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The Laughable Attempt by the Harris-Biden Ticket to Oppose Riots Is Months Too Late by Brad Slager


It was with no shortage of mirth that many witnessed the whiplash change in position from Don Lemon last week. After ponderous weeks of Democrat support and warm media coverage of the protests and riots across the country CNN’s star pundit suddenly was very dire in his call for the Democrats to speak out against the violence. The craven position now revealed is that months of destruction of property and lives was acceptable for their cause. Only after Dems began seeing their support burning down was it a problem to condemn.

Lemon even cited what had him so spooked – “It’s showing up in the polling. It’s showing up in focus groups.’’ What caught his eye were a couple of the polling results that had recently come out. One national poll showed support of the protests underwater, with 50 percent showing support for the police. Another by Marquette Law School showed in Wisconsin prior support for the protests fell by 25 percent over a two-month period. It was a clear sign the riots were having a negative impact, and making this all the more jarring for Lemon and the left, that poll result was just before the Kenosha riots.

The result of this has seen both Kamala Harris, and her running mate Joe Biden, coming out this weekend with speeches calling for peace and pledging for an end of violence. They presented this newly-discovered policy as if it were a novel idea no one had previously considered. Their past positions, however, are not suddenly wiped clear from a dry-erase board, such as Kamala backing the funding of bail money accounts to free the rioters and looters who had been detained.

The Face Of The Democratic Party Isn’t Joe Biden, It’s The Raging Mob It’s too late for Biden to denounce the rioters and looters. And anyway, why would he? He needs their votes.By John Daniel Davidson August 31, 2020


The unfolding disaster for Democrats right now, with just 63 days until the election, is that their party’s brand is not Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, it’s the violent mob in the streets.

Democrats have only themselves to blame. Too many months of inaction and equivocation about “mostly peaceful protests” have branded them as the party that’s okay with street violence and mob action, as long as it’s in the name of racial justice.

It doesn’t matter what Biden says now. His earlier caveated condemnations of rioting and looting, and his weak statement on the shooting in Portland that blamed the violence on Trump, are too little, too late. And anyway, no one believes him. Instead, the images coming out of Kenosha and Portland and Washington, D.C., have spoken for him. What these images say, loud and clear, is that Democrats think rioting and looting and violence are okay, under the circumstances.

No wonder the Democratic National Convention was conspicuously silent about the riots earlier this month. They know — as we all do — that many of those rioting are part of the Democratic Party’s left-wing base. Biden isn’t about to denounce them. He needs all those suburban white women we’ve seen screaming in the face of cops to show up big on election day.

Dangers for Democrats By Michael Brendan Dougherty


 C all me crazy, but I don’t think Joe Biden’s best response to the news of a leftist protestor shooting a peaceful Donald Trump supporter in the head execution-style is to run in front of the cameras and say, “This is Donald Trump’s America.” Or repeating the close of his news release the other day, “How safe do you feel in Donald Trump’s America?”

When you put it that way, it sounds like a threat.

Maybe that’s why he’s calling off his planned visit to Kenosha.

The theory behind Democrats saying over and over again “This is Donald Trump’s America” is that, unlike in 1968, the Republican candidate talking about law and order in 2020 is an incumbent. So it’s all on him.

I don’t think it works that way. Maybe in 1968 people not only noticed who the incumbent was, but what side the unrest was on. Our “uprisings” are led by people who hate Trump. They are happening under Democratic governors, and in cities with Democratic mayors and city counsels. Those elected officials have turned down multiple offers of help. It was a Democrat mayor who called the Seattle Autonomous Zone a “summer of love” as its residents violently extorted local business. She closed it down only after the second child was murdered in it.

“This is Donald Trump’s America.” I just don’t know. When I was a dumb teenager, I once used an aerosol spray can and a lighter in the kitchen to make a minor flame thrower. I burned a curtain. I wasn’t clever enough to turn to my mother and excuse myself by protesting, “At the end of the day, this is your house!”

Incredible: Dem Operative Reveals How He Fixed Mail-In Ballots Over Decades By Rick Moran


A man described by the New York Post as “a top Democratic operative” and a “Bernie Sanders supporter” told the newspaper he had been submitting thousands of fraudulent mail-in ballots over the last several decades. The anonymous operative was checked out by the Post and is a real person who has worked on many campaigns in the northeast.

It’s not impossible that this “Democratic operative” is simply trolling his political opponents and may be a real operative but is trying to make a point about the gullibility of the opposition. But Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation who manages the foundation’s election law reform initiative, says, “There is nothing new about these techniques. Everything he’s talking about is perfectly possible.“

The man requested anonymity out of fear of being prosecuted.

His dirty work has taken him through the weeds of municipal and federal elections in Paterson, Atlantic City, Camden, Newark, Hoboken and Hudson County and his fingerprints can be found in local legislative, mayoral and congressional races across the Garden State. Some of the biggest names and highest office holders in New Jersey have benefited from his tricks, according to campaign records The Post reviewed.

“An election that is swayed by 500 votes, 1,000 votes — it can make a difference,” the tipster said. “It could be enough to flip states.”

Michael Moore warns of 2016 repeat: Enthusiasm for Trump ‘OFF THE CHARTS’ By Joe Concha


Filmmaker Michael Moore warned Democrats that President Trump appears to have momentum behind his reelection campaign in key battleground states, with the progressive activist saying enthusiasm for Trump is “OFF THE CHARTS” compared with Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

Moore pointed to polling in battleground states such as Minnesota and Michigan in making the case that Trump was running alongside or ahead of Biden in key areas, setting himself up for another potential upset in November.

“Are you ready for a Trump victory? Are you mentally prepared to be outsmarted by Trump again? Do you find comfort in your certainty that there is no way Trump can win? Are you content with the trust you’ve placed in the DNC [Democratic National Committee] to pull this off?” Moore wrote in a Facebook post on Friday.

“I’m warning you almost 10 weeks in advance. The enthusiasm level for the 60 million in Trump’s base is OFF THE CHARTS! For Joe, not so much,” he added. “Don’t leave it to the Democrats to get rid of Trump. YOU have to get rid of Trump. WE have to wake up every day for the next 67 days and make sure each of us are going to get a hundred people out to vote. ACT NOW!”

Portrait Of The Biden Voter Francis Menton


Over at Instapundit, Professor Glenn Reynolds is often the master of the pithy phrase that captures the essence of the political moment. Yesterday Reynolds wrote that, while the Democrats are trying to make everything in this election (and in life) about race, “Trump’s making clear that it’s about people who are constructive, productive, and generally happy, vs. people who are destructive, parasitic, and generally miserable, and that that difference transcends things like race.”

Have things really gotten so bad that the entire Democrat/Biden campaign has become the coalition of the “destructive, parasitic, and generally miserable”? Well, you can start with the protesters/rioters/looters/arsonists who have been endlessly destroying businesses and neighborhoods in major Democrat-run cities for the past three months. Yes, those people are “destructive, parasitic, and generally miserable”; and of course, every one of them intends to vote for Biden. And if you think that the conduct and attitudes of those people are somehow not representative of the Democrat/Biden coalition, ask yourself who in that coalition has been willing to come forth to strongly condemn them. The answer is no one.

But for today, let’s move beyond the riots and violence that have been dominating the news cycle, and look at what’s going on in the regular run-of-the-mill precincts of progressive/Democrat Biden-voting monoculture — places like woke corporations, the art world, and academia.

US election 2020: Trump handed huge boost as Biden makes major mistake – Exclusive poll


DONALD TRUMP is on course for a clear victory in the US Presidential election after he opened up a three point lead over Joe Biden in an exclusive poll for the Sunday Express.

According to the latest monthly Democracy Institute (DI)/ Sunday Express poll President Trump has 48 percent of the popular support over former Vice President Biden’s 45 percent.

In the key swing states the gap is even bigger with 49 percent for Trump to 42 percent for Biden giving the incumbent US President an almost unassailable seven point lead.

Since the DI poll in August – a crucial month which saw the Democrat and Republican conventions – the President has gained a point in the swing states while his opponent has lost a point.

Significantly, the latest poll shows that 21 percent were positively influenced to vote Trump after the Republican convention but a negligible eight percent were inspired to vote Biden after the Democrat convention.

Trump is set to win in Minnesota 48 to 45, Florida 47 to 44 and New Hampshire, where he just held a major rally, 47 to 43. 

War Hero Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL district 18) Shows the Meaning of Courage When Confronted by the Mob By Rick Moran




Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) lost both of his legs a decade ago in Afghanistan. He was an explosive ordnance disposal technician, which says a lot about his personal courage. Coming back from his injuries to serve the nation says even more.

On Thursday night following Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the White House, Mast was walking home when he was confronted by dozens of angry protesters. He faced the screaming protesters and tried to answer their questions.

Needless to say, it didn’t go well for the bullies.

Brian Mast

They thought I would be an easy target because my prosthetics move slowly. They were wrong.

What Trump Got Right: Our Choice Isn’t Democrats Vs. Republicans, But Socialism Vs. Democracy


Even today, we often hear there are no real differences between the two parties. They’re like Tweedledum and Tweedledee, we’re told. But hearing President Donald Trump’s lengthy, and detailed, acceptance speech Thursday night, we must agree: Never in modern history has there been a greater gap between the two major parties.

“Despite all of our greatness as a nation, everything we have achieved is now endangered. This is the most important election in the history of our country. At no time before have voters faced a clearer choice between two parties, two visions, two philosophies, or two agendas,” Trump told Americans.

“This election will decide whether we save the American Dream, or whether we allow a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny.”

He’s right. And yes, the choice is that stark.

In the midst of an American cultural and political crisis, brought on by far-left inspired terrorism and rioting in the nation’s cities, it’s important to draw clear distinctions. And that’s exactly what Trump and others did in their convention speeches.

“The president and his surrogates boasted of replacing NAFTA with USMCA, passing criminal-justice reform, getting a significant tax cut through Congress (though this didn’t receive as much attention as usual for a GOP convention), destroying ISIS, and killing Qasem Soleimani, along with many less widely heralded achievements in foreign policy and regulatory reform,” as Daniel McCarthy of the Spectator USA magazine neatly summed it up.

5 Reasons Trump Will Win.

Glazov Gang: 5 Reasons Trump Will Win.

Barry Nussbaum called it in 2016 – and now he gives his fascinating play-by-play for 2020.
