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In the State Assembly, Nicole has worked to find commonsense solutions to the issues that matter most on Staten Island and in Southern Brooklyn. She’s been a reliable voice defending her constituents against the regressive policies advanced in both Albany and City Hall!

President Trump is acting as if Nevada is up for grabs By Andrea Widburg


In the last three presidential elections, Nevada has been a solidly Democrat state. Even now, polling shows Biden slightly ahead in Nevada. President Trump, though, thinks Nevada is up for grabs. He blew through Nevada over the weekend, like an energetic tornado, holding a rally in tiny Minden, Nevada, near both Lake Tahoe and Reno, and in Henderson, near Las Vegas.

The following polling chart for Nevada, from Real Clear Politics, shows that Nevada is technically a Biden state. It’s noteworthy, though, that Biden’s lead has dropped by 50% between January and September. Additionally, Biden’s lead in the latest poll is within the 5.3 margin of error:

With Biden’s lead tiny to nonexistent, it’s no wonder that Trump thought Nevada was worth a visit. On Saturday night, after only 24 hours warning, he showed up in tiny Minden, Nevada, which is strategically located near Lake Tahoe (which straddles the California-Nevada border) and Reno, Nevada. Trump had originally planned to speak at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport, but Governor Steve Sisolak’s directives against large indoor gatherings (something that hasn’t applied to casinos) blocked that plan.

Why Trump Is Winning Over Hispanics By Rich Lowry



Florida senator Rick Scott has an advanced degree in winning Hispanic voters as a Republican.

It has buoyed him in all his races, most recently his victory in his 2018 Senate race after serving two terms as governor, so he seems a logical person to ask about President Donald Trump’s eye-popping improvement among Hispanics in Florida.A Marist/NBC poll last week had Trump narrowly ahead of Biden among Hispanics in Florida, and the president is leading handily among Cuban Americans.

Scott’s bottom line: “What I did, as governor, is I showed up, and Trump’s doing the same thing.”…..

Pence rolled out “Latinos for Trump” in Miami in June of last year, although the group hadn’t really stopped its outreach since the 2016 campaign. It’s made millions of voter contacts. Meanwhile, according to Politico, Trump has been outspending Biden in the Miami–Fort Lauderdale media market, much of it in the form of Spanish-language ads.

The Trump team considers the Democrats culturally tone-deaf, whether it’s the attempted boycott of Goya, a staple of Cuban-American households; the push to use the ridiculous term “Latinx”; or the emphasis on the word “progressive,” which echoes the self-description of Latin America’s Communist regimes.

Biden and the Democrats Would Have Bungled the Coronavirus Response By Kyle Smith


With help from the media, they are shamelessly obscuring their own disastrously misguided instincts.

C riticism of President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus for the most part centers not on policy but on style: The president made many ill-considered and inaccurate remarks, and he tried to happy-talk his way through the situation. His habit of going off message, which appears to be incurable, gives his opponents a steady stream of ammunition with which to attack him. As for the happy talk, there was an awful lot of that going around.

As David Harsanyi points out, on the day Trump tweeted that the virus is “very much under control,” Nancy Pelosi was urging her constituents to visit Chinatown in San Francisco. That was February 24. On March 5, Bill de Blasio was urging New Yorkers to “get out on the town despite coronavirus.” As late as March 19, Andrew Cuomo was still playing Kevin Bacon in Animal House — “Remain calm, all is well!” he cried, as he got flattened. Cuomo told us “the fear and panic is, if anything, worse than the virus,” though it turned out that the virus was actually quite a bit worse, and a little more fear and panic earlier in the year would have been useful in limiting its spread.

Trump’s inclination to play down the virus was widely shared, and I see no reason to think a President Obama or Biden would not also have struck an optimistic tone, albeit without the hyperbole that characterizes everything Trump says. I think Obama would have very calmly and suavely reassured us that he had things under control and that everything would be okay. That’s what leaders do, isn’t it? As a general rule, “Don’t panic” is a wise message, just not in this special case.

By mid-March, it was too late. The map of the worst COVID-19 outbreaks in the U.S. overlays neatly onto a map of the New York City area’s mass-transit routes. Should this be laid at Trump’s feet? Was Trump supposed to shut down the trains? Did he even have the authority to do that? Can Cuomo and de Blasio really look Trump in the eye and say, “I respect you so much that I obviously would have complied if you had only suggested we shut down the trains”?

Who Are These ‘Unemployed’ Donors Contributing Nearly Half of Democrat Group ActBlue’s Massive Campaign Funds? By Rick Moran,


The fundraising group ActBlue is the most successful leftwing money group in the country. In 2019, they raised more than $467 million from 3.7 million donors.

But there are questions where a lot of that money comes from. More than 40 percent of the cash came from donors who said they were “unemployed.” Federal law requires that political donors disclose the name of their employer in giving money.

By contrast, a GOP group called WinRed raised $301.8 million in 2019 but only 5 percent of the donors were unemployed.

Take Back Action Fund, a conservative group, examined the ActBlue fundraising figures. They found the discrepancies and are continuing to see if they can track down who these unemployed donors are.

The fear is that foreign sources have been funneling millions of dollars into liberal coffers in violation of U.S. law.

Fox News:

“After downloading hundreds of millions of [dollars in] donations to the Take Back Action Fund servers, we were shocked to see that almost half of the donations to ActBlue in 2019 claimed to be unemployed individuals,” he said. “The name of employers must be disclosed when making political donations, but more than 4.7 million donations came from people who claimed they did not have an employer. Those 4.7 million donations totaled $346 million ActBlue raised and sent to liberal causes.”

Trump’s victory must be a rout By Peter Rosenberger


In Super Bowl XXII, Doug Williams led the Washington Redskins (unclear if referring to them by name is “retro-allowed”) to a crushing victory over John Elway and the Denver Broncos.  Although Elway started the game with a beautiful touchdown pass and the Broncos seemed poised to coast to a definitive win, something dramatic happened to Washington in the second quarter, and the Redskins ultimately crushed the Broncos 42-10.

Since no NFL game has aired in our home since Colin Kapernick singlehandedly brought the institution to its collective knees, the football reference must reach back to the sport’s better days.  Yet the example stands, and Super Bowl XXII should reflect the 2020 election.  Trump must rout Joe Biden and the left by running up the score without mercy.

The challenge for America is that mercy seems wired into the DNA of this great country — we feel bad when the other team is crushed and want to “pull our punches.”  Despite past and present faults, America remains a generous country that winces at others who suffer.  Even our war machines reflect the unspoken creed of “loving who’s behind us rather than hating those in front of us.”

While benevolence is a wonderful and aspiring trait, it cannot be extended to the ideas of the left.  The field is not fair, and the umpires in the media are one-sided.  Although many may not have the stomach for such defeat, it nevertheless remains the only path to save the country.  Trump simply winning the election cannot be the goal ─ demolishing and demoralizing the left must remain paramount.  All evidence supports America’s existence requiring the 2020 election to be irrefutable rather than a “squeaker.”   

Stacey Abrams’s Delusions of Grandeur By John Loftus


A new documentary focusing on Abrams mixes real history with modern myths.

Voter suppression has become a national talking point,” a narrator says in the new Amazon documentary All In: The Fight for Democracy.

Indeed, it has. As November 3 fast approaches, conversations are boiling on the issues of voter suppression, mail-in voting (and its pitfalls), poll access in a pandemic, and voter fraud. But the national talking point of voter suppression is, at the end of the day, just a hip talking point. And it also is a myth. It has also become a very convenient, useful, and savvy excuse for Stacey Abrams’s loss in the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election. All In: The Fight for Democracy, though sharply filmed, well crafted, and quite creative in its use of animation, ultimately peddles myth and delusions of grandeur.The documentary mixes history, political science, and memoir. It is entertaining at times, but also alarming. It revisits the United States’ bloody, racist past via photographs, newsreel footage, and clips of D. W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation. It is horrific, and to be clear, this section isn’t myth. The alarming, mythical aspects are the documentary’s flirting with the “1619” interpretation of the Constitution; its full-bodied embrace of identity politics; and its creators’ genuine belief that certain states’ voting laws in 2020 are Jim Crow 2.0.

Directors Liz Garbus and Lisa Cortés imply that the origins of the supposed voter-suppression crisis of 2020 lie not in racist practice alone. Rather, it begins with the very wording of the Constitution and its malicious drafters, who sought to forever exclude blacks, minorities, and women from fully participating in democratic elections. For Garbus, Cortés, and Abrams, the constitutional well is poisoned. This is a misleading view. Of course there were times throughout American history when whites — most notably, members of the Ku Klux Klan — actively barred minorities from voting in local elections. They instilled fear into black communities through lynching, and set up cruel, tautological literacy tests to vet potential voters. Women wouldn’t vote until the ratification of the 19th amendment in 1920. But the American founding and the Founding document are nearly perfect, if imperfectly applied across the centuries. No other country in the history of the world began with such a revolutionary piece of paper, based on such revolutionary ideas. In 2020, more freedom and prosperity have been attained by all races, creeds, sexes, genders, etc. Fill in your identity group of choice, and they will be protected by the Constitution.

Democrats’ Destroy-Trump Efforts Almost Comical By Joan Swirsky


For the past 50 or more years, the Democrat Party––always leftwing but today both viciously anti-American and virulently anti-Semitic––has worked tirelessly to inflict its worldview on everyone in America.

By stealthily infiltrating our media, our schools (from pre-school to universities), and since Obama our Intelligence Services and Military, it has sought to convince our electorate that high taxes, open borders, sanctuary cities, shipping manufacturing jobs to foreign countries, post-birth infanticide, and total government control from cradle to grave are good––and that the U.S. Constitution, capitalism, high employment, law and order, indeed patriotism are bad.

No one has spelled out the devolution of the Democrat Party and the key players responsible for its demise more comprehensively than writer Shari Goodman––read her entire article here!


Since the election of 2016, when business mogul Donald J. Trump outsmarted 20 Republican opponents, all career politicians, and trounced Hillary in the Electoral College to win the presidency, Democrats seem to have contracted a mutating virus a thousand times worse than Covid-19.

The anti-Trump symptoms are identical in all of those “tolerant” Regressives: 

·         Shout down opposing views.

·         Spew insults and epithets.

·         Create falsehoods and pretend they’re true.

·         Support the domestic anarchists and terrorists of Black Lives Matter and Antifa and the vast destruction they’ve sown for the last four months.

·         Vow to vote for a seriously cognitively compromised candidate and a running mate who accused him of both racism and sexism.

Almost comical!

Biden: From No Campaign to Faux Campaign J.T. Young


Biden has gone from no campaigning to faux campaigning. Over the last two weeks, America has gotten a good look at the Biden campaign’s strategy and tactics for the race’s homestretch. They intend to focus primarily on race, while minimizing direct exposure and maximizing their indirect exposure through advertising.

President Trump’s law-and-order offensive and polling rebound explain why Biden is abandoning his virtual campaign for at least a vestigial one.

On September 4, Rasmussen’s job approval daily tracking poll showed Trump with a 52 percent approval rating. This matched his 2020 high, last hit on February 27, following his Senate impeachment trial acquittal and before coronavirus lockdowns. It is also 4 percentage points better than Obama had on the same date in 2012. With Biden’s poll leads already shrinking, Rasmussen’s results showed Trump could have further upside too.

Biden’s campaign had gone on Spring Break and never returned. In an August 31 piece, the New York Times delicately explained that “the coronavirus shuttered the campaign trail in March” to describe Biden’s public absence. The reality is that as soon as Biden had secured the nomination, he ceased making public appearances to avoid the gaffes that had plagued him at rallies and with the press.

The tightening race has produced increasing Democrat anxiety. As the New York Times again reported, “Some Democrats worry that Mr. Biden has not been public enough in laying out his own views. Concerned allies have been on the phone with Mr. Biden’s team in recent days urging him to get out more.” And by “more,” they meant “some.”

So last week the Biden camp unveiled a different approach from that of the last six months. To counter President Trump’s momentum from his law-and-order attacks, Biden made speeches, attended a listening session, met the press, and unleashed his biggest ad buy.

Trump has a plan for any post-election insurrection Andrea Widburg


Last week, I predicted that if Trump has a clear victory on November 3, any uprisings after the election will be of short duration because Trump will have a clear path to end them.  On Thursday, Trump confirmed that this is what he intends to do.

My post came about because I was thinking about the Democrats’ threat that, if the election result is anything but an overwhelming victory for Biden, they will take to the streets in orgies of violence.  They are also threatening to overthrow the usual processes of the Electoral College by sending Democrat party electors even if the state has broken for Trump on election day.