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Chamber of Errors The business lobby abandons free-market principles to back 23 freshman Democrats. By Kimberley Strassel


To err is Washington, and even the most seasoned Beltway players can be forgiven the occasional strategic mistake. But deliberately ignoring history, evidence and principle by engaging in an act that undermines one’s reason for existence is another matter. Meet the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

The nation’s premier business lobby this week finalized its decision to help re-elect 23 House Democratic freshmen. Most of those endorsed spent their first term reliably voting to end U.S. business as we know it. Of the chamber’s new favorite politicians, 20 have voted to abolish right-to-work states; 18 said yes to a $15-an-hour federal minimum wage; and 14 supported the House’s $3 trillion blowout, styled the Heroes Act—among other votes designed to crush the life out of free markets. This from an organization whose tag line reads “Standing Up for American Enterprise.” These days it’s more like “prostrating ourselves for crumbs.”

The old tag line was more befitting of chamber CEO Tom Donohue, the feisty Irishman who as recently as 2008 led the chamber in a full frontal effort to deny Barack Obama a filibuster-proof Senate majority. Today’s chamber reflects the growing influence of Suzanne Clark, who replaced Mr. Donohue as president in 2019, and chief policy officer Neil Bradley. In their choice between defending free enterprise and making nice on the cocktail circuit, the drinks are winning.

The endorsements are best viewed as the chamber leadership’s bow to both political correctness and dubious strategy.

Antifa Effect? Yes, the Rioting Is Starting to Impact the House Races Matt Vespa


Is Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the violent far-left actually giving a massive in-kind contribution to Republicans this election cycle? Maybe. The non-stop rioting in the cities, especially along the Left Coast and now in Kenosha, Wisconsin is starting to show up in the polling. It’s the reason why Joe Biden had to come out of his bunker after the Republican National Convention; the event mentioned the rioting. It’s why CNN’s Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon, who endorsed the violence, said it was now time to settle down because…it was hurting Democrats. 

Donald Trump is now leading with Independents by ten points, Black and Hispanic voters support for Trump spiked after the GOP convention, and the national race is tightening up. Trump is tied with Biden in Michigan—and enthusiasm for Trump with his base is sky-high. Joe Biden is not fairing so well with Democrats on that front. They know he sucks. 

While two months ago, the retaking the house might have seemed like a stretch, but if these lefty clowns keep burning buildings, assaulting cops, and forcing Democratic mayors to flee their residences, then it could be within reach. Patrick Murray commented on Monmouth’s polling of the House races and found that in the six most competitive contests this cycle, the generic Republican is ahead by 10 points [emphasis mine]: 

The Monmouth University Poll also posed a generic ballot test for the U.S. House of Representatives election, which shows 48% of registered voters currently supporting the Democratic candidate in their district and 45% backing the Republican. This result stood at a similar 49% to 45% in Monmouth’s July poll. Applying likely voter models to the current sample, high turnout puts the statewide vote choice at 48% Democrat and 46% Republican while low turnout has it at 48% Democrat and 47% Republican.

Radical Leftist Democrat Coup Attempt #5: Election Fraud by Linda Goudsmit


   http://goudsmit.pundicity.com  http://lindagoudsmit.com

The radical leftist 2020 Democrat tactical political operating principle is, “If at first you don’t succeed, try try again.” The problem, of course, is that for deranged Democrats, that means lying, cheating, and stealing. Let me explain.

The first Democrat coup attempt against duly elected President Donald J. Trump was Spygate – the Obama administration’s false Russia collusion narrative. Coup attempt #1 did not succeed.

The next try was the equally fraudulent narrative that accused President Trump of Ukrainian quid pro quo. Coup attempt #2 did not succeed.

The Ukraine deceit was followed by the third coup attempt – the spectacle of an illegitimate impeachment used as a political weapon to remove President Trump from office. Coup attempt #3 did not work.

Then the communist Chinese got into the act and unleashed the fourth coup attempt against President Trump – the economic bioweapon named COVID19. Even that loathsome coup attempt was not successful.

What were the increasingly desperate, deranged Democrats and their globalist handlers supposed to do?

Voter fraud – of course!!

The Energy of a Trump Rally By John Loftus


I visited a New Hampshire hangar full of jubilant fans, grooving to nostalgic hits, cheering their president.

On August 28, loyal Trump supporters patiently waited in line for a seat in the Pro-Star Aviation hangar in Londonderry, N.H., a small town abutting its urban neighbor, Manchester. The president was set to deliver a speech at 6 p.m., just 24 hours after accepting the Republican nomination.

Back in early July, the Trump campaign tellingly canceled a rally in the same location due to weather, lockdown restrictions, and public-health concerns. Maybe this decision was motivated as much by fear of embarrassment as any fear of COVID spread or passing rain showers. The lackluster, poorly attended Tulsa rally in June was widely mocked by the media, while Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez touted its failure as a success for her Zoomer troll operatives. But two things were clear early Friday afternoon: This would not be a Tulsa repeat, and most Trump supporters in attendance gave zero hoots about New Hampshire’s mask mandate.By around 4 p.m., the steady trickle through the metal detectors into the hangar had stopped: The hangar was filled to capacity. However, in the field outside the building, the spillover supporters continued gathering, slowly making their way to a large screen that could be viewed from the airport parking lots. They were no less enthusiastic now that they had been denied a spot inside — closer to the action and closer to their president. They quietly chatted among themselves, chowed down on hot dogs, smoked cigarettes, and passed around a cardboard cutout of the Donald. By a quarter to six, they took out their phones and craned their necks toward the sky. They were ready to capture the landing. Twenty or so minutes passed. A few people mistook the rumble of a Southwest Airlines plane for the real deal. Their man would be late to the party.

Biden might want to skip his meeting with Jacob Blake’s family By Andrea Widburg


The Democrats have a nasty habit of choosing as martyrs some highly unpleasant people. Trayvon Martin was a wannabe gangbanger, Michael Brown was a strong-arm robber who attacked a police officer, George Floyd was an ex-felon with a violent past who died from an overdose of illegal drugs, and there was a warrant out for Jacob Blake because he violated a restraining order imposed following a particular ugly alleged sexual assault.

Now it emerges that Jacob Blake, Sr., the man who raised such a violent son, has some ugly ideas about Jews. This is going to be a problem for Joe Biden who has finally decided to visit Kenosha, the place where Jacob Blake got shot and where Antifa and Black Lives Matter tried to burn an American town to the ground.

While still in his hidey-hole in Wilmington, Biden has already taken sides, and he’s not on the side of law and order. He’s stated that the police officers who shot Blake in what was clearly a reasonable act of self-preservation should be charged. Biden also plans to meet Blake’s family:

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will meet Thursday with the family of Jacob Blake, a Black man shot seven times by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, two days after President Donald Trump visited the city engulfed by protests.

Right before Biden heads off, the Reagan Battalion unearthed evidence from Jacob Blake, Sr.’s Facebook feed showing that he really doesn’t like Jews, something that may follow from his supporting Louis Farrakhan:


On September 8, 2020, New Hampshire voters will have the opportunity to vote in the Primary Election.

The resume and character testimonials of Don Bolduc are unmatched and it’s clear that Granite Staters have two choices: vote for a man who bravely served this country for more than 33 years and is willing to continue his commitment to public service, or allow money to decide who represents us in Washington, DC.

Below are a few video testimonials from a student and those who served with General Bolduc.

‘I Threaten Their Entire Narrative’: John James Responds to Democrats’ Attacks by Reagan McCarthy Reagan McCarthy


Michigan’s GOP nominee for the Senate, John James, responded to recent attacks by Democrats claiming that he is “owned” by President Trump and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. The Army combat veteran and businessman set the record straight, and reminded incumbent Democrat Sen. Gary Peters that this is a two-man race.

“You’re [Sen. Peters] not running against President Trump or Betsy DeVos or any other boogeyman. You’re running against me. And this may surprise you, Senator, but no one owns me.”

James continued to call out the tasteless attack ads on Fox and Friends, and pointed to Democrats’ failure to condemn former Vice President Joe Biden’s racially-charged, “you ain’t Black” comments.

“I not only threaten this seat. Democrats are terrified, putting 4 ads up against me in the past week. Because I not only threaten this seat, I threaten their entire narrative. To insinuate that I can’t think for myself, or stand up for myself, when the Democrats have a presidential nominee who says that Blacks don’t have diversity of thought, is unconscionable. And Senator Peters still hasn’t spoken for that.”

With Election Looming, Judge Sullivan Will Drag Out the Flynn Case By AndrewC. McCarthy


There are many words one might use to describe Judge Emmett Sullivan. Chastened is not one of them.

Yesterday, in an en banc (full court) ruling that went 8–2 in Judge Sullivan’s favor, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals declined to order him to grant the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss the prosecution of Michael Flynn. (I have a column on the homepage about the Circuit’s decision.) Today, Sullivan has reacted by issuing an order that contemplates several more weeks of litigation before he resolves the motion — a very simple motion, on which he was previously prepared to hold a hearing in mid-July (which itself was a dawdling pace).

The judge is clearly taking the Circuit’s decision as vindication, particularly after the two judges in the minority (Republican appointees on a heavily Democratic court) initially ruled that a writ of mandamus should issue. That prior ruling was wiped out, at Sullivan’s urging, by the en banc decision.

It was probably too much to hope that Judge Sullivan would take solace in yesterday’s victory, get back to work, and make his ruling on the dismissal motion. Moving quickly would have been consistent with the Circuit’s stated expectation, in the last line of its majority opinion, that the district judge “proceed with appropriate dispatch.”

Instead, Sullivan is dragging the case out. His directive today (known as a “minute order”), anticipates that in three weeks (by September 21) Flynn and the Justice Department will submit a joint status report. The judge intimates that this three-week delay is required due to a Circuit rule that orders denying mandamus do not become effective for 21 days unless some accelerating action is taken. But this is sheer gamesmanship. Nothing prevents the judge from acting on the case now. (In fact, he took action while the mandamus litigation was ongoing.) Judge Sullivan knows the parties would not object; they want a quick resolution. And the court doesn’t need a status report. Sullivan knows the status of the Flynn case like the back of his hand. The Justice Department has moved to dismiss, Flynn concurs in that motion; and even though Sullivan should not have permitted and appointed third parties (the amici) to intervene in the case, he did so, and they filed submissions. Sullivan just needs to hold a hearing (if he really thinks he needs one) and rule on the motion.

Biden Tries To Play Both Sides Of Green Energy Politics


Do you think that Joe Biden has signed on to the Green New Deal? Do you have the idea that Biden is fully committed if he becomes President to doing away with fossil fuel energy and replacing it with the wind and sun as quickly as possible? Where could you possibly have gotten those ideas? More on that later in the post.

Certainly in the past couple of weeks you might have gotten exactly the opposite impression. You probably know that Pennsylvania has in recent years become a major producer of natural gas from “fracking.” Tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians now work in the industry, and hundreds of thousands have jobs in some way supported by the industry. Pennsylvania is a swing state that both Biden and Trump likely need in order to win. In August Trump campaign allies started running ads in Pennsylvania accusing Biden of seeking to ban fracking, which would thereby destroy a substantial Pennsylvania industry. On August 18, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported that the Biden campaign had requested various television stations to take down those ads on the ground that they were “inaccurate.” Then yesterday Biden showed up in Pittsburgh to make a rare campaign speech. Key quote on this subject:

I am not banning fracking. Let me say that again: I am not banning fracking. No matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me.

Moral Equivalence is Camouflage for Moral Cowardice One party stands for life, freedom, and unalienable rights. The other stands for raw power. Bruce Thornton


NRO’s Jim Geraghty in his daily column indulged one of the NeverTrump favorite rhetorical devices: That the president is just as bad for the Republic as the radical Democrats, and neither side “wants to solve real problems.” Apart from the common mistaken notion that the Founders created our political order “to solve problems” rather than protect the liberty of states, towns, civic society, families, and individuals, this tic often obscures an unwillingness to identify clearly those guilty of creating conflict and disorder by equally apportioning guilt to both sides.

Moral equivalence becomes the camouflage for moral cowardice, a fear to assign responsibility where it is due.

During his discussion of the Democrats’ dilemma over how to spin the ongoing riots, Geraghty can’t help sniping at Trump:

But we all know that Donald Trump’s view on how to deal with an angry and potentially destructive mob is dramatically different from that of Portland mayor Ted Wheeler, Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan, Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot, or New York City mayor Bill de Blasio. Trump’s administration sent U.S. Park Police into Lafayette Park, using “smoke canisters, irritants, explosive devices, batons and horses.” Quite a few observers contended the tactics used more force than necessary or that was justified by the situation. But we know Trump’s instincts are to overreact to the threat of mob violence, not underreact.

The Dem blue-state mayors underreact, but Trump overreacts because of his “instincts” rather than a sober and judicious analysis of the crisis. The two responses are morally equivalent. Hence in Lafayette Park, near the storied church “peaceful protestors” had set on fire, and swarming with violent thugs know for using bricks, rocks, commercial fireworks, frozen water bottles, skateboards, and other weapons against the police, Trump overreacted by using “smoke canisters, irritants, explosive devices, batons and horses.” In other words, standard non-lethal methods for dispersing a violent mob set on injuring others.