, to others as well as to ourselves,” he wrote on Saturday. “We cannot erase the mistakes made in America’s response to the coronavirus, but we can vow not to continue making them.”

“Be safer?” The United States has wiped out decades of hard-won prosperity by following the spirit-crushing injunction to “stay safe.” The lockdowns have destroyed the dreams of thousands of entrepreneurs and have put millions out of work, leaving cities like New York moribund ghost towns. The school closures are consigning millions of children worldwide to stunted lives due to delayed, if not now permanently deferred, acquisition of reading, writing, and socialization skills. Children are being inculcated into a culture of fear.

Massive Trump Caravans Take Over Where the Boat Parades Left Off By Debra Heine


As boat season winds down with fewer pro-Trump boat parades scheduled, patriotic Americans throughout the nation are increasingly participating in car and truck caravans to show their support for President Donald Trump.

Now, more than ever, Republican voters are hitting the streets to support the president in the wake of his recent coronavirus diagnosis.

A caravan of the president’s supporters circled Walter Reed Hospital in Washington DC, on Sunday, as a large crowd stood vigil outside the hospital.Trump briefly left the hospital Sunday evening to wave to the supporters gathered outside, to the delight of the supporters and great distress of the corporate media.Hundreds of flag-waving Trump supporters also lined up outside Trump Tower in New York City early Sunday, to show their love for the president.These pro-Trump caravans have been going on for months, but have amped up in recent weeks. Unfortunately, as the pro-Trump events have increased, so have violent, left-wing counter-demonstrations, especially in Democrat strongholds.