The theme for the third night of the Republican National Convention was “Land of Heroes,” focusing on heroism in the military, law enforcement and the front lines of first responders. The night conveyed a message of freedom in America that past generations have fought for and that is our task today to preserve with individual acts of service and heroism. And the contrast was made vividly clear between today’s Republican Party as the party that honors and seeks to preserve America’s core values of individual life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness with today’s Democratic Party, which has turned into an attack machine against law enforcement and champion of government control over peoples’ lives.
The man of the hour, Vice President Mike Pence, spoke live from Fort McHenry, the site of the War of 1812 battle that inspired the writing of our national anthem. He delivered an inspiring speech that was also blistering in its criticism of Joe Biden and his leftist Democratic Party. After the vice president concluded his speech, President Trump joined him on stage as the national anthem was sung and Old Glory flew above.
Vice President Pence said that the 2020 election was a choice of “whether America remains America.” He portrayed the difference between the agendas of the two parties as one between the Republican Party’s agenda of freedom and today’s Democratic Party’s agenda of government control. “We stand at a crossroads, America,” Pence said. “President Trump has set our nation on a path of freedom and opportunity. Joe Biden would set America on a path of socialism and decline.” Biden is “nothing more than a Trojan horse for the radical left,” Pence added.