“What evidence do we have that the Democrats will abide peaceably if they lose? Portland? Seattle? St. Louis? Washington? “Never concede”? Why are we talking about peace and order in November rather than peace and order right here and right now?”
A bout that peaceful transfer of power . . .
Ah, but Republicans, of all people, must affirm their peaceable intent. Anybody remember a bunch of guys in short-sleeved white button-down shirts and ties from Jos A. Banks raising hell in Provo when Mitt Romney lost? Of course you don’t — it didn’t happen. The only time National Review subscribers have ever been close to rioting was when the ship’s bar temporarily ran out of Glenmorangie on one particularly thirsty post-election cruise.
Republicans are always right on the edge of political violence, or so we are told — by people who refuse to acknowledge that Democrats have gone over that edge. Democrats can shoot, loot, and burn all day, and it’s a “mostly peaceful protest.” During the 2000 Florida recount, some Republicans did the very un-Republican thing of staging a protest — not a “mostly peaceful” protest but an actual, honest-to-goodness peaceful one. What did the Democrats call it? “The Brooks Brothers riot.”