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Massive Trump Caravans Take Over Where the Boat Parades Left Off By Debra Heine


As boat season winds down with fewer pro-Trump boat parades scheduled, patriotic Americans throughout the nation are increasingly participating in car and truck caravans to show their support for President Donald Trump.

Now, more than ever, Republican voters are hitting the streets to support the president in the wake of his recent coronavirus diagnosis.

A caravan of the president’s supporters circled Walter Reed Hospital in Washington DC, on Sunday, as a large crowd stood vigil outside the hospital.Trump briefly left the hospital Sunday evening to wave to the supporters gathered outside, to the delight of the supporters and great distress of the corporate media.Hundreds of flag-waving Trump supporters also lined up outside Trump Tower in New York City early Sunday, to show their love for the president.These pro-Trump caravans have been going on for months, but have amped up in recent weeks. Unfortunately, as the pro-Trump events have increased, so have violent, left-wing counter-demonstrations, especially in Democrat strongholds.

Ditch the Commission on Presidential Debates “Two men enter, one man leaves.” Bruce Thornton


The first presidential debate, a raucous display of decidedly “unpresidential” behavior, called forth the usual bromides and analyses. Hands were wrung over the threat to our “democracy” and the loss of “civility,” complaints that were missing when in 2014 Joe Biden bullied Paul Ryan. Many pundits on both sides confessed their depression over the spectacle. As usual, most voters didn’t have their minds changed by this glorified reality-television show.

Maybe it is time to just ditch the CPD sponsored debates.

Televised presidential debates are an artefact of the television age. As a creation of an entertainment medium, the debates have never been about informed questions, answers, and rebuttals over policies or governing philosophies. They are political ads and gotcha tournaments, with the audience keeping score over who makes a gaffe, misspeaks, blatantly lies, avoids the question, or personally attacks his opponent. Like professional wrestling, each contestant has his or her fan base whose minds will not be changed, and whose estimation of points scored will be mostly subjective.

And don’t forget, superficial appearances are very important too. Remember poor Dick Nixon, whose five o’clock shadow, translucent skin, and lack of cosmetic skills may have lost him the presidential debate in 1960? I recall a poll (later challenged) that found radio listeners thought Nixon won, but television viewers thought JFK did. Even if the poll was flawed, there’s no question that appearance counts. Remember Hillary complaining about Trump “looming” over her during their debate? And of course, good looks and physical presence, as filtered through a television camera, add another subjective and irrelevant element to the spectacle.

More revealing is the fact that the “moderators,” as the hosts of these shows are called, nearly always come from television news shows. That is, from the ranks of professional readers of other people’s words. I can’t figure out how a job based on such an ability, a pleasing voice and demeanor, and the knack for not looking like an oaf on television, equips anybody to be a critical analyst of the policy prescriptions of professional politicians.

Intel Sources: CIA Director Gina Haspel Banking On Trump Loss To Keep Russiagate Documents Hidden: Sean Davis


Haspel is hoping Trump loses his re-election bid so she can run out the clock on Russiagate document declassifications, multiple intelligence community officials told The Federalist.
October 5, 2020 By Sean Davis

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Gina Haspel is personally blocking the declassification and release of key Russiagate documents in the hopes that President Donald Trump will lose his re-election bid, multiple senior U.S. officials told The Federalist. The officials said Haspel, who served under former CIA Director John Brennan as the spy agency’s station chief in London in 2016 and 2017, is concerned that the declassification and release of documents detailing what the CIA was doing during the 2016 election and the 2017 transition could embarrass the CIA and potentially even implicate Haspel herself.

“Haspel and [FBI Director Christopher] Wray both want Trump to lose, because it’s the only chance they have of keeping their jobs,” one senior intelligence official told The Federalist. “They’re banking on Biden winning and keeping them where they are.”

The American People Need To Know What Joe Biden Knows About His Family’s Profits From China-Ben Weingarten


Disturbing questions emerge from a joint Senate report on the Biden family’s dealings with America’s greatest adversary.

Given the grave threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), especially near an election and in an era in which fears of foreign influence are at an all-time high, one might think revelations about the family of Democratic nominee Joe Biden cashing in on Communist China while he was vice president might be a “big [expletive] deal,” in the cellar-dwelling candidate’s words.

Yet the media and political class have completely blacked out these newly released facts. This was on display during the first presidential debate when Biden and moderator Chris Wallace called a “lid” on it.

Biden Family Secrets Exposed

The joint Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Finance Committee report on Hunter Biden’s business dealings with foreign powers, and their relation to U.S. government policy during the Obama-Biden administration, states the following:

Hunter Biden has extensive connections to Chinese businesses and Chinese foreign nationals that are linked to the Communist government. Those contacts bore financial fruit when his father was vice president and after he left office.

These ties went beyond the former vice president’s son. The report adds: “The records acquired by the Committees show consistent, significant and extensive financial connections among and between Hunter Biden, James Biden, Sara Biden … and Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime and PLA as well as other foreign nationals with questionable backgrounds.”

The joint investigation details a stunning array of transactions that “paint a mosaic of the complex corporate structure that existed between entities linked to Hunter Biden, his associates, and his family and Chinese companies linked to the Communist government.” Many of the transactions were flagged for “potential financial criminal activity.” Such activity enriched Hunter Biden to the tune of millions of dollars.

As vice president of the United States, Joe Biden had an absolute obligation to know what his family members were up to, disclose it, and end it. This is not just because of the potential for corruption, but the myriad ways his family’s acts could imperil American national security. Indeed, as the report concludes, the dealings between the Biden family and China don’t merely “raise conflicts of interest concerns, they raise criminal financial, counterintelligence and extortion concerns.”

A Free Pass from Democrats and the Media

The ONLY Issue in 2020 Election is Voter Fraud By Joan Swirsky


No, it’s not “the economy, stupid.” In spite of the bipolar stock market since the China virus hit the world last March, our remarkably resilient economy––thanks to President Trump––is now on the ascent, employment rates growing, and consumer confidence increasingly robust.

And no, it’s not domestic policy, where the president, among hundreds of stunning accomplishments, has brought about unprecedented prison reform, a strengthened military, hundreds of conservative judges and probably three Supreme Court justices.

And no, it’s not foreign policy, in which Pres. Trump has our troops coming home from Syria and Afghanistan, not one international conflict in almost-four years, and now historic relationships between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, a Kosovo-Serbia economic deal, an Israel-Bahrain deal (with Saudi Arabia not far behind), and three richly-deserved Nobel Peace Prize nominations.


Why? Because the only thing Democrats have cared about for the past hundred years is winning elections with the goal of inflicting their strangulating socialist/communist and now Islamist style of government on the American people. 

In the past four years in particular, they’ve been maniacally obsessed with insuring that President Trump not be reelected, even if the perpetual sore losers of the left have to buy the guns they say they hate to wage a Civil War!

Trump’s Covid experience will re-define him and reset the election Thomas Lifson


“Fredrich Nietzsche famously stated, ““That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.” I would never have expected Donald Trump to be a follower of Nietzsche, but he may end up exemplifying one of his claims.”

Rather than seal the doom of President Trump’s re-election battle, as most of his haters expect and not a few of his supporters fear, I see strong signs that President Trump will use his experience with Covid to re-define himself and act as an inflection point, resetting the election. Watch carefully for a “New Trump” to emerge from Walter Reed Hospital, dare I say a kinder, gentler Trump, one humbled by his brush with mortality and a far more sympathetic figure in the eyes of many voters who have found him a bit too much to take. Too rough around the edges, too aggressive, too arrogant, too crude… the whole nine yards of distaste that he has evoked in the eyes of his enemies and even some who support his policies.

Watch the video that he tweeted out at 2:16 PM yesterday, just prior to boarding The Beast for a drive past the supporters who have gathered outside Walter Reed.

Pay particular attention to what he says, starting 52 seconds into the video:

It’s been a very interesting journey. I’ve learned a lot about Covid. I’ve learned it by really going to school – this is the real school, this isn’t a ‘let’s read a book school’ … and I get it. And I understand it, and it’s a very interesting thing and I’ll be letting you know about it. And in the meantime, we love the USA and we love what’s happening. Thank-you

Democratic Bile Will Reelect Trump David Catron


The Democrats and their friends in the Fourth Estate could hardly believe their luck when the news broke that President Trump had contracted COVID-19. They clearly believe he is finished politically and that their Potemkin presidential candidate will now win the upcoming election in a walk. The following headline from Politico captures this collective delusion: “Biden looks to seal election after Trump’s week from hell.” This is precisely how they reacted to the Hollywood Access tape that was released at the same point in the 2016 presidential race. Most “experts” pronounced the Trump campaign dead, and Hillary Clinton began measuring the drapes for the Oval Office.

What none of these people bothered to do was calibrate the effect of the tape on Trump’s actual supporters. Consequently, we began to see headlines like this one published by CBS News on October 10, 2016: “Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 14 points nationally.” This story attributed Clinton’s illusory lead to the “lewd comments about women in 2005.” By October 18, the RealClearPolitics average indicated that Clinton’s alleged lead in the national polls had grown to 7.1 percent. In the end, of course, Trump voters ignored the Hollywood Access tape, and he had far more supporters in key battleground states than the pollsters and pundits imagined in their wildest nightmares.

Fast-forwarding to the present, Trump is arguably in a better position politically than he was after his 2016 “week from hell.” He is purportedly behind in the national polls again, but the most accurate 2016 poll again shows a closer race than its counterparts, and recent studies suggest his support could be significantly understated due to the shy Trump voter phenomenon. Moreover, the celebratory response of the Democrats and the media to Trump’s illness will almost certainly increase his support. On CNN, in the midst of a tedious discussion about “mixed signals” from the White House, New Yorker staff writer Masha Gessen actually compared Trump’s condition to Stalin’s death:

There have been a lot of comparisons to the Soviet Union in the last couple of days. I think they are not unwarranted. The particular period I am thinking about is something I have written about a lot, which were the days of Stalin’s deathwatch.… When the foreign correspondents and the domestic correspondents, such as they were, all knew what was going on. Nobody was giving them any information.… Everybody was expecting the final call, right? And the planet filled with rumor.

No Joe, You Didn’t Hand Trump A Booming Economy


Joe Biden – along with his amen chorus in the press – keeps insisting that he and President Barack Obama handed Donald Trump a booming economy when they left office in 2016.

“We left a booming economy, ” Biden said during the first presidential debate, “and he caused the recession.” Debate moderator Chris Wallace jumped in to help Biden, adding that job growth was faster in the last three years of Obama’s term than the first three of Trump’s.

One is a flat out lie, the other a clever deception.

After presiding over the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression, Obama and Biden left office with the economy stalling out, leading experts to warn that the nation was facing “secular stagnation.”

Look at the numbers. GDP growth sharply decelerated in 2016, falling from 3.1% the year before down 1.7% in 2016 – the second worst year under Obama/Biden after the recession ended and the third year of below 2% growth on their watch.

Other indicators were equally distressing. Small business optimism had been on the decline before the November 2016 election. Business investment was stagnant. The rate of growth in blue collar jobs was falling.

In Obama’s last year, unemployment rate remained basically unchanged — it was 4.9% in Jan 2016, and 4.8% when Trump took office in Jan. 2017.

The Full Crowley Whether these journalists know it or not, in the American mind they are already retired before they have even retired. By Victor Davis Hanson


In the second presidential election debate between President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on October 16, 2012, CNN moderator Candy Crowley sensed that Obama, coming off a dismal initial September 26 debate, was again floundering. 

Romney was driving home the valid point that the Obama Administration had inadequately prepared the American mission in Benghazi for likely terrorist attacks. And such laxity resulted in a horrific attack and the deaths of four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador. 

Yet in the wake of the attacks, Team Obama denied that the killing of four Americans was indeed an act of terror. Instead, it fed the public a transparently but politically correct false narrative of a spontaneous riot in reaction to a video posted by a purported right-wing Egyptian residing on American soil. 

Yet in the debate, Obama retorted: “The day after the attack, governor, I stood in the Rose Garden and I told the American people and the world that we are going to find out exactly what happened. That this was an act of terror and I also said that we’re going to hunt down those who committed this crime.” 

Romney pounced: “You said in the Rose Garden the day after the attack it was an act of terror? It was not a spontaneous demonstration—is that what you’re saying? I want to make sure we get that for the record because it took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror.”  

Romney was correct. Obama took two weeks before he eventually jettisoned his administration’s concocted “spontaneous demonstrations” party line that his subordinates—Susan Rice in particular, to her eternal embarrassment—had been peddling to the American people. 

Yet in the debate, Obama flailed with a weak, “Get the transcript.” 

In truth, Obama in his comments after the attack had simply offered, “No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for”—a deliberate effort not to name Benghazi specifically in the context of a terrorist act.  

Trump Floated Like A Butterfly And Stung Like A Bee Ilana Mercer


Civilized debate has been ruled out by the D.C. smart set, which considers the Trump agenda, endorsed by 60 million Americans in 2016, subversive and treasonous.

The first presidential debate on Tuesday was also the first bit of fun we’ve had in a while. 

True, President Trump failed to float his theory about that “big fat shot in the ass” Joe Biden likely got from his handlers, to allow the Democratic candidate to nimbly prance onto the debate stage and, “for two hours,” be “better than ever before.”

But, like Muhammad Ali, the heavyweight boxing legend, the president floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee. A masculine force at full tilt, Trump provided plenty of energy and entertainment as he blattered Joe Biden, while being funny in the process. 

“If you didn’t enjoy that debate, you are a soy-boy, beta cuck,” a fun-loving fella tweeted out. Soy-boy Ben Shapiro was having none of the fun stuff. Glum and sanctimonious, Shapiro tweeted out: “I literally have no idea who won this debate. I just know we all lost.”

Deep, man. 

The self-styled philosopher-king’s funereal pronouncement received the benefit of a Michelle Malkin reenactment. Don’t miss that hilarity, 3:40 minutes into her post-debate podcast. 

In letting out a collective primal groan that was music to MAGA ears, Ben Shapiro was joined by every liberal and NeverTrumper on the left-wing game reserve. 

Dana Bash of CNN lamented a “shitshow,” in which “the American people lost.” “The debate was a disaster for democracy,” her shell-shocked colleagues yelped. (Well, good, because the founders of this republic didn’t think much of democracy.)