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Hunter Biden’s Business A Senate report reveals Joe’s passivity amid his son’s influence-peddling.


Joe Biden is running against Donald Trump’s character and supposed corruption, so a Senate report documenting the Biden family’s ethical swampiness certainly counts as news.

Senate committee Chairmen Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley on Wednesday released the findings of their year-long investigation into the problems that the business dealings of Hunter Biden, Joe’s son, presented to the Obama-Biden administration. The report makes clear Hunter was profiting off his father’s position—in Ukraine, and notably in China. Foreigners knew they were buying influence by association.

The Ukrainian gas company Burisma hired Hunter to “consult” on corporate governance in May 2014, only weeks after Vice President Biden took the U.S. lead in helping Ukraine fight corruption. Burisma was a top investigation target, and U.K. officials had seized the London bank accounts of Burisma’s owner. Hunter had no experience in Ukraine or natural gas. The report cites emails showing Hunter and his business associate, Devon Archer, requesting meetings with State Department officials after their Burisma appointments. A U.S. lobbying firm working for Burisma invoked Hunter’s name as it sought a State Department meeting.

Former State official George Kent wrote to superiors in 2016 that Hunter’s Burisma position made it “very awkward for all U.S. officials pushing an anti-corruption agenda in Ukraine.” He testified that officials had to worry about “opponents” saying “What about Hunter Biden?” State Department email chains show U.S. officials mulling how to handle the Hunter problem.

Court Rules That Illegal Aliens Are Entitled To Representation In Congress Francis Menton


In a post several weeks ago, I discussed a fact that I suspect most readers found astonishing: the U.S. Census up to now has been counting illegal aliens as part of the “population” for purposes of determining representation in Congress.

The occasion for the post was that President Trump had just issued a Memorandum directing the Census Bureau to inform him of how many illegal aliens are included in the count for 2020 that is currently ongoing, so that he could attempt to have those persons excluded from the population base used for congressional apportionment. Although you might think that it is intuitively obvious that illegal aliens should not get congressional representation, prior to Trump raising the issue there was a reasonable position that there had not been any definitive court decision one way or the other. So the Census Bureau, naturally, had just gone ahead and counted the illegals.

Needless to say, all the usual suspects — led in this case by New York’s Attorney General Letitia James — immediately brought suit to enjoin everything about the President’s Memorandum, including the President even finding out how many illegal aliens are included in the Census count, and where they might be located.

The case went to a (somewhat unusual) three-judge panel sitting in the Southern District of New York. The panel issued its Opinion and Order on September 10. I had not succeeded in finding a link to the Opinion before today. So I’m somewhat late in getting to this, but I want to be sure that readers are informed about just how kooky our law has become.



Vernon Jones is an American Democratic Party politician from the U.S. state of Georgia.

Joe Biden has had almost half a century to implement policies that would help Black Americans, but he didn’t. Instead, he engaged in racial demagoguery calculated solely to further his own ambitions.

There was a time the Democratic Party was home to many of America’s leading lights on race relations — people who were willing to ignore or even defy mainstream opinion to advance a cause they knew to be right and just. Black Americans enthusiastically gravitated toward that, even overlooking the privately bigoted views of many of Democrat leaders. Before long, however, the Democrat establishment began to take our support for granted, paying lip service to the cause of racial justice on the campaign trail, but then perpetuating an unjust status quo in office.

From his earliest days in politics, Joe Biden has employed this cynical strategy with infuriating consistency. As he reminded voters just last year, he proudly collaborated with openly segregationist colleagues during his early days in the U.S. Senate, a time when he was also an adamant foe of integrating America’s public schools.

Two decades later, Biden led the charge to implement one of the most racially discriminatory policy regimes since the end of Jim Crow: the “tough-on-crime” criminal justice laws of the late 1980s and early ‘90s, describing his position as “lock the S.O.B.’s up.” Most notoriously, he played a leading role in crafting the notorious 1994 crime bill that dramatically increased the incarceration rate for Black Americans, ushering in an era of mass incarceration that devastated our communities for generations.

Election Watchdog Finds 350,000 Dead Registrants on Voter Rolls In 42 States Joe Schoffstall

http://Election Watchdog Finds 350,000 Dead Registrants on Voter Rolls In 42 States

An election watchdog has found that there may be as many as 350,000 dead individuals on voter rolls across 42 states.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), an Indiana-based election integrity group, conducted a nationwide study to identify the hundreds of thousands of deceased individuals on voter rolls. During its analysis, the group also found that nearly 40,000 likely duplicate registrants “appear to have cast second votes in 2018 from the same address.”

Just five states—New York, Texas, Michigan, Florida, and California—accounted for 51 percent of the total number of deceased individuals on voter rolls, according to the group. PILF further found that nearly 15,000 registrants were credited with voting after death in the 2016 and 2018 elections.

“Our voter rolls have not, and will not be ready for a mail-focused election this November,” said Logan Churchwell, communications director for PILF. “State court decisions in swing states allowing for relaxed deadlines, signature verification, and harvesting now sit on a foundation of bad voter data.”

“In Pennsylvania, your mis-delivered ballot to the hands of a bad actor will now have extra time to get turned in and not face the traditional standards for signature verification,” Churchwell said. “The only way to absolutely avoid this nightmare is to vote in person.”

Mike Bloomberg Is Likely Breaking Federal Law by Paying off Felon Debts for Democrat Votes (VIDEO)


As reported earlier former New York City Mayor and billionaire Mike Bloomberg raised $16 million to pay off the fines for 32,000 black and Hispanic Florida voters so they can vote for Joe Biden in the 2020 election.

Basketball icon Lebron James is also looking to pay convicted felons’ fines so they can vote for Joe Biden.

But tonight legal analyst J. Christian Adams argued that Michael Bloomberg is breaking federal and likely Florida state law by buying votes from felons.

Federal law makes it illegal to pay for or receive money for voting.And J. Christian Adams also argued that Bloomberg is putting the felons in legal and financial jeopardy by paying off their debts for votes.So will any Republican have the guts to press charges against this lawlessness?

Biden Campaign Calls ‘a Lid’ on Sleepy Joe’s Media Appearances For the 8th Time This Month By Debra Heine


For the eight time this month, the Biden campaign on Tuesday called “a lid” before noon, meaning the 77-year-old won’t be making any in-person campaign appearances for the rest of the day—42 days before the election.

The campaign’s announcement came at 9:22 a.m., according to Ed O’Keefe, the political correspondent for CBS News.

Jake Schneider, the Rapid Response deputy director of President Trump’s  campaign team mocked Biden for hiding out “in his basement” for the day instead of campaigning.

Meanwhile, Matt Whitlock, the senior advisor for the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) called the Biden Campaign’s lack of transparency “incredible to see.”

Biden Won’t Answer Court-Packing Question By Andrew C. McCarthy


On an issue that could effectively create a revolution, the candidate is mum.

President Trump gets a lot of heat for his answers to questions. Much of the criticism is appropriate, some of it is mock outrage, but one way or the other, Trump does answer the questions.

In fact, he answers hundreds more questions than his opponent. COVID has been devastating for the country, but it’s been a boon for Joe Biden, who has undeniably lost a step or three and does not do well with sustained exposure. Since the former vice president is rarely made available for questioning, you’d think he would answer the questions that he faces on those few occasions. You’d also think that, when he declines to answer legitimate, important questions, that would be a big deal.But he doesn’t answer key questions. And his media friends calculate that if they give you the inside scoop on the amazingly deft political strategy behind not answering questions, you’ll be so wowed you won’t notice that the answers are what matter.

There is no bigger issue in the 2020 campaign than whether, if they take the White House and the Senate, Democrats would eliminate the filibuster. Expanding and packing the Supreme Court would be a direct result of this, and a radical one. But it is only one of a plethora of radical steps that would follow — expanding and packing the lower federal courts, statehood for the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, single-payer healthcare, elements of the Green New Deal, a massive bailout for mismanaged blue states, breaking up and regulating into submission private businesses, hamstringing the nation’s police forces, gutting the Second Amendment, sweeping immigration amnesty, and so on.

Dear GOP Senate: Get This Right! Julie Kelly


The GOP Senate has been a big disappointment to the Republican base during Trump’s first term. Can they end with a bang and show they deserve to try again?

Dear Leader McConnell and Members of the Republican Senate:

As Jack Nicholson said in “Terms of Endearment,” you were just inches from a clean getaway.

Armed with a wholly unimpressive list of accomplishments from the past four years, with the exception of confirming hundreds of federal judges, you were prepared to return home to defend your paltry record with little more than the argument that the other side is much, much worse. Which, lucky for you, is true.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the campaign trail: Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away. Reliable news outlets reported that in her final days, the Clinton-appointed Supreme Court justice dictated a statement to her granddaughter indicating she wanted the “new president” to appoint her replacement, the latest in a series of Trump-fixated dying requests. 

Fortunately, many constitutional scholars have assured us that no “Election Year Death-Bed Wish” provision exists. Nor does a “Feelings of Jeff Flake” clause or “MSNBC Meltdown” disclaimer. Subsequent case law does not affirm that the random rantings of bartenders-turned-congresspersons should in any way guide such a venerated process.

All of which means you have a big decision to make. And this could be the chance to redeem yourselves for a multitude of egregious mistakes made during Trump’s first term, conduct that many voters in the Republican base consider an unforgivable abdication of power.

Your success in defending the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh amid one of the most despicable character assassinations in modern political history notwithstanding, Senate Republicans have done nothing to confront the Left’s nonstop assault against the president, his family, his administration, and by default, his supporters.

Check that. It’s not that you failed because saying you failed would suggest that you even tried to defend the president of your own party. In too many instances, Senate Republicans acted as accomplices in the Left’s reckless anti-Trump crusade.

Tulsi Gabbard is back, positioning herself as last sane Democrat By Monica Showalter


Tulsi Gabbard is back, looking splendid as ever.

And she’s got a cause any sane voter interested in free and fair elections can support, sponsoring a bipartisan bill targeting the odious practice of ballot-harvesting.  The Hawaii representative’s bill, co-sponsored with Rep. Rodney Davis of Illinois, calls for a withholding of federal funds for states that refuse to ban the practice, where sleazy political operatives target vulnerable voters in their homes and “helpfully” collect their ballots for them, doing what they need to do with make sure the vote goes in the direction of their party with the broken chain of custody before turning the ballots in.  It’s a fount of potential voter fraud. 

It’s a striking move, because Democrats are all in favor of the practice, given that wherever it is practiced legally, it has benefited them.

In 2018, ballot-harvesting mysteriously flipped historically red Orange County, California entirely blue, days after the election, as ballot-harvesters kept “finding” ballots and turning them in, until they got the result they wanted.

Ultimate Election Malfeasance: The Manipulation of Reality by Linda Goudsmit

   http://goudsmit.pundicity.com  http://lindagoudsmit.com

http://goudsmit.pundicity.com and website: http://lindagoudsmit.com

I am very worried about the November 2020 presidential election.

I have been writing about the unparalleled and sinister anti-American attempts to remove President Donald Trump from office for three years. In April 2020 I wrote, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, to raise public awareness in advance of the 2020 election. The Book describes fifty of the most sinister leftist, Islamist, globalists attacks on America.

It is now 48 days until the election. The enemies of America are desperate and are behaving like cornered animals poised for attack. Their survival is at stake because if POTUS is reelected, he will take down the Deep State and expose them all. They know it and Trump knows it.

Even more than election fraud, I believe there is going to be an assault on objective reality using artificial intelligence technology called deepfakes. Wikipedia defines deepfakes as, “synthetic media in which a person in an existing image or video is replaced with someone else’s likeness. While the act of faking content is not new, deepfakes leverage powerful techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence to manipulate or generate visual and audio content with a high potential to deceive.”

A sane society of ordered liberty requires agreement on what is real. We believe what we see with our own eyes. I believe the desperate Internet behemoths will try to manipulate what is perceived as real using deepfakes, to win their battle to oust POTUS and control society. It is the epitome of social engineering. Let me explain.

In 1995 I wrote the manuscript for my philosophy of behavior book, Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? I was trying to help people understand why they do what they do, so that they could change their behavior. I never considered the book to be political. When I published the book in 2011, my editor remarked that the book is very political. I was stunned because I had never considered the political applications of the book. Now I do.